Watch Your Step

CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

Summary: "Hi, Kyle." Startled, Kyle glanced up. Seeing his uncle, he quickly put the magazine he was reading behind his back. "Oh, Uncle Joe! I-I didn't hear you coming," said Kyle. Uncle Joe raised his brows. "So I noticed. I just came to see if you'd like to go with me to the construction site of the new bank. I need to talk to the contractor." "Oh, cool!" Kyle jumped up. "Let me ask Mom." "I already did--she said okay." Uncle Joe turned. "Let's go." "Okay! But I . . . I've . . . I'm thirsty," said Kyle. He hurried into the house and hid the magazine in his room. Then he stopped in the kitchen for a drink of water. After all, I did say I was thirsty, he thought. When they reached the construction site, Kyle and his uncle put on hard hats. Shielding his eyes, Kyle looked at men working high up on the tall steel frame. "Wow!" he exclaimed. "That looks scary!" "Yes, it does," Uncle Joe agreed. "You'll never see a steel worker running or turning flip-flops or doing gymnastics on his job." "I guess not!" Kyle stared at the men above him. "Those steel workers up there have to watch every step they take," said Uncle Joe. "They remind me of a Bible verse that tells how Christians should walk." "There's a verse that tells that?" Kyle asked in surprise. "What does it say?" "It says, 'See then that you walk circumspectly,'" replied Uncle Joe. "That means to consider all the circumstances and consequences of what you do." "Sounds like a good idea," said Kyle. "Yes. The end of the verse says, 'Not as fools, but as wise.' It would be foolish for those workers up there to not walk carefully," said Uncle Joe, "and it's just as foolish for Christians to not live carefully." Kyle nodded. "We should strive to please God in all we do, say, read, or watch," added Uncle Joe. Lowering his gaze, Kyle was embarrassed to see that his uncle was watching him closely. "I-I know what you're thinking," Kyle said. "You saw what I was reading, didn't you?" He sighed. "I can never hide anything from you." "From me, maybe you could, but never from God," Uncle Joe reminded him. Slowly, Kyle nodded. "Never from God," he repeated softly. How About You? How are you doing in your Christian walk? Do you walk carefully? Or do you act on impulse and go along with whatever a classmate suggests?Do you watch whatever happens to come on TV and read any magazine or book someone offers?All you do has consequences--it shapes your life. Watch your steps--your activities, reading material, habits, language, and friendships. Consider whether all you do and say is pleasing to God. Walk wisely, not foolishly. Today's Key Verse: See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise. (Ephesians 5:15) Today's Key Thought: Walk carefully and wisely