Winning Life Through Pain® show

Winning Life Through Pain®

Summary: Winning Life Through Pain® is a show where we chat with varying types of amazing guests as if we are all sitting around the same kitchen table. They are: Chronic Pain/Illness Individuals, Authors, and yes we chat with the experts as well. (eg.Physicians,Psychologists,Psychiatrists,Chiropractors,Coaches,etc). We all have a journey we must travel through life and it is our mission to make your journey one full of 'Laughter, Hope, Knowledge, Fulfillment, and Joy' so you might get through the tough times a little easier!

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  • Artist: Coach Marla
  • Copyright: 2008 All Rights Reserved.


 "Deeds Of Trust - A True Story" Author Alesandra Rain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

When Alesandra was 35 she was healthy; she didn't drink, smoke, took no medications at all, and she was successful. The only problem she was unable to sleep. She made an appointment for her annual check up and when she mentioned her insomnia to her doctor her whole life changed, and not for the better. Alesandra was given a prescription to help her get some sleep. Little did she know at the time just how harmful that prescription was to her entire world. Soon after beginning with the medication, she developed bronchitis - where she was given another prescription for the infection. Much later she discovered that the side effects of the sleep medicine was lung problems! The potent antibiotic for the bronchitis caused bizarre heart arrhythmias, which was treated by adding yet another drug into her regimen.  This type of thing continued for 10 years where she was taking about 1000 pills each and every day for things like: repeated seizures (from mercury poisioning); lung infections; breathing problems; urinary tract infections; muscle weakness; back pain; insomnia; and depression. All this happened in her 30s and 40s where she began as a successful lady and ended up living on disability checks.   Learn More:  Alesandra Rain   OR  Point Of Return     CALL  IN:  347 - 324 - 5661

 "A Frog in the Lotus Acupuncture Spa" Owner; Judanna Cavallo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

Judanna has been diagnosed with: Hashimoto’s thyroid for 28 years; Follicular & Papillary Carcinoma for 6 years undetected; Interstitial Cystitis for 42 years; Fibromyalgia for 4 years; Systematic Pancreas Divisum  &  Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction for 6 years and Basilar Artery Migraines for 12 years. You would think someone who had so much illness and pain in her life would simply stay curled up in bed & let the world pass her by, wouldn't you?  And she did just that...until.. her daughter at age 6 and her son at age 8 both tested positive for having Hashimoto's Genetic Thyroid Disease and began taking the Synthroid cocktails along with their mom, uncles and their grandma every morning. She enrolled in Acupunture Medical School and became a Board Certified Licensed Acupuncturist. In September of 2007 she revamped her basement & created: "A Frog in the Lotus Acupunture Spa".  She offers treatments of Shiatzu, Tuina, Hot Stones, & Acupuncture. Her business has grown & she now offers home visits for Acupuncture, Feng Shui and other interior design needs. She has changed her life for the better and is truly "Winning Life Through Pain!!" Facebook: Judanna Cavallo OUR   CALL  IN #:  347 - 324 - 5661

 Pelvic Organ Prolapse;The Silent Epidemic. Auth:Sherrie Palm | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Sherrie is the Founder/President of Assoc. for Pelvic Organ Prolapse. Pelvic organ prolapse is an extremely common female health issue that ALL WOMEN need to know about. Vaginal childbirth and menopause are the two leading causes of POP. Unfortunately, most women first hear about pelvic organ prolapse AFTER they are diagnosed with POP. Sherrie's book: "Pelvic Organ Prolapse: The Silent Epidemic" was an Award-Winning Finalist in the Women's Health category of the 2010 International Book Awards as well as in the Women's Issues category; and in the 2009 National Best Book Los Angelos. Sherrie is going to share with us what the symptoms of POP are, as well as what we can do to help ourselves either avoid being diagnosed with POP, or is you have been diagnosed with POP, what the different treatment options are; as well as her own personal experience with POP.   Learn More: Sherrie Palm   OR  APOPS   CALL  IN  NUMBER: 347 - 324 - 5661

 Nataly Rubinstein will be talking about Alzheimer's Disease | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

Nataly Rubinstein MSW., LCSW, C-ASWCM is a professionally licensed clinical social worker and a geriatric care manager certified. For over 24 years she was also a caregiver to a person with dementia. For several years she worked full time at the Wien Center a memory clinic at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach where over 1,000 clients with dementia were seen each year and has recently transitioned into private practice. As a specialist in dementia care, she is a speaker and consultant at many local conferences that include professionals and caregivers in dementia. For the past several years, she has been a consultant to independent and assisted living facilities, a dementia educator and trainer for facility as well as private paid aides and family caregivers. For several years she has been a facilitator for the Alzheimer’s Association support groups. She has training in mediation skills and experience working with professional guardians and eldercare attorneys resolving difficult family issues.   "Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias — The Caregiver’s Complete Survival Guide" delves into understanding dementia, how to get an accurate diagnosis, the truth about medications, communicating with someone who has dementia, behavior management, options for respite care, addressing legal and financial matters and much more—including invaluable information on maintaining your own sanity and sense of balance while providing care for another.   Learn More:  Nataly Rubinstein CALL  IN  NUMBER: 347 - 324 - 5661

 Celia Sue Hecht Will Talk About How Dogs Have Feelings Too! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

CeliaSue is a professional writer/editor, blogger and publicity coordinator who has been writing/editing professionally for more than 20 years. She specializes in print media campaigns. But in 2007 she was smitten with, and rescued, a dog with polka dots, (Dalmatian and pit bull terrier), which took her writting to a whole new level. She also became a huge animal advocate with her dog stories being published in places like Bay Woof, Salem News, Pet Folio Magazine, Best Friends Magazine, and others. She now writes regularly on 'Have dog blog will travel' as well as doing a good deal of dog-free and travel-free writing and editing. CeliaSue is going to talk about breed discrimination, how to treat your pet holistically, and how to choose your childs first pet.   Learn More: CeliaSue Hecht  and on Facebook   CALL  IN  NUMBER: 347 - 324 - 5661

 Living With Crohn's Disease - Alyssa Anjelica James | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Alyssa is not only an award winning singer/songer writer & comedian, she also has been diagnosed with Crohn's Disease and says she felt as if she had swallowed a nuclear bomb and her insides were blown apart. She was positive that she was being punished for something she must have done in a past life or something. Her condition fluctuated for years at times causing her to lose the ability to walk with painful ulcerations both internally and externally. While bedridden she would rely on her humor & her husband's love to survive this painful ordeal. Alyssa took the time to uncover the triggers to her illness and after much trial and error discovered that a vegan diet, by the suggestion of a close friend Congressman Dennis Kucinich, and restricting her sugar intake would change her health dramatically. She says: "Overcoming Crohn's is different for everyone - for me it's been about knowing when to say I need help. It's been about seeing my pattern and changing them, letting go of all judgements and loving myself, trying different healing modalities, coming to know what works for me and being ready to be well and independent, breathing, visualizations, music that makes me feel my aliveness & brings me back from despair, being in nature &, most importantly diet & eliminating sugar."   Learn More:  Alyssa James CALL  IN  NUMBER:  347 - 324 - 5661

 Lynn Sanders will explain "Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is a group of heritable connective tissue disorders affecting about 1 in 5,000 – 10,000. It is characterized by (joint) hypermobility, skin extensibility (stretchy skin) and tissue fragility (scaring & bruising). It is caused by faulty collagens. Collagens provide structure and strength to connective tissue throughout the body. Type III collagen is mostly found in skin, blood vessels, and internal organs. There are six major types of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. The different types of EDS are classified according to their manifestations of signs and symptoms.   Many EDS patients have so many signs and symptoms, it makes it hard for a doctor to diagnose this disorder.   There is no cure and no treatments for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.   Learn More:  Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome   CALL  IN  NUMBER:  347-324-5661

 "Dreamer" Author - Phil Davidson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

Phillip L. Davidson is an attorney who lives in Nashville,TN with his wife, Karen. He's a former infantry CPT,who among his many missions, commanded a group of Cambodian & Vietnamese 'Kit Carson Scouts' on a night ambush in the Mekong Delta. He was awarded the Bronze Star, Combat Infantry Badge and Vietnamese Jump Wings. His years in the military have been followed by working in law enforcement & becoming an expert in hostage negotiations & Post Traumatic Stress Disorder  (PTSD).   "Dreamer" is a based-on-reality military thriller novel & is historical fiction at its best. It discusses controversial topics such as the reality of PTSD as an illness, marriage & relationship issues caused by the nightmares associated with PTSD. Dreamer delves into private areas most veterans want kept secret & introduces the opening up process through which true restoration can begin. Dedicated to preserving the bond of brotherhood that military members commit to the power of faith in overcoming life's most adverse situations; the strength of families working through challenges, & the healing from trauma that occurs by becoming bold enough to face the enemies of your past. Due to his experience Phil Davidson has become an expert in how military veterans can survive Post Traumatic Stress Disorder  (PTSD). Learn More:  Phil Davidson

 Best Selling Author of "RSD In Me!" - Barby Ingle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Barby also has written a new book titled: "ReMission Possible; Yours, If You Choose To Accept It" which gives the reader an inside look at all Barby went through to have the Outpatient Ketamine IV-Infusion Therapy.   There is no doubt in my mind that Barby Ingle is an extremely strong lady!! She has gone through a tremendous amount of not only physical pain, but emotional pain as well. All of us that have RSD/CRPS go through so very much to simply make it to and through the next second, the next minute, the next hour, the next day, the next week, to the next month and it can be more than a frustrating ordeal for the best of us. After reading both Barby's books: "RSD In Me" and "ReMission Possible" I admit that there were things I learned from them both and I appreciate all Barby has gone through and her williness to share the very intimate details with us all.   Learn More: Barby Ingle and on Power Of Pain of which Barby is Director   CALL  IN  NUMBER:  347-324-5661

 Designer of "Hug Wraps" - Brenda Jones | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

Never heard of  "Hug Wraps" before?  Well let me tell you a little about them.   Brenda Jones was diagnosed with RSD in May 2005 and then diagnosed with Breast Cancer in Oct. 2008. Through her many hospital stays she was rather frustrated with the way those hospital gowns fit her and that they weren't really soft, and we all know what she is talking about there don't we?   So Brenda decided to do something about it. She didn't really sew much but she was able to design a kimono-style wrap so she would have some dignity when walking the hallways. It wasn't long before everyone wanted on too. That's the skinny on "Hug Wraps."   Learn More:  Brenda Jones THE  CALL  IN  NUMBER: 347-324-5661

 Do You Have Questions About Social Security Disability? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Our guest today is Karl Kazmierczak, Esq. a Board Certified Social Security Disability Specialist by the National Board of Social Security Disability Advocacy. Karl has been practicing law in New Jersey since 1997. As a social security disability attorney he is dedicated to representing injured workers and guiding them through the sometimes long, and difficult process of obtaining disability benefits. Karl believes the public has a right to know as much as they can about SSDI and SSI. That is why he created the best website with all the information you will ever need. Karl provides valid, helpful, and truthful information. Today Karl will be sharing the latest rules/laws/guidelines, etc. on SSDI and SSI. Learn More:  Ultimate Disability Guide Another Link For Karl If You Have Questions... CALL  IN: 347-324-5661

 Medical Hypnotist Michael Ellner talking about IBS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

Michael Ellner, is a Certified Medical Hypnotist in private practice in New York. He teaches advanced courses in medical hypnosis at schools throughout North America and South Africa and is a featured instructor of 'Hypnotic Pain Relief' at the annual 'PAINWeek Medical Conference' for frontline Pain Clinicians. Michael has conducted webinars in Patient Interaction and Rapport Building for radiologists, internists, psychiatrists, ophthalmologists, cardiologists, plastic surgeons, and doctors for ExecSense, the world’s leading webinar publisher for medical and top business professionals.   Today Michael will be talking about "QUANTUM FOCUSING".  Quantum Focusing is the blending of hypnotic healing, Spiritual practice, creative stress management and Quantum Physics. The QUANTUM FOCUS Protocol for IBS is a comprehensive ten-week program designed to help you neutralize the unrecognized reactions that are responsible for your IBS symptoms.   If IBS is interfering with your life, now is the time to learn new behaviors. We have embedded our programming in a tried and true initiatory process for self-development and Spiritual growth.   Learn More:  Michael Ellner CALL  IN  TO  SPEAK  WITH MICHAEL 347-324-5661

 "No Longer Silent" by Tammy Gagnon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

Tammy will share her incredible story of how she began life as a perfect being. She was innocent, pure, and beautiful. Unfortunatly there were members of her family who thought she needed to experience life as an adult before she was even ready to experience the ups and downs of childhood.   Tammy will share how she tried masking the pain with drugs and alcohol, how she left home at 14 to get away from it all only to find even more of the same and then some. She went from one abusive relationship to another, she even wound up in prison. Then she watched her own daughter suffer the effects of her own absive relationship before finally being able to handle everything and experience life and love it, as it is suppose to be.   Learn More:  Tammy Gagnon CALL  IN  NUMBER:  347-324-5661

 Aging In America; How Would You Improve Elder Care? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

Angil Tarach-Ritchey RN, GCM is a national expert in senior care,with over 30 years experience & the owner of Visiting Angel homecare agency in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Angil is now authoring the book “Behind the Old Face”, to change the perception of the elderly in America. Angil has been diagnosed with Sjogren's Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Learn More: Ann Arbor What Happens When A Nurse Gets Sick? Behind The Old Face

 Michael E. Schatman,PhD."Foundation for Ethics in Pain Care" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:00

Michael E. Schatman, Ph.D., CPE - Executive Director of "Foundation for Ethics in Pain Care". He has spent the past 25 years working exclusively in chronic pain management as a psychologist and interdisciplinary program developer and director.  He has also published extensively in the field, particularly regarding ethical issues. He has edited 2 books, "Ethical Issues in Chronic Pain Management" and "Chronic Pain Management: Guidelines for Multidisciplinary Program Development", as well as writing numerous textbook chapters and articles in scholarly journals.  He is on the boards of the Western Pain Society, the American Society of Pain Educators, and the Association for the Scientific Advancement of Psychological Injury and Law, and is the current chairperson of the Ethics Special Interest Group of the American Pain Society. FEPC is faced with two interrelated missions. First, we advocate for the improvement of the integrity and quality of pain care in the United States through educational programming for health care professionals and increasing public awareness through the media. Second, we provide high-quality, cost-efficient research on issues in pain care that have strong ethical implications. As a foundation that is independent of university bureaucratic influences and expenses, we are able to dedicate a maximum of 10% of grant monies received for conducting research to overhead, as opposed to the 30% to 69% commonly “wasted” in university settings. Too much research in pain care is performed simply because it is funded; FEPC conducts only research that makes a difference in the quality of life of pain sufferers. Learn More: Michael Schatman


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