Gone Fishin’ (Cont’d.)

CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

Summary: I'm going to do it, Todd decided as he thought more about his dad's suggestion that he be a fisher of men--especially of his new friend. I want Pete to know Jesus, too. So whenever Todd saw Pete, Todd would mention a Bible verse he'd learned, or he'd invite Pete to church or Bible Club or a Sunday school party. Pete always refused and often acted annoyed when Todd quoted a Bible verse. Todd was frustrated. "I give up, Dad," he said one evening. "Pete never wants to come to church, and he's getting sick of me asking all the time. I don't think he likes it when I share Bible verses, either. I'm gonna quit!" "What was one of the first things you taught Pete about fishing?" asked Dad. Todd thought about it and grinned. "Not to keep popping his line out of the water to see if a fish took the bait," he replied. Dad nodded. "Patience is necessary, both when you fish for fish and when you fish for men," he said. "You need to keep at it and not give up." Dad looked thoughtful. "Do you think maybe you should also consider whether you're using the wrong bait?" "Like what?" asked Todd. "Well, you don't have to quote verses or ask Pete every day to go to church with you," said Dad. "Why don't you first strengthen your friendship?Keep spending time together and having fun." "Shouldn't I ever talk about God?" Todd asked. "Sure, but maybe not every time you see Pete," said Dad. "Pray for him, and when he shows a little interest, share what you enjoy about church and Sunday school. Maybe he'll decide to come sometime. But be sure you don't lie to make it sound like it's just all fun. You must be honest, and don't forget--you must be patient." Thoughtfully, Todd nodded, and in the next few weeks, he practiced what his dad had suggested. Finally, he felt the nibble he'd been waiting for. "Dad!" Todd shouted as he burst into the house. "Guess what happened today!" "Well, I know you planned to go fishing this afternoon, so I'd say you caught a fish," said Dad with a smile. "Well . . . at least I got a nibble!" Todd beamed. "And his name is Pete! He said he'd go to Bible Club with me this week." How About You? Do you give up if someone you try to bring to Jesus doesn't seem interested? Check the bait--are you being a genuine friend? Do you have good times together? Do you pray for your friend? When the time is right, share a Bible story or a copy of Keys for Kids, or show your friend the ABCs of Salvation at the end of this book. It may take a long, long time before someone wants to learn more about God, but the salvation of a friend is worth waiting for! Be patient and don't give up. Today's Key Verse: Be patient. Establish your hearts. (James 5:8) Today's Key Thought: Witness with patience