Art of Joyful Living show

Art of Joyful Living

Summary: Insights, inspirations, tools and techniques for creating the life and business of your dreams.

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 DANIEL GUTIERREZ: 2013 Life Redefined | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Want to know how to step into your greatness? Join Cindy and Linda for this interview with Daniel Gutierrez, author, renowned motivational speaker, and international business consultant.  Through his infectious humor and his real-life stories of struggles and joy, you will learn tools to move you further along on your path to greatness. As we approach 2013, Daniel believes that even in a world that is rapidly and constantly changing, you can take actions that will help to make sure that you have your best year ever. Hear Daniel reveal:         The biggest mistakes business owners make and how to avoid them What all the talk about the Mayan Calendar has to do with running your own business What can you change to bring more prosperity to your business Learn more about Daniel’s work and his latest book, “Stepping into Greatness” by visiting his websites at: and

 JARRAD HEWETT: 2012 & 2013: Looking Back & Looking Forward | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Cindy and Linda are delighted to feature Jarrad Hewett on today’s show.  Jarrad is one of the most sought after healers on the planet. If you are a business owner, entrepreneur, executive, or someone who simply wants something better for herself, Jarrad has the ability to sense what is needed to help get to the next level and make a quantum leap forward. Jarrad has been on fire this year, creating new programs, meditative processes, writing a book, and on and on! In this interview, Jarrad reveals:  how he keeps himself motivated and focused His biggest and most personal aha moments of 2012 How he breaks through limiting beliefs and What he sees ahead for the coming year Jarrad’s in-depth energy work has led to 3 Best-Selling books, regular radio show appearances, and a devoted client list featuring some of the biggest and most well-known names in the Self Help and Spiritual Movements. You can learn more about his amazing work by visiting and

 NOAH ST. JOHN: Go from where you are to where you want to be | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

It’s December  and if you are still feeling stuck like the gold ring is never going to come your way and all you have to look forward to is a new set of New Year’s resolutions, stop your mind chatter! Noah St. John, also known as the “Abundant Lifestyle Authority,” has helped over 250,000 individuals get unstuck, reach their goals faster and transform their lives with authenticity, creativity, innovation and lasting results. Join Cindy and Linda as he tells you how to go from where you are now to where you want to be! Would you like to design and create a more abundant lifestyle in just six weeks or less? Noah says that’s not only possible, it’s probable if you understand the missing piece to abundance and success! He’ll tell you why in this interview! There are lots of “how to succeed” programs but Noah’s approach is unique. Listen to this interview and find out why experts like Jack Canfield say, If you want to eliminate self-sabotage from your life FOREVER, you owe it to yourself to work with Noah! Visit Noah’s website to learn more at

 GP WALSH: 2012 and Consciousness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

With so much focus on the year 2012 and its passing marking the end of a cycle of time and a “shifting of the ages,” according to the Mayan calendar, Cindy and Linda are delighted to welcome GP Walsh, “The Irreverent Sage,”  to discuss Consciousness and 2012. What is the meaning of 2012? What is the importance of December 21? What is being asked of us at this time? What do we need to know  going forward? GP Walsh will answer all of these questions and more as he discusses The Meaning of 2012 and Consciousness. GP has been called a prophet, a wise man, a sage, a rebel, a spiritual misfit, a trouble maker and, according to GP, a few things less nice! He has the unique ability to take the most arcane, ambiguous and impenetrable life teachings and bring them into language that anyone can understand. If you want to know more about 2012 and how to live a happy, successful, and fulfilled life now and beyond, don’t miss this interview!  To learn more about GP Walsh and his work, visit his website at:

 SANDI RADOMSKI and TOM ALTAFFERI: Ask and Receive | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

Cindy and Linda are delighted to welcome Sandi Radomski and Tom Altaffer to the Art of Joyful Living, who together  created Ask & Receive™  a  program that is based on the concept that we each have within us a higher broader perspective that has the answers to all of our problems. The steps of Ask & Receive™ give us direct access to this Higher States’ information and brings it into our current reality. If you want to know how to make positive changes in every part of your life, from health to relationships to business success, you need to listen to Sandi and Tom as they walk you through the concepts behind this simple, elegant technique. They are offering a special 20% discount to AOJL listeners on any "ask and receive" product. Go to their website and enter the word "joy" in the coupon code to receive your discount! To learn more about their work and to get your special product discount go to:  

 CAROL LOOK: From Sabotage to Success! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Cindy and Linda are delighted to welcome back Dr. Carol Look to the show! Carol is a master EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) practitioner and a success and abundance coach in the energy psychology field. She is internationally renowned for her abilities to inspire clients to attract abundance into their lives by using EFT and the Law of Attraction to clear limiting beliefs, release resistance, and build “prosperity consciousness” In this interview, Carol will reveal her formula for moving from sabotage to success.  If you find yourself getting almost to the goal line but never crossing it, if you continue to experience frustration because the same problems continue to seep into your life, if you think you are doing all of the “right” things to create the life of your dreams but the dreams never become reality, this is the interview for you! Before becoming an EFT Master, Carol was trained as a Clinical Social Worker and earned her Doctoral Degree in Clinical Hypnotherapy. A pioneer and leading voice in the EFT/ Meridian Tapping community, Carol is well known for her four seasons as an internet radio show host and as the author of the popular books, Attracting Abundance with EFT and Improve Your Eyesight with EFT, and many other products all of which are designed to help create positive change.  You can learn more about her amazing work at

 TAMA KIEVES: Wildly Succeeding in Your Life’s Work! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Tama Kieves, an honors graduate of Harvard Law School, left her law practice with an elite corporate law firm to write and help others discover and soar in the work they’re meant to do. Says Tama, “I was put on this earth to champion anyone who wants to live and work from inspiration instead of fear, ” and that’s exactly what she does! Today, she’ll be discussing the theme of her newest book, “Inspired and Unstoppable: Wildly Succeeding in your Life’s Work!” We don’t choose our wildest dreams. They choose us. And, when we’re not using our deepest gifts and living our wildest dreams, we start to feel like trout thrashing about on a dock desperate to find water. Tama has helped thousands to find the strength to soar and live their wildest dreams.  Why is she so good at it? She’s done it! She grew her own creative empire into an international presence through inspired and unconventional means.  Tune into today and hear her story! It might be yours! Visit  Don’t forget to download her FREE Inspired Success Launch You Kit and get hours of free support and coaching for the amazing life that you are meant to live!  

 MARGARET LYNCH AND RHYS THOMAS: Chakras and More! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00 She is an  accomplished Success Coach, author and a top Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT®) expert,  passionate about waking people up to stand more powerfully alive. He is a visionary author, speaker and trainer in the energy medicine field. and the creator of the Rhys Method® transformational system that is taught exclusively at the Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Medicine. Margaret Lynch and Rhys Thomas are our very special guests today and we are thrilled that they have chosen the Art of Joyful Living as their first-ever joint interview! Today, they’ll be discussing how you apply the understandings of the Chakra  to day-to-day life, life purpose, and soul mate relationships.  Don’t miss this interview!   Exciting News! Margaret is featured on this season's Healing With the Masters. Check it out:

 MARC ALLEN: Magical Path: Creating the Life of your Dreams | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

Why don’t you let yourself  dare to dream?  Why don’t you dare to do whatever you can to fulfill your deepest desires? Have you thought about that?  Marc Allen has and he has an answer. It’s not as long and arduous as you may think.  In fact, Marc maintains it’s pretty simple. Business people call it strategic planning. Scientists may refer to it as “intelligent design.” Marc calls it----magic! It’s not the kind of magic that we associate with Houdini or David Copperfield. It’s much different and the only skills you need to learn it are the ability to dream, imagine, read, and write! Join Cindy and Linda as Marc reveals the specific magical exercises and techniques that he has used to create the life of his dreams! Have plenty of paper and pencil ready. You’ll want to take notes for sure! Marc Allen, author of The Magical Path, is an internationally renowned seminar leader, entrepreneur, author, and composer. He co-founded New World Library (with Shakti Gawain) in 1977 and has guided the company, as president and publisher, from a small start-up to its current position as a major player in the independent publishing world. He leads seminars in northern California and offers online teleseminars that reach people all over the world.  For more information visit or

 Dr. SUKHI MUKER: Beyond Body/Beyond Mind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Cindy and Linda are delighted to welcomed back Dr. Sukhi Mukher, whose mission as a doctor, writer, husband and friend is to help others fully experience their ideal state of health and abundance. One way that he does this is to share his story of how he transformed his pain into purpose, so that all of us can know that we are not alone and no matter what obstacles we face, there is always, always a solution. That is what you will hear in this interview. You will also learn an original nine-strategy approach to tapping into your source of personal power so that you can live from that place every day and experience the miracle that is you! Find out: Why it’s so important to understand the nervous system How we are hardwired for amazing health, happiness, and abundance How to clean up your nervous system The four motivating levels of life Dr. Sukhi’s newest book, BEYOND BODY/ BEYOND MIND:Overcome Uncertainty, Transcend Challenge and Hardships & Fulfill Your Dreams is an incredible guide for transformational healing. You can go to his website, www. to find out where he’s speaking or giving a workshop    

 JEANNA GABELLINI: How to Double your Profits and Work Less! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:00

Check out Jeanna's newest program Business Flashpoint! Rock star  business coach, Jeanna Gabellini, the creator, trainer and coach at MasterPeace Coaching is back and she’s talking about what she knows best: how to double your profits (at least!) while working less! This isn’t just “theoretical.” Everything you will hear in this interview is based on Jeanna’s experience as a business owner for the past two decades. The guidance and strategies that she will share have enabled her to increase revenue every year, with no gaps, even in a challenging economy and raising two small children! Join Cindy and Linda as Jeanna reveals: The critical questions you must answer before profits will spike; How to prepare for large profits and not sabotage your new success; and The exact steps entrepreneurs take to double their income in 10 months You can learn more about Jeanna’s work  by visiting:

 JANET CONNER: How to get What you Want without Wanting it! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:00

How can you have anything you want by not wanting it?! This is the great paradox of prosperity and if you want to know the answer, tune in to hear this interview featuring special guest, Janet Conner. Janet is the bestselling author who became a catalyst for deep soul change after a series of personal traumas. Her newest book, The Lotus and the Lily, has just been released and Cindy and Linda are delighted to be the very first to interview Janet about her new book.  In The Lotus and The Lily, Janet cracks the abundance code by linking the wisdom of the inner voice with the surprising parallel teachings of Buddha and Jesus and that’s exactly what she discusses in this interview.  Janet will tell you how to create the personal receptive conditions that nourish a bountiful life. And isn’t that exactly what The Art of Joyful Living is all about?! Find out more about The Lotus and The Lily and Janet’s upcoming telecourse by visiting her website at: It’s here! Cindy and Linda’s home study course, “How to Reignite your Creative Power to Live the Life of your Dreams,” a 5 module course with a comprehensive companion journal and bonus DVD!  Listen to their interview on the Magical Life Teleseminar and purchase their product here: Free weekly teleseminars with content and strategies to help you create a magical life!    

 EDWARD MILLS:Your Original Money Blue Print | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00 Edward Mills has a message for you and it is this:  YOU have an original money blue print. He also has a question for you and it is: What does abundance mean to YOU? So what is your original money blue print? What does abundance mean to you and why is it important to be clear about its meaning? Join Cindy and Linda for this interview as Edward reveals: The discovery that changed his life and will change yours. An empowering system for connecting with TRUE Abundance. A simple process that will instantly shift your perspective about money. Edward Mills was a successful life and business coach, seminar leader and telesummit producer, before joining the internationally renowned Shift Network as the Director of Telesummits.  The Shift’s next big world-wide classroom event is: Birth 2012 Activation Week. Go here to learn more about the activities in your area, for this year and beyond: You can also learn more about Edward’s work at: Live the Life of your Dreams,” a 5 module course with a comprehensive companion journal and bonus DVD!  Listen to their interview on the Magical Life Teleseminar and purchase their product here: Free weekly teleseminars with content and strategies to help you create a magical life!

 BRENT PHILLIPS: The Formula for Miracles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00 Cindy and Linda love featuring guests who combine science with spirituality and that is why they are thrilled to feature Brent Phillips! What is theta healing? What is the Formula for Miracles? How can you apply this cutting edge information and technology to your life? Tune in as Brent discusses this and much more! Brent was an MIT-trained  engineer who was disabled for seven years until he experienced a miracle when his injured arm instantly healed from a single session of energy healing! Today he is a certified Master of Theta Healing, author of “Where Science Meets Spirit: The Formula for Miracles”, and the creator of the Formula for Miracles energy healing system and the patent-pending Formula for Miracles audio technology. Brent has used his Formula for Miracles system to allow his clients to experience far greater prosperity and financial abundance, to smooth out troubled relationships, and to find true love. He also has personally facilitated hundreds of miraculous instant healings on problems as diverse as HIV, asthma, cancer, childhood abuse, allergies, and many other injuries and illnesses (including many “incurable” conditions). Brent has a special gift for Art of Joyful Living Listeners! Tune in to get the link! You can learn more about his amazing work by visiting his website at:    

 DR. JOHN DEMARTINI: Awakening Your Prosperity Consciousness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Would you love to know how to transform your financial destiny from one of day to day grind and frustration to one of more productive and abundant wealth? Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have the golden touch, while others only struggle and barely make ends meet? Did you expect yourself to be a lot wealthier than you are by now? Join Cindy and Linda as Dr. Demartini reveals the distinct differences between those that prosper and those that don’t; the why underneath the results they create, and finally what you can do about it. This special interview will be packed with inspiring stories, financial gems and practical action steps that can change your prosperity mindset and expand your financial fortune. Dr. John Demartini is considered one of the world’s leading authorities on human behavior and personal empowerment. Visit  to learn more about his work and that of the DeMartini Institute. It’s here! Cindy and Linda’s home study course, “How to Reignite your Creative Power to Live the Life of your Dreams,” a 5 module course with a comprehensive companion journal and bonus DVD!  Listen to their interview on the Magical Life Teleseminar and purchase their product here: Sign up here: Free weekly teleseminars with content and strategies to help you create a magical life!


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