Advanced Audio Blog S2 #25 - Music in Hong Kong: Black Birds

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Summary: Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- 黑鳥樂隊 我冇辦法用自己嘅語言去描述咁樣一支具有傳奇色彩嘅樂隊,所以不妨藉助其他人嘅說話嚟介紹。 袁志聰:我為我哋上網、我哋聽港台音樂、地下搖滾,但係居然唔知道黑鳥樂隊而感到羞愧。 梁文道:十幾年前,當我年紀仲細,第一次聽當年香港最重要嘅獨立樂隊“黑鳥”,佢哋出嘅錄音帶就一定印有類似嘅字句。嗰時候,我第一次知道,呢個世界上仲有咁樣嘅一批人,付出咗智慧同才能,但卻認為呢種智慧同才能並唔屬於佢哋自己,而係屬於人類。 陳智德:聽著黑鳥一時憤怒抵抗、一時頹廢鬱結嘅歌曲,喚起八十年代多元嘅樂隊文化,音樂訊息中嘅自主、反抗同掙扎,唔單只係八十年代嘅記憶,或者更多係指向今日。 鄧正健:佢哋象徵咗反抗,象徵咗力量,亦象徵咗義無反顧嘅自愛同狂熱。但係喺背後,我好似睇到咗佢哋嘅憂鬱同孤寂。 顏峻:黑鳥嘅強大,在於佢哋用思想同行動去彌補、甚至去超越,音樂嘅遺憾。呢個係音樂文化嘅另一個極端。 ----English---- Black Birds I don't know how to use my own words to describe this mysterious band, so I thought I'd borrow other people's comments to introduce them. Jyun Zi Cung said, "I feel ashamed that I had never heard about Black Birds after listening to music for so long." Leong Man Dou said, "Ten years ago, when I was still young, Black Birds was the most important band in Hong Kong. This title was printed on every single cassette of their music. That was the first time I knew there were people like them in this world; they had invested all their effort and talent in music but still said that their talent didn't only belong to just themselves, but also to the rest of the world." Can Zi Dak said, "In their music, sometimes the feeling is all about their rage against society and other times about their feelings of hopelessness for the world. This music reminds me of the various types of music from the '80s. It sends out a message of independence, struggle, and self-defense. These not only represent the 1980s now but all of our lives these days." Dang Zeng Gin said, "The band represents resistance, power, and enthusiasm, as well as decisive independence and passion. But I can also see the sadness and loneliness behind all these." Ngaan Zeon has added that, "The reason why Black Birds was so big was because they used their strong mindset and action to repair, or even to exceed, the impossibilities and regrets of music. Their music has brought our culture to another extreme." ----Pinyin---- ngo5 mou5 baan6 faat3 jung6 zi6 gei2 ge3 jyu5 jin4 heoi3 miu4 seot6 gam2 joeng2 jat1 zi1 geoi6 jau5 zyun6 kei4 sik1 coi2 ge3 ngok6 deoi2,so2 ji5 bat1 fong4 ze3 zo6 kei4 taa1 jan4 ge3 syut3 waa6 lai4 gaai3 siu6。 jyun4 zi3 cung1:ngo5 wai6 ngo5 dei6 soeng5 mong5、ngo5 dei6 teng1 gong2 toi4 jam1 ngok6、dei6 haa6 jiu4 gwan2,daan6 hai6 geoi1 jin4 m4 zi1 dou6 haak1 niu5 ngok6 deoi6 ji4 gam2 dou3 sau1 kwai5。 loeng4 man4 dou6:sap6 gei2 nin4 cin4,dong1 ngo5 nin4 gei2 zung6 sai3,dai6 jat1 ci3 teng1 dong1 nin4 hoeng1 gong2 zeoi3 zung6 jiu3 ge3 duk6 laap6 ngok6 deoi6 “haak1 niu5”,keoi5 dei6 ceot1 ge3 luk6 jam1 daai2 zau6 jat1 ding6 jan3 jau5 leoi6 ci5 ge3 zi6 geoi3。go2 si4 hau6,ngo5 dai6 jat1 ci3 zi1 dou6,ni1 go3 sai3 gaai3 soeng6 zung6 jau5 gam2 joeng2 ge3 jat1 pai1 jan4,fu6 ceot1 zo2 zi3 wai6 tung4 coi4 nang4,daan6 koek3 jing6 wai4 ni1 zung2 zi3 wai6 tung4 coi4 nang4 bing3 m4 suk6 jyu1 keoi5 dei6 zi6 gei2,ji4 hai6 suk6 jyu1 jan4 leoi6。 can4 zi3 dak1:teng1 zoek3 haak1 niu5 jat1 si4 fan5 nou6 dai2 kong3、jat1 si4 teoi4 fai3 wat1 git3 ge3 go1 kuk1,wun6 hei2 baat3 sap6 nin4 doi6 do1 jyun4 ge3 ngok6 deoi2 man4 faa3,jam1 ngok6 seon3 sik1 zung1 ge3 zi6 zyu2、faan2 kong3 tung4 zang1 zaat3,m4 daan1 zi2 hai6 baat3 sap6 nin4 doi6 ge3 gei3 jik1,waak6 ze2 gang3 do1 hai6 zi2 hoeng3 gam1 jat6。 dang6 zing3 gin6:keoi5 dei6 zoeng6 zing1 zo2 faan2 kong3,zoeng6 zing1 zo2 lik6 loeng6,jik6 zoeng6 zing1 zo2 ji6 mou4 faan2 gu3 ge3 zi6 oi3 tung4 kwong4 jit6。daan6 hai6 hai2 bui3 hau6,ngo5 hou2 ci5 tai2 dou3 zo2 keoi5 dei6 ge3 jau1 wat1 tung4 gu1 zik6。 ngaan4 zeon3:haak1 niu5 ge3 koeng4 daai6,zoi6 jyu1 keoi5 dei6 jung6 si1 soeng2 tung4 hang4 dung6 heoi3 nei4 bou2、sam6 zi3 heoi3 ciu1 jyut6,jam1 ng [...]