Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Dragnet – The Big Bird. ep285, 550201 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:08

The story of your police force in action. There has been a series of robberies in the big city. It’s up to Joe Friday and Frank Smith to stop them. The partners head out to the residential neighborhood to question the latest victim. The young married couple has had all their wedding gifts ripped off, even their pet parakeet. A trend is identified when other robberies involved stolen pet birds, some killed and found dead. Friday and Smith hit the pet stores in search of clues. The cops get a hot tip when a lady calls them in to investigater near miss with the burglar. She even made contact with the man, and can recognize him. The mug shot she points out is one of a known cat burglar. The trouble is, the man has an alibi, he was held over in jail when the crime went down. Time to start again from a different angle. Frank and Joe decide to do their own sting operation, and buy a pet bird to try to lure the pet killer out in the open. All it takes is time, because you know they will get their man. He turns out to be a man with some mental issues, Surprised? In the end, he gets tucked away in his little rubber room, presumably to get the help he needs for his condition.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Fibber Finds Lost Diamond Ring in the Gutter. ep389, 440201 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:21

Full of patriotic spirit, Fibber has gone downtown to buy a bond. Instead, he rushes in to show Molly the diamond ring he bought. Molly suspects there could be something dubious about the ring. Is it hot… or bogus? Alice Darling is impressed, but her practiced eye calls it as a fake. She has some sad news she can’t pay her rent on time this week. At least she invested in war bonds. Billy Mills plays, I’m Just Wild About Harry. Mr Wellington from the movie theater pops in to hear the McGee’s complain about the outdated newsreels. Some how Fibber shifts the topic to his old vaudeville friend from Starved Rock, Illinois… Fred Nitney, when Harlowe Wilcox checks out the fake ring. Teeny enters to tell how the paper boy is now a paper girl. Evading Fibber’s question about whether the paper has arrived, she tells him about trouble with a bicycle pump. The Kingsmen sing, Surrey with the Fringe on Top. The cook from the Toope’s house, Beulah, pops in to tell how her new job is going. Fibber still waits for the newspaper, eagger to see if anybody has listed a reward for a lost diamond, when Doc Gamble bvisits. Doc gives a mini lecture on not squandering money, and investing in bonds instead of diamonds. Will Fibber get the last word on convincing folks to buy bonds? Only after doc gets the upperhand concerning that diamond. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Fibber McGee and Molly on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "1482957434,1617092177,1570193932,1570198284"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "d044d97d5e71edb0df9497c070c428e8";

 American History Through the Eyes of Radio Episode 35 Leatherstocking tales last of the Mohicans part 11. 1932 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:12

Luck has been on the side of Hawkeye and his friends. We find them two days later in the Delaware camp. Hawkeye shares stories to remind his friends of some history of the divisions of the Indian tribes. He tells about alliances and enemy tribes and how they developed, all the way down to the last Mohicans. When Sly Fox shows up at the Delaware camp, will he convince them to give up the ones he is seeking? His flattery and gifts seem to be working. It’s too late to slip away, so major Duncan tries to deliver his speech. Will the Indians believe another Indian over a white man? Onka steps up to defend his friends. Though the Sly Fox is chased away, Hawkeye knows he won’t be gone for long.

 Lum and Abner – Veterinarian Doc Withers. 461030 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:44

Cedric joins Abner in the Jot ‘Em Down store to once again shop for his new shoes. Meanwhile, Lum is admiring his sizeable check for his efforts on his construction business. Should he get into investing his money on the market, or go into some other venture? The gents discuss a verbal commitment that Lum made to grandpap to build a doctors office. What Lum doesn’t realize is that grandpap is trying to think of a way to get out of having Lum build for him. As Lum tries to gently get out of the deal to build the office building, grandpap keeps asking for a bigger and bigger building to be built. When is the doc coming? How soon will the new building need to be completed? Note: This is a rare episode where we learn what Lum’s full name is.

 Rogues Gallery – Suspicious Will. 460131 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:52

Trying to pick up a hot dame, Rogue finds that pamela has just recieved word that her dad has been murdered. More troubles emerge when the judge, who is acting as executor of the will finds problems with it. Pamela is adopted, and nearly nothing has been left to her. The judge is a life long friend, and knows another will existed that left Pamela and a few charities as the main beneficiaries. Who is going to gain from the will? Can Rogue prove the will was changed? Richard Rogue investigates to see if Mr Leeds was actually in sound mind at the time of his death. It shouldn’t be too difficult, but twists in the plot begin to make things complicated. Interesting clues take Rogue through a road of motives that leads to a murderer. In mystery novel fashion, all the players are gathered together for a heated session of finger pointing, and picking apart each others character. The body count rises, and Rogue turns up his own heat as he digs for more clues and makes connections to paint the picture of the killer. How was the will faked? Who did it? Will there be more bodies before the crime is solved?

 Phil Harris – The Fire Chief. ep88, 490130 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:32

Last week, the Harris family was in Washington DC for the inaugural festivities, and are now returning home. Alice, the girls and Phil share a few secrets about the monuments and sights they have seen. Willie arrives and tells how sad he is over a lost love interest, after teasing Phil about his reputation as a heavy drinker. Phil learns that he has been nominated as Fire Chief, but Alice tries to convince Phil to back off and leave the fire chief job offer alone, She then sings, Clancy Lowers the Boom. Phil has been on the phone with city hall, and announces that the mayor still wants him, and he starts the next day. Alice is trying to keep Phil from doing it, but will Remley be impressed with the new job as chief? Frankie is skeptical of Phil’s ability to do this serious job. After quizzing Phil on issues surrounding fire prevention, they try their hand at putting out a fire. In the living room? Alice puts her foot down on the whole fire chief issue. Good for her. The conversation turns to other areas of a fire fighters job, particularly doing rescue work, which transitions to Phil singing, Thank the Man Upstairs. On the topic of rescuing, Phil tries to get Frankie to jump out of a windo so he can catch him. When he won’t do it, Julius happens along. He won’t do it either, and though he may be a coward, he’s a smart, and living coward. At least until he is grabbed and forced to help. Don’t worry Julius, and stop that coughing fit. Phil will rescue you from that smoky room. When Phil and Remley find their efforts have trapped them in the room, Julius gets to turn the tables on them and rescue Phil.

 Mothers Best Flour – First Song, May You Never Be Alone. 510129. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:13

Wake up to the fresh smell of biscuits, and the voice of Hank Williams singing to you. Playlist: * May You Never Be Alone. * Audry sings, I’ll Never Forget. * Hank and Audry sing a hymn, Dear Brother.

 Gunsmoke – Young Love. ep146, 550129 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:54

There’s just one way to handle the killers and the spoilers, and that’s with a US Marshall, and the smell of gunsmoke. A couple of cowhands with guns confront the rancher they had been working for. The younger man isn’t ready for the older mans actions in killing the unarmed rancher. They head into Dodge to set up their alibis. They play the innocent act with Matt Dillon, but will their stories hold water with him? For now it appears to be working. At the ranch, Chester and Matt break the bad news as gently as they can, and learn what they can from the young bride. Though Matt doesn’t have enough hard evidence, his suspicions about the two ranch hands is growing. The plan is to play it cool, and let them think they aren’t suspects as he continues his investigation. Matt raises the stakes when he ruins the plans of the two ranch hands, but will he be putting himself into danger? As Matt waits for the pressure to build, he spends a few tender moments in the Long Branch with Miss Kitty. The bad guys are on the move, so Matt returns to the ranch to arrest his suspects, and a secret comes out about a love interest with the rancher’s wife and The younger of the cow hands. At least she’s an honest enough person to help Matt lure them in. Rough justice is dealt, the hard-case is gunned down. But what about the younger one, the woman’s lover? When he’s missing, worries that he was killed as well begin to surface. Will he be found, and reunited with his love interest? Will he prove to bejust another gunman, or just another victim? You know what to do, download the show and listen for yourself.

 American History Through the Eyes of Radio Episode 34 Leatherstocking tales last of the Mohicans part 10. 1932 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:56

still posing as medicine men, Hawkeye and major Duncan do their best to get Cora out of the Huron camp. They meet Ganga Cook, their Mohican friend in the woods who fills them in on where enemy camps are located. Now that Dunkin in Cora has a path to freedom, Hawkeye and Gingacook worry about how to Rescue Onka. It won’t be easy, especially if the Indians discover the trick that has been played on them. Our heroes Then seek their halfwit friend, David, to see how he might help them. With Hawkeye continuing to play his part as a French doctor, getting in is the easy part. Under the guise of casting a spell, the superstitious natives stand back and give Hawkeye the space he needs. The halfwit agrees to substitute himself for Onka, but only in the hopes he can sing his religious songs and convert the heathens. The deception doesn’t last long, and our heroes have to run for it.

 Lum and Abner – Lum To Build Doctors Office. 461029 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:04

After Lum tried to avoid Mr Duncan, he thinks that he missed out on the money that would have paid his way out of his legal entanglements. Squire Skimp phones, wanting Lum to sign some papers. Is it about a law suit against Lum? Abner has done such a good job at convincing Squire that Lum is sick, that he becomes worried over Lum’s fake illness. Grandpap enters, and wants Lum to build something for him. A vetinarian, Doc Withers is coming to town, and needs a place. Squire enters to check on Lum, who by now is ailing from the woes of thinking about a new construction deal. The truth behind the paperwork comes out, and Lum’s ailments vanish whenhe he learns it’s a contract to sign over all the construction responsibilities over to Duncan. He even stands to make a few extra dollars.

 Amos and Andy – Windfall. 440128 (Retro Plus) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:13

Another double feature from Amos and Andy. First Show: Madam Queen Gets Engaged. 02-22-1933. Andy tells Amos and Kingfish about his conversation he had earlier with Madam Queen. The Efficiency Expert from the OK Hotel stops in to talk with Kingfish about lodge hall business, an idea to raise some funds. At the end, Andy thinks that Madam Queen is telling stories about being engaged just to make him jealous. Second show: Windfall. 01-28-1944. Features Ethyl Waters. A couple of gents talk to each other as they ride in a cab. One of them has lost a $1000 bill. Wow, in 1944 that was a lot of cash, and even today it’s a chunk of change to worry over it’s loss. Must be nice to have those kind of bucks to burn. The man in the cab justs laughs it off, wishing he could se the expression of the one who finds it. When it flutters across Andy’s path, he first thinks it is just theatrical play money. Though Kingfish tries to talk him out of it, Andy tries to do the right thing, and runs adds to find the owner of the large bill. There’s no takers, so Andy dreams of how he will spend his windfall. Andy enjoys the high life, vallets, fancy clothes, night life, and all the extravagances he thinks of. Andy even gets a date with Ethyl Waters. It doesn’t take long though for him to discover how long, or short, the cash can run through his fingers. Ernie Whitman appears as the high class restaurant waiter. Ethyl sings a chorus of, Cabin in the Sky. After the wild night, Andy spends the rest of his cash to repair the cab for his best friend, Amos. The scene cuts back to the inside of the cab and the two men who lost the bill. Guess who’s cab it is. The man is all set to learn the outcome of his missing money when all of a sudden… Well, just listen.

 Burns and Allen – George’s Birthday Just Around The Corner. 490127 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:36

Features Gene Kelley. Gracie visits her friend Blanche to talk about George’s upcoming birthday. (Actually, I think Georges birthday was a week ago, on January 20.) Blanche tries to help Gracie think of a way to honor George, and they decide to make a movie to present a day in the life of George Burns. The focus is to be on doing a day in George’s life from his vaudeville days, particularly the day he proposed to Gracie. Gracie and Blanche decide to cast Gene Kelley for the role. Will he do it for them? To test what George might think about her movie idea, and Gene Kelley, she asks some veiled questions and George tells what he thinks and compares Gene’s dancing and performance abilities to his own. Of course Gene needs work to be as good. George declares that Gene’s real tallent is bilt up with movie camera tricks. Gracie goes to ask Gene to help her, and Gene shares his own ideas of how George’s performance skills stand up to his own. Imagine that! He thinks the opposite way around, that he’s a bit better than George. Gene Kelley is up for Gracie’s movie, and to prepare for the role he is to play,he goes to have George teach him some of his old moves. Now they get to show off their tallent for real. Is George going to have trouble with this unskilled, young upstart? More importantly, will Gene Kelley survive George’s lessons? After the commercial, Gracie gets busy in shooting her film. First, she needs to get George’s old suit that he wore back in his younger days. Gracie balks at a kissing scene, but goes through with it. The scene changes to Bill Goodwin reporting to George with what he thinks he saw. Now George is upset to think Gene Kelley has stolen Gracie away from him. It’s worse than that, Gene has even stolen his act and his old suit. Trying to defend his friend, Bill Goodwin cuts loose with a tap dance and rap routine with Gene. By the time it’s over it appears the Bill is more on the side of Gene than George, and takes the cowards way out, and leaves. When George confronts Gracie and Gene over what they were doing, the mix ups lead to some hilarious results. George believing they are having an affair, and Gracie’s real activity behind her surprize birthday gift. It’s a classic bit about giving answers that fit the questions, but make for an outrageous result for what the questions mean to George. The truth eventually comes out, and of course George had nothing to fear.

 American History Through the Eyes of Radio Episode 33 Leatherstocking tales last of the Mohicans part 9. 1932 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:39

Just as Hawkeye and his halfwit friend David are about to enter the Indian camp, Sly Fox comes back with Onka, the son of Gingacook the Mohican. Being mortal enemies with the Huron, is there any hope for the captured Mohican? Sending David on His way into the woods, Hawkeye pretends to be a French doctor. Will they believe that he has come to heal? Under the guise of treating a sick squaw, Hawkeye has competition in competing with the local medicine man. He discovers that major Duncan is also in disguise. Will they blow each other’s cover? Dunkin’s efforts to rescue Cora are found out by the Sly Fox. Will this be the torture stake for all of them?

 Great Gildersleeve – New Man In the Water Department. ep312, 490126 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:50

In floyds barber shop, Gildersleeve gets a tuch up on his appearance before heading off to the office. Gildy seems securely set in his job, so why hurry? Floyd convinces him to linger in his shop, and take the time to get the works. Gildy continues to dawdle on the way to the water comissioner’s office. The Judge tries to warn him that big things are happening down in the water plant. Will he liisten? Gildersleeve considers that his job is secure, besides, Water Commissioners don’t grow on trees. He is greeted by the nervous Betsey. The mayor has been calling and demands to see him. So Gildersleeve meets the young man who has showed up to learn the ropes of the water department. Gildie’s happy mood is burst Is his job in danger from the young college graduate? As he seeks a little relief from Peavey. Gildy worries about being too old, and losing his job to the yung relative of the mayor. The show continues after Birdie helps with the commercial. After a restless night, Gildy has lost his apetite for breakfast, and is still moping around. Marjorie and Leroy try to cheer him up and sympathize with him. Leroy would gladly drop out of school to get a job to help with the family. What a Kid, sacrificing like that. Birdie does her part to cheer him, but somehow she just makes Gildy worry more. Floyd talks with Gildersleeve about a plan to get rid of the new guy. He sets out to make the job in the Water Department look like the toughest job in the world. The young fellow is impressed with the amount of work that was accomplished. Gildy piles it on but the energetic college grad matches him, and they even work through meal time, all the way til midnight. How long can Gildersleeve keep this up? The mayor has been impressed, and breaks some goodnews for Gildersleeve as the show ends.

 Greatest Story Ever Told – The Good Samaritan. ep53, 480126 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:04

Most days, Jerusalem is a quiet town, but on a day when the Master is there, excitement is in the air. Is the message of eternal life true? Religious leaders heckle, and to answer the question of what must be done to inherit eternal life, a parable is told that becomes the feature of today’s radio drama. Love God, and love your neighbor, but who is my neighbor? Esther worries about her husband, Samuel, and the journey his to make. His son Jonathan has a suggestion, but when Samuel learns the friends are Samaritans, dad has to set his boy straight on why those darned, dirty, Samaritans are to be avoided. Dangers on the road are minimized if traveling in a caravan, but Samuel’s business is too pressing and he sets off alone. Sure enough, robbers take money, clothes, and after beating Samuel, leave him for dead. A priest travels, but can’t take time to pollute his pious self with an injured man.


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