Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Amos and Andy – Last Double Feature. Christmas Show, and Finding Madam Queen. (Retro Plus). | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:41

Amos and Andy – Trying To Find Madame Queen. 440303. (Retro Plus). The last omf y double features. Amos and Andy will go off the podcast, but I’ll bring them back later in the upcoming year. First show: The Christmas Show. (The Lords Prayer). 12-24-1941. Andy visits Amos in his apartment. He has gifts for the whole family. Ruby is visiting her mom while the baby sleeps, and the older sister gets ready for bed. Andy and Amos trade their Christmas greetings and sentiments, but Amos stays with his kids as Andy goes on to visit more friends. To tuck in his girl, Amos tells her the Lords Prayer, and explains its meaning. Later he leaves the radio on for her to fall asleep, and a rendition of Silent Night sings her to sleep. Afterward, the announcer offers Christmas greetings from the staff of the show to the listeners. Second show: Trying To Find Madame Queen. 03-03-1944. Andy talks to Amos to say that he needs to find Madam Queen, a past love who he hasn’t seen for several years. Andy tells how his love affair dissolved when he was to invest money in some stock, but the company went bust. After reorganization, the company is now doing well, and Andy stands to make some big bucks. He needs to get Madam Queen to sign papers though because she cosigned the original documents. Gabby is going to help Andy find a loophole to avoid having to find her, or have her sign. Meanwhile, at the lodge hall Kingfish finds out about the money Andy has coming to him. He sets out to find how he can get a part of it. Musical interlude. Ray Scot and his orchestra play, My Heart Tells Me. Andy reads responces to a newspaper ad that he ran to Amos. Kingfish stops in, and both he and Andy try to butter each other up so they can borrow a few dollars from the other. They’re both on their own, and the race is on to get to Madam Queen first. There’s a little fast talk with the woman at the house when Kingfish gets there first. Andy is right on his heals and after some interesting moments and comments, Kingfish is found out. As it turns out, the woman doesn’t have as much help as they first expected.

 Casey, Crime Photographer – The Bad Little Babe. ep330, 500302 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:24

As Casey tries to relax with a mystery novel, he recieves a disturbing phone call warning of a murder. Is it just a prank? Casey plays it safe and alerts the cops. Will he actually need the level of police protection that the cops lavish on him? The roaring machine gun fire provides the answer to that. In the Blue Note Casey, Ethylbert, and Ann all discuss the attempt to mow Casey down. Who was the dame who tipped Casey off? What was her motive? Has her good deed cost her life? It’s not difficult to trace the connections to a gangster who has it out for Casey. In the Blue Note Ethylbert and Ann help Casey decide what his next steps will be to get the goods on Kirby, the gangster who is trying to kill him. A hot tip pulls him away, but is Casey rushing right into an ambush? Why is one of Kirby’s henchmen lending a hand to help ?Casey? Backstabbers, traitors, reversals, jealousy, and intrigue. Who’s on who’s side here? The twisting plot keeps you wondering all the way to the end. Don’t worry, Casey survives to visit the Blue Note once more, and he explains it all to Ann and Ethylbert.

 Lum and Abner – Bus Line to Stop at the Restaurant. 461126 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:25

Abner is back after his bout of laryngitis, but you can tell his voice is a little froggy sounding. Squire Skimp departs, and Lum talks to Abner about picking up business for the new restaurant by stopping passing busses. How can they get the driver to stop, rather than speeding through Pine Ridge? Doc Withers enters while Lum checks on a city ordinance. Lum wants to enforce the town speed limit to get the bus to slow down in hopes of having it stop. What about trying psychology on the bus president to get his support on the matter. Doc rambles on about residents of Mt Ivy, and thinks of somebody who might help Lum. As Lum waits for his return call from the bus president in Little Rock, Doc continues to ramble about his friends in Mt Ivy. Through a wierd accident, Lum is tied up when his phone call comes in, so Doc Withers chats with the bus line executive. Will the personal catching up with the executive come out in Lum’s favor?

 Burns and Allen – Preparing The Income Taxes. 500226 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:19

After a night on the town, George and Gracie talk about the things they did, and some of the people they saw. Ralph Hanley, George’s tax accountant, pops in. Talk about finances shift to the neighbors when Harry wants advice on a birthday gift for his wife Blanche. Gracie might not be a lot of help with the tax bill, but she is a fountain of idea for a romantic gift for Blanche. Left alone, Gracie talks with George about money matters, and the federal deficit. Gracie manages to put in some creative ideas to handle money, then the scene shifts to the neighbors who joke about the goofy life of Gracie and George. With Gracie’s crazy tax deductions, the tax man is going to have his share of troubles. Note: I have two dates for this episode, 500226, and 500301. OK, actually three dates since it also aired in the 1949 season, as found here: Burns and Allen – Tax Time. 1949.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Home Made Ice Cream. ep390, 440208 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:33

To save some money, and to hearken back to the good old days, Fibber makes a lot of racket as he hand cranks an ice cream maker. It’s just the beast in him, although Molly suggests the simpler method of just picking it up at the corner drugstore. Tough luck seems to have befallen a relative of Mirt the telephone operator, Teeny pops into tell that she joined the Boy Scouts, at least until the Scoutmaster sent her home. She also shares a poem. Billy Mills plays, Sunday. At Kraemer’s drugstore, the soda jerk with a way of mashing words explains there are shortages and priorities on some of the McGee’s favorite toppings. Alice Darling pops in to pick up her favorite perfume. She also tells why an old boyfriend can’t stand ice cream. As the McGees weigh on the scale, Harlowe Wilcox arrives to twist the comedy into the sponsor’s message. Waiting for their ice cream, Molly talks to Beulah, who is confused about the coffee maker the Tubes sent her to buy. The Kingsmen sing, Billy Boy. Fibber tries his hand at high score on the pinball machine. Mr Wellington, the movie theater manager, arrives is a little behind the time, but tells about the latest city meeting. Doc Gamble gripes at Fibber, as usual, but does it have to do with the wait for ice cream? There’s a rush on the counter, when the ice cream delivery arrives, but Fibber is still short of his treat. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Fibber McGee and Molly on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "1482957434,1617092177,1570193932,1570198284"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "d044d97d5e71edb0df9497c070c428e8";

 CBS Radio Theater – Everybody Does It. ep952, 790207 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:23

Title:Everybody Does It. Plot:In order to augment his income, a hard-up drama critic turns to a life of crime. When he is found dead, his actress ex-wife becomes the center of the investigation. Episode:0952. Air Dates: First Run – February 7, 1979 Repeat – July 31, 1979 Read more details at: CBS Radio Mystery Theater | Episode 952 | Everybody Does It.

 Lum and Abner – Doc Moves into the Store. 461105 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:52

After the botched welcome yesterday, Lum frets over the impression he made on Doc Withers. From hearing Abner, the Doc is a jovial, and forgiving sort. The folks at the party managed to cover for misunderstandings by telling the doc that Lum’s treatment was all just a joke. Ben Franklin Withers enters with grandpap, to tell how he’s looking for a place to stay. He hints that the little cubby hole of the feed room would be ideal, but will Lum pick up on his hints? In between a mixture of his exploits back in Mt Ivy, doc still tries to negotiate a deal on the feed room. Will Lum and Abner agree to the rent? What’s their objections to the deal? Will Doc Withers be a nusanse?

 So, You Want to Stay Married – For Richer for Poorer. ep2, 1947 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:28

Laura Montgomery had married Fred Evans, and now she reflects on her life of 20 years earlier. She remembers both the happy and sad times that have tied the bonds of marriage securely. The young couple wed without her father’s permission. He was doubtful of the lad’s industriousness, and warns his daughter that no wife has ever reformed her husband after marriage. Going into it realizing they may never be well off, Laura’s mother advices her to look for other traits of a good life long mate. Starting out with a service station and a small cottage, the young couple start their career. Fred is the sole employ and begins to wear thin as he covers the long hours. Laura insists she help pump gas, and things go well until the first baby comes along. A car crash evaporates their savings and the baby is lost. Though they seem to have to start from square one, silver cords grow as they endure the hardships. Their third year brings another child, then more follow. Fred is feeling down, since he feels he can’t provide money to spend. Laura assures him the family doesn’t need it, since there’s plenty of love to spend. Being a good wife and mother is the important thing in teaching the kids about religion, morality and citizenship. Is it more important to recognize truth when they hear it, or know they have a father with pockets full of money? Her support makes Fred feel strong and masculine. Years go by and the older boys help at the gas station. Mortgages are paid off, and they still live in the same 5 room cottage. Deep within them is the knowledge that with the ebb and flow of life, they have built a good marriage. A thing of beauty.

 So, You Want to Stay Married – Those Whom God Hath Joined Together. ep1, 1947 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:27

This Upper Room series is undated from 1947, and seems to be one that presented a variety of lessons for the Christian life. If today’s installments of “So You Want to Stay Married” is an indication, short series were running in the show, and featured well known guest writers or producers. The only series in the show I know that exists is this six-part lesson series on, “So You Want to Stay Married”. Written by Carlton E Morse. Carlton E Morse was most well-known for his shows, “I Love a Mystery,” targeted at middle school aged boys; and “One Man’s Family,” a long running soap opera. He doesn’t seem to have been overtly Christian in his personal life, but the influences of a well-grounded Christian upbringing seem evident in the ethic and morality he brought to “One Man’s Family,” and in the relationships presented in this series of shows. He was a news reporter on the crime beat in San Francisco before turning to dramatic writing for the radio. He had a great concern for America being strong, by making solid family values a priority. So, You Want to Stay Married A study of family life and the home. Tom wants to ask Barbara Walton to marry him. On a perfect summer night, the young couple anticipate their years ahead. The weight of reality is sobering when Tom asks Barbara’s father for her hand. Father is impressed and offers his advice on relationships. Fear leads to all manner of stresses. Anxiety, selfishness. Fear is the great destroyer of marriage. Get past the romantic kind of love and focus on good relationship. Tom is feeling his insecurity, but father encourages him to sacrifice for his companion. Father explains that a person’s inner needs need to be met. Recognize each other as an individual. In epilog, father recaps his lesson when marriage ties get uncertain and strained, family worship will strengthen them. Worship and have daily devotions in the home. Church and home are the building blocks of morality. His final word is to encourage listeners to seek devotional help from their pastor.

 Lum and Abner – Doc Withers Arrives. 461104 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:37

The preparations are coming to a head, and we find Cedric is obsessed with his new shoes, and whether they’ll be squeaky enough. Lum is ready for the anticipated arrival of Doc Withers, and helps Abner with his neck tie. Who is that stranger approaching? he sure looks like a back woodsy hick. Lum grows impatient with the man who takes more time than desired to make his phone call. And on this special day when the celebrated Doc Withers is to come to town. Does this stranger even know how to operate a telephone? The audio fades a little as the phone call is placed. As Lum and Abner get fed up with the delays, they leave, and the listener discovers that the stranger is the expected guest of honor. (As if you couldn’t already figure that one out.) PS: Clarence Hartsel, of Uncle Fletcher fame on the Vic and Sade series, is Ben Withers, a role that he would play over the upcoming years.

 Amos and Andy – Missing Persons Bureau. 440204 (Retro Plus) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:14

Another double feature of Amos and Andy. First show: 2395th Day Of Broadcasting For NBC. 08-19-1936. On the tenth anniversary of NBC, producers salute the eight years (2395 days) of success of the Amos and Andy show. The short story begins with the two friends, having driven their taxi cab to a mountain resort, but now are out of gas. They walk to the home of Walter Huston to ask for help. The two tell a little of how they got here, but Walters name on the mailbox, or his face doesn’t cause any recognition for the two travellers. Walter Huston is kind to them, offering them gasoline, and a bite to eat, but he doesn’t have a phone. Walter shares why he is at this particular house. They part ways, and the whole time never realize the status of Walter as being a famous film star. Afterward, Walter Huston gives a tribute, and reviews the story of how Amos and Andy got started as Sam and Henry. An eight year run is impressive, but who knew at this time that the show would continue on for another 20 or so more years? Finally, Freman Gosden and Charles Correll have a word of thanks for the listeners. Second show: Missing Persons Bureau. 02-04-1944. Amos has been running the taxi company on his own for years now, but would like to see Andy hold down a steady job. He comes up with the idea of a Missing Persons Bureau. After bouncing the idea off Kingfish, they decide to do it. Imagine that, Andy and Kingfish, Tracers of Lost Persons, maybe they could put their cases on the radio. Watch out Mr Keen! First they argue over who will be in charge. They get their first case, a woman with a missing aunt. After listening to the sob story, Mrs Crawford also wants them to find her rolling stone of a brother, although Mr Crawford is less enthusiastic about the idea. In fact, after she pays $10 to find her brother, Bro. Crawford comes back in secret, to pay $25 to not find him. With a deal like that, should it be so amazing that they actually find the missing man? Andy and Kingfish are forced to connect the missing sister and brother. When the doublecross comes to light, Amos has to report a few missing people of his own. Namely, Kingfish and Andy.

 Yours Truly Johnny Dollar – Death Takes a Working Day. ep35, 500203 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:08

After the death of Mr Martin, Johnny Dollar takes a job to investigate at the luxury estate. Suspecting a murder, and to prevent the insurance company from making an unnecessary payoff, it’s up to Johnny to learn who shot Mr Martin. Mrs Martin is too young and beautiful for the old man, or so says the cantankerous police detective. Plus there’s a list of characters who had reason to knock Mr Martin off for his money. The drunken brother, a housekeeper who is jealous of Mrs Martin, and the body guard. when the police detective snoops a little too close to the truth, he ends up dead. Johnny shares what he knows with the listener through his voiceover description of the clues. Besides the interviews to learn the personalities of the players, some interesting ballistic rports add to the mix. It’s looking bad for the lovely Mrs Martin, but is she guilty? Or is she being setup by a dangerous killer? Johnny thinks he knows the answer, but gets a thump on the head before the killer can be revealed. Thumps never stop Johnny for long though, but when the body count rises, he has the answer for the cops.

 Red Skelton (Raleigh Cigarette Program) Superstitious People. ep18, 420203 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:09

Truman Bradley talks with Red about the hats that women are wearing this Spring. Ozzie talks about a horse thief relative, then Harriet enters to keep the fashion discussion alive, and talks about dress styles. Ozzie turns the conversation to mens suits. Ozzie plays and with Harriet they perform a dramatic musical production about a boy meets girl story. How About You? Red starts a series of sketches about superstitious people by being a man who runs a fortune telling stand. Wonderful Smith is his victim, er… customer. Palm reading, wishing wells, crystal balls, and seances are all topics to poke fun at. Next Clem Kadiddlehopper goes to see Daisy Doo. A black cat crosses his path, but Clem crosses the street to avoid it. The cat breaks character and laughs, but manages to follow Clem around, bringing bad luck the whole time. Ozzie is back to play, Sunny Dispossessed. After the commercial, the bits about superstitions continue. Junior the mean litttle kid deals with the stigma of Friday the 13th. He shows mom how he learned to whistle. With Junior marking up the walls, and bugging her while cleaning house, she ought to be more afraid of Junior than the day. Mom tells Junior of a few ways to avoid bad luck, but I think he’s more of a carrier than a sufferer. After a comment about mom’s new Spring hat, Junior is sent upstairs to get ready for a bath. The bored kid thinks up trouble to get into. For Junior, bad luck turns out to be good luck.

 Great Gildersleeve – Adelines Hat Shop. ep313, 490202 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:50

After dinner, Gildersleeve relaxes his overstuffed body in his overstuffed chair, as the kids try to make him comfortable. Marjorie mentions Adelines past as a hat shop owner, and that she’s planning to open in shop in Summerfield. Gildy gets a little troubled at the idea of a shop being opened in their residential neighborhood. With both Marjorie and Birdie gushing over the quality of hats that Adeline is making, Gildersleeve doesn’t have a problem with that, just the idea of a business, and going against a zoning ordinace. After consulting the Judge, Gildy tries to get a petition of support on his side, and in not allowing the new business to operate in the neighborhood. He talks to Mr Bullard, Gale Gordon, and gets his first supporter. Thinking he has some leverage, he goes to talk sense to Adeline about not starting her shop. He really ought to have done this before he flew off the handle in the first place. She tells him about the profits a hat business can make, and suddenly he has jumped his own fence. He wants to invest as a silent partner Later, Gildy runs into Bullard on the street, but has Bullard let the matter of the petition drop? Gildersleeve stops in at Peavey’s drugstore to splurge, and spend his dream money on a box of cigars. He drops hints to Peavey about his expected business venture. It seems that the rumor mill has Peavey more informed on Gildersleeve activities than he is himself. Even Floyd the barber seems to know Gildy’s secrets. By the time Gildersleeve returns to Adeline,e shares his intentions with her about his dreams for her business. Just then he is informed by Bullard that the petition hasn’t been forgotten. Can he wiggle out of that one? I think we’ll have to find out in the next episode. Maybe.

 Lum and Abner – Lum Plans Big Welcome. 461031 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:37

Grandpap is relieved to learn from Abner that Lum really didn’t want to build that big office building for Doc Withers. Cedric is back, but not for shoe shopping today. He has been having trouble with a juicer. Lum wants to make preparations for the anticipated arrival of Doc Withers, vetinarian extraordinaire. Will there be a famous Lum speech? Grandpap assures Lum and Abner that the Doc is a simple man who doesn’t throw his smartness into your face. The welcoming celebration is described further as Lum tells how the doc will be paraded around town, meeting city officials, welcomed by the local Boy Scout troop, and more. Signs and banners are prepared for the occasion. Cedric is back again, and we learn more about his troubles over the orange juicer.


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