Learn Italian | ItalianPod101.com show

Learn Italian | ItalianPod101.com

Summary: Learn Italian with Free Podcasts! Whether you are student or a seasoned speaker, our lessons offer something for everyone. We incorporate culture and current issues into each episode to give the most informative, both linguistically and culturally, podcasts possible. For those of you with just the plane ride to prepare, check our survival phrase series at ItalianPod101.com. One of these phrases just might turn your trip into the best one ever!

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 Culture Class: Essential Italian Vocabulary #22 - Shops and Services | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:05

Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- What are the five common shops and services in Italy? 1. panificio 2. tabaccheria 3. fruttivendolo 4. bar 5. pasticceria ----Formal English---- What are the five common shops and services in Italy? 1. bakery 2. tobacco shop 3. greengrocer shop 4. bar 5. pastry shop --------------------------- Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources!

 News #116 - Travel & Language Go Together, So We’ve Partnered With British Airways | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:21

Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources!

 All About #4 - Learn Italian Pronunciation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:05

Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources!

 Culture Class: Essential Italian Vocabulary #21 - Modes of Transportation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:53

Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- What are the five frequently used Modes of transportation in Italy? 1. tram 2. macchina 3. motorino 4. autobus 5. metropolitana ----Formal English---- What are five frequently used modes of transportation in Italy? 1. tram 2. car 3. scooter 4. bus 5. subway --------------------------- Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources!

 Absolute Beginner #9 - If It’s Made in Italy, It’s Gotta Be Good! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:26

Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Alessio: Cosa leggi? Melissa: Leggo l'etichetta di questa maglia. Alessio: Perché? Melissa: Perché per me è importante sapere se è fatta in Italia. Alessio: Ah, è vero. Hai ragione! ----Formal English---- Alessio: What are you reading? Melissa: I'm reading the label of this shirt. Alessio: Why? Melissa: Because for me it's important to know whether it is made in Italy. Alessio: Ah, that's true. You're right! --------------------------- Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources!

 Culture Class: Essential Italian Vocabulary #20 - Natural Disasters | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:15

Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- What are the top five commonly occurring natural disasters in Italy? 1. terremoto 2. eruzione vulcanica 3. inondazione 4. frana 5. incendio ----Formal English---- What are the top five commonly occurring natural disasters in Italy? 1. earthquake 2. volcanic eruption 3. flood 4. landslide 5. fire --------------------------- Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources!

 News #115 - Want To Improve Your Italian? It All Comes Down To Action. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:59

Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources!

 Upper Beginner #2 - Getting Nostalgic About Your Italian Past | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:51

Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Maria: Ti dispiace se ci fermiamo qui a comprare da mangiare per Billo, il mio cane? Peter: Hai un cane? Non lo sapevo. Maria:Sì. E’ un po’ vecchio ora, ma è sempre molto affettuoso. Pensa che quando ero più piccola mi accompagnava ogni giorno a scuola e al mio ritorno mi aspettava dietro il portone di casa. Peter: Ma davvero? Maria: Noi siamo fortunati perchè abitiamo davanti a dei giardinetti pubblici e posso portare spesso Billo a fare delle passeggiate. In campagna però Billo stava sicuramente meglio. Peter: Ah, non vivevi qui da piccola? Maria: No, fino a 13 anni abitavo in cascina fuori Milano. Era la casa dei miei nonni. Avevamo anche dei gatti e persino un pappagallo. Quando ci penso mi viene un po’ di nostalgia. Poi a 13 anni, durante l’estate, ci siamo trasferiti in città per il lavoro di mio papà. Comunque mi sono abituata alla vita di città! E tu, Peter, hai animali domestici? Peter: No, ma da bambino avevo un gatto. Era un gatto randagio. Un giorno mia madre l’ha trovato tutto malmesso davanti a casa nostra e l’abbiamo adottato. Ora nel mio condominio non è permesso tenere animali domestici. Maria: Peccato. ----Formal English---- Maria: Do you mind if we stop here to buy something to eat for Billo, my dog? Peter: You have a dog? I didn't know that. Maria: Yes. He's a bit old now, but he is always affectionate. When I was little, he used to go to school with me, and when I went back home, he was always waiting for me behind the main entrance. Peter: Really? Maria: We are lucky because we live in front of a park and I can often take Billo for a walk. In the countryside, Billo was definitely doing better though. Peter: Oh, you didn't live here when you were little? Maria: No, until I was thirteen years old, I used to live on a farm outside of Milan. It was my grandparents' house. We used to have cats and even a parrot. The place was nice and spacious for us children. When I think about it, I get a bit nostalgic. Then at thirteen years old, during the summer, we moved to the city for my dad's job. Well, I got used to life in the city. Peter, do you have pets? Peter: No, not anymore, but as a child I had a cat. It was a stray cat. One day my mom found him in bad condition in front of our house, and we adopted him. Now in my condominium, pets are not allowed. Maria: Too bad. --------------------------- Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources!

 Culture Class: Essential Italian Vocabulary #19 - Medicines and Drugs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:57

Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- What are the five most commonly used medicines and drugs in Italy? 1. Aspirina 2. Moment 3. Benagol 4. Aulin 5. Lasonil ----Formal English---- What are the five most commonly used medicines and drugs in Italy? 1. Aspirin 2. Moment 3. Benagol 4. Aulin 5. Lasonil --------------------------- Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources!

 Beginner #23 - Are Italian False Friends Catching You Off Guard? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:01

Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Peter: Niente sottotitoli? Anna: No, mai. Be’, effettivamente a volte si possono trovare i sottotitoli, ma solo in casi particolari. Peter: Casi particolari? Anna: Sì, per gli amanti della lingua originale. Sconosciuto: Shhhh... Per cortesia, fate silenzio. ----Formal English---- Peter: No subtitles!?! Anna: No, never. Well, actually you can find subtitles sometimes, but only in special events. Peter: Special events? Anna: Yes, for original language lovers. Unknown person: Shhhh...please, be quiet. --------------------------- Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources!

 Culture Class: Essential Italian Vocabulary #18 - Common Household Items | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:05

Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- What are the five most common household items in Italy? 1. caffettiera 2. gelatiera 3. termosifone 4. fioriera 5. forno ----Formal English---- What are the five most common household items in Italy? 1. moka pot/stovetop coffee maker 2. ice cream machine 3. radiator 4. flower box 5. oven --------------------------- Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources!

 News #114 - Finally! The New Italian Word Power App Is Now On Android! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:55

Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources!

 Upper Intermediate #1 - How Can I Get Over My Fear of Flying in Italy? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:55

Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Altoparlanti: Si prega di allacciare le cinture di sicurezza… Passeggero: Signorina! Scusi, signorina! Claudia: Sì, mi dica! Passeggero: Parli un attimo con me per favore. Durante il decollo sono sempre molto nervoso. Claudia: Sì, certo. Allora, prima volta in Africa? Passeggero: Veramente no, nel '63 andai in Kenya a trovare mio fratello che faceva lì il volontario. Mi piace proprio l'Africa! Sa, mi ricordo quella volta quando... (in dissolvenza) -Dopo venti minuti- Passeggero: Poi ho conosciuto quella donna bellissima con quel nome strano... Claudia: Ehm, ehm, mi scusi adesso l'aereo si è stabilizzato, dovrei andare dagli altri passeggeri adesso... Passeggero: Ah, veramente!? Grazie, mi ha aiutato molto. Claudia: Si figuri! ----Formal English---- Speakers: Please fasten your seat belts… Passenger: Miss! Excuse me, Miss! Claudia: Yes, may I help you? Passenger: Talk with me for a moment, please. During takeoffs I'm always so nervous. Claudia: Yes, certainly. So, first time in Africa? Passenger: Honestly, no, in '63 I went to Kenya to visit my brother who was a volunteer there. I really like Africa! You know, I remember that time when… (fade-out) After twenty minutes… Passenger: …Then I met that woman with that very strange name… Claudia: Ahem, ahem. Excuse me, but now the plane has leveled off. I should to go to the other passengers now… Passenger: Oh, really? Thank you. You helped me a lot... Claudia: Don't mention it! --------------------------- Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources!

 Culture Class: Essential Italian Vocabulary #17 - Tourist Attractions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:23

Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- What are the five most popular tourist attractions in Italy? 1. Colosseo 2. Torre di Pisa 3. Ponte Vecchio 4. Duomo di Milano 5. Canal Grande ----Formal English---- What are the five most popular tourist attractions in Italy? 1. The Colosseum 2. Leaning Tower of Pisa 3. Ponte Vecchio 4. Milan Cathedral 5. Grand Canal --------------------------- Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources!

 Beginner #20 - How Do You Tell Them you Are Sleepy in Italian? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:58

Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Elena: Torniamo a casa? Anna: Che ore sono? Elena: Sono quasi le due, è tardi! Anna: Restiamo ancora un pò. Elena: No, ti prego! Ho sonno! ----Formal English---- Elena: Shall we go back home? Anna: What's the time? Elena: It's almost two; it's late! Anna: Let's stay a bit more. Elena: No, please! I'm sleepy! --------------------------- Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources!


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