Learn Cantonese | CantoneseClass101.com show

Learn Cantonese | CantoneseClass101.com

Summary: CantoneseClass101.com is an innovative and fun way of learning the Cantonese language and culture at your own convenience and pace. Our language training system consists of free daily podcast audio lessons, video lessons, Cantonese Word of the Day, a premium learning center, and a vibrant user community. Stop by CantoneseClass101.com today for a Premium 7-Day Free Trial and Lifetime Account! **Countdown to 200 Million Downloads: Stop by CantoneseClass101.com/200Million today and enter to win a 1-Year Premium Subscription! Plus, you'll get instant access to our huge library of Cantonese lessons! >>> Go to CantoneseClass101.com/200million today!**

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 News #68 - Faster, Lighter, Better: Brand New Lesson Notes With Every Lesson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:53

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 Learn Cantonese in Three Minutes #20 - Asking “How” in Cantonese | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 2:55

Learn common Cantonese question words with our Cantonese in Three Minutes series! In China, manners are important, and this step-by-step video teaches you some of the basics you need to be polite while speaking Cantonese. A native Cantonese teacher will explain the simple phrases necessary. In this lesson, you'll learn how to ask "how" in Cantonese. Visit us at CantoneseClass101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Cantonese lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you are there!

 Upper Beginner #13 - You Can’t Take This to Hong Kong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:21

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- 打開行李,我哋需要檢查。 查咩? 查你有冇帶鋒利物品。 有把生果刀。 沒收。 菜刀呢? 沒收。 猪肉刀呢? 麻煩你跟我哋行一趟。 ----English---- A: Open the luggage, we need to check. B: Check what? A: Check if you brought any sharp items. B: I have a fruit knife. A: Confiscated. B: Kitchen knife? A: Confiscated. B: Butcher knife? A: You'll have to come with us, please. ----Pinyin---- daa2 hoi1 hang4 lei5, ngo5 dei2 seoi1 jiu3 gim2 caa4. caa4 me1 ? caa4 nei5 jau5 mou5 daai3 fung1 lei6 mat6 ban2. jau5 baa2 saang1 gwo2 dou1. mut6 sau1. coi3 dou1 ne1 ? mut6 sau1. zyu1 juk6 dou1 ne1 ? maa4 faan4 nei5 gan1 ngo5 dei6 haang4 jat1 tong3. --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 Learn with Pictures #12 - In the Bedroom | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:20

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101.com! Here at CantoneseClass101.com, we've discovered the easiest way for you to learn Cantonese vocabulary words. Put us to the test with this video tutorial designed to teach you about something that you can't live without. In this Cantonese video tutorial, you'll learn the words for all sorts of bedroom objects. The video shows the Cantonese characters for each bedroom object, and there's a fun self-test at the end to see just how much you learned.

 Upper Beginner #12 - Why Didn’t You Answer My Cantonese Call? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:53

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- 頭先點解唔聽我電話? 開緊會,手機靜音。 咁你得閒再打俾我啦。 搵我有咩事? 急事。 咩急事? 想問你點解唔聽我電話囉。 ----English---- A: Why didn't you answer my call just now? B: I'm at a meeting. My phone was on mute. A: Then call me back when you are free. B: What did you call me for? A: Emergency. B: What emergency? A: I wanted to ask why you didn't answer my call. ----Pinyin---- tau4 sin1 dim2 gaai2 m4 teng1 ngo5 din6 waa2 ? hoi1 gan2 wui2, sau2 gei1 zing6 jam1. gam2 nei5 dak1 haan4 zoi3 daa2 bei2 ngo5 laa1. wan2 ngo5 jau5 me1 si6 ? gap1 si6. me1 gap1 si6 ? soeng2 man6 nei5 dim2 gaai2 m4 teng1 ngo5 din6 waa2 lo1. --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 Learn Cantonese in Three Minutes #19 - Taking a Trip with Friends | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:30

Learn common Cantonese verbs with our Cantonese in Three Minutes series! In Hong Kong, manners are important, and this step-by-step video teaches you some of the basics you need to be polite while speaking Cantonese. A native teacher will explain the simple phrases necessary. In this lesson, you'll learn how to use the verb "to come" in Cantonese. Visit us at CantoneseClass101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Cantonese lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you are there!

 Survival Phrases #7 - Do You Speak English? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:55

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- 識 講 英文 廣東話 ----English---- to know to speak English Cantonese ----Pinyin---- sik1 gong2 jing1 man2 gwong2 dung1 waa2 ----Traditional ---- 識 講 英文 廣東話 --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 Upper Beginner #11 - When Can You Pay Me Back those Hong Kong Dollars? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:15

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- 你幾時可以還錢俾我? 月底出咗糧就還俾你。 你上個月都係咁講! 今個月連本帶利還俾你。 係你至好講啊。 放心啦。 ----English---- A: When can you pay me back? B: As soon as I get paid at the end of the month. A: That's what you said last month. B: I'll pay it back with the interest this time. A: You'd better be serious. B: You have my word. ----Pinyin---- nei5 gei2 si4 ho2 ji5 waan4 cin2 bei2 ngo5 ? jyut6 dai2 ceot1 zo2 loeng4 zau6 waan4 bei2 nei5. nei5 soeng6 go3 jyut6 dou1 hai6 gam2 gong2. gam1 go3 jyut6 lin4 bun2 daai3 lei6 waan4 bei2 nei5. hai6 nei5 zi3 hou2 gong2 aa3. fong3 sam1 laa1. --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 News #67 - You’ve Heard The Cantonese Lessons. Now Get More With 24 OFF 24! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:08

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 Upper Beginner #10 - Going on a Business Trip in Hong Kong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:16

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- 你執行李要去邊度? 我聽日要去日本出差。 咁你要去幾耐? 一個月就返喇。 一個月先至返? 眨下眼就過。 咁你記得帶手信返嚟啦。 ----English---- A: Where are you going with your luggage? B: I'm leaving for Japan tomorrow on business. A: Then how long will you be gone? B: I'll be back in just a month. A: As long as a month? B: It'll be over quickly. A: Just remember to bring some presents. ----Pinyin---- Nei5 zap1 hang4 lei5 jiu3 heoi3 bin1 dou6 ? Ngo5 ting1 jat6 jiu3 heoi3 jat6 bun2 ceot1 caai1. gam2 nei5 jiu3 Heoi3 gei2 noi6 ? Jat1 go3 jyut6 zau6 faan1 laa3. Jat1 go3 jyut6 sin1 zi3 faan1 ? Zaam2 haa5 ngaan5 zau6 gwo3. Gam2 nei5 gei3 dak1 daai3 sau2 seon3 faan1 lai4 laa3. --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 Learn Cantonese in Three Minutes #18 - Taking a Holiday | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:19

Learn common Cantonese verbs with our Cantonese in Three Minutes series! In Cantonese-speaking countries, manners are important, and this step-by-step video teaches you some of the basics you need to be polite while speaking Cantonese. A native Cantonese teacher will explain the simple phrases necessary. In this lesson, you'll learn how to use the verb "to do" in Cantonese. Visit us at CantoneseClass101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Cantonese lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you are there!

 Advanced Audio Blog S2 #20 - Top Ten Places in Hong Kong: The Macau Casino | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:14

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- 澳門賭場 未去澳門之前,早就已經對澳門嘅賭博事業有所聽聞,對嗰度大名鼎鼎嘅威尼斯人賭場更加係充滿嚮往。 從香港機場落地只需要四十五分鐘就可以坐船到達澳門港澳碼頭,喺呢度充滿各家酒店娛樂場所來來往往嘅免費大巴。我毫不猶豫咁跳上咗威尼斯人嘅巴士。沿路風景完全俾各種大廣告牌所取代,各大娛樂場所散髮出金光閃閃嘅誘惑,所有嘢都好似話緊俾你聽,呢一切都近在眼前,你一伸手就可以得到。 從西翼大堂入去之後,我就俾眼前富麗堂皇嘅壁畫所吸引喇,無論係嚟辦理入住手續嘅人,定係豪賭或者購物嘅遊客,總之多到爆嘅人充滿成個樓層,第一次嚟呢度嘅人,肯定會蕩失路。 第一層自然係最受歡迎嘅賭場,無論白日夜晚,呢度永遠係成個“威尼斯人”最熱鬧嘅區域。小賭怡情,嚟到澳門總係要試試運氣嘅,不過出手之前,都係要有自知之明,摸下自己嘅荷包,知道自己有幾多斤兩。 中國人賭錢有好多禁忌,唔同地方有些小差異,不過我相信“搭膊頭”、“剃頭”、“洗腳”同埋“見到尼姑”就應該係通用嘅啦,因為呢幾樣嘢都意味住“清光”,輸到渣都冇得剩。 ----English---- Macau Casino Macau is famous for its casino business all over the country. I had already heard so much about it before my visit and I especially wanted to check out its Venetian Hotel. It took us only forty-five minutes to get to the Macau Ferry from the Hong Kong International Airport. From there, there were many free buses which traveled frequently between the ferry and the casinos. Without a second thought, I jumped straight onto a bus for the Venetian Hotel. On the road there, advertisements and lights had fully replaced the natural scenic views. The place was full of temptations; it felt like everything was right in front of you and all you needed to do was just put out your hand and grasp it all. Entering the hotel from the West Hall I was so impressed by the grand mural on the wall. The main hall was packed with people checking in, visitors who had come to gamble, and regular shoppers. If it was your first time, you could easily get lost in the crowd. The popular casino was located on the first floor. No matter whether it was day or night this was always the most crowded area of the Venetian Hotel. Everyone who came to Macau would gamble at least once to see how lucky they were. Of course, we should always check our wallet before putting down money on the table. ----Pinyin---- ou3 mun2 dou2 coeng4 mei6 heoi3 ou3 mun2 zi1 cin4,zou2 zau6 ji5 ging1 deoi3 ou3 mun2 ge3 dou2 bok3 si6 jip6 jau6 so2 ting3 man4,deoi3 go2 dou6 daai6 ming4 ding2 ding2 ge3 wai1 nei4 si1 jan4 dou2 coeng4 gang3 gaa1 hai6 cung1 mun5 hoeng2 wong5。 cung4 hoeng1 gong2 gei1 coeng4 lok6 dei6 zi2 seoi1 jiu3 sei3 sap6 ng5 fan1 zung1 zau6 ho2 ji5 co5 syun4 dou3 daat6 ou3 mun2 gong2 ou3 maa5 tau4,hai2 ni1 dou6 cung1 mun5 gok3 gaa1 zau2 dim3 jyu4 lok6 coeng4 so2 loi4 loi4 wong5 wong5 ge3 min5 fai3 daai6 baa1。ngo5 hou4 bat1 jau4 ji4 gam2 tiu3 soeng5 zo2 wai1 nei4 si1 jan4 ge3 baa1 si2。jyun4 lou6 fung1 ging2 jyun4 cyun4 bei2 gok3 zung2 daai6 gwong2 gou3 paai4 so2 ceoi2 doi6,gok3 daai6 jyu4 lok6 coeng4 so2 saan2 faat3 ceot1 gam1 gwong1 sim2 sim2 ge3 jau5 waak6,so2 jau6 je5 dou1 hou2 ci5 waa6 gan2 bei2 nei5 teng1,ni1 jat1 cai3 dou1 gan6 zoi6 ngaan5 cin4,nei5 jat1 san1 sau2 zau6 ho2 ji5 dak1 dou3。 cung4 sai1 jik6 daai6 tong4 jap6 heoi3 zi1 hau6,ngo5 zau6 bei2 ngaan5 cin4 fu3 lai6 tong4 wong4 ge3 bik1 waa2 so2 kap1 jan5 laa6,mou4 leon6 hai6 lai4 baan6 lei5 jap6 zyu6 sau2 zuk6 ge3 jan4,ding6 hai6 hou4 dou2 waak6 ze2 kau3 mat6 ge3 jau4 haak3,zung2 zi1 do1 dou3 baau3 ge3 jan4 cung1 mun5 sing4 go3 lau4 cang4,dai6 jat1 ci3 lai4 ni1 dou6 ge3 jan4,hang2 ding6 wui5 dong6 sat1 lou6。 dai6 jat1 cang4 zi6 jin4 hai6 zeoi3 sau6 fun1 jing4 ge3 dou2 coeng4,mou4 leon6 baak6 jat6 je6 maan5,ni1 dou6 wing5 jyun5 hai6 sing4 go3 “wai1 nei4 si1 jan4” zeoi3 jit6 naau6 ge3 keoi1 wik6。siu2 dou2 ji4 cing4,lai4 dou3 ou3 mun2 zung2 hai6 jiu3 si3 si3 wan6 hei3 ge3,bat1 gwo3 ceot1 sau2 zi1 cin4,dou1 hai6 jiu3 jau6 zi6 zi1 zi1 ming4,mo2 haa5 zi6 gei2 ge3 ho4 baau1,zi1 dou6 zi6 gei2 jau5 gei2 do1 gan1 loeng5。 zung1 gwok3 jan4 dou2 cin4 jau2 hou2 do1 gam3 gei6,m4 tung4 dei6 fong1 jau5 se1 siu2 caa1 ji6,bat1 gwo3 ngo5 soeng1 seon3 “daap3 bok3 tau4”、“t [...]

 Upper Beginner #9 - A Full House in Hong Kong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:38

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- 你屋企有幾多個人? 一共有三個人。 三個人住咁大間屋做咩? 我地仲養咗三隻狗,三隻貓。 吓?咁鬼多? 佢哋一人一間房,所以間屋都唔算大。 ----English---- A: How many people are in your family? B: In total, three are three people. A: Do you need such a big house for just three people? B: We have three dogs and three cats too. A: Wow, that many? B: And each of them have their own room so the house isn't that big. ----Pinyin---- nei5 uk1 kei2 jau5 gei2 do1 go3 jan4 ? jat1 gung6 jau5 saam1 go3 jan4. saam1 go3 jan4 zyu6 gam3 daai6 gaan1 uk1 zou6 me1 ? ngo5 dei6 zung6 joeng5 zo2 saam1 zek3 gau2, saam1 zek3 maau1. haa2 ? gam3 gwai2 do1 ? keoi5 dei6 jat1 jan4 jat1 gaan1 fong2, so2 ji5 gaan1 uk1 dou1 m4 syun3 daai6. --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 All About #4 - Cantonese Pronunciation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:39

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!

 Upper Beginner #8 - Help Me! I Can’t Leave Hong Kong! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:16

Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- 請妳出示登機証。 我登機証唔見咗。 咁俾我睇下你嘅証件。 要身份証定護照? 兩樣都需要出示。 我兩樣都揾唔到。 咁你需要重新辦登機證。 我證件唔見晒仲辦唔辦到? 辦唔到。 ----English---- A: Please present your boarding pass. B: My boarding pass is gone. A: Then I need to see your documentation. B: ID card or passport? A: Both are needed. B: I can't find neither of them. A: Then you would need to get a new boarding pass? B: Can I get it without my documentation? A: No you can't. ----Pinyin---- Cing2 nei5 ceot1 si6 dang1 gei1 zing3. Ngo5 dang1 gei1 zing3 m4 gin3 zo2. Gam2 bei2 ngo5 tai2 haa5 nei5 ge3 zing3 gin2. Jiu3 san1 fan2 zing3 ding6 wu6 ziu3 ? Loeng5 joeng6 dou1 seoi1 jiu3 ceot1 si6. Ngo5 loeng5 joeng6 dou1 wan2 m4 dou2. Gam2 nei5 seoi1 jiu3 cung4 san1 baan6 dang1 gei1 zing3. Ngo5 zing3 gin2 m4 gin3 saai3 zung6 baan6 m4 baan6 dou2 ? Baan6 m4 dou2. --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!


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