CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids

Summary: CBH Ministries is a children's ministry organization, offering Keys for Kids, Down Gilead Lane, and much more.

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 Ragamuffin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"C'mon, Brittany," said Rick. "We need to take out the trash for Dad." "Okay," said Brittany, and together they hauled empty boxes and wastepaper out to the big bin behind their father's store. Rick lifted the trash bin cover, but he slammed it back down quickly. "Brittany, there's something in there," he gasped. "I saw it move!" Brittany laughed. "Yeah, right," she said. "You're just trying to scare me." "I'm not! I'm telling the truth," insisted Rick. He pulled up the lid again and poked at the rubbish with a stick. Hearing a loud moan, Brittany let out a scream as Rick dropped his stick and the trash bin cover. Dad rushed outside. "Iheard a scream. What's wrong?" he asked in alarm. "There's something in there," gasped Brittany, pointing to the trash bin. "Really?"Dad approached it and looked inside. "It's a puppy!" he exclaimed. He lifted the little dog from the bin. "How did you get in there, fella?" "A puppy! Cool! Can we take him home, Dad?" Rick begged. "Ugh!" Brittany made a face. "He smells! Mom won't want him in the house." "He's a mess," agreed Dad. "We'll get some doggy shampoo, and when we get home, you can give him a bath. We'll see if we can find him a home." When Mom saw the little animal, she hesitated at first, but then she took pity on him, too. "I think Ragamuffin would be a good name for him," she said. "Why?" Rick asked. "I never heard of that name." "It's a word that can be used to describe a tattered, shabby urchin," Mom explained as she looked at the wet, dirty pup. "Then let's not call him that!" protested Brittany. "It's not a nice name!" Mom smiled. "It seems to me it fits, but you can choose something else," she said. "In any case, he'll make a good illustration for my Sunday school lesson tomorrow. What you did for him, God did for us--and even more! Spiritually, we were like ragamuffins. God found us dirty, lost, and trapped in our sins. He reached down to rescue us. He loved us when there was nothing lovable about us." The puppy barked, and Brittany laughed. "He agrees with you, Mom. I think he's glad he's been rescued. But I'm going to think of a nicer name!" How About You? Does it offend you to be compared to a ragamuffin? Spiritually, that's what you're like without Jesus. But God loves you anyway. He sent Jesus to rescue you from the penalty of sin. Don't try to clean up yourself--you can't do it. You need to repent and trust Jesus as Savior. Have you done that? (See the ABCs of Salvation at the right.) Today's Key Verse: When we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. (Romans 5:6) Today's Key Thought: Jesus loves sinners

 Two Radios | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"This radio sure has a lot of stations, Dad," said Nate as he turned the dial of the radio. Snippets of a lot of different people talking on various radio stations filtered into the room. "How do people get inside radios?" asked Nate's little brother, Cody. "People aren't actually inside the radio!" replied Nate. "It just picks up sound waves from all over. It's like . . ." He paused. "You explain it, Dad." Dad smiled. "I don't really understand much about it myself," he said, "but we're told that sound waves from the various stations are right here in this room. The radio is simply a receiver. It picks out the various sound waves and makes it possible for you to hear them." "The man who invented the radio must have been pretty smart," said Nate. "Yes," agreed Dad, "but I'm thinking of another receiver, and the one who made that one is even smarter." "You mean like . . . whoever invented TV?" asked Nate. "It would take somebody really smart to make it possible for us to hear the people who are talking and see them, too, wouldn't it?" "Yes, but I'm thinking of someone even smarter than that," said Dad. "In a way, our ears are something like a radio in that they receive sound waves, too. And God is the one who made them." Cody wiggled his ears. "I have two ears," he said. "That's right," said Dad, "and since you have two ears, you can even tell what direction a sound is coming from--and also about how far away it is." "So eyes are kinda like cameras, and ears are kinda like radios," observed Nate. Dad nodded. "And God made both eyes and ears," he said. "Yesterday we talked about the importance of seeing wholesome things, and we need to be sure to listen to wholesome things as well. Don't let the sounds of the world drown out God's voice. Listen carefully to what He has to say. It's always very important. Okay?" "Okay, Dad," replied Nate. "We'll remember, won't we, Cody?" But Cody was playing with his trucks and no longer paying attention. "Oh, well," said Nate, "I'll remind him now and then--and you can remind me." How About You? Do you use your ears to listen to the right kind of things? Does the music you choose honor God? Do the jokes, stories, and programs you listen to please Him? What you hear, as well as what you see, should encourage you to think about things that are true, honest, just, pure, and lovely. Read Philippians 4:8 again. Thank God right now for your hearing, and be sure to use your ears to listen to good things! Today's Key Verse: The hearing ear and the seeing eye, the Lord has made them both. (Proverbs 20:12) Today's Key Thought: Listen to good things

 Two Cameras | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Look, Dad." Nate held out the camera his mother had brought home from a neighbor's garage sale. He pointed to some words on the front of the camera. "This says 'Automatic Focus.' What does that mean?" "It means that a little mechanism at the front of this camera automatically opens or closes the shutter to let in just the right amount of light," Dad explained. "No matter how close or how far you are from your subject, you won't have to adjust anything to make each picture come out clearly." Nate held the camera up to his eye and looked through it. "You know what?" he asked. "My science teacher says our eyes work a lot like a camera does. She says the colored part of the eye is like the shutter. It's called the iris, and when the light is real bright, it makes the pupil--the round, black spot in the middle--get smaller. When it's dark, the iris opens up wide to let more light through the pupil." "That's interesting, isn't it?" Mom joined in the conversation. "I read somewhere that the eye also has a lens that allows things far away to be in focus, as well as things close up." "The eyes God has given us are very unique," added Dad. "They not only take pictures, but those pictures are recorded for us. Pictures taken with a camera are recorded on film, and the ones taken by your eyes are recorded on your brain." "Wow! So the stuff my eyes see is recorded like a picture on my brain?" asked Nate. "That's right, and that's why your mother and I don't allow you to read certain books or watch certain TV shows," said Dad. "We want your brain to be imprinted with better things." "Yes," agreed Mom. "We should be careful to use the cameras in our heads to record good pictures." She smiled as she added, "And let's be sure to thank God for our eyes and the wonderful way they work." Nate nodded thoughtfully. "I promise to do my best to keep my brain film as clean as possible." He looked down at the camera. "Hey, there's film in here already! Take a picture of me, Mom. It will remind me of my promise to keep my brain clean!" Mom grinned as she snapped a shot of Nate gleefully posing for the camera. How About You? What do your eyes see? Do they see things that leave a good impression on your brain? Does what they see on TV or online cause you to honor God in your thoughts and actions? Be sure to appreciate the wonderful gift of sight and thank God for it.You can thank Him best by using your eyes to look at things that are good, wholesome, and pure. Today's Key Verse: I will set nothing wicked before my eyes. (Psalm 101:3) Today's Key Thought: Look at good things

 Fleas and Friendships | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"The new guy across the street is cool!" Jason told his mother. "His name is Tyler, and he's got a couple of bird dogs and some hamsters." "Invite him over some time--I'd like to meet him, too," said Mom. But then she frowned. "I've noticed that Seth is there a lot," she added. "He's often in trouble at school, isn't he? I know his reputation isn't very good. Is Tyler like Seth?" "Oh, Mom!" Jason sighed. "Tyler is okay. He even offered to take care of Midget while we're gone next week. That way she won't have to go to a kennel." Jason reached down and scratched his dog's ears. "That's okay, isn't it?" "I guess so," agreed Mom, "but . . . just don't forget that your closest friends should be Christians." Jason nodded. Tyler did care for Midget, and when Jason returned from his trip, he went to get the dog. "Ouch!"Jason yelled as he stubbed his toe when he and Midget came into the kitchen. His mother was shocked when she heard the other words he added. "Do you think that kind of language is pleasing to the Lord?" Mom asked. "Sorry, but my toe hurts so bad!" exclaimed Jason as he hopped around on one foot, holding his toe. He shrugged. "Tyler says stuff like that all the time. I guess I picked it up from him." "Then I suggest you put it down!" said Mom sternly. "You need to spend less time with Tyler." "Aw, Mom," grumbled Jason. Noticing that Midget was doing a lot of scratching, Jason ran his fingers through her hair. "Oh, no!" he exclaimed. "Midget has fleas! She must have gotten them from Tyler's dogs. They must be catching!" Mom nodded. "And that, Jason, is why I have been so concerned about your close friendship with Tyler," she said. "You were afraid I'd get fleas?" asked Jason. "Not fleas," replied Mom. "Bad habits. They're catching, too. For instance, you can pick up things like bad words without even realizing it." "Oh!" Jason was quiet for a minute. "I guess Midget and I better be more choosy about who we spend our time with," he admitted. "I think so. Now go give Midget a bath," Mom ordered. "Use flea shampoo--and she'll have to stay outside until we're sure those fleas are gone for good." How About You? Do you realize how much your friends influence you by what they say and do? Be friendly and kind to all of the kids, but remember that attitudes and habits are catching. That's one reason why you should spend most of your time with others who share your values--kids whose habits and language are not displeasing to God. Today's Key Verse: Do not be deceived. Evil company corrupts good habits. (1 Corinthians 15:33) Today's Key Thought: Choose friends carefully

 Look to the Ants | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"What's the matter, Sis? Ants in your pants?" Jon asked with a big grin. At their campsite, Ann had stepped in the middle of an ant hill and was frantically brushing the little creatures off. "It's not funny, Jon," Ann said as her mother helped her finish brushing the insects away. Soon Ann and her mother went into the trailer, but Jon and Dad continued to watch the ants. "An ant nest is like a little city where hundreds--and even thousands--of ants live," observed Dad. "Look! Some of them are carrying leaves," said Jon, pointing at the busy ant hill. "They're moving twigs and other stuff, too." He grinned. "They're hard at work," he added. "Do they have a boss like you do at your office?" "No. They don't need a boss," Dad replied. "They just make the most of every opportunity to gather food before winter. They're a good example for us." Jon laughed. "So we should get busy and gather food before winter, too?" "Not exactly," Dad replied with a smile, "but like the ants, we should be hard workers. We glorify God when we work hard for Him at whatever tasks He provides for us." Dad paused, then asked, "What's the opposite of a hard worker, Jon?" "Um . . . a lazy person?" suggested Jon. "Correct. The Bible calls someone who avoids work a sluggard," said Dad. "I'd hate to hear someone use that word to describe me." "Yeah. So I guess I should get busy and find the firewood we'll need," said Jon, heading into a thicker part of the woods where they were camping. "Maybe you should get busy and help me, don't you think, Dad?" Laughing, Dad agreed. "Sure. I can help you with your job," he said. "After all, I'm sure God is pleased when we work together and help one another." Jon nodded. "But what about having fun?" he asked. "Do you see any problem with having fun and working hard?"Dad asked. "Ah-h-h . . . no," said Jon. He began picking up twigs and small branches. He glanced at Dad. "Race you back to camp--and with the biggest load of firewood, too!" he challenged. "It'll be fun to beat you at that!" How About You? Do you glorify God through your work? When you take out the trash, clean your room, and help with chores around the house or at school, do you work with a good attitude? God wants you to be busy and use the abilities He has given you. When you work, play, and talk "as to the Lord," He will reward you. Ask God to help you work "heartily" to please Him. Today's Key Verse: And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men. (Colossians 3:23) Today's Key Thought: Work faithfully for God

 The Best Part | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Ellen rubbed her stomach as she eyed the cake her mother had just frosted. "Christy and I sure are hungry!" said Ellen. Her friend Christy had come to spend the night, and the girls were looking for an after-school snack. Mom laughed. "Help yourself," she invited. As the girls began to eat their cake, Ellen looked at Christy in surprise. "Christy, are you just going to eat the frosting?" asked Ellen. "The cake is yummy--I think it's the best part! It's a special cake Mom makes with nuts and chocolate chunks in it. I like it even better than the frosting!" "The frosting is all I ever eat," Christy replied. She glanced at Ellen's mother. "I guess I shouldn't have taken a piece. I hope you don't mind too much," added Christy. "Well," said Mom, "dinner won't be ready for a while, and I'm afraid you won't find the frosting very satisfying. Like Ellen says, you're really leaving the best part. Why don't you take one taste and see if you like it?" Christy wrinkled her nose, but she took a tiny bite. "It is good!" she said in surprise. "I think I'll eat the rest." That evening the girls were in the middle of a game when Dad called them for family devotions. "Can we just read the story in the devotional book tonight and skip the rest so we have time to finish our game?" suggested Ellen. Dad frowned. "Skip the Bible reading and prayer?" he asked. "Well, just this once," Ellen murmured. "That would be like eating the frosting and leaving the cake, wouldn't it?" asked Mom. "We'd be missing the best part. If we don't have time for both the Scripture and the story, we had better read the Scripture." "I . . . I see what you mean," Ellen admitted. She grinned. "Okay, let's just gobble up the whole thing. It's all good!" How About You? Have you read the suggested Scripture passage for today? Are you tempted to skip the Bible reading and read only the story in Keys for Kids? Don't skip the Scripture. It's the most important part of this devotional. Also, memorizing the Key Verse is a good idea. It will help jog your memory about the story's lesson. Devour both the story and the Scripture verses, and enjoy every bite. Today's Key Verse: I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great treasure. (Psalm 119:162) Today's Key Thought: Don't skip Bible reading

 Polish the Inside | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Mom!" yelled Naomi. "Justin won't get out of the bathroom!" She pounded her fists on the door. "He spends more time primping than I do!" After taking one last look at his hair in the mirror, Justin opened the door. Naomi stood there, waiting. He scowled, shoved her backwards, and called her a bad name under his breath. He hurried outside, avoiding Mom, and slammed the door. Justin saw a silver four-wheel drive truck in the driveway next door. Their neighbor Trent, a college student, was polishing the truck's shiny, black finish. "Hey, Justin," called Trent, coming around the truck. "How ya doin'? I need to run to the store for some more polish. Want to come along?" "Sure!" said Justin. "I haven't had a ride in your new truck yet. I'll go make sure it's okay with Mom." He hurried back to check with his mother. When Justin returned, he opened the door on the passenger side of the truck. Trash fell out onto the driveway. Justin picked it up and started to climb in, but the seat was littered with paper and empty soda bottles. "Just push that stuff out of the way," said Trent, getting in on the driver's side. Justin did as he was told, but he was disgusted to find he was sitting on a sticky, half-eaten sucker. He was rather glad when they got back home. "So . . . do you like Trent's truck?" asked Mom. Justin scowled. "I thought it was so cool until I saw the inside. It's a mess!" "Sounds like you,"said Naomi, who was still angry with her brother. "You get all spiffed up on the outside, but you're mean and ugly inside." "Whoa!" cautioned Mom, frowning at Naomi. "Make sure your own heart is clean before you criticize someone else." She turned to Justin. "Naomi does have a point," she added. "We should be clean and try to look our best, but we need to remember that what counts most to God is what we're like on the inside. We may be well-groomed and nicely dressed, but if we forget about a mess that's in our hearts, we're pretty much like Trent and that truck, don't you think?" Justin frowned, knowing he deserved a scolding for the way he had acted that morning. He glanced at his sister. "I-I'm sorry, Naomi" he murmured. "I really am." How About You? How much time do you spend on outward appearance? Do you also take that much time to make sure your heart and life are clean? Spend time with God, learning what He desires of you. Ask Him to help you develop love, joy, peace--and all the other "fruit of the Spirit." AskHim to help you get rid of lying, envy, ugly thoughts, and other "works of the flesh." Be clean inside and out. Today's Key Verse: If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. (Galatians 5:25) Today's Key Thought: Be clean inside and out

 Personal Cheerleader | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Guess what happened today," said Ben, letting the door slam behind him. "Someone freed the frogs in science lab again?" asked Mom as she pulled a pan of cookies from the oven. Ben laughed. "Nope," he said. "Matt got his own personal cheerleader." "A personal cheerleader?" asked Mom. "Now you've got my attention." "It was an experiment. Mrs. Crane wanted us to see how it would change a person's actions if he had someone cheering for him all the time," explained Ben as he sat down at the table. "She said the way people are treated can determine how they feel about themselves and the choices they make." "Way to go, Mrs. Crane!" Mom cheered. "So what happened?" "At first it was just funny," said Ben, reaching for a cookie, "but as the day went on, it got totally cool. Mrs. Crane asked Eli to be Matt's cheerleader, so every time Matt did something good, Eli cheered him on. By the end of the day, Matt was doing nice things just to get a cheer. He said it made him feel really good." "That is cool," said Mom. "I guess Mrs. Crane made her point." "She sure did," agreed Ben. "It made me wish I had my own cheerleader, too. It would be nice to have someone on my side all the time." Mom smiled. "Well . . . someone is always on your side, and you do have your own cheerleader," she said. "But you don't count, Mom," Ben said with a grin. "You don't get to follow me around school." "No, it's not me," replied Mom, sitting down beside Ben. "One of the verses in Psalm 118 says, 'The Lord is on my side.' So in a way, God is your cheerleader. The Bible says, 'If God is for us, who can be against us?'" Ben laughed. "That does almost sound like a cheer," he said. "When you make good choices, God is cheering," said Mom. "When you study hard and do your best, He cheers you on. God is always there to encourage you and help you do good things." "Wow!" said Ben. "My own personal cheerleader! All right!" He grinned and took a big bite of his cookie. How About You? Does God cheer when He sees the choices you make? Just think--He is "for you" when you have to decide whether to study hard, to be nice to a lonely kid, to be honest, or to help someone. He is "for you" when you wonder if the kids will still like you if you refuse to join them in doing something wrong! He is always there to cheer you on to do good things. Today's Key Verse: If God is for us, who can be against us. (Romans 8:31) Today's Key Thought: God is for you

 Different but Needed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Amber flopped down onto the sofa. She sighed as her mind replayed the events of the last hour. "Hi, Mom," she said as her mother came into the room. "Hi, honey," replied Mom. "How did it go at youth group today?" "Awful," mumbled Amber. "We're going to do a play--a short musical--for part of the special Easter program. Mrs. Kroll is directing it." "Sounds good," said Mom, "but you don't look very happy about it." "Oh, Mom! I got assigned to moving props around and sweeping the stage--stuff like that--again." Amber looked as though she might cry. "Marissa got the lead singing part--she always does! I know she's the best singer in our group, but . . ." Amber sighed. "My best friend gets to be the star of the show while I have to stay behind the curtain. I feel like skipping the whole thing!" Mom raised her eyebrows. "I'm sorry, honey," she said. She shook her head and then asked softly, "Why doesn't Mrs. Kroll let the two of you share that part? Or all of the kids could share it. I'm sure more were hoping for the main role." "We can't all have the same part," objected Amber. "If we all sang the same thing, it would be just a . . . a choir number. Not a play." Mom smiled and nodded. "You're right," she said. "Someone is needed for each part--and each job, right? Together, the group makes up the musical." "Yeah, but . . . I just wish I could get one of the important parts for once," replied Amber. "Who says one part is more important than another?" asked Mom. "God gave us all different talents. He points out that each one is needed. That means no one is more important than any other." "I suppose," admitted Amber reluctantly. "It's like that in all areas of life," added Mom. "Take church work, for example. What if everyone were the preacher?" Amber grinned. "Who'd listen?" she asked. "Or if everyone were a Sunday school teacher, there wouldn't be any students. Or what if everybody were in the choir?" "Then I guess only God would hear them," said Mom. "Of course, He's who one who really matters. But each person is valuable--both those in front and behind the scenes. We simply need to do our best with the task God gives us." How About You? What are your special gifts? Are you a good athlete or do you enjoy playing music? God has given talents to each of His children. Some are good cooks, some sing well, some smile readily, some are good speakers. Some are noticed by everybody; others are not. Nobody's tasks or talents are needed more or less than yours. They are all gifts from God and are to be used for His glory. Today's Key Verse: Those members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary. (1 Corinthians 12:22) Today's Key Thought: Your talents are needed

 Idol Worship | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"You shall have no other gods before me. You shall have no other gods before me," Kristen murmured repeatedly as the family drove home from church. Kristen's brother Adam frowned. "What are you muttering about?" he asked. "Our class is going to learn the Ten Commandments," replied Kristen, "so I'm learning the first one for next Sunday." She frowned. "We're supposed to think about what it means, too," she added. "My teacher says people often worship false gods, even in America, but I never knew anybody who did that." "Don't be so sure," said Dad. "A job, clothes, popularity, money--almost anything can become a god if it becomes more important to us than the true God. Sometimes it's even another person." "Seems weird to me," said Kristen. "I heard somebody say one of the girls in your class at school is imitating some rock star or movie star or something," said Adam. "Do you know who she is?Maybe she's making an idol of whoever she's copying. " "Maybe!" exclaimed Kristen. "I know who you mean. Her name is Haley, and she dresses and acts so funny lately. She's always talking about somebody named Shana. Haley tries to walk and talk and sing like her. She fixed her hair the way she says this Shana person does, and Haley tries to dress like her." Kristen laughed. "She told us she and Shana even use the same kind of toothpaste! Isn't that silly?Maybe Shana is a god to Haley." "That would be too bad," said Dad, "but let's be careful to examine our own lives, not just point at someone else. What things--or people--might we put in the place that belongs to God?" "Ah-h-h . . . how about famous basketball or football players?" suggested Kristen. "I think boys make gods of them." "Well, how about clothes?" retorted Adam. "Or hair styles? That's what girls are always fussing about." "Any of those things could be a problem," agreed Dad, "but again--be sure to look at your own life, not someone else's. Be sure to give God first place in your life and worship only Him." How About You? Do you worship only the true God? Or is there some other god in your life? It's okay to have someone you admire and look up to, but make sure it's someone who follows Jesus--and even then, don't make a god of that person. It's also okay to enjoy certain things or activities, but be sure they don't take first place in your life. Make Jesus your daily pattern and guide. Today's Key Verse: You shall have no other gods before Me. (Exodus 20:3) Today's Key Thought: Worship the true God

 Short Stuff | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When Chad's mother stepped into the kitchen, she knew something was wrong. His coat was on the floor, his books were scattered across the table, and he sat with his head in his hands. "What's the matter, honey?" Mom asked. Chad looked up. "Oh, Mom, I can't be on the basketball team," he said sadly. "I'm just too short. All the guys are taller than me, and they call me Short Stuff. Even most of the girls are taller than I am." Chad sighed. "Who wants to hang out with a guy who looks like a runt compared to them?" Mom looked at him thoughtfully. "Come to the garden with me," she said, "and we'll talk about it while you help me plant some seeds." "Okay," said Chad. "Even a shorty can do that, and I like working outside." Out in the garden, Chad knelt and helped his mother sow a variety of vegetable seeds. "Some of these seeds look a lot alike. I hope they remember what kind of vegetable they're supposed to be," he said with a grin. Mom laughed. "They'll grow into a variety of delicious vegetables, but not because they know what they should be," she said. "They just let God determine that. Even plants from seeds of the same kind won't all be alike. Some will be bigger than others, but they don't worry or complain about that. That's up to God, too." She paused, then added, "You know, Chad, we're all a little bit like plants." "How?" Chad asked, looking at the seeds in his hand. "We don't grow into plants." "No," said Mom, "but we start out small and grow and develop in the way determined by God." "So . . . plants don't care how big they get, and like them, I shouldn't worry about my size?" Chad asked. He grinned. "If seeds could talk, they'd probably complain as much as I do," he teased. Mom smiled. "Remember that God knows best how seeds and plants should grow and develop, and He also knows how people should grow and develop. He knows exactly how you need to grow up to become the person He wants you to be so you can use the gifts and abilities He gave you. Try to be content with that and leave your size up to Him. Okay?" Chad nodded. "Okay," he agreed. "I'll try." How About You? Are you unhappy with the way you look? Would you rather have hair or eyes of a different color? Do you think your hands are too small or your nose is too big? That you're too short or too tall? God doesn't feel that way. He made you just right for whatever tasks He has for you to do. Trust Him and stop worrying. Today's Key Verse: I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14) Today's Key Thought: God made you just right

 It Takes Practice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Abe groaned as he picked himself up from the snow. He was learning to ski, and his feet were in great big boots that were locked onto two long sticks of fiberglass. He had saved his money and begged to go along with his big brother. "Sure, you can come if it's okay with Mom and Dad," Max had said with a smile, "but I'm warning you--it isn't as easy as it looks." It wasn't long until Abe found out that Max was right. "I'll never learn how to ski!" Abe exclaimed in disgust. "I just fell for the umpteenth time." Max grinned. "Tell you what," he said, "your lift ticket includes lessons for beginners." He pointed to a group of kids at the top of a small hill. "Looks like they're ready to start the class. Go join them and get some pointers." Abe joined the group, and the ski instructor gathered the beginning skiers around him. He taught them some of the basic moves. Then came the first few trips down the Bunny Hill, which was the easy hill. The instructor held a long pole in front of the beginners. They could hold on until they felt a bit steadier. "That was fun!" Abe exclaimed when he rejoined Max. "I think I'm ready for the big hill." Just then he lost his balance and fell sideways into the snow. "Oops! I guess I'd better practice some more, but I'll be ready soon," Abe declared. As they headed home after a fun-filled day, Abe was excited. "I wish we could skip Bible Club tonight and keep on skiing," he said, "but I know Mom and Dad won't let us." "No," agreed Max, "and that's good because you know what? Learning to ski well is a little like learning to understand the Bible better. It all takes practice. The more you work at skiing, the better you can do it--and the more you read and study your Bible, the more you understand it." "I had a ski instructor," said Abe, "and I guess a Bible instructor is good, too." "Yes," agreed Max. "When you don't understand something, ask for help--from God, but also from Mom and Dad or Pastor Lee or some other Christian adult." Max grinned at his little brother. "And remember, Abe, don't expect miracles right away. Anything worthwhile takes time and effort." How About You? Do you have trouble understanding what the Bible says? Some of the stories are easy to read and understand. Other parts of the Bible are more difficult. So remember--it's best not to start your Bible reading on the biggest hills. You'll probably do better if you read familiar Bible stories and the Gospels before you read all the books of prophecy. Even when you find it hard to understand what you've read, don't give up. Remember that it takes practice, but it's worth it. Today's Key Verse: The entrance of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. (Psalm 119:130) Today's Key Thought: Practice Bible reading

 Jana’s Passport | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"I hope I didn't forget anything," Jana said as they drove to the airport. She and her brother Jed were going to spend the summer in England with their older sister and her husband who lived on a military base in that country. "Well, if you forgot something, now is the time to remember--before we get too far from home," Dad replied. "I saw you put the tickets and passports in your purse, Jana," said Mom. "You haven't taken them out at all, have you?" "Nope. They're right here." Jana patted her purse. She opened it and took out the tickets and passports. "Oh, no!" she exclaimed as she looked at them. Dad slowed down. "What's wrong?" he asked. "I have Mom's passport instead of mine," wailed Jana. "They were in the same drawer, and I picked up the wrong one." "Calm down. We have plenty of time," said Dad as he looked for a place to turn the car around. "It's a good thing you discovered it now, though. Mom's passport wouldn't get you into England." Mom looked thoughtful. "I'm going to have to tell Mrs. Lewis about this experience," she said. "Why?" Jed asked. "Is she planning an overseas trip, too?" "I don't think so, but I've had opportunities to witness to her, and she always tells me about the wonderful Christian parents she has," replied Mom. "I've told her that having Christian parents doesn't make her a Christian, but she still seems to think it does." "I see what Mom's getting at," said Jed as they headed back home. Dad nodded. "When we accept Jesus and receive God's righteousness, it's like receiving a passport to heaven. Jana can't get into England on Mom's passport, and Mrs. Lewis can't get into heaven on her parents' passports--on their salvation." "Everybody has to accept Jesus for themselves, don't they?" Jed asked. "That's right,"said Dad. He smiled. "Much as I hate to backtrack, it will be worth it if it helps Mrs. Lewis see her need of personally trusting in Jesus." "Yes!" exclaimed Jana. She grinned. "Then you can thank me for grabbing the wrong passport." How About You? Do you have your own passport to heaven? Or do you expect to get into heaven because you have Christian parents? They're a blessing, but their salvation--their trust in Jesus--will not allow you to go to heaven. You need to receive God's righteousness through faith in His Son, Jesus. Trust Him as your Savior today. It's a decision nobody can make for you. You must make it for yourself. (See the ABCs of Salvation at the right.) Today's Key Verse: Not having my own righteousness . . . but that which is through faith in Christ. (Philippians 3:9) Today's Key Thought: Salvation is a personal choice

 The Bride (Cont’d.) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Oh, Lisa!" gasped Tina as she entered the room she shared with her older sister. "Your wedding dress is so-o-o beautiful! You look like a princess!" Lisa laughed. "Thank you, dear sister," she said, "but I was hoping to look like a bride." Tina giggled. "Try on the veil, too," she urged. "I want to see it." As Lisa placed the veil on her dark hair, Tina sighed wistfully. "I'd love to wear a dress like that and march down the church aisle." Lisa laughed. "Whoa, Tina! You're only thirteen," she said. "It'll be a long time before you're old enough to get married." "With these braces and freckles," Tina murmured, "no guy in his right mind would even look at me twice!" "By the time you're old enough to get married, you won't have braces," said Lisa. She grinned. "As for freckles, I have them, too, you know--and Dan likes them. If a guy really loves you, he won't care if you have freckles or braces or warts on your nose!" Tina laughed. "Well, at least I don't have the warts." She frowned. "Lisa, how do you know you really love Dan?" "Well . . . being in love isn't just having strong feelings for someone," replied Lisa. "It includes respect, friendship, and commitment." She paused for a moment. "When a man and a woman are really in love, they want the best for each other and they commit themselves to one another for a lifetime."Lisa gave her sister a hug. "Never get married, Tina, unless you're sure you've found the man you want to live with for the rest of your life," she advised. "That's God's plan for a man and a woman." Tina nodded. "I wonder if I will ever get married," she said thoughtfully. "I hope so." Lisa smiled. "The important thing to remember is that you must be willing to do what God wants. Maybe He'll bring a special man into your life someday and give you a deep love for one another. Or maybe God's choice for you is to be single. That's up to Him. Meanwhile, enjoy my wedding. Okay?" Tina nodded and grinned. "Okay," she agreed. How About You? Do you wonder who you'll marry or whether you'll ever get married? Don't be in a hurry and rush ahead of God. You have lots of time. For now, develop and enjoy good friendships. God says marriage is to last as long as both partners live, so getting married is a very serious decision for both the bride and the groom. Whenever you think about getting married someday, ask God to lead you in making a wise choice. Today's Key Verse: What God has joined together, let not man separate. (Matthew 19:6) Today's Key Thought: Marriage is for life

 The Bride | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

One evening not long before her marriage was to take place, Lisa looked up from her desk and smiled at her younger sister Tina. "I thought I'd read my Sunday school lesson and forget all about weddings for a few minutes," said Lisa, "but guess what the lesson is about?" "What?" asked Tina, who was sprawled on her bed. She was almost as excited about the wedding plans as her sister was. "It's about Jesus and the Church. The Bible refers to believers as God's Church and also as the Bride of Christ--and Jesus is referred to as the bridegroom. Someday He'll come back for His bride," Lisa explained. "The verses for my lesson say husbands are to love their wives as Christ loves the Church." "That's a lot," said Tina, "and I can tell you and Dan love each other a whole lot, too." "Yes, we do," agreed Lisa. She looked thoughtful. "You know how hard I've worked to make sure everything is just right for my wedding to Dan," she added. "Now I'm wondering if I've been as careful in preparing to meet Jesus." "I know a lot of what you've been doing to get ready for your wedding," said Tina, "but what are we supposed to do to be ready to meet Jesus?" "Trusting in Him to forgive our sins is the beginning, of course," Lisa answered, "and then, according to the third chapter of First John, we should be purifying ourselves." "What does that mean?" Tina asked. "Well, think about it," said Lisa. "I want Dan to always be pleased with me, so I've been learning to love the things he loves--and to enjoy the places he likes to go." Grinning, Lisa added, "I'm even glad to go fishing with him!" Tina laughed, remembering how Lisa disliked squiggly worms. "So . . . if we really love Jesus, we should want to do things that would please Him. And we should go to places He would approve of, right?" Lisa nodded as she put her book away and climbed into bed. "That's right," she agreed. "We should want to stay away from sin and live pure, clean lives for Him. Let's both remember to work on that as well as on my wedding plans." How About You? If Jesus came today, would you be ready? Are you keeping your life pure? Do your thoughts and actions please Jesus? Would you be glad to have Him come and find you in any of the places you go?Remember, Jesus is coming again--He could come today! Live as though you believe that. Today's Key Verse: Everyone who has this hope (the return of Jesus) in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure. (1 John 3:3) Today's Key Thought: Live a pure life


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