Learn Cantonese | CantoneseClass101.com show

Learn Cantonese | CantoneseClass101.com

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 Upper Intermediate #1 - Membership Has Its Rewards in Hong Kong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:46

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- A:兩張八點半嘅戲飛,唔該。 B:八點半鐵甲奇俠兩張。請揀位。大螢幕喺呢邊。 A:第五排中間。一共幾錢啊? B:請問有無會員咭?或者學生證? A:無會員咭,有學生證,但係冇帶。 B:需唔需要而家辦張會員咭?五十蚊一張。立即享受8折優惠,仲送埋兩杯嘢飲。 A:都好喎。需要咩手續? B:麻煩填張表。填好之後激活就得喇。 A:填好喇,唔該。 B:一共一百五十蚊。憑戲飛喺嗰邊嘅櫃台攞嘢飲。 ----English---- A: I want two tickets for the 8.30 film. B: Two for Iron Man at 8.30. Please select seats. The screen is on this side. A: We'll have the seats in the middle of row 5. How much in total? B: Do you have a membership card? Or a student card? A: I don't have a membership card, and I forgot to bring my student card. B: Would you like to get a membership card right away? It'll costs you 50 HKD but you'll get twenty percent off your tickets right away, and two complimentary drinks. A: Sounds good. How do I get one? B: Please fill out the form, and I'll activate it for you when you're done. A: Done. Thanks. B: It's 150 HKD altogether. You can get the drinks at the counter over there with your tickets. ----Pinyin---- A: loeng5 zoeng1 baat3 dim2 bun3 ge3 hei3 fei1, m4 goi1. B: baat3 dim2 bun3 tit3 gaap3 kei4 hap6 loeng5 zoeng1. cing2 gaan2 wai2. daai6 jing4 mok6 hai2 ni1 bin1. A: dai6 ng5 paai4 zung1 gaan1. jat1 gung6 gei2 cin2 aa6? B: cing2 man6 jau5 mou5 wui2 jyun4 kaat1? waak6 ze2 hok6 sang1 zing3? A: mou5 wui2 jyun4 kaat1, jau5 hok6 sang1 zing3, daan6 hai6 mou5 daai3. B: seoi1 ng4 seoi1 jiu3 ji4 gaa1 baan6 zoeng1 wui2 jyun4 kaat1? ng5 sap6 man1 jat1 zoeng1. lap6 zik1 hoeng2 sau6 baat3 zit3 jau1 wai6, zung6 sung3 maai4 loeng5 bui1 je5 jam2. A: dou1 hou2 wo3. seoi1 jiu3 me1 sau2 zuk6? B: maa4 fan4 tin4 zoeng1 biu2. tin4 hou2 zi1 hau6 gik1 wut6 zau6 dak1 laa6. A: tin4 hou2 laa6, m4 goi1. B: jat1 gung6 jat1 baak3 ng5 sap6 man1. pang4 hei3 fei1 hai2 go2 bin1 ge3 gwai6 toi2 lo2 je5 jam2. --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 News #75 - Want To Learn A New Language? We’re About To Add 2 More Tomorrow! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:32

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 Intermediate #13 - A Hong Kong Airline with a Bad Track Record | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:17

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- A: 各位乘客請注意... B: 真係黑仔,冇一次唔延遲! A: 你乘搭嘅班機OT9413前往亞拉斯加嘅航班,因飛機故障要延遲起飛。 B: 又遲,上次係大霧,今次係飛機故障! A: 請你喺候機室等候通知。 B: 唉!我以後都唔搭OT航空嘅機! ----English---- A: All passengers, please pay attention... B: How unlucky, the flights are delayed every single time! A: Flight number OT9413 to Alaska will be delayed due to a mechanical malfunction. B: Again! Last time it was heavy fog, and this time it's a malfunction. A: Please wait for further notice in the waiting area. B: *sigh* I will never take OT flights ever again! ----Pinyin---- A: gok3 wai2 sing4 haak3 cing2 zyu3 ji3 ... B: zan1 hai6 haak2 zai2, mou5 jat1 ci3 m4 jin4 ci4 ! A: nei5 sing4 daap3 ge3 baan1 gei1 OT9413 cin4 wong5 aa3 laai1 si1 gaa1 ge3 hong4 baan1, jan1 fei1 gei1 gu3 zoeng3 jiu3 jin4 ci4 hei2 fei1. B: jau6 ci4, soeng5 ci3 hai6 daai6 mou6, gam1 ci3 hai6 fei1 gei1 gu3 zoeng3 ! A: cing2 nei5 hai2 hau6 gei1 sat1 dang2 hau6 tung1 zi1. B: aai1 ! ngo5 ji5 hau6 dou1 m4 daap3 OT hong4 hung1 ge3 gei1 ! --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 Upper Beginner #25 - What is This Mysterious Animal in Hong Kong? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:32

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- 佢好可愛啊! 你可以抱吓佢。 嘩,點解佢可以跳咁高。 貓本來就可以跳好高。 吓?我以為佢係隻狗嚟㗎。 ----English---- It is so cute! You can hold it. Wow, how come it can jump so high? Cats can jump really high naturally. Huh? I thought it was a dog. ----Pinyin---- keoi5 hou2 ho2 oi3 aa3 ! nei5 ho2 ji5 pou6 haa5 keoi5. waa1, dim2 gaai2 keoi5 ho2 ji5 tiu3 gam3 gou1. maau1 bun2 loi4 zau6 ho2 ji5 tiu3 hou2 gou1. haa5? ngo5 ji5 wai4 keoi5 hai6 zek3 gau2 lei4 gaa3. --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 Absolute Beginner S2 #20 - Telecom in Hong Kong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:53

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- 點解唔接我電話? 冇信號。 點解冇信號? 過緊海底隧道。 ----English---- A: Why didn't you pick up my call? B: There was no signal. A: Why wasn't there any signal? B: I was going through the Cross Harbor Tunnel. ----Pinyin---- dim2 gaai2 m4 zip3 ngo5 din6 waa2 ? mou5 seon3 hou4 。 dim2 gaai2 mou5 seon3 hou4 ? gwo3 gan2 hoi2 dai2 seoi6 dou6 。 --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 Upper Beginner #24 - Getting Cantonese Takeout | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:51

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- 我想叫外賣。 請問要送到邊度? 銅鑼灣。 我哋送唔到咁遠。 咁等陣我自己去攞啦。 ----English---- I want to order takeout. May I ask where to? Causeway Bay. We don't deliver that far. Then I'll come pick it up later. ----Pinyin---- ngo5 soeng2 giu3 ngoi6 maai6. cing2 man6 jiu3 sung3 dou3 bin1 dou6 ? tung4 lo4 waan1. ngo5 dei6 sung3 m4 dou3 gam3 jyun5. gam2 dang2 zan6 ngo5 zi6 gei2 heoi3 lo2 laa1. --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 News #73 - The New CantoneseClass101.com Lesson Pages, Part 2: Let Us Know What You Think | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:09

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 Advanced Audio Blog S2 #25 - Music in Hong Kong: Black Birds | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:54

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- 黑鳥樂隊 我冇辦法用自己嘅語言去描述咁樣一支具有傳奇色彩嘅樂隊,所以不妨藉助其他人嘅說話嚟介紹。 袁志聰:我為我哋上網、我哋聽港台音樂、地下搖滾,但係居然唔知道黑鳥樂隊而感到羞愧。 梁文道:十幾年前,當我年紀仲細,第一次聽當年香港最重要嘅獨立樂隊“黑鳥”,佢哋出嘅錄音帶就一定印有類似嘅字句。嗰時候,我第一次知道,呢個世界上仲有咁樣嘅一批人,付出咗智慧同才能,但卻認為呢種智慧同才能並唔屬於佢哋自己,而係屬於人類。 陳智德:聽著黑鳥一時憤怒抵抗、一時頹廢鬱結嘅歌曲,喚起八十年代多元嘅樂隊文化,音樂訊息中嘅自主、反抗同掙扎,唔單只係八十年代嘅記憶,或者更多係指向今日。 鄧正健:佢哋象徵咗反抗,象徵咗力量,亦象徵咗義無反顧嘅自愛同狂熱。但係喺背後,我好似睇到咗佢哋嘅憂鬱同孤寂。 顏峻:黑鳥嘅強大,在於佢哋用思想同行動去彌補、甚至去超越,音樂嘅遺憾。呢個係音樂文化嘅另一個極端。 ----English---- Black Birds I don't know how to use my own words to describe this mysterious band, so I thought I'd borrow other people's comments to introduce them. Jyun Zi Cung said, "I feel ashamed that I had never heard about Black Birds after listening to music for so long." Leong Man Dou said, "Ten years ago, when I was still young, Black Birds was the most important band in Hong Kong. This title was printed on every single cassette of their music. That was the first time I knew there were people like them in this world; they had invested all their effort and talent in music but still said that their talent didn't only belong to just themselves, but also to the rest of the world." Can Zi Dak said, "In their music, sometimes the feeling is all about their rage against society and other times about their feelings of hopelessness for the world. This music reminds me of the various types of music from the '80s. It sends out a message of independence, struggle, and self-defense. These not only represent the 1980s now but all of our lives these days." Dang Zeng Gin said, "The band represents resistance, power, and enthusiasm, as well as decisive independence and passion. But I can also see the sadness and loneliness behind all these." Ngaan Zeon has added that, "The reason why Black Birds was so big was because they used their strong mindset and action to repair, or even to exceed, the impossibilities and regrets of music. Their music has brought our culture to another extreme." ----Pinyin---- ngo5 mou5 baan6 faat3 jung6 zi6 gei2 ge3 jyu5 jin4 heoi3 miu4 seot6 gam2 joeng2 jat1 zi1 geoi6 jau5 zyun6 kei4 sik1 coi2 ge3 ngok6 deoi2,so2 ji5 bat1 fong4 ze3 zo6 kei4 taa1 jan4 ge3 syut3 waa6 lai4 gaai3 siu6。 jyun4 zi3 cung1:ngo5 wai6 ngo5 dei6 soeng5 mong5、ngo5 dei6 teng1 gong2 toi4 jam1 ngok6、dei6 haa6 jiu4 gwan2,daan6 hai6 geoi1 jin4 m4 zi1 dou6 haak1 niu5 ngok6 deoi6 ji4 gam2 dou3 sau1 kwai5。 loeng4 man4 dou6:sap6 gei2 nin4 cin4,dong1 ngo5 nin4 gei2 zung6 sai3,dai6 jat1 ci3 teng1 dong1 nin4 hoeng1 gong2 zeoi3 zung6 jiu3 ge3 duk6 laap6 ngok6 deoi6 “haak1 niu5”,keoi5 dei6 ceot1 ge3 luk6 jam1 daai2 zau6 jat1 ding6 jan3 jau5 leoi6 ci5 ge3 zi6 geoi3。go2 si4 hau6,ngo5 dai6 jat1 ci3 zi1 dou6,ni1 go3 sai3 gaai3 soeng6 zung6 jau5 gam2 joeng2 ge3 jat1 pai1 jan4,fu6 ceot1 zo2 zi3 wai6 tung4 coi4 nang4,daan6 koek3 jing6 wai4 ni1 zung2 zi3 wai6 tung4 coi4 nang4 bing3 m4 suk6 jyu1 keoi5 dei6 zi6 gei2,ji4 hai6 suk6 jyu1 jan4 leoi6。 can4 zi3 dak1:teng1 zoek3 haak1 niu5 jat1 si4 fan5 nou6 dai2 kong3、jat1 si4 teoi4 fai3 wat1 git3 ge3 go1 kuk1,wun6 hei2 baat3 sap6 nin4 doi6 do1 jyun4 ge3 ngok6 deoi2 man4 faa3,jam1 ngok6 seon3 sik1 zung1 ge3 zi6 zyu2、faan2 kong3 tung4 zang1 zaat3,m4 daan1 zi2 hai6 baat3 sap6 nin4 doi6 ge3 gei3 jik1,waak6 ze2 gang3 do1 hai6 zi2 hoeng3 gam1 jat6。 dang6 zing3 gin6:keoi5 dei6 zoeng6 zing1 zo2 faan2 kong3,zoeng6 zing1 zo2 lik6 loeng6,jik6 zoeng6 zing1 zo2 ji6 mou4 faan2 gu3 ge3 zi6 oi3 tung4 kwong4 jit6。daan6 hai6 hai2 bui3 hau6,ngo5 hou2 ci5 tai2 dou3 zo2 keoi5 dei6 ge3 jau1 wat1 tung4 gu1 zik6。 ngaan4 zeon3:haak1 niu5 ge3 koeng4 daai6,zoi6 jyu1 keoi5 dei6 jung6 si1 soeng2 tung4 hang4 dung6 heoi3 nei4 bou2、sam6 zi3 heoi3 ciu1 jyut6,jam1 ng [...]

 Upper Beginner #22 - A Trip to the Hong Kong Cinema | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:46

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- 你鍾意睇咩電影? 我想睇愛情片。 愛情片要等到三點。 咁睇動作片啦。 動作片要等到四點。 咁而家有咩可以睇啊? 而家可以睇鬼片。 ----English---- A: What kind of movie would you like to see? B: I would like to see a romance. A: If we see a romance, we'll have to wait until three o'clock. B: Then let's see an action movie. A: If we see an action movie, we'll have to wait until four o'clock. B: Then what's available now? A: A horror film. ----Pinyin---- nei5 zung1 ji3 tai2 me1 din6 jing2 ? ngo5 soeng2 tai2 oi3 cing4 pin2. oi3 cing4 pin2 jiu3 dang2 dou3 saam1 dim2. gam2 tai2 dung6 zok3 pin2 laa1. dung6 zok3 pin2 jiu3 dang2 dou3 sei3 dim2. gam2 ji4 gaa1 jau5 me1 ho2 ji5 tai2 aa3 ? ji4 gaa1 ho2 ji5 tai2 gwai2 pin2. --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 News #72 - Travel & Language Go Together, So We’ve Partnered With British Airways | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:21

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 Learn Cantonese in Three Minutes #24 - Asking “Who” in Cantonese | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:07

Learn common Cantonese question words with our Cantonese in Three Minutes series! In China, knowing how to ask questions is important, and this step-by-step video teaches you some of the basics you need while speaking Cantonese. A native Cantonese teacher will explain the simple phrases necessary. In this lesson, you'll learn how to ask "who" in Cantonese. Visit us at CantoneseClass101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Cantonese lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you are there!

 Lower Intermediate #13 - A Glass of Chinese Whiskey for Me Please | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:05

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- A: 先生,請問有冇訂位? B: 我訂咗間房。 A: 請問貴姓? B: 姓龍。 A: 跟我嚟呢邊吖,龍生。 B: 同我攞杯威士忌,落三粒冰。 A: 冇問題。 ----English---- A: Sir, have you made a reservation? B: I've booked a private room. A: Your family name, please? B: Long. A: Mr. Long, please follow me this way. B: Bring me a glass of whiskey with three ice cubes. A: No problem. ----Pinyin---- A: sin1 saang1, cing3 man6 jau5 mou5 deng6 wai2 ? B: ngo5 deng6 zo2 gaan1 fong2. A: cing2 man6 gwai3 sing3 ? B: sing3 lung4. A: gan1 ngo5 lei4 ni1 bin1 aa1, lung4 saang1. B: tung4 ngo5 lo5 bui1 wai1 si6 gei2, lok6 saam1 lap1 bing1. A: mou5 man6 tai4. --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 Upper Beginner #21 - Hong Kong Noodles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:29

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- 唔該我要碗牛肉拉麵。 唔好意思,拉麵賣晒。 咁要牛肉炒麵啦。 牛肉都賣晒喇。 咁嚟碗雞肉拉麵。 我都話拉麵賣晒囉。 ----English---- A: Excuse me, I would like a beef soup noodle. B: Sorry, soup noodles are sold out. A: Then beef fry noodle. B: Beef is sold out too. A: Then a chicken soup noodle. B: I told you soup noodles are sold out. ----Pinyin---- m4 goi1 ngo5 jiu3 wun2 ngau4 juk6 laai1 min6. m4 hou2 ji3 si6, laai1 min6 maai6 saai3. gam2 jiu3 ngau4 juk6 caau2 min6 laa1. ngau4 juk6 dou1 maai6 saai3 laa3. gam2 lei4 wun2 gai1 juk6 laai1 min6. ngo5 dou1 waa6 laai1 min6 maai6 saai3 lok6. --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 Intermediate #22 - Getting your Chinese Chicken Fix | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:48

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- A: 你哋有冇廿隻雞髀呀? B: 冇,我哋淨係賣雞翼。 A: 你哋有冇廿隻雞翼吖? B: 有,不過啲雞未劏。 A: 咁,你哋有冇廿隻雞先? B: 有。 A: 我要兩隻吖,唔該。 ----English---- A: Do you have twenty chicken legs? B: No. We only sell chicken wings. A: Do you have twenty chicken wings? B: Yes. But the chickens are alive. A: So, you have twenty chickens then? B: Yes. A: Give me two, please. ----Pinyin---- A: nei5 dei6 jau5 mou5 jaa6 zek3 gai1 bei2 aa6 ? B: mou5, ngo5 dei6 zing6 hai6 maai6 gai1 jik6. A: nei5 dei6 jau5 mou5 jaa6 zek3 gai1 jik6 aa1 ? B: jau5, bat1 gwo3 di1 gai1 mei6 tong1. A: gam2, nei5 dei6 jau5 mou5 jaa6 zek3 gai1 sin1 ? B: jau5. A: ngo5 jiu3 loeng5 zek3 aa1, m4 goi1. --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 Upper Beginner #20 - A Vegetarian Goes to Hong Kong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:03

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- 你唔食肉? 我唔鍾意食肉。 咁你唔食海鮮? 我對海鮮敏感。 咁你平時食咩啊? 我食齋。 ----English---- A: You don't eat meat? B: I don't like to eat meat. A: Then, do you like seafood? B: I'm allergic to seafood. A: Then, what do you normally eat? B: I'm vegetarian. ----Pinyin---- nei5 m4 sik6 juk6 ? ngo5 m4 zung1 ji3 sik1 juk6. gam2 nei5 m4 sik1 hoi2 sin1 ? ngo5 deoi3 hoi2 sin1 man5 gam2. gam2 nei5 ping4 si4 sik6 me1 aa3 ? ngo5 sik6 zaai1. --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!


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