Upper Intermediate #1 - Membership Has Its Rewards in Hong Kong

Learn Cantonese | CantoneseClass101.com show

Summary: Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- A:兩張八點半嘅戲飛,唔該。 B:八點半鐵甲奇俠兩張。請揀位。大螢幕喺呢邊。 A:第五排中間。一共幾錢啊? B:請問有無會員咭?或者學生證? A:無會員咭,有學生證,但係冇帶。 B:需唔需要而家辦張會員咭?五十蚊一張。立即享受8折優惠,仲送埋兩杯嘢飲。 A:都好喎。需要咩手續? B:麻煩填張表。填好之後激活就得喇。 A:填好喇,唔該。 B:一共一百五十蚊。憑戲飛喺嗰邊嘅櫃台攞嘢飲。 ----English---- A: I want two tickets for the 8.30 film. B: Two for Iron Man at 8.30. Please select seats. The screen is on this side. A: We'll have the seats in the middle of row 5. How much in total? B: Do you have a membership card? Or a student card? A: I don't have a membership card, and I forgot to bring my student card. B: Would you like to get a membership card right away? It'll costs you 50 HKD but you'll get twenty percent off your tickets right away, and two complimentary drinks. A: Sounds good. How do I get one? B: Please fill out the form, and I'll activate it for you when you're done. A: Done. Thanks. B: It's 150 HKD altogether. You can get the drinks at the counter over there with your tickets. ----Pinyin---- A: loeng5 zoeng1 baat3 dim2 bun3 ge3 hei3 fei1, m4 goi1. B: baat3 dim2 bun3 tit3 gaap3 kei4 hap6 loeng5 zoeng1. cing2 gaan2 wai2. daai6 jing4 mok6 hai2 ni1 bin1. A: dai6 ng5 paai4 zung1 gaan1. jat1 gung6 gei2 cin2 aa6? B: cing2 man6 jau5 mou5 wui2 jyun4 kaat1? waak6 ze2 hok6 sang1 zing3? A: mou5 wui2 jyun4 kaat1, jau5 hok6 sang1 zing3, daan6 hai6 mou5 daai3. B: seoi1 ng4 seoi1 jiu3 ji4 gaa1 baan6 zoeng1 wui2 jyun4 kaat1? ng5 sap6 man1 jat1 zoeng1. lap6 zik1 hoeng2 sau6 baat3 zit3 jau1 wai6, zung6 sung3 maai4 loeng5 bui1 je5 jam2. A: dou1 hou2 wo3. seoi1 jiu3 me1 sau2 zuk6? B: maa4 fan4 tin4 zoeng1 biu2. tin4 hou2 zi1 hau6 gik1 wut6 zau6 dak1 laa6. A: tin4 hou2 laa6, m4 goi1. B: jat1 gung6 jat1 baak3 ng5 sap6 man1. pang4 hei3 fei1 hai2 go2 bin1 ge3 gwai6 toi2 lo2 je5 jam2. --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!