Learn Italian | ItalianPod101.com show

Learn Italian | ItalianPod101.com

Summary: Learn Italian with Free Podcasts! Whether you are student or a seasoned speaker, our lessons offer something for everyone. We incorporate culture and current issues into each episode to give the most informative, both linguistically and culturally, podcasts possible. For those of you with just the plane ride to prepare, check our survival phrase series at ItalianPod101.com. One of these phrases just might turn your trip into the best one ever!

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 Video News #12 - Free Italian Gifts of the Month - April 2018 | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 1:28

Video News #12 - Free Italian Gifts of the Month - April 2018

 Upper Beginner #22 - A Doomed Italian Shopping Trip | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:43

Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Giulia: Trovare un parcheggio in questa zona è come cercare un ago in un pagliaio. Sara: Giulia, guarda. Quel posto è libero! Giulia: Bravissima sorellina! Ecco, ora parcheggiamo e andiamo a fare la nostra spesona per la festa di domani sera. Ce l'hai la lista della spesa? Sara: Sì, ce l'ho... o almeno credo. Giulia: Cosa vuol dire 'credo'. Ci avevo scritto tutto quello che manca. Ed era pure una lunga lista. Sara: Aspetta un secondo che controllo. No, non ce l'ho! Missà che è nell'altra borsa. Giulia: Uffa! Non posso mai fare affidamento su di te. Sempre la stessa storia. Sara: Dai, ora esageri. Sicuramente ci ricordiamo cosa dobbiamo comprare quando passiamo per le corsie del supermercato. Giulia: Ah sì? Ce li abbiamo i mandarini? E le carote ce le abbiamo o no? Sara: Beh, per sicurezza compriamo entrambi no? Giulia: E bevande, quante bottiglie ne dobbiamo comprare? Sara: Giulia, te lo dico sempre di scriverti la lista sul cellulare o di scaricarti l'applicazione apposita, ma tu sei alla vecchia e scrivi tutto su un pezzo di carta. Quindi non prendertela con me! Giulia: [ride] ce l'hai vinta sempre tu. Forza andiamo! ----Formal English---- Giulia: Looking for a parking space in this area is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Sara: Giulia, look. That parking spot is free! Giulia: Well done, little sister! So, now we park, and then we go to do our big shopping for tomorrow evening's party. Do you have the shopping list? Sara: Yes, I have it...or at least I think so. Giulia: What do you mean "I think so?" On it I wrote everything we don't have. And it was quite a long list. Sara: Wait a second while I check. No, I don't have it. It's probably in the other bag. Giulia: Oh man! I can never rely on you. It's always the same story. Sara: Come on, now you're exaggerating. Surely we can remember what we have to buy when we go through the aisles of the supermarket. Giulia: Oh really? Do we have tangerines? And the carrots, do we have any or not? Sara: Well, we should buy both just in case. Giulia: And the soft drinks, how many bottles shall we buy? Sara: Giulia, I always tell you to write the shopping list on your cell phone or to download the shopping app, but you are so old-fashioned and always write everything on a piece of paper. So don't take it out on me! Giulia: [laughs] You always win. Come on, let's go! --------------------------- Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources!

 Must-Know Italian Social Media Phrases #19 - Just Relaxing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:34

Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Matteo: Sole, mare e un po' di meritato relax. Davide: Insomma, sei in paradiso! Laura: Metti la crema solare! Francesco: Scottature, meduse... Non ti invidio. Alice: Facciamo cambio? ----Formal English---- Matteo: Sun, sea, and some well-deserved relaxation. Davide: In short, you're in heaven! Laura: Put on your sunscreen! Francesco: Sunburns, jellyfish... I don't envy you. Alice: Wanna swap places? --------------------------- Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources!

 News #247 - 6 Ways to Get Every Italian Lesson for Free and Your ALL Access Pass Inside | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:41

Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources!

 Advanced Audio Blog S3 #24 - Have You Tried These Italian Sweets? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:09

Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- La cucina regionale italiana. La Sicilia In una divertente favola di Giambattista Basile, scrittore siciliano del seicento, una ragazza di nome Betta prepara un pasticcino di mandorle, zucchero di Palermo e acqua di rose. Un bacio, e il pasticcino si trasforma in un bellissimo giovane, Pintosmalto. Magie della cucina siciliana. Tra le cucine regionali d’Italia, la siciliana è forse la più ricca, raffinata e fantasiosa. L’isola del mediterraneo è da sempre crocevia di culture diverse.Prima colonia greca, nel corso della sua lunga storia è stata dominio arabo, normanno e infine spagnolo. La gastronomia siciliana è dunque meticcia, e riflette l’avvicendarsi di civiltà diverse sul proprio territorio. La Sicilia è famosa innanzitutto per la gustosa pasticceria, dove si nota di più l’influenza araba. I dolci siciliani comprendono una ricca varietà di cannoli e cassate con ricotta fresca e pistacchi, granite di ghiaccio tritato e sciroppi, e infine il marzapane di pasta di mandorla di cui è fatto Pintosmalto. Dolci a parte, in Siclia si consumano soprattutto pasta, pane, verdure, pesce fresco e conservato. Il clima mediterraneo, mite e soleggiato, favorisce la coltivazione di grano, agrumi, uva, pomodori e olive. Le coste siciliane sono inoltre ricche di pesce, in particolare tonno e pesce spada. La pasta secca di grano duro prodotta in Siclia è tra le migliori in Italia. Si prepara con sughi ricchi e saporiti a base di pesce o verdure. Celebre è la pasta con le sarde, un pesce azzurro tipico del Mediterraneo che si pesca da marzo a settembre. In un delicato equilibrio di dolce e salato, nel sugo con le sarde si combina il pesce fresco con uvetta, pinoli e finocchio selvatico, aromi tipici del gusto siciliano. L’arancino è una specialità classica della cucina casalinga. E’ una palla di riso cotto a forma di piccola arancia, da cui il nome. E’ riempita con ragù, formaggio grattugiato, piselli, o a seconda della fantasia del cuoco, poi impanata e fritta. Si dice che i migliori arancini si gustino a bordo del traghetto che attraversa lo stretto di Messina, quindi approfittatene finché il ponte che collegherà la Siclia al resto d’Italia non sarà costruito. Ma non preoccupatevi, probabilmente ci vorrà ancora molto tempo. ----Formal English---- Regional Italian Cuisine of Sicily In an amusing fable by Giambattista Basile, a Sicilian writer of the 1600s, a girl called Betta makes a little cake with Palermo sugar, almond paste, and rose water. Add a kiss, and the cake turns into a handsome youth, Pintosmalto. Sicilian cooking magic. Of all regional cuisines in Italy, the Sicilian one is possibly the richest, most sophisticated, and most imaginative. The Mediterranean island has always been a crossroads for different cultures. At first a Greek colony, throughout its long history it has been an Arab, Norman, and eventually Spanish domain. Sicilian gastronomy is thus mixed and reflects the shifting of different civilizations in its territory. Sicily is famous above all for its delicious confectionery, in which the Arab influence is most apparent. Sicilian desserts include a rich variety of "cannoli" and "cassate" with fresh ricotta cheese and pistachios, ground ice "granite" with syrups, and lastly, the almond paste "marzipan," of which Pintosmalto was made. Desserts aside, the most eaten foods in Sicily are pastas, bread, vegetables, and fresh and preserved fish. The mild and sunny Mediterranean climate is ideal for growing wheat, citrus fruits, grapes, tomatoes, and olives. Sicilian coasts are also rich in fish, particularly tuna and swordfish. Durum wheat dry p [...]

 Learn Italian Conversations with Animation — Absolute Beginner #3 - How Are You Doing? | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 0:17

Learn Italian Conversations with Animation — Absolute Beginner #3 - How Are You Doing?

 Extensive Reading in Italian for Absolute Beginners #5 - Farm Animals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:50

Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- ANIMALI DA FATTORIA un pollo un maiale una mucca un cavallo una pecora una capra ----Formal English---- FARM ANIMALS a chicken a pig a cow a horse a sheep a goat --------------------------- Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources!

 Must-Know Italian Social Media Phrases #17 - At the Local Market | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:39

Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Matteo: Guardate qua. Secondo voi cos'è? Davide: Dove l'hai trovato? Alice: È un reperto alieno, ovviamente! Francesco: Spero solo che non sia il mio regalo di compleanno. Roberto: Potrebbe trattarsi di un oggetto antico. ----Formal English---- Matteo: Look at this. What do you think it is? Davide: Where did you find it? Alice: It's an alien artifact, of course! Francesco: I just hope it's not my birthday gift. Roberto: It might be an antique. --------------------------- Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources!

 News #245 - The 5 Review Tactics & Learning Tools That Will Perfect Your Italian | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:13

Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources!

 Absolute Beginner Questions Answered by Marika #21 - What is the GERUNDIO? | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:02

Absolute Beginner Questions Answered by Marika #21 - What is the GERUNDIO?

 Italian Words of the Week with Ilaria for Beginners #9 - Vegetables | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 2:58

In this Beginner lesson, you'll learn Italian words about Vegetables. Visit us at ItalianPod101.com, where you will find Italian lesson notes and many more fantastic lessons and learning resources. Leave us a message while you are here! Learn Italian with ItalianPod101.com! How would you react if someone put you on the spot with an Italian question? That's exactly what happens to Ilaria in this series...but it's for a good cause: to help you learn Italian! In each lesson of this fun and lighthearted video series, you'll learn five Italian words and phrases, plus sample sentences. Join us for Italian Words of the Week with Ilaria for Beginners at ItalianPod101.com!

 Quick & Easy Italian Review for Beginners #8 - Three Ways to Say “I Love You” in Italian | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 4:39

Quick & Easy Italian Review for Beginners #8 - Three Ways to Say “I Love You” in Italian

 Learn Italian with our FREE Innovative Language 101 App! | File Type: video/x-mp4 | Duration: 1:39

ALL of your Italian lessons on the go. For the iPhone, iPad and Android.

 Italian Vocab Builder #128 - Religion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:30

Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources!

 Quick & Easy Italian Review for Beginners #4 - How Do People Celebrate Christmas in Italy? | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 4:23

Quick & Easy Italian Review for Beginners #4 - How Do People Celebrate Christmas in Italy?


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