The Model Health Show show

The Model Health Show

Summary: The Model Health Show is a fun, entertaining, and enlightening look at health and fitness. No subject is off limits here! World-renown author and nutritionist Shawn Stevenson breaks down complex health issues and makes them easy to understand and overcome. Whether it's weight loss, chronic fatigue, heart disease, diet, exercise, sex, hormones, sleep problems, or countless other health topics, the insights you get here will help you transform your health and live your best life ever.


 TMHS 144: Mind Over Medicine - With Dr. Lissa Rankin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:04

In today's remarkable episode you're going to learn what role your mind and beliefs play in keeping you well or keeping you sick. You're going to learn the nearly unbelievable clinical benefits of fake medical treatments and how this data can be applied to your life. You're also going to discover how significant being connected to a bigger purpose in your life is, and how it's tied to your lifeline. This episode is filled to the brim with valuable insights and takeaways that will last you a lifetime.

 TMHS 143: How The Quality Of Your Sleep Impacts The Health Of Your Relationships | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:56

Today you're going to find out what's going on behind the scene, plus some insights to make sure you're showing up as your best self in the relationships that matter most.

 TMHS 142: How To Stop The Stress Cycle And Become An Urban Monk - With Dr. Pedram Shojai | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:45

Today it's time to take back your power. It's time to take back your body, mind, and energy so that you can use them to create the life you really want. Just click play and find out how.

 THMS 141: How To Create Healthy Habits For A Lifetime | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:43

The life that you have right now is a result of your habits. It's not the things that you do every now and then, it's the things you do consistently that tell the real story of your life. So, if your habits are so important, how do you actually create the habits that you want and move away from the habits that aren't serving you? That's what this powerful episode is all about.

 TMHS 140: The Only 5 Exercises You Need To Create An Amazing Physique | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:20

Today we're going to dive in and talk about the only 5 exercises you need to create an amazing physique. No fancy cardio machines with a lot of buttons, no complex programs, and no excuses. By mastering these 5 things you can create the most incredible physique possible. But the real benefit is in the details. You'll learn some of the big do's and don'ts, why they actually work (the science), and specific benchmarks you need to target to make sure you're getting the most out of them.

 TMHS 139: Winning The Weight Loss Race Together - With Drew Manning | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:32

Drew has been on my show before and absolutely blew me away with his story. He started off as a typical gym-going, strict diet-eating, protein shake-guzzling "fit" person working as a personal trainer. He eventually found that he couldn't relate in a deep way to a lot of his clients weight struggles, so he decided to run an experiment to change that. Drew took it upon himself to gain over 70 pounds in the course of six months and the transformation that took place was shocking!

 TMHS 138: The Golden Rules For Accomplishing Your Biggest Goals This Year - With John Lee Dumas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:34

John has been able to accomplish so much, in such a short amount of time, because of the way that he structures and executes on his goals. It's not an accident; it's a system. And today, to help you take every area of your life to the next level, he's here to share that system with you. This year is yours if you're ready to plan effectively and take action. So, let's get this party started!

 TMHS 137: How To Instantly Shift Your Mindset And Master The Art Of Living - With Bob Proctor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:33

Bob Proctor is a phenomenon. He has inspired tens of millions of people by teaching them why they need to start living up to their potential and how to do it. Whether it's in your career, relationships, health (Bob is 81 and accomplishing more each day than people half his age!), finances, or any other area, Bob's specialty is helping you to uncover what's been holding you back and providing a clear map on getting where you want to be.

 TMHS 136: Making Healthy Food Affordable For Everyone - With Gunnar Lovelace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:07

Gunnar co-founded Thrive Market and helped to grow an amazing team who are revolutionizing the way that we purchase healthy products for ourselves and our families. I'm flat-out blown away by the difference Thrive Market is making. Today's episode will tell you exactly how they are able to do everything that they do, and get YOU the healthy foods and products that you and your family deserve.

 TMHS 135: How To Have More Fitness, Health, And Love In Your Relationship - With Darren And Danielle Natoni | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:17

When you are with the right person, in the right situation, being healthy, fit, and happy can seem almost effortless. Sure, everyone has their challenges, but when two people come together with a common goal and real understanding, nothing can stand in the way of their power. No matter where you are in your relationship right now (or if you're currently looking for the right relationship), I guarantee that you'll glean some powerful lessons from this episode that will last you a lifetime.

 TMHS 134: How To Avoid Holiday Weight Gain FOREVER | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:38

During the show we're covering the top 5 causes of holiday weight gain and how to see them coming from a mile away. A lot of healthy holiday tips forget the fact that it is the holiday and a time to relax and have some fun. So, instead of taking the fun out of the holiday, you can use these tips to enjoy yourself without seeing any depressing news on the scale afterward.

 TMHS 133: Accelerated Fat Loss And Going Beyond Training - With Ben Greenfield | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:06

I'm truly excited to have Ben on because he has a wealth of knowledge in so many different areas of health. Today you're going to learn some effective (yet little known) strategies for fat loss, surprising facts about building muscle, and even the real reason why Ben partakes in heart-pumping endurance events like triathlons and Spartan races (and it's not about fitness).

 TMHS 132: Digestion 101: Natural Solutions For Digestive Health – With Dr. Jillian Teta | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:30

Today we have on Dr. Jillian Teta to take us on an epic tour of the digestive system. You’re going to learn about this amazing internal world that’s operating within you right now as we speak. You’re going to find out some of the common problems that take can place in the gut, some of the bigger issues that result from poor digestive health (like autoimmune diseases), plus how you can start turning it around today.

 TMHS 131: My Story Of Healing: The Soul And Science Of Transforming Your Health | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:52

This is my story. There was a time when I didn’t think that my story mattered. There was a time when I didn’t think that I mattered… Today I’m sharing the story of how I was able to breakthrough mind, body, and spirit, and how you can too.

 TMHS 130: High Performance Nutrition And Living Lean - With Mike Dolce | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:59

Mike has ushered in a brand new approach to fitness and nutrition that’s based on earth-grown nutrients and real food. His athletes dominate their sport and also dominate the headlines (maybe you’ve heard of Rowdy Ronda Rousey?), which is making the rest of the world take note in a major way and making The Dolce Diet become a household name.


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