Ugly Brown Shoes

CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

Summary: The first day of school always made Natasha nervous, but today was the worst ever because her family had recently moved to a new town. She smiled shyly at a couple of girls. One nodded toward Natasha's feet and mouthed, "Weird." The other rolled her eyes. They turned their backs and giggled. Natasha shifted her new backpack to the other shoulder and limped to her locker. The kids are already making fun of my shoes, she thought. What will they say when they notice the way I walk? A girl with rosy cheeks and a blond ponytail pushed a pile of gym clothes into the locker next to Natasha's. "Hi," she said. "You must be new here at Lincoln Middle School. My name's Karla." "Hi, Karla." Natasha's voice squeaked. "I'm Natasha." "Want to stop at the library with me?" asked Karla. She slammed her locker door and started down the hall. When Natasha limped behind, Karla slowed her pace. She glanced down at Natasha's shoes. "Hurt your feet?" Karla asked. "I . . . I was born with crooked feet," Natasha explained, "but I had surgery on them two months ago. The doctor says if I wear these ugly orthopedic shoes for a year or so, my feet should be okay." To her relief, Karla simply smiled and nodded. As days went by, Karla continued to treat Natasha as a friend, but several other kids did not. One day as the two walked down the hall, a classmate pointed to Natasha's shoes and shrieked, "Look--ugly brown shoes!" Heads turned and several kids snickered. "What's your problem?" Karla asked the gawking kids. "Natasha had an operation on her feet. Her shoes are like a cast; they protect her feet--help them heal." The hallway fell silent, and the kids scattered. "Thanks, Karla," said Natasha as they moved on, "but now won't kids make fun of you for sticking up for me?" "Maybe," said Karla, "but I'm a Christian, and I believe God wants me to be kind even though others are mean. Besides, I like you." She grinned. "After school let's see if our moms will let us go shopping for the brightest shoelaces we can find--so bright those kids will notice them instead of your shoes. I'll get some, too. Don't you think friends ought to wear matching shoelaces?" How About You? Do you stick up for somebody other kids laugh at?Or do you join in when they make fun of what someone is wearing or the way somebody looks, walks, or talks? When you're tempted to do that, think about God's great love to you. Like everyone, you are a sinner, but in spite of the way you look to a holy God, He loves you so much He gave His Son Jesus to pay the penalty for every bad thing you do. Show His love to others by being kind--especially to those who are often looked down upon. Today's Key Verse: If God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. (1 John 4:11) Today's Key Thought: Show God's love to everyone