Art of Joyful Living show

Art of Joyful Living

Summary: Insights, inspirations, tools and techniques for creating the life and business of your dreams.

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 MARI SMITH: Soulful Social Media | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

Renowned social media thought leader, Mari Smith, loves to blend her passion for spirituality with her passion for online marketing and Cindy and Linda are delighted to welcome her to The Art of Joyful Living family! Mari believes that the major online social networking platforms e.g. Facebook and Twitter, are direct manifestations of our evolution… specifically of humanity's desire to be more connected. In this dynamic interview, Mari will discuss: Her specific steps for practicing daily mindfulness through various social media channels,  How you can easily and effortlessly attract the exact audience that you want, and  How you can use social media to not only grow your business but to make a much bigger impact.  Known as the “pied piper of the online world,” Mari’s blend of the spiritual and the virtual is unique. She is the author of "The New Relationship Marketing," and is one of the top thought leaders and resources in the world of new media marketing.  You can learn more about Mari’s amazing work by visiting her website at: Connect with her on Facebook and Twitter at:  and

 LINDA GRAHAM: HOW TO BOUNCE BACK FROM ADVERSITY! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

At some point, you are going to face something that you never asked for and never wanted.  What do you do? How do you cope? Linda Graham, MFT, renowned psychotherapist and meditation teacher, says the answer lies in our ability to bounce back, also known as “resilience.” Our capacities for resilience are innate in the brain, hard-wired in by evolution and with focused practice; you can learn to strengthen your resilience muscle. Linda’s newest book, Bouncing Back: Rewiring Your Brain for Maximum Resilience and Well-Being offers a blue print on how to bounce back from adversity by changing your brain. Really, change your brain? Yes, you can, and it’s the traumas and tragedies of life that have the greatest capacity to create positive change. In this interview, Linda reveals: The 6 C’s of coping What it means to do one scary thing a day How to rewire unhelpful patterns through exercises that can increase our resilience capacity, and How to rebound from adversity back to our center Linda’s work draws upon the latest discoveries of neuroscience to teach us how to live effectively and peacefully in our daily lives.  You can learn more about her fascinating work at

 MARGARET LYNCH:Could Inner Work Cure your MoneyWoes? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

Shatter your financial glass ceiling, upgrade your power and your profits: Margaret Lynch believes that middle class people are programmed to spend like they’re rich and save like they’re poor. This programming is generational, handed down from parent to child, and it directly controls all aspects of interaction with the 5 kinds of money. Sound deep? It is. That’s why Cindy and Linda are so excited to feature Margaret, the rock star of how to clear money blocks for good! In this interview, Margaret will reveal: 5 kinds of money How to uncover your own money paradigm The absolute best way to clear your blocks to wealth and success After eighteen years of engineering management and winning top sales awards at Fortune 500 companies, Margaret Lynch left corporate America to live her passion. She is now an accomplished Success Coach, speaker, author and creator of widely popular products, programs and live events. She specializes in the inner transformation that creates outer wealth and success. In less than four short years, Margaret created a million dollar business using the exact techniques she teaches. Margaret is the author of the newly released book, Tapping Into Wealth.  You can learn more about the book, and watch her great video here: And, to learn more about Margaret’s amazing work, check out her website:    

 RESISTANCE, VULNERABILITY, STAYING SMALL, AND GETTING BIG! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

You asked: How do I know when I am in resistance to my own life and what do I do about it? What is the power of vulnerability? Is it appropriate to show vulnerability at work? I chose to keep my career small but I really want it to be big! How do I make the change? And today, Cindy and Linda are answering these questions and more!  Want to ask your own question? Call in at 646-929-1420!

 DR. BERNIE SIEGEL: THE ART OF HEALING | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:00

Dr. Bernie Siegel returns to the Art of Joyful Living and this time, it’s to discuss his brilliant new book: The Art of Healing: Uncovering Your Inner Wisdom and Potential for Self-Healing. Dr. Siegel retired from general and pediatric surgical practice in 1989 and has since dedicated himself to humanizing the medical establishment’s approach to patients and empowering patients to induce their own healing. In this interview, Dr. Siegel will reveal: The connection between dreams and healing How to tap the body’s potential to heal The one piece of advice he would share with those who are facing end-of-life transitions For many, Dr. Bernard Siegel—or Bernie, as he prefers to be called—needs no introduction. He has touched many lives all over the Planet and Cindy and Linda are delighted to welcome him back to the show!

 EVA GREGORY: RECEIVE BEYOND YOUR WILDEST DREAMS! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

How do you go from being a successful business woman, steeped in the IT world, to become America’s Divine Guidance Coach?  If you’re Eva Gregory, you do it by living your purpose.  What is Eva’s purpose? Teaching her clients how to “receive beyond their wildest dreams!” In this interview, Eva will reveal: Why we aren’t asking FULLY for what we want Why we aren’t receiving what we ask for, and Ten traits that will tell you if you are ready to receive beyond your wildest dreams  Eva has real-world business experience. She knows what it means to have to make a payroll and she did that successfully for many, many years. For the past decade, Eva has experienced a whole new level of success and she’s taught others how to do the same. Come join Linda and Cindy for this interview and find out how to receive beyond your wildest dreams!

 Love, Money, Self-Limiting Beliefs, and Spiritual Practices! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:00

Love, Money, Self-Limiting Beliefs, Spiritual Practices to support your Biggest Dreams! From husbands who have a different life philosophy to identifying what is holding you back and what to do about it, this show is all about what’s on your minds and in your hearts! Cindy and Linda’s inbox was way overflowing! It’s been months since they did a Q and A show. So today, YOU are the special guest and they are honored to answer your questions! Love, money, self-limiting beliefs, spiritual practices to support your biggest dreams, all this and more in today’s program.

 BRIAN SETH HURST: On Becoming Whole | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

"I knew then that having one foot in Hollywood and one foot in the spiritual/personal growth world would split me up the middle,” Brian Seth Hurst Have you ever asked yourself, “What was I thinking?”  Brian Seth Hurst did and in 30 days, he wrote a book that answered the question! Brian is the author of “WHOLE,” a collection of essays that reveal how our thoughts, beliefs and the way we feel serve to create not just our personal reality but also our national and global realities. Long fascinated with what is beyond what one can see, Brian refers to himself as a “metapratical man.”  In this interview, Brian reveals how he discovered that he was not whole and his personal healing process for putting all of the seemingly disparate parts together to become a “whole” Brian Seth Hurst! Brian is also the co-author of the best-selling children’s book, “A Pig Tale, which he wrote with Olivia Newton John.  A well-regarded entertainment professional in the digital arena he has been at the forefront of innovation serving as CEO of The Opportunity Management Company. Cindy and Linda are delighted to welcome him to the show! You can learn more about Brian’s work by following him on Twitter: @briansethhurst

 JEANNA GABELLINI: A Plan to Double your Profits! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Jeanna's new book 10-Minute Money Makers: How to Easily Double Your Profits in Just 10 Minutes a Day endorsed by Jack Canfield is FREE this month (April 2014) here: 10-Minute Money Makers If anyone has a sure-fire plan to double your profits, it’s Master Business Coach, Jeanna Gabellini! She teaches high achieving entrepreneurs how to double and triple their profits and her success rate in doing this is high and higher! Why? Because Jeanna has managed to increase her profits every year she has been in business! She knows the process from the inside out. In this interview, Jeanna will: Outline action steps that you can take immediately to begin amping up your profits Teach her personal process for creating FUN business plans that get results; and Reveal her personal secret for generating high profits in short amounts of time Jeanna’s genius is her unique ability to help her clients develop solid, winning business strategies and have fun doing it! She delivers top-tier private coaching  and sold-out seminars that allow entrepreneurs to blow past their self-imposed limits. You can learn more about her amazing work at

 JADEN STERLING:Reignite your Spirit & Monetize your Message! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Are you doing work that brings you joy but the dollars aren’t following?  If that sounds like you, join Cindy and Linda as they interview JADEN STERLING, who is a master at teaching people how to discover their soul purpose, develop their gifts, and monetize their message.  By age 26, JADEN had accomplished what most people only dream of: he was ranked in the top 1% of income earners in the United States and by age 31, he retired from corporate America.  And lucky for us that he did because he now spends his time writing bestselling books, like “The Alchemy of True SUCCESS: * Activate Your Mind *Revitalize Your Body *Reignite Your Spirit” and teaching people about the connection between a resilient spirit and a financially successful life. Jaden says he has a team of “spiritual professionals” who have helped him every step of the way and today, you’ll learn who those professionals are and more! Check out his website to learn more about his products and programs at:  

 BRAD YATES: Make up Your Mind to Live Joyfully! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:00

“It’s all made up. Every moment of our lives is made up, by us, so why not make up your mind to live joyfully?”  Sounds great but how? BRAD YATES returns to the Art of Joyful Living to answer this question and wait till you hear what he has to say! Think “EFT/body solution” and you’ll have a clue just where Brad will be taking us. Brad is a gifted EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) practitioner and he uses two powerful EFT scripts during this interview that will definitely help you lead a more joyful life! If you don’t know what EFT is, not to worry.  Brad will teach you!   That is what he does.  He  teaches people fast, effective methods to overcome fear and stress by using EFT. He's taught CEOs, professional athletes and award-winning actors.  His body of work is broad and the programs, books, and services that he provides his clients are embraced all over the world.    Visit his website to learn more.

 NOAH ST. JOHN: Afformations and Abundance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:00

One morning in 1997, college student Noah St. John was in the shower when he asked himself a question that changed his life: “Why are we trying to change our lives saying statements we don't believe . . . when the human mind responds automatically to something even more powerful?” That's when he invented the stunningly simple yet amazingly effective method he named AFFORMATIONS—a method that's since helped tens of thousands of people around the world to attract more money, lose hundreds of pounds, find their soul mates, and dramatically improve their lives. Today, Cindy and Linda welcome him as he celebrates the release of the Fourth Edition of the 4th Edition of The Book of Afformations, on Hay House. This is a content rich interview with information that will help you get from where you are to where you want to be. Noah will cover: The 5-word phrase that will attract your desires to you while you're not even paying attention The 2 most effective questions of all time, and the 1 question you should never ask; and What The Belief Gap is and how it's affecting your life without your knowledge   And so much more! You can purchase his new book  by visiting  To find out the full scope of Noah’s amazing work, visit his website at

 GP WALSH: Live a Happy and Successful Life! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:00

 Pianist, business consultant, author, speaker, master coach, EFT expert, spiritual teacher, workshop leader, and business consultant. Yes, GP Walsh, today’s special guest is all of this and more! GP focuses on what it takes to live a happy, successful, and fulfilled life and that is what he’ll talk about today.  From consciousness to the law of attraction to energy work! And, if you think you’re doing everything right but still not where you want to be, hear him discuss the state allowing. It’s powerful and just might be the message you need to hear to amp up to the next level! Learn more about GP’s work at  

 EMMANUEL DAGHER: Ascension: The Great Shift has Begun | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

Emmanuel Dagher says that you have a  front row seat to one of the most epic shifts we’ve ever encountered in humanity’s history. There is a rapid awakening in consciousness happening that is allowing people from all over the world to transcend their seeming differences and unite as one global family. In this interview you will: (1) Have a better understanding of what Ascension really is; (2) Receive a how-to process that will help our ascension process, and (3) Awaken more to our greatest potential. Check out his amazing work at:.               During this session with Emmanuel we will:   Have a better understanding of what Ascension really is Receive ‘how-to’ processes that will help our ascension process Awaken more to our greatest potential                   During this session with Emmanuel we will:   Have a better understanding of what Ascension really is Receive ‘how-to’ processes that will help our ascension process Awaken more to our greatest potential  

 Soul Health: Aligning with Spirit for Radiant Living | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Are you ready to experience health at the deepest possible level - the soul level? Then join us for an inspiring conversation with Dr. Katherine Kelly.    Dr. Kelly captures the essence of radiant health as she illuminates the soul as our most valued ally in optimal living.    Using her unique approach, The Soul Health Model, Dr. Kelly paves the way to both ultimate life balance and your soul's evolution.   Listen to this interview to learn:    Why you must balance and enrich the ten key "branches" of the human condition to reach radiant living, and what this has to do with the evolution of your soul, How to align with your inner ally--your soul--to create optimal health, and How to become a "steward to your soul" to create your most fulfilling and fruitful life.    With nearly 24 years of healing experience, Dr. Kelly helps you to fully understand the soul's role in reaching optimal health. She outlines the necessary structure for us to heal our human struggles as well as provides the tools for our soul's unimpeded evolution.   Going beyond the mere lessening of discomfort and pain--whether physical or emotional, Dr. Kelly has found that it is only when we enter a state of "conscious evolution" in the process of healing that we not only experience the most complete resolution and relief, but also gain the most permanent enrichment and optimal health. Soul Health provides the essential tools to reach this much desired state of radiance.   To learn more about Dr. Kelly's work visit:  


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