Winning Life Through Pain® show

Winning Life Through Pain®

Summary: Winning Life Through Pain® is a show where we chat with varying types of amazing guests as if we are all sitting around the same kitchen table. They are: Chronic Pain/Illness Individuals, Authors, and yes we chat with the experts as well. (eg.Physicians,Psychologists,Psychiatrists,Chiropractors,Coaches,etc). We all have a journey we must travel through life and it is our mission to make your journey one full of 'Laughter, Hope, Knowledge, Fulfillment, and Joy' so you might get through the tough times a little easier!

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  • Artist: Coach Marla
  • Copyright: 2008 All Rights Reserved.


 "Pelvic Organ Prolapse:The Silent Epidemic" by Sherrie Palm | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:00

Sherrie is the Founder/President of Assoc. for Pelvic Organ Prolapse. Pelvic organ prolapse is an extremely common female health issue that ALL WOMEN need to know about. Vaginal childbirth and menopause are the two leading causes of POP. Unfortunately, most women first hear about pelvic organ prolapse AFTER they are diagnosed with POP. Sherrie's book: "Pelvic Organ Prolapse: The Silent Epidemic" was an Award-Winning Finalist in the Women's Health category of the 2010 International Book Awards as well as in the Women's Issues category; and in the 2009 National Best Book Los Angelos. Sherrie is going to share with us what the symptoms of POP are, as well as what we can do to help ourselves either avoid being diagnosed with POP, or is you have been diagnosed with POP, what the different treatment options are; as well as her own personal experience with POP.   Learn More:  Sherrie Palm  or  APOPS   CALL  IN#: (347) 324 - 5661 then push 1 if you wish to speak with Sherrie.

 Georgia Huston with "Teen Pain Help Foundation" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Georgia Huston is the Creator/Founder of 'Teen Pain Help Foundation', author of: "Vienna's Waiting - A Teenage Girl's Battle With Pain", and the most remarkable young lady I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Georgia was a 14 year old when her teenage years were disrupted by an unexplained pain in her back and leg. Her entire world was turned upside down because of this mysterious pain that seemed to do nothing but baffle doctors and cause her more and more frustration, until she was 17 that is - she is now healthy, happy and eager to help all other teenagers who are feeling lost, alone, afraid, and living in pain they can't explain or get away from. Learn More:  Georgia Huston  OR CALL  IN#:  (347) 324 - 5661 then push 1 if you wish to speak with Georgia.

 "Doctor, Why Does My Face Still Ache?" with Dr Tanenbaum | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

Doctor, Why Does My Face Still Ache? with Dr Tanenbaum Getting Relief from Persistent Jaw, Ear, Tooth, and Headache Pain Donald R. Tanenbaum, DDS, MPH and S. L. Roistacher, DDS, FACD, FICD This groundbreaking book explains why millions of Americans with persistent headaches, toothaches, jaw pain, and other debilitating facial pain can't find relief – even after seeing many doctors in search of a solution. The problem is that most physicians and dentists look for injury or disease to explain the pain but ignore the relationship between emotions and muscles, which compose most of the face. While the mind-body connection has been applied to treat back, heart, and skin ailments and gastrointestinal disorders, this is the first book to clearly explain how the brain initiates bodily changes that result in persistent facial pain. This book will not only benefit people with chronic facial pain but also physicians and dentists less familiar with these problems. Donald R. Tanenbaum maintains a private practice in New York City and on Long Island, and has both university and hospital-based academic appointments. A Past President of the American Academy of Orofacial Pain, he received a DDS and MPH degree from Columbia University in 1982. S. L. Roistacher, a founding member of the International Association for the Study of Pain and the American Pain Society, was the Chairman of the Department of Dental Medicine, Queens Hospital Center, for over 30 years. His involvement in the field of pain led to the formation of the Head and Neck Pain Center at Queens Hospital Center. He received a DDS degree from New York University. Learn More: Dr. Tanenbaum   

 "The Wake Up And Dream Challenge" by author Dr. Barbara Lavi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Dr. Lavi, a Licensed Psychologist since 1978, worked & trained in the Boston area before moving to Westport, CT in 2000. She holds a Master's Degree in Clinical Child Psychology & a Doctorate in Professional Psychology. Dr. Lavi founded ACT Now Psychotherapy utilizing her unique active, creative, time-sensitive approach to therapy. Creativity is an integral part of DR. Lavi’s life & her therapeutic approach. Music, dance, writing & crafts are hobbies that have been utilized in her work with children, as well as adults. She also writes songs & has organized creativity enhancement workshops for other writers. She tailors her work to meet each client’s unique needs. Drawing from a wide range of expertise & experience, she collaboratively develops the best therapeutic plan for each client. Clients are actively involved in the process. Time-sensitive therapy is as brief as possible, but the therapeutic relationship lasts for a lifetime. Depending on the issues addressed, some clients may be in therapy for a few months while others may come for a few years. After completing a segment of therapy, over the years, clients often  return for a tune up or to consult about a new issue or life challenge.  Each time a client returns, therapy tends to be briefer. Dr. Lavi works with children & adults utilizing individual, couple, family, & group therapy. She utilizes cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnosis & EMDR. Her areas of specialization include: divorce, anxiety, fears, phobias, loss, illness & trauma.  Dr. Lavi currently maintains a private practice in Weston, CT.   Learn More: Barbara Lavi CALL IN#: (347) 324-5661 then push 1 if you wish to speak with Dr. Lavi

 "How To Be Sick" By Author - Toni Bernhard | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

Before Toni was forced to retire due to illness, she was a law professor for 22 years at Davis School of Law at the University of California. Six of those years were spent as Dean of Students. When Toni was on a romantic trip to Paris with her husband, Tony, she picked up a virus and never recovered. It was diagnosed as an acute viral infection. Toni's goal in writing her book: "How To Be Sick - A Buddhist Inspired Guide for the Chronically Ill and Their Caregivers" was to help and inspire those who must meet the challenges posed by any chronic illness or condition: coping with the relentlessness of symptoms; weathering fear about the future; coming to terms with a life of relative isolation; facing the misunderstanding of others; dealing with the health care system; and, for a spouse, partner, or other caregiver, adapting to so many unexpected life changes. Learn More:  Toni Bernhard CALL  IN#: (347) 324 - 5661 then push 1 if you wish to speak with Toni

 "The Healing Hour" By Author - VC August | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

V C August was diagnosed with lupus and Sjogren’s syndrome in 2002. Both before and after her diagnosis, she went through a torturous time with the medical profession, the illness itself, and the possibility of losing her business.   An internist recommended that the author go to a psychiatrist to navigate these difficult shoals. The author did, and recovered her emotional strength and purpose with the help of this physician. Sadly, the physician herself became terminally ill and the book follows the author’s commitment to her doctor – till the end.   VC was inspired to write this book to honor this person, as well as provide support, courage, inspiration, and laughter to the many people who have been victimized not only by illness, but by a health care system that so often seems not to care.   V C is an author, motivational speaker, business owner, and philanthropist. VC was quoted as saying “This book has been a major journey for me. Not only do I want a five star tribute to my wonderful physician, Dr. Alex, but I want to do everything in my power to help great causes like the SLE Lupus Foundation and the Cancer Foundation. I know that Dr. Alex would want this just as much as I do.” Women’s wellness, healthcare, personalized medicine, genetics, and biotechnology are areas that VC is most knowledgeable and interested in. Learn More:  VC August CALL  IN#:  (347) 324 - 5661 then push 1 if you wish to speak with VC

 How to be a 'Caregiver' of someone with R.S.D. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:00

When Cynthia Toussaint was 21 she was a ballerina and suffered a simple hamstring tear that quickly turned into the most excruciating, burning pain she had ever felt. It took the next 13 years for her to live with the things all doctors were telling her: "It's all in your head!" All the while it spread throughout her entire body. Her husband John was her piller of strength and support. He stood beside her through every good, bad, or ugly day she had and continued to love her unconditionally.  Together they started the now well known website called: For Grace. Today John will be sharing his story and how he was able to remain strong while he was crying, frustrated, and down right mad at what RSD had done to his one time ballerina. Learn More:  Cynthia Toussaint CALL  IN#: (347) 324 - 5661 then push 1 if you wish to speak with Cynthia or John.

 Treatment Diaries with Amy Ohm | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:00

After Amy was diagnosed with Melanoma she began the search for information, support and survivors help, but all she found was story after story of sadness, and death. Amy then started her own site called "Treatment Diaries" a social network for those living with illness, newly diagnosed or caring for someone with a medical condition. CONNECT with a real community who understands – NOT based on who you are, but through the everyday experiences captured in your own personal diary. SHARE exactly how you feel, what you fear and need to know without revealing your true identity. INSPIRE those living with a similar diagnosis or circumstance; receive mutual support and caring. RELATE with individuals just like you. TreatmentDiaries was inspired by REAL stories of people living with various medical conditions, searching for treatment options and the overwhelming desire to connect with others facing similar circumstances. Finding and sharing genuine information and experiences is a powerful thing. Our goal is to give you the tool to do just that.   Learn More:  Amy Ohm CALL  IN#:  347 - 324 - 5661 then push 1 if you wish to speak with Amy.

 Juliet Aguwa - Founder of 'Courage To Dare Foundation' | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:00

Juliet and her husband had gone for their yearly physical exams in a hospital in Michigan and everything was normal for the both of them. But just 2 weeks later she found a lump in her left breast. At first Juliet just thought it was leftover breast milk since she had just stopped breast feeding her younger daughter. She went back to the hospital to make sure, and after a series of tests she was told to go for a biopsy. Before she went to get the results of the biopsy, she had already cried, got angry, and questioned how could it possibly be Cancer, she was only 34 and there was no family history of the disease. When she got in to see the doctor she watched her. She was nervous acting, as if she didn't want to tell Juliet the results. Finally, the doctor told her the results, Stage 3 aggressive breast cancer. That was Sept. 2008. After the surgery, all the chemotherapy, and radiation was over, even though she didn't feel her body didn't feel the same, she remained positive and strong on the fact that life holds so much more. When she was cancer free and feeling better, she started the "Courage To Dare Foundation" to create advanced education and awareness about breast cancer to thousands of rural communities & individuals living in Wisconsin and West Africa. Learn More: Juliet Aguwa CALL IN #: 347 - 324 - 5661 then push 1 if you wish to speak with Juliet.

 Heal My PTSD with Michele Rosenthal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:00

When Michele was 13 years old found herself struggling to survive Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Syndrome, a freak allergy to a medication that turned her into a full-body burn patient almost overnight. When she was released from the hospital 3 weeks later, the kid she had been was gone, and the girl in her place was a complete stranger. Before long insomnia, intrusive thoughts, nightmares and flashbacks set in. Within 5 years she was a total insomniac, anorexic, and a melt down mess. She was thought of as a difficult teenager, then a temperamental artist, and then just a really moody woman. None of the specialist or psychologists they consulted recognized her symptoms being Post-Traumatic Stress. It was her proactive, self empowered search for information and help that led to her PTSD diagnosis. Finally, after 24 years she had a name for her insanity. Learn More: Michele Rosenthal CALL  IN:  347 - 324 - 5661 then push 1 if you wish to speak with Michele.

 Calmare Pain Therapy for Chronic Pain with Dr. Cooney | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:00

Calmare Pain Therapy Treatment® is pain free, drug free, scrambler therapy technology which has been helping patients outside the United States cope with chronic pain as a result of several conditions including: Neck & Back Neuropathy, Cancer symptoms & Chemotherapy Treatment, Drug resistant pain, Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes, Failed Back Surgery, Phantom Limb Syndrome, and other causes of Chronic Pain. Walter Reed Army Medical Center is already successfully using Calmare and the Mayo Clinic is currently engaged in a Calmare clinical study. The technology has already helped more than 3,000 patients in Europe and Rutherford Allied Medical Group is proud to be one of just 13 pain treatment facilities in the United States approved to administer it. Fact Sheet  This video featuers a patient with a SCS (turned off during treatment) who was successfuly treated with Calmare To see how the therapy is actually performed, you can see it here Learn More:  Dr. Michael Cooney    CALL  IN:  347 - 324 - 5661 then push 1 if you wish to speak with Dr. Cooney

 "Be The Lead Dog" by author Liz Parrish | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:00

Liz Parrish is the author of "Be The Lead Dog - 7 Life Changing Lessons Taught By Sled Dogs" as well as " Crimp! On-By! The True Story Of A Most Unlikely Iditarod Lead Dog".   Liz had three goals for running Iditarod: train her own team, complete the 2008 Iditarod to celebrate her 50th birthday, and have fun!   From a challenging start beating childhood cancer, chronic health conditions as an adult, and zero sled dog experience, she devoted 10 years of her life to accomplish the dream....with the wholehearted help of her incredible sled dogs.   Learn More:  Liz Parrish CALL  IN: 347 - 324 - 5661 then push 1 if you wish to speak with Liz

 UNA VIDA: A Fable of Music and the Mind by Nicolas Bazan ,MD | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

In Dr. Nicolas Bazan's brilliant first novel, neuroscientist Alvaro Cruz finds himself haunted by a recurring dream of a banjo player in an elusive cornfield that leads him on a personal quest to uncover the mysterious past of a New Orleans street singer known as Una Vida. Stricken with Alzheimer's, Una Vida can only offer tantalizing clues about her past through her mesmerizing vocals, incredible recollection of jazz lyrics, and the occasional verbal revisiting of a fascinating life that's fading quickly and forever into the recess of her mind. As Cruz searches for Una Vida's true identity, he learns profound lessons about the human psyche, the nature of memory - and himself. Una Vida is filled with delightful twists and unexpected turns, all centering around one of the greatest gifts New Orleans has offered the world - jazz. But the story will also deeply touch anyone who has had to witness the heartbreaking deterioration of a loved one's memory as it is consumed by the unforgiving encroachment of Alzheimer's. In the end, Una Vida represents a triumph of the spirit and sends an intensely personal message of hope to the world even as scientists like Dr. Bazan continue the search for the answers to one of life's most devastating diseases.   Learn More:  Dr. Bazan MD  CALL  IN:  347 - 324 - 5661 then push 1 if you wish to speak with Dr. Bazan

 Teen Pain Help from Georgia Huston | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:01:00

Georgia Huston is a teenager who survived Chronic Pain and then Founded "Teen Pain Help Foundation" for teenagers with Chronic Pain when she was 17 years old. When Georgia was only 14 years old she was playing basketball in her backyard, she fell and rolled her right ankle which caused her to have torn two ligaments in her ankle. That day changed her entire world as she knew it. Georgia is also the author of a book titled: "Vienna's Waiting, A Teenage Girl's Battle With Pain". Learn More: Georgia Huston CALL  IN:  347 - 324 - 5661 then push 1 if you wish to speak with Georgia.

 Ed Barrera, HSE® with GravityWerks will be here. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:00

GravityWerks offers you a unique way of taking care of your pain, stiffness, aches and is often a last resort to improve your health, wellness, and fitness. More Health, More Life. Change Pain the Easy Way. Ed had lived over a couple decades with the chronic pain of Fibromyalgia before finding out about GravityWerks. He has been living 13+ years pain free and has become a nationally certified Hanna Somatic Educator® grounded in neurophysiology. With a motto of: "If gravity isn’t working for you, isn’t it about time?" Learn More:  Ed Barrera CALL IN:  347 - 324 - 5661 then push 1 if you wish to speak with Ed.


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