CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids

Summary: CBH Ministries is a children's ministry organization, offering Keys for Kids, Down Gilead Lane, and much more.

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 Sharpened Tools | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"This knife will barely cut butter!" complained Mom as she struggled to cut slices of roast beef for supper. "Our nice dinner is going to look like Iripped it apart with my teeth!" Dad laughed. "The knife can't be quite that bad," he said, "but I'll take it down to my workshop and sharpen it later this evening." After dinner, Liz approached her father. "Dad, I'm stuck on this math problem," she said. "Can you help me?" She held out her paper and pencil. "I'll try," agreed Dad, but he soon handed the pencil back to her. "Do you have a pencil sharpener?" he asked with a grin. "This point is so worn down, Ican't write at all with it." Liz quickly sharpened the pencil. For family devotions that day, Dad read a few verses from Ephesians. "The dull tools we've had around here tonight made me think of the sword that never needs sharpening--the Bible, which is the Word of God," he said. "Our knives and pencils get dull and need to be sharpened pretty often, but God's Word is always sharp and powerful. Of course, we need to get that sword out and use it. Who knows how we do that?" "Well . . . I guess we use it when we read the Bible," suggested Isaac. "Yes," said Dad. "God often speaks to us as we read His Word. Sometimes it convicts us of sin and inflicts pain. It may feel to us like it's even sharper than a sword." Mom nodded. "Yes, but it's really a good kind of pain--sort of like pain we feel when we exercise our muscles. It's good for us," she said. "Guys used to fight battles with swords, so I guess we use the Bible when we fight against sin," said Isaac. "And when we talk to other people about Jesus," Liz suggested. "Good," Dad approved. "When we do that, it's helpful to share what God says because His Word will always accomplish what He sends it forth to do. Any other ideas?" "It isn't always painful," said Mom. "I'm comforted and encouraged when I remember God's many promises." Dad nodded. "Let's all be sure to use our swords every day," he said. How About You? Are you using your sword--your Bible? Open your Bible and read it daily. Think about what God says and how it applies to your life. Is He reminding you to trust Him through a difficult situation?Is He encouraging you to be helpful at home?To resist a certain sin? To invite someone to Sunday school? Is He assuring you that He will always be with you? You'll find He gives you everything you need to live for Him, to defend yourself against temptation, and to win others to Jesus. Today's Key Verse: The word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. (Hebrews 4:12) Today's Key Thought: Use your sword-- the Bible

 Friends of God | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Did you know there are only three kinds of people in this world?" Savannah asked her Sunday school teacher one day. "And what would they be?" asked Mr. Ken. "Those who can count and those who can't," said Savannah with a grin. Mr. Ken hesitated a moment and then burst out laughing. "I don't get it. Why is that so funny?" asked Lon, one of the boys in the class. "I said three kinds of people," replied Savannah, "but I named only two--those who can count and those who can't. So I'm obviously one who can't count. Get it now?" Lon and a couple of the other kids joined in the laughter. "We could say there are only two kinds of people, and it wouldn't be a joke," said Mr. Ken. "There are those who are friends of God and those who aren't." The class was silent for a moment. Then Savannah nodded. "I'm a Christian, so I'm a friend of God, right?" she asked. "Me, too," said Gideon, and most of the other class members nodded. Mr. Ken smiled. "Good," he said. "Are you growing in your friendship with God? And can other kids see that God is your friend?" Lon shrugged. "How would they tell?" he asked. "Think about the kids at school," said Mr. Ken. "How can you tell which ones are friends?" Savannah remembered seeing girls jumping rope, boys playing ball, and groups of older students talking and laughing with one another. "That's easy," she said. "They hang out together." Mr. Ken nodded. "That's how friendships grow--through spending time together," he said. "You made the commitment to be God's friend when you put your faith in Jesus. Now you need to grow that friendship by spending time with Him. You do that by letting Him talk to you as you read and study His Word--the Bible. You talk to Him through prayer." "But Istill don't see how other kids can tell that God is our friend," said Gideon. "Don't be bashful about letting them see that you spend time with God,"Mr. Ken replied. "As you yield to Him, you'll treat other people in a more loving way. Your decisions will reflect His love and show that you're His friend." How About You? Are you growing in your friendship with God? He says His friends follow His commands, so be sure to set aside time to learn what pleases Him. Your friendship with God will influence the things you value, the way you treat others, and how you spend your time and your money. Let what you do with your life each day reflect the fact that you are a friend of God. Today's Key Verse: You are My friends if you do whatever I command you. (John 15:14) Today's Key Thought: Grow in friendship with God

 False Labels | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Maggie's Sunday school class was enjoying a slumber party at her teacher's cottage. "Sleep well," said Mrs. Gordon when the girls finally began to settle down. A sleepy-looking bunch of girls assembled in the dining room the next morning. "Breakfast is almost ready," said Mrs. Gordon, "so we'll have a short time of devotions first, and then we'll eat. We have bacon and eggs, cereal, sweet rolls--quite a variety this morning." She pointed to some of the things already on the table. "And be sure to try some of my own homemade, luscious, strawberry jam!" she added as she held up a large glass jar. "Jam!" exclaimed Maggie. "That's a jar of pickles!" "Pickles?" Mrs. Gordon looked surprised. Ignoring the green pickles in the jar, she pointed to the label. "Right here it says strawberry jam." "That's what the label says," agreed Isobel, "but there are pickles, not jam, inside the jar!" Mrs. Gordon smiled. "You're right, of course," she said. She looked at the girls around the table. "I hope none of you are like this jar." The girls were puzzled. "How would we be like that jar of pickles?" Isobel asked. "Like this jar, you might be wearing a false label," replied Mrs. Gordon. "Most of you wear the label 'Christian.' I know that in many ways you walk and talk like a Christian, and that's good. However, just like a jar of strawberry jam must have jam inside, what must a Christian have?" "A Christian must have Jesus Christ!" exclaimed Maggie. "That's like last week's memory verse. It says if we have 'the Son,'--Jesus--we have life." "Good!" Mrs. Gordon nodded. "We can't look inside anyone to see if she has Jesus in her heart and life, but God can. Does He see Christ in you?" She paused for a moment. "You'll be leaving for home after breakfast, but if anyone here is wearing a false label, please see me before you go. I'd like to help you make sure the inside matches the label. Now let's pray, and then we'll eat." Quietly, the girls bowed their heads. How About You? Do you call yourself a Christian? Saying you're a Christian does not make you one. To be a Christian, you must believe on Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Believe that He died for you, that He rose again, and that He will forgive your sins if you trust in Him. When you admit your sin and trust in Jesus, He will give you eternal life. (Click on the ABCs of Salvation link on the right.) Today's Key Verse: He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. (1 John 5:12) Today's Key Thought: Christians must have Christ

 Weight Watchers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Is something bothering you, Brian?" Mom asked as she pushed her chair back after dinner. "You've been unusually quiet this evening." Brian sighed. "I came in third in our track meet today," he blurted out. "I was always first last year. I don't know what's the matter with me." "I do," said Stephanie. "You're too fat." "Stephanie!" Dad reprimanded her. "That was not kind." "Is she ever kind?" Brian asked sarcastically. He scowled at his sister. "You're not so skinny yourself," he added. "That's enough!" scolded Mom. "You're both wrong--and right." She sighed. "It's wrong to say hateful things about one another--and, Stephanie, your criticism of your brother was not done lovingly. But, Brian, it's true that you have gained weight, and your remark about your sister didn't sound very loving, either." "Well, she's always saying mean things to me," Brian defended himself. "Look who's talking!" put in Stephanie. "The meanest brother in the world!" "I'm afraid you both have an attitude problem," said Dad sternly. "Jesus said we are to love one another, but I haven't seen much evidence of love between the two of you recently." Both kids were silent, knowing Dad was right. Dad looked at Brian. "If you're honest, Son, I think you'll have to admit it would be a good idea to take off a few pounds, right?" Brian frowned, but he nodded reluctantly. Turning to his daughter, Dad said, "And, Stephanie, just like Brian needs to take off weight to run well, you both need to get rid of weights of selfishness and unkindness and learn to think of others and their feelings. A diet of thanksgiving and praise would be good for you--in fact, good for all of us." "Yes, it would. Let's all go on a diet," Mom suggested. "Let's be weight watchers--both physically and spiritually. Let's start now by saying things we're thankful for about each other." She paused. "Who'd like to start?" she added. Stephanie and Brian frowned and hesitated. Then both started speaking at once. They paused. Stephanie began again. "Brian's . . . ah . . . a good student." Brian laughed and exclaimed, "That's just what I started to say about you!" How About You? Does a bitter or rebellious spirit hinder your Christian race? Things like a sharp tongue, selfishness, or an unforgiving attitude bring defeat into the life of a Christian. Anything that keeps you from overcoming sin, serving God, or displaying a Christ-like attitude is a weight that needs to be put away. Check your life for things that weigh you down. Ask God to help you replace them with genuine love and concern for others. Today's Key Verse: Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us. (Hebrews 12:1) Today's Key Thought: Get rid of sinful weights

 Watch Your Step | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Hi, Kyle." Startled, Kyle glanced up. Seeing his uncle, he quickly put the magazine he was reading behind his back. "Oh, Uncle Joe! I-I didn't hear you coming," said Kyle. Uncle Joe raised his brows. "So I noticed. I just came to see if you'd like to go with me to the construction site of the new bank. I need to talk to the contractor." "Oh, cool!" Kyle jumped up. "Let me ask Mom." "I already did--she said okay." Uncle Joe turned. "Let's go." "Okay! But I . . . I've . . . I'm thirsty," said Kyle. He hurried into the house and hid the magazine in his room. Then he stopped in the kitchen for a drink of water. After all, I did say I was thirsty, he thought. When they reached the construction site, Kyle and his uncle put on hard hats. Shielding his eyes, Kyle looked at men working high up on the tall steel frame. "Wow!" he exclaimed. "That looks scary!" "Yes, it does," Uncle Joe agreed. "You'll never see a steel worker running or turning flip-flops or doing gymnastics on his job." "I guess not!" Kyle stared at the men above him. "Those steel workers up there have to watch every step they take," said Uncle Joe. "They remind me of a Bible verse that tells how Christians should walk." "There's a verse that tells that?" Kyle asked in surprise. "What does it say?" "It says, 'See then that you walk circumspectly,'" replied Uncle Joe. "That means to consider all the circumstances and consequences of what you do." "Sounds like a good idea," said Kyle. "Yes. The end of the verse says, 'Not as fools, but as wise.' It would be foolish for those workers up there to not walk carefully," said Uncle Joe, "and it's just as foolish for Christians to not live carefully." Kyle nodded. "We should strive to please God in all we do, say, read, or watch," added Uncle Joe. Lowering his gaze, Kyle was embarrassed to see that his uncle was watching him closely. "I-I know what you're thinking," Kyle said. "You saw what I was reading, didn't you?" He sighed. "I can never hide anything from you." "From me, maybe you could, but never from God," Uncle Joe reminded him. Slowly, Kyle nodded. "Never from God," he repeated softly. How About You? How are you doing in your Christian walk? Do you walk carefully? Or do you act on impulse and go along with whatever a classmate suggests?Do you watch whatever happens to come on TV and read any magazine or book someone offers?All you do has consequences--it shapes your life. Watch your steps--your activities, reading material, habits, language, and friendships. Consider whether all you do and say is pleasing to God. Walk wisely, not foolishly. Today's Key Verse: See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise. (Ephesians 5:15) Today's Key Thought: Walk carefully and wisely

 Loyal as a Dog | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Only one day of vacation left, thought James when he woke up the day before school was to begin. I'm spending the whole day outside, he decided. First of all, I'll take Buster for a swim in the lake. His big, black dog loved to swim. "James! Are you awake, Son?" his mother called. "It's time to get up. You need to finish weeding the garden this morning." James had forgotten all about weeding the vegetable patch. Oh, well. If I hurry, I'll still have time to do other stuff, he thought, getting out of bed. After breakfast, James went out to the garden. Buster followed, holding a ball in his mouth. "Sorry, Buster, but I have to weed the garden," said James. Buster lay down nearby, happy to be with James even if they couldn't play. By the time James finished weeding, dark clouds were filling the sky. Soon, large raindrops began to fall, and lightning was cracking like a whip in the distance. "It's not fair that God is letting it rain on the last day of summer vacation," James complained to his mother. "I asked Him for a nice day today." Mom looked thoughtful. "This morning, didn't I see Buster take a ball out to you, hoping to play?" she asked. "I'm sure he didn't understand your reason for not doing that. But he wasn't angry, and he was too loyal to leave even when you didn't do what he wanted." "Yeah. He's such a good dog," said James as he scratched Buster behind the ear. "I wanted to take him for a swim today." "He's a good example for us, isn't he?" suggested Mom. "Shouldn't we be loyal, too? We may feel like complaining when God sends rain and we want sunshine, but we must trust that He has a reason for what He does." James sighed. "You're saying I should be loyal to God, right?" he asked. Mom smiled and nodded. "Yes, and that means trusting Him--no matter what," she said. "We can be happy knowing He loves us and wants what's best for us even when we don't understand His reasons. Okay?" "Okay," murmured James. The he grinned as he added, "Okay. I'll try to be as loyal as a dog!" How About You? Are you loyal to God when things don't go the way you want? Do you trust Him anyway, or do you complain and blame Him? Do you think God isn't fair if He doesn't give you whatever you ask for? You won't always understand why God does certain things or allows them to happen, but remember that He is God and you're only human. He knows all things--He knows what is best for you. Accept His answers and trust Him at all times. Today's Key Verse: My ways (are) higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:9) Today's Key Thought: Be loyal to God; accept His way

 Do It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Hi, Mrs. Brown." Jalyn greeted her next-door neighbor who had stepped out of her house as Jalyn was walking by. "Hi, Jalyn," said Mrs. Brown. "Can you do something for me? The after-school Bible club in my home starts the day after tomorrow, so I'd like these invitations passed out. Could you distribute some of them today?" "Sure," agreed Jalyn. "No problem." She took several of the invitations and went on to her house. "Mrs. Brown wants these passed out today because her Bible club starts soon," Jalyn told her mother as she put the invitations on a table. "I'm going to have a snack, and then I'll take them around the neighborhood for her." She helped herself to some crackers and a glass of milk, and then went outdoors. After supper, Jalyn did homework, watched a game show, and read a book. She completely forgot the promise she had made to Mrs. Brown. The next day, Jalyn's mother found the invitations. She was holding them in her hand when Jalyn burst into the house after school. Jalyn immediately began to tell Mom about a problem she had. "That Denise!" Jalyn exploded angrily. "She told me she'd return a book to the library for me, but she didn't do it! Now I have to pay a fine. I think Denise should . . ." Her voice trailed off when she saw what her mother was holding. "Oh, I meant to pass those out last night," Jalyn murmured, "but I . . . I just forgot." "I figured you had," said Mom. She shook her head. "You didn't feel very good about it when Denise broke her promise, did you? Do you think that's the way Mrs. Brown feels, too--or would if she could see these right now? And how about God?He does see them. What do you think He'd want you to do about this?" "I know they should have been passed out sooner, but I . . . I guess He'd still want me to do it," murmured Jalyn. "I'll pass them out right after my snack." Mom frowned. "I think the time to do it is before your snack," she said. "What do you think?" Solemnly, Jalyn nodded and reached for the invitations. "I'll do it now," she said. How About You? When you say you'll do something, do you do it? It's easy to make quick promises, but if you can't help someone or don't want to help, say so right away. Don't say you'll do something--causing someone to depend on you--and then fail to do it. Follow through on commitments you make. God always keeps His promises, and He wants you to keep yours, too. Today's Key Verse: Do faithfully whatever you do for the brethren and for strangers. (3 John 1:5) Today's Key Thought: Do what you promise

 The Password | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Hi, Mom," Miguel tossed his book bag onto a chair and sat down at the kitchen table. Mom was pulling a pan of cookies from the oven. "Hi, Miguel." Mom turned and smiled. "So how was school today?" "Great!" he answered. "Can I have a cookie?" "Sure," agreed Mom, "but just one. We'll be having dinner shortly." She handed him a cookie and then asked, "What was so great at school?" Miguel took a big bite. "Do you know what a password is, Mom?" he asked. "Why don't you tell me?" Mom suggested. "It's a special word you have to use in order to get into some places or to get certain information," Miguel said. "At my school you have to type a password into the computers before you can use them. If you don't know the right word, the computers won't let you into the programs." Mom smiled. "That sounds a lot like what I told our next-door neighbor Mrs. Goldman today," said Mom as she poured milk into a glass for Miguel. "You were telling Mrs. Goldman about computers?" asked Miguel. "No. I was telling her about Jesus," Mom said. Miguel frowned. "Jesus? He didn't use computers," he said. "They weren't invented yet when Jesus lived on earth." Mom sat down next to Miguel. "Mrs. Goldman believes that every person who leads what she calls a good life will be in heaven, no matter what his religion is or who he believes in," said Mom. "We talked about that for a while, and I showed her the verse in John Fourteen where Jesus says, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.' I explained to her that when each of us stands before God some day, only those who trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior will be allowed to enter His kingdom--the kingdom of heaven." "So Jesus is kinda like a password?" asked Miguel with a smile. "In a way, yes." Mom nodded. "Kinda like a password." "And did she believe you?" Miguel asked. "She said she would think about it," replied Mom. "Let's ask the Lord to show her that she needs Jesus as her password to get into heaven." How About You? Do you know how to get into heaven? In today's Key Verse, and also in today's Scripture reading, God says you can be saved and reach heaven only through Jesus. He is the password to get into heaven. Do you know for sure that you've become a child of God and will be allowed to enter heaven? Make sure today. (Click on the ABCs of Salvation link on the right.) Today's Key Verse: There is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. (Acts 4:12) Today's Key Thought: Jesus is the only way to heaven

 Ugly Brown Shoes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The first day of school always made Natasha nervous, but today was the worst ever because her family had recently moved to a new town. She smiled shyly at a couple of girls. One nodded toward Natasha's feet and mouthed, "Weird." The other rolled her eyes. They turned their backs and giggled. Natasha shifted her new backpack to the other shoulder and limped to her locker. The kids are already making fun of my shoes, she thought. What will they say when they notice the way I walk? A girl with rosy cheeks and a blond ponytail pushed a pile of gym clothes into the locker next to Natasha's. "Hi," she said. "You must be new here at Lincoln Middle School. My name's Karla." "Hi, Karla." Natasha's voice squeaked. "I'm Natasha." "Want to stop at the library with me?" asked Karla. She slammed her locker door and started down the hall. When Natasha limped behind, Karla slowed her pace. She glanced down at Natasha's shoes. "Hurt your feet?" Karla asked. "I . . . I was born with crooked feet," Natasha explained, "but I had surgery on them two months ago. The doctor says if I wear these ugly orthopedic shoes for a year or so, my feet should be okay." To her relief, Karla simply smiled and nodded. As days went by, Karla continued to treat Natasha as a friend, but several other kids did not. One day as the two walked down the hall, a classmate pointed to Natasha's shoes and shrieked, "Look--ugly brown shoes!" Heads turned and several kids snickered. "What's your problem?" Karla asked the gawking kids. "Natasha had an operation on her feet. Her shoes are like a cast; they protect her feet--help them heal." The hallway fell silent, and the kids scattered. "Thanks, Karla," said Natasha as they moved on, "but now won't kids make fun of you for sticking up for me?" "Maybe," said Karla, "but I'm a Christian, and I believe God wants me to be kind even though others are mean. Besides, I like you." She grinned. "After school let's see if our moms will let us go shopping for the brightest shoelaces we can find--so bright those kids will notice them instead of your shoes. I'll get some, too. Don't you think friends ought to wear matching shoelaces?" How About You? Do you stick up for somebody other kids laugh at?Or do you join in when they make fun of what someone is wearing or the way somebody looks, walks, or talks? When you're tempted to do that, think about God's great love to you. Like everyone, you are a sinner, but in spite of the way you look to a holy God, He loves you so much He gave His Son Jesus to pay the penalty for every bad thing you do. Show His love to others by being kind--especially to those who are often looked down upon. Today's Key Verse: If God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. (1 John 4:11) Today's Key Thought: Show God's love to everyone

 Gone Fishin’ (Cont’d.) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I'm going to do it, Todd decided as he thought more about his dad's suggestion that he be a fisher of men--especially of his new friend. I want Pete to know Jesus, too. So whenever Todd saw Pete, Todd would mention a Bible verse he'd learned, or he'd invite Pete to church or Bible Club or a Sunday school party. Pete always refused and often acted annoyed when Todd quoted a Bible verse. Todd was frustrated. "I give up, Dad," he said one evening. "Pete never wants to come to church, and he's getting sick of me asking all the time. I don't think he likes it when I share Bible verses, either. I'm gonna quit!" "What was one of the first things you taught Pete about fishing?" asked Dad. Todd thought about it and grinned. "Not to keep popping his line out of the water to see if a fish took the bait," he replied. Dad nodded. "Patience is necessary, both when you fish for fish and when you fish for men," he said. "You need to keep at it and not give up." Dad looked thoughtful. "Do you think maybe you should also consider whether you're using the wrong bait?" "Like what?" asked Todd. "Well, you don't have to quote verses or ask Pete every day to go to church with you," said Dad. "Why don't you first strengthen your friendship?Keep spending time together and having fun." "Shouldn't I ever talk about God?" Todd asked. "Sure, but maybe not every time you see Pete," said Dad. "Pray for him, and when he shows a little interest, share what you enjoy about church and Sunday school. Maybe he'll decide to come sometime. But be sure you don't lie to make it sound like it's just all fun. You must be honest, and don't forget--you must be patient." Thoughtfully, Todd nodded, and in the next few weeks, he practiced what his dad had suggested. Finally, he felt the nibble he'd been waiting for. "Dad!" Todd shouted as he burst into the house. "Guess what happened today!" "Well, I know you planned to go fishing this afternoon, so I'd say you caught a fish," said Dad with a smile. "Well . . . at least I got a nibble!" Todd beamed. "And his name is Pete! He said he'd go to Bible Club with me this week." How About You? Do you give up if someone you try to bring to Jesus doesn't seem interested? Check the bait--are you being a genuine friend? Do you have good times together? Do you pray for your friend? When the time is right, share a Bible story or a copy of Keys for Kids, or show your friend the ABCs of Salvation at the end of this book. It may take a long, long time before someone wants to learn more about God, but the salvation of a friend is worth waiting for! Be patient and don't give up. Today's Key Verse: Be patient. Establish your hearts. (James 5:8) Today's Key Thought: Witness with patience

 Gone Fishin’ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Todd grabbed his pole and bait and hurried down to the river. When he reached his favorite spot, he saw a boy already sitting there. "Bummer!" Todd grumbled to himself. He hesitated, then decided to stay at that spot anyway. "Catchin' anything?" he asked as the boy jerked his line completely out of the water. The boy looked up. "Naw, this isn't a very good spot," he said with a shrug. Todd couldn't believe his ears. This is the best spot on the whole river, he thought. "I've been sitting here all morning without any bites," complained the boy as he jerked his line up again. "Well, you have to be patient," said Todd. "How often do you pop your line out of the water like that?" The boy shrugged. "Oh, every few minutes," he said. "Just checkin' to see if a fish has eaten the worm yet." He frowned. "Never happens." "You fish much?" asked Todd, sure that he already knew the answer. The boy shook his head. "Nope. Never fished before," he answered. "What's your name?" Todd asked. "Pete Fisher," came the reply. He grinned. "I figure anybody with the name Fisher oughta learn how to fish." Todd sat down. "Pete," he said, "we've gotta talk." After baiting his hook, Todd cast the line into the river. "Now, what you have to do . . ." he began, and proceeded to give Pete advice on fishing. At dinner that night, Todd told his family about Pete. "He still pulls his line up way too often, but he's getting better," said Todd. "I'm going to help him." "Good," said Dad. "His name reminds me of the Peter in the Bible. He was a fisherman, too. One day Jesus came to that Peter and said, 'Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.' Todd, you have a perfect opportunity to fish for Pete." "I'm not going to fish for him," replied Todd. "I'm going to teach him how to fish so he can catch fish for himself." Dad smiled. "What I mean is, you can be a fisher of men, like Jesus said. In this case, a fisher of Pete. Your friendship can be the bait, and God's Word can be the hook and line. Perhaps God will use you to catch Pete--that is, to bring him to Jesus. Get it?" With a grin, Todd nodded. How About You? Do you go fishing? You should if you're following Jesus. Being a fisher of men doesn't require handling wiggly worms or floppy fish. It may require a friendly smile, some of your time, and perhaps an invitation to some activity. It requires prayer, a knowledge of God's Word, and sharing it. And it's more satisfying than fishing for ordinary fish. Be a fisher of men--a fisher of other boys and girls. Share God's plan of salvation with them. Today's Key Verse: (Jesus said) "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matthew 4:19) Today's Key Thought: Be a fisher of men

 Grounded for Good | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Leah checked the clock again. "Staring at the clock is not going to make the time go by any quicker," Mom said as she loaded the dishwasher. "Nor is it going to get the laundry folded." Why can't I do that later? thought Leah, holding her head in her hands. It's not like I wasn't ever going to do it. I just wanted to watch the game show on TV first. Now I have to miss the entire show. And I'm grounded besides! Leah glanced at the clock again. "Mom, may I fold the laundry while I watch my show?" "No, Leah. I told you to fold laundry several hours ago," Mom replied as she poured detergent into the dishwasher. "You had plenty of time to get it done, but you chose not to do it. Now you're suffering consequences for disobeying. That does not feel good, but it's good for you." Leah sniffed. "I don't see why," she moaned. "Do you remember the time your dad's plane was grounded because of a storm?" Mom asked. "As much as he wanted to get home, the airport said no. Why do you think they grounded his plane?" "Because it wasn't safe to fly," Leah muttered. "That's different. Putting off the laundry doesn't put anybody in danger." "No, but if I allow you to delay your chores, you are in danger of becoming irresponsible and lazy," Mom explained. "Because I love you--and because I love the Lord--I do my best with the job He gave me. That means I must teach you to do what is right and discipline you even though it's unpleasant for both of us. It's part of helping you become a better person." "But, Mom," began Leah, "I . . ." Knowing Mom was right, she stopped and sat thinking for a moment. Leah sighed. "Mom, I'm sorry,"she said at last. "I don't like being grounded or missing my show, but I am glad you love me and care enough to teach me what's right. I'll get started on the laundry now." "Good idea. I love you, Leah." Mom gave her a hug. "I love you, too." Leah began to giggle. "I better get busy. I don't want to put anyone in danger of going without pants tomorrow!" How About You? Do you grumble when being disciplined? God says not to make light of discipline nor become discouraged by it. It is because God loves you that He allows discipline--and sometimes punishment--for making bad choices. While punishment is unpleasant, be thankful that God loves you so much He wants the best for you. Be thankful that your parents or others in authority do, too. Today's Key Verse: Chastening . . . yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. (Hebrews 12:11) Today's Key Thought: Discipline is for your good

 Hungry People | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"The Church of the Open Bible," read Colton as Dad pulled away from the curb. "We sure were wrong about this church!" Their family was on vacation and when they had looked for a church to attend, they thought the name of this church indicated that there would be preaching from the Word of God. "We were the only ones in church who had Bibles," Colton added, "and there weren't any in the pews, either." "No, but nobody needed a Bible," said his sister Josie. "All the preacher talked about was how important it was to elect a good mayor." Dad nodded. "You're right," he said, "and that's a sad thing." The following day, Josie studied the map as they drove along the highway. "We'll soon be coming to a town," she reported. "Can we stop to eat? I'm hungry!" "Me, too," agreed Colton. "How far away is it?" "Idon't think it's very far," replied Josie. "Maybe five miles or so." She was right, but . . . "Oh, no!"Colton pointed to the highway sign a little before the exit. It indicated that gas was available there, but no food or lodging. "No restaurants," moaned Colton, "and I'm starving!" "This town must be really small," said Josie. She remembered a silly little song kids at camp had sung in the dining hall. "Here we sit like birds in the wilderness," she sang, and Colton joined her. ". . . waiting to be fed," they finished together. Dad grinned. "We're not doing so good," he said. "Yesterday we sat in church like birds in the wilderness waiting to be fed spiritual food, but we weren't given any. Now we've come to a town with no place for us to eat." Mom nodded. "It seems like the people who attend that church would starve spiritually, just like we'd starve physically if we depended on restaurants in this town to feed us," she observed. Colton sat up straight. "Hey, look!" he said. "I see a couple of billboards up ahead advertising restaurants in the next town!" "All right!" exclaimed Josie. "I guess we won't starve after all." "Nope,"said Dad, "and we don't need to starve spiritually, either. We can read our Bibles every day. And we'll soon be back to our own church, too." How About You? Have you ever had to skip a meal? Did you feel hungry? Do you sometimes skip spiritual food? That should make you hungry, too--hungry to know what God wants to teach you. Don't neglect your spiritual life. God wants you to be spiritually healthy, and taking in the "milk of the word" helps you do that. So attend church and Sunday school, and also read your Bible for yourself. Think about what it teaches, and put into practice the things you find there. Today's Key Verse: Desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby. (1 Peter 2:2) Today's Key Thought: Be sure to get spiritual food

 Fame and Fortune | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Some day you're going to walk through this building and see my helmet and uniform number all over the place," said Ryan with a grin as he and the other boys in his Sunday school class left the Football Hall of Fame. Jamie laughed loudly. "Fat chance!" he said. "You just wait--you'll see!" declared Ryan. "I'm going to be as well-known as the guys whose stuff is in there now. Everybody will recognize me when I walk down the street, and I'm going to make a whole bunch of money!" "Sounds impressive," said Mr. Bradley, their teacher, "but don't forget that fame and money can't make you happy unless they're what God wants for you. The important thing for a Christian is to be willing to do whatever God wants him to do. God will take care of details such as whether he's famous or unknown and whether he makes lots of money or only a little." "Yeah," agreed Jamie. "I think I'll be a missionary. They're much more important than football players." He grinned and looked at Ryan. "You better forget your silly idea," added Jamie smugly. "Whoa! Wait a minute!" exclaimed Mr. Bradley. "If the Lord wants you on the mission field, Jamie, that will be wonderful. But if the Lord wants Ryan to be a rich and famous football player with a testimony for God, that will be great, too." "It will?" Jamie asked in surprise. He wasn't sure that sounded quite right. Mr. Bradley nodded. "What I'm saying is that whether you become a football player, an engineer, a missionary, a nurse, an office worker, a school teacher--or whatever--be sure your main goal is to serve the Lord and bring glory to Him," Mr. Bradley replied. "So when we grow up, we can serve God in all kinds of different ways," observed one of the other kids. "That's cool." "Yes," said Mr. Bradley, "but don't wait till you're grown up to serve God. Honor Him in your activities now as well." How About You? What ambitions do you have for the future? Ask God to show you His will. If He wants you to be a football player, be a good one--with a witness for Christ rather than a desire for popularity and money. If God calls you to be a missionary, be the very best missionary you can be. Ask God to help you set goals to honor Him in whatever you do in the future--and right now, too! Today's Key Verse: Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31) Today's Key Thought: Serve God in whatever you do

 The Snowstorm | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Snow swirled around the car, and it seemed to Rachel and Emmy as though it was being flung at them from some gigantic unseen hand. "I can hardly see anything!" exclaimed Rachel. "Everything is so white!" "Yes," agreed Mom. "It's hard to even see the middle line on the road!" Emmy pointed ahead. "Look, Dad! There's a truck up ahead of us. Couldn't we make better time if we stayed close behind it?" she asked. "It looks like more people have the same idea," said Dad as two cars passed them and sped up to follow more closely behind the truck. "They're going too fast," added Dad. "We'll just go slowly until we find a place to stop." Soon they saw the same truck again--in a ditch. "Look!" exclaimed Rachel. "That truck drove right off the road, and those two cars followed it!" "The blind leading the blind," murmured Dad. "Hopefully, the snow will let up soon. If not, we'll try to find a motel and wait till tomorrow to move on." Before long the snow did let up, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm glad you didn't follow that truck like I suggested," said Emmy, "but what did you mean about the blind leading the blind?" "Jesus once told His disciples that if the blind lead the blind, they both fall into the ditch," Dad explained. "That's what happened back there. The driver of the truck obviously couldn't see any better than the drivers of the cars. They just followed him anyway, and he led them off the road." "Well, I'm sure Jesus wasn't talking about trucks or cars," said Rachel. Dad smiled. "No," he agreed. "I believe He was teaching that we should be careful about who we follow in our daily lives." Mom nodded. "Who do kids at school admire and imitate?" she asked. "Some of the kids get all excited about singers or movie stars," said Emmy. "And a lot of boys want to be like the guys who are good at sports," added Rachel. "Is that bad?" "It depends," said Dad. "It's fine if those they admire love God and follow Him. It's bad if they follow Satan and influence the kids to get involved in sinful things. Christians should imitate others who love Jesus." How About You? Who do you admire and want to be like? Satan would love to have you follow those who influence you to disrespect authority, to get used to bad language, to be dishonest, or to do some other sinful thing. Don't follow such people. They are blind to the wisdom and knowledge of God. Be sure you imitate people who know and love the Lord Jesus. Today's Key Verse: Imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. (Hebrews 6:12) Today's Key Thought: Follow people who love Jesus


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