James Schramko SuperFast Business Online Business Coaching show

James Schramko SuperFast Business Online Business Coaching

Summary: Tune in as James Schramko from Super Fast Business covers online Business Tips. Get ideas for team building, business strategy, personal productivity, marketing and sales. Guest interviews include experts who can help you perform better in business and life.

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 LeadPages New Features Review With Clay Collins And James Schramko | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:46

Topics discussed:01:15 - All new pay per click friendly LeadPages (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/recommended/leadpages-review-leadpages-bonus/) 04:22 - Reduce bounce rate with error page optimization 06:25 - It only takes three clicks! 07:30 ...

 Do You Have A Standup Desk? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:40

Discussed in this video:00:01 - How to stop blowing up your chair wheels 00:14 - I found this unique standup desk 00:48 - Buy one and tell me what you thinkGet more tips and training inside SuperFastBusiness (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/membership/) Join our SilverCircle Mastermind (http://www.silvercircle.com/)Transcription:Hey James here. I’ve popped into my local furniture store here to get some wheels because I’m going through the wheels on my chair, apparently because I’m using carpet and I need to get one of those little protective mats, so that’s my first tip. Second thing, I was delighted to find this standup desk in the store here.   This little tab actually allows you to raise in all the desk, so instead of sitting down all day, you can stand and apparently, it should be about button belly high. And if you’re just getting used to it, it’s really tiring so you just lower it again and you can actually just be sitting down. So I’m buying this desk today because it allows me to be more productive with my work, I’ve lost weight and you get to live longer.Store Details Now the store that I’m at is called Kellys Office Furniture Sydney (http://www.kellysofficefurniture.com.au/) and I deal with my mate, David , the phone number here is +612 9982 1077. Ask for David, he’s got the standup desk (http://www.kellysofficefurniture.com.au/p/8547710/selectric-sit-stand-height-adjustable-desk.html).  Actually looking around the store, I can see they got a whole bunch.   The last time I was here, they weren’t really big in Australia so, get yourself a standup desk and post your comment right near this video and tell me how it goes.   Leave your comments below.

 FastWebFormula 4 Review | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:31

Listen in as James and his two special guests discuss the highlights of the recently concluded FastWebFormula 4 event.Topics discussed:00:50 - I've got two special people with me 02:15 - SilverCircle members' workshop

 Dealing With Rejection | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:39

Topics discussed:00:05 - This company rejected me at a critical point in my life 00:41 - The main lesson is this 00:57 - Have you been rejected and triumphed?Join SuperFastBusiness today (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/membership/) Gain access to more profitable business tips (http://www.silvercircle.com/)Quotables:"...don't take no for an answer" - James - Click To Tweet (http://clicktotweet.com/C10RD) "...sometimes a “No” sets you up for a better “Yes.”" - James - Click To Tweet (http://clicktotweet.com/sLacN)Transcription:Hey James here and I’m actually parked at a Toyota Dealership in Chatswood. It’s a suburb in Sydney, and when I was 23 years old I actually went for a sales job here. I worked across the road in the building in a clerical job and I wanted to sell. The guy here interviewed me and said that I was good but he actually chose somebody else and I got rejected.   But I went down the road to the BMW dealer and got a job selling BMWs and within 12 months, I was the number 1 salesperson in the whole country. So the guy at Toyota I guess probably made a bad decision.   But the main lesson is this: I didn’t take no for an answer and I said alright, I’m going to go and aim a little bit higher and I went for the BMW brand and I’m actually really happy that I ended up with BMW which then lead to Mercedes-Benz instead of getting that job at Toyota.The Main Point Main point: sometimes a “No” sets you up for a better “Yes.” I hope this has been helpful. Perhaps you could comment right near this video.   Have you had an instance where you got rejected and then came through and triumphed? Have you had a Walt Disney moment or a Colonel Sanders moment? Let me know your comments right near this video. I’m James Schramko.   Leave your comments below. 

 Too Much Of A Good Thing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:03

Topics discussed:00:11 - Callers keep asking this same question lately 00:33 - Why less is better 02:11 - Your tip for this week 02:28 - Need more help on this?Have your website checked and know where you stand

 A Video About Quality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:14

In this video:01:05 - Be the proud owner of this special prize 01:38 - Discover what my mentors have taught me 02:17 - The Top 4 Percent Challenge!All FastWebFormula event recordings are accessible HERE (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/membership/)Quotables:"...top 4% of things are what you should focus on..." - James - Click To Tweet (http://clicktotweet.com/t1Cn7) "...have something that others will find very difficult to replace." - James - Click To Tweet (http://clicktotweet.com/_4p33)Transcription:Hi, James here and I’ve got a great idea. We’re going to go shopping and we’ll be back. I’m going to tell you about a really cool idea I’ve had for something we can do at FastWebFormula 4 Live and you could be the proud owner of something fantastic. Let’s go and purchase it.   2004 Penfolds Grange Ok, James here. We’re back at the lab and I have this bottle of 2004 Grange. Now if you look up the price of these online, you’ll see they probably in the $600s or $700s depending on where you buy them.   So it’s a pretty decent bottle of wine and the whole point of Penfolds Grange, for Australians at least, is it takes a bit of work, a bit of effort in the contents and to get the reputation of Penfolds and that’s what I teach students – that it’s a long haul game.   When you come to FastWebFormula 4, you will learn the same things that I’ve applied. Now my mentor taught me about Penfolds Grange. He taught me about Max Schubert and how he made this stuff in secret and was shunned by everyone else because it wasn’t popular.   But then when it started winning prizes, this stuff is world renowned as a good drop. So I want to give this bottle to a FastWebFormula 4 attendee.   4% Challenge When you join the FastWebFormula (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/membership/) 4 event, you’ll get sent the details on how you can win this bottle. I want to give it to somebody. But it’s going to be someone who puts in the effort. Someone who comes up with something special.   You see I teach this idea that you focus on the 20% of the 20%. So you take the 80/20 Pareto Principle, you find the top 20% of activities and then you do it again because it’s fractal. So the top 4% of things are what you should focus on.   So someone who wins this is going to be focusing on that top 4%. I’m going to have a top 4% challenge. It’s only available to people who are coming to the event. And at the event live, I’m going to hand out this bottle of Penfolds Grange to someone who’s earned it. So I wonder if that’s going to be you?Ideas at FastWebFormula 4 I hope you can come to FastWebFormula (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/membership/) 4. I think the ideas that I’m going to talk about there are powerful. Some of these ideas, like the Penfolds Grange, have been taught to me by my mentors who have run very successful businesses, in some cases up to a hundred- million-dollar-a-year businesses.   These are the insights I’m looking forward to imparting to you. I’ll see you at FastWebFormula 4 and maybe I’ll be giving you this bottle of Grange for you to enjoy and to recognize what it takes to be a winner, and to stand out amongst the peers and have something that others will find very difficult to replace.   I’m James Schramko. I’ll see you at the event.   Please leave your comment below

 What Is The Difference Between SEOPartner And LinkJuice? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:03

Are you an SEOPartner customer or a LinkJuice Customer? What Is The Difference Between SEOpartner And LinkJuice Traffic Jun-4-2013 // Video highlights: 00:23 - How does SEOPartner work? 01:02 - What can LinkJuice offer you? 01:44 - Other differences include the following 02:54 -  It all comes down to these   Access our premium content creation service here Have your website checked today   Quotables:   "Our team has been doing this for years, they’re very good at it." - James - Click To Tweet   "If your site is ready to rock and roll, then you’re an SEOPartner customer." - James - Click To Tweet   Hi, James Schramko here and in this video I’m going to explain the difference between SEOPartner and LinkJuice services. So I’m the founder of both companies, SEOPartner and LinkJuice, and they’re both traffic companies. We help service you by getting you more visits to your site. But they’re slightly different packages and I’m going to explain why. Photo credit SEOPartner SEOPartner is more about getting links to your site. To do that, we hand create content in all different formats and put them out there, all over the Internet, on the most relevant category theme sites. Some of which we control, some of which we own and others we don’t but we have access to, and then there’s the standard sites like YouTube that everyone has access to. But what our team is really good at is putting the content somewhere where it is found but also that it is set up the right way. We have the right page descriptions, titles, tags. Our team has been doing this for years, they’re very good at it. LinkJuice Now LinkJuice is where you don’t have enough content on your site. Perhaps you have a thin affiliate site. Perhaps you have a single page sales letter site. Perhaps your site is brand new. Then you would want to put content on there. You might want articles. You might want infographics. We will create content by hand and we will give it to you to put on your site.  And then we will create some more content to put out there and promote that new content so that Google knows about it. Now this is going to result in more search impressions for your site showing up. It will build your site stronger and make sure that over time your site is sitting there and ranking well whereas other sites will fall away. Differences between the two services Now there are some subtle differences as well. SEOPartner provides reporting. We look at your before rank and your after rank because you’re in charge of your site. We’ll certainly tell you what to change and how to optimize it and we’ll help you identify targets and keywords, and we’ll do a before-and-after report. Most of our efforts will be off-site, making sure that your site increases its search position. This is a really good package for traffic suppliers because they’ve got something tangible in which we can put your logo on to take back to an end customer. LinkJuice is really for professionals who know what they’re doing or for end users where you already know your site. You put it your analytics on there, you check your Google Webmaster tools, and we’ll give you the content to put on the site. So it’s a little more hands-on on page optimization but also, it’s providing you a bigger asset over time. A lot of our customers will switch between SEOPartner and LinkJuice programs. Just be mindful that LinkJuice does not offer reporting because we are focused obsessively about creating the best possible content and putting it out there for your website to be found. So there’s some of the two differences. Really what it comes down to is, is your site ready as a target the way it is now, or do you need to put more content on there to fatten it out a bit? If so, you’re a LinkJuice customer. If your site is ready to rock and roll, then you’re an SEOPartner customer. If you’re not sure, head over to SEOPartner.com,

 SEO On-Page Optimization Introduction | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48

Get reliable SEO services that are proven to work (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/services/traffic/) Promote your website with high quality content (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/services/traffic/linkjuice/)Next video: SEO Text Optimization (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/traffic/seo-text-optimization/)Transcription:James Schramko here with some SEO tips. We’re going to be covering some things you could do to your existing website to get better rankings with the content that’s already there with the pages and posts.There’s a few things that our Research and Development team have noticed when working with hundreds and hundreds of customer sites and also for our own websites that always get results. We’re going to be covering those in our tips series. I hope you enjoy it.

 SEO Text Optimization | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:55

Topics discussed:00:12 - Make your content more evergreen 00:47 - The easy topic to use for great results 01:01 - Save the unsavableAccess  our premium SEO services here (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/services/traffic/) Get high quality content made for you (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/services/traffic/linkjuice/)Next video: SEO Image OptimizationQuotables:"...it might be time to detune that page a little bit." - James - Click To Tweet (http://clicktotweet.com/0QYX_) "There are certain things that don’t really change overtime..." - James - Click To Tweet (http://clicktotweet.com/8wbe4)Transcription:One thing you should be doing with your old posts and pages is to go and have a look at how relevant they are. If something’s really irrelevant now, if it’s really old, then perhaps it’s best just to redirect that page to a newer version but a lot of pages can be renovated.   This is where you have a look at the page title, the page description and then the on-page content and then you update it.Update Content Update things that have changed in the marketplace. When you’re doing that, also have a view to how you could make this content more evergreen. Could you make the update now that will make it more timeless?   There are certain things that don’t really change overtime or certainly for the next few years so it’s a good opportunity to get your site evergreen. That means removing things that are specifically date relevant, if possible.   Probably the best topic for that is a how-to. How-to topics that answer common customer challenges are really good so maybe you can repurpose existing or out of date posts with some how-to content so that they stack up.   And in the case where it’s just not savable, just redirect that page or post to a new version or your best page that converts well so that you can at least funnel that traffic to where it should be going now.   Detune the Page And if the page or post is really old and you’re doing old SEO which is putting a lot of instances of the keyword, sprinkling it before the article, and sprinkling at the end of the article, it might be time to detune that page a little bit. Take out some of those keywords and make it far more relevant.   Leave your comments below.

 SEO Image Optimization | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:54

In this episode:00:05 - These are the best images to use 00:21 - Custom images offer more value 00:50 - Notice better rankings for your image results?Effective and reliable SEO service (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/services/traffic/)Next video: SEO Social Optimization (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/traffic/seo-social-optimization/)Quotables:"There’s no point in just putting the keyword over and over again..." - James - Click To Tweet (http://clicktotweet.com/Skefv) "The images that are original get more traction because they offer more value" - James - Click To Tweet (http://clicktotweet.com/zveFA)Transcription:Probably one of the easiest things to optimize on your website are images. The best sort of images to choose are original images that have never been put on the Internet before.   Make sure that the image is named appropriately according to what the image is. There’s no point in just putting the keyword over and over again, that’s called stuffing, and it’s very bad.   Original Images The images that are original get more traction because they offer more value. So things that come out of your iPhone camera, things that you have an illustrated design customed for you will be better than just using the cheezy stock photos.   Now when you put the images on the site and you name them correctly, you can also put an alternative text so that when people hover over them, it has the appropriate name, it helps people who have trouble hearing and they can see.Image Searches You might find your image results are really getting good rankings because people do image searches so that’s why it’s important to have their exact name for it.   When people share your content, if your content has an image in the post, then it will actually look for the image and pull the image into something like a Facebook post (https://www.facebook.com/SuperFastBusiness). Of course you can take advantage of Pinterest (http://pinterest.com/jamesschramko/) where you might find you get good traffic if your images are really good.   A good standard would be to have one image per post or page on your website. If you have an ecommerce store or you sell a product, be sure to put lots and lots of images because that’s what people going online are looking for, especially how people use whatever it is that  you sell.   Leave your comments below.

 SEO Social Optimization | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:49

Video highlights:00:01 - One of the best pages you can have 00:38 - Have these on your site 01:05 - Does your site need updating?   Let our experts handle your SEO needs (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/services/traffic/) We provide quality website content (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/services/traffic/linkjuice/)   Watch Next Video: SEO On-Page Optimization Conclusion (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/traffic/seo-on-page-optimization-conclusion/)   Quotables:"...now it’s more important to get social sharing signals so ask people to comment." - James - Click To Tweet (http://clicktotweet.com/dffa7)Transcription:One of the best post or pages you can add is a “Have Your Say” page. This is where you get members of your community or audience or visitors to contribute to your page. I guess this is like the old guest book from many, many years ago. But now it’s more important to get social sharing signals so ask people to comment.   Commenting Systems I like the the WordPress commenting system but there are also Facebook commenting systems and of course with your posts, you could simply add a little line that says, “Please share this with someone who you feel would benefit from it” or “Please post your comments below.” If you just add that line into an existing page or post, you might turn it into something more dynamic.   Make sure you have social sharing widgets so that people can easily click on a Google+, a Tweet, a Facebook Like or Share, and perhaps a LinkedIn or Pinterest if that’s your market. So there you go. Update your page or post with a call to action that allows people to comment and get that content shared so that you got links coming from all sorts of places and you’re having a bit of a conversation now.New Website Platform Now if your website is really, really old and it’s not even WordPress, and you’d like the ability to do what I’m talking about, then head over to our website at ATLWeb.com (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/services/websites/) and ask us to turn your website into a WordPress website. We can actually transfer your information across onto a new platform that makes it really easy for people to comment and to share.   Have your say and leave your comments below.

 SEO On-Page Optimization Conclusion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:10

Get all your SEO needs handled by our expert team (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/services/traffic/) Publish great content on your website (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/services/traffic/linkjuice/)Go Back To: SEO On-Page Optimization Introduction (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/traffic/seo-on-page-optimization-introduction/)Transcription:So there you go. There are the things that you can do to get better search results with your existing websites. We’ll be happy to help you with any of these stuff at SuperFastBusiness Traffic Services (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/services/traffic/). Be sure to ask our team for help. We have all sorts of things that can help you get new content or to rank existing content.If you’re not sure where your website stands up, then ask us for a website check (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/services/traffic/website-check/). It’s just $20 and that $20 can be applied towards any of our packages after the report’s given to you.  Our team are very experienced and they’re going to help you figure out where your sites at and the best things that you can do to get a far better result.When you invest in SEO, it’s a long-term payoff when done right. I’m James Schramko.Enjoyed this series? Tell us what you think and leave your comments below.

 How To Reduce Errors In Your Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:23

In this episode:00:09 - Errors can be reduced 00:20 - Who else is checking the work? 01:13 - How to check your own workBe a part of SuperFastBusiness (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/membership/) For more business tips, join the SilverCircle waiting list (http://www.silvercircle.com/)Quotables:"...there’s going to be errors in your business" - James - Click To Tweet (http://clicktotweet.com/bM6IJ) “Who else is checking this before it goes to the customer?” - James - Click To Tweet (http://clicktotweet.com/e8OMQ)Transcription:James Schramko here with a business tip and this one is about reducing the number of errors you make in your business.  Errors in your business No matter whether you are a solopreneur or you have a small team or a large team, there’s going to be errors in your business. Especially if you have a service business where there’s a lot of human intervention.Reducing errors One of the things you can do is to make sure that whoever is requesting work is different than the person doing the work. And then the person who requested the work gets to check the work before it goes back to a customers. So, this person requests the work, this person does the work and then this person checks it and sends it back to the customer. That’s a very simple way to reduce errors. You will find you’ll get a lot more errors when somebody actually does the work and then gives it to the customer directly.So throughout my business, we have a process in place which is this assumptive question: “Who else is checking this before it goes to the customer?”  And that means it has to be someone other than the person doing the work. Now we have a support team and they hand off jobs to the supply team and then the support team gives the work back to the customer.Technique if you work alone Now if you’re doing work by yourself, then one of the best techniques you can use is have a pause. Do the work, then pause on it, like set it up as a draft if it’s an email or as a document. Come back to it later with a fresh pair of eyes and then approve your own work.  So if you have to approve your own work, give it a gap. Give it a pause so that you have a gap between when you do the work and then when you render it or send it off to the customer. That way, you’ll reduce errors.So, throughout your business, you should have checks and balances in place to make sure that someone else is checking the other person’s work before it goes to the customer and you should be able to reduce errors. Hope this has been useful. I’m James Schramko.Love this tip? Leave your comments below.

 How To Increase Your SEO Rankings | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:02

Topics discussed:00:05 - Our customer rankings recently increased! 00:53 - Stay away from this 01:18 - We look forward to working with youAccess our premium SEO services here (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/services/traffic/) Add high quality content to your website (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/services/traffic/linkjuice/)Quotables:"Stay away from the shortcuts, the tools, the quick fixes, the hacks, the little cheap tricks..." - James - Click To Tweet (http://clicktotweet.com/Mpk0N) "Put your best content in the richest media source that you can on your website and you’ll be fine." - James - Click To Tweet (http://clicktotweet.com/GcTma)Transcription:James Schramko here with an SEO News Update about the Penguin Update. The Big Penguin Update As expected, the big Penguin update changed the results for quite a lot of webmasters.   Now if you are unfortunate enough to have a porn site with the name “tube” in it, you’ve probably been affected. The good news is, we’ve gone and analyzed the big cross section of our own customers and in the majority of cases, our customer rankings have increased.  And I feel that is because a lot of the bad sites using very bad spammy networks have been filtered out a little bit harder.Our Best Practices If you’ve been following our best practices and using our service, you should be fine. We rate customer sites on a color code schedule so you know where you stand in terms of risk and I’m about to release an SEO best practice tips series showing you exactly what you can do.   Zero Automation We’ve been preparing for these sort of updates for a long time. We now use zero automation in our business in terms of tools. Stay away from the shortcuts, the tools, the quick fixes, the hacks, the little cheap tricks – they don’t work. Stick with hand created content. Put your best content in the richest media source that you can on your website and you’ll be fine.   Your SEO Requirements I’m looking forward to our team helping you with more SEO requirements. Head over to SuperFastBusiness Traffic Services. We will be glad to help. If you feel you’ve got a large requirement or you want to speak to me directly, my phone number is on the top of the website. I look forward to speaking to you soon. I’m James Schramko.Get in touch with us and feel free to leave your comments below.

 What Plugin Is Causing That Yellow Box? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59

This is perhaps the most common question I get asked recently at SuperFast Business. The Yellow box that appears down the bottom right of my blog is called: Dreamgrow Scroll Triggered Box (http://wordpress.org/plugins/dreamgrow-scroll-triggered-box/). It is free and it collects leads like crazy since it only appears after users become engaged enough to scroll.This is what Scroll Triggered Box looks like:(http://www.superfastbusiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/scroll-triggered-box-wordpress-plugin-300x139.png)Go and download it and start collecting more leads today! (http://wordpress.org/plugins/dreamgrow-scroll-triggered-box/)To see all of our favorite tools we use in the business click HERE (http://www.superfastbusiness.com/recommended/)


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