The Jack Delosa Podcast show

The Jack Delosa Podcast

Summary: Jack Delosa is changing education for entrepreneurs. Founder of Australia’s largest and most disruptive education institution for entrepreneurs, The Entourage, Jack also co-founded MBE Education which assisted SME’s to raise money from investors. MBE quickly became one of Australia’s fastest growing companies. Jack is the host of Sky Business TV series 'Entrepreneurs'. He has been listed in the BRW Young Rich List since 2014 and is a 2x bestselling author. In The Jack Delosa Podcast, Jack answers all your questions around business, startups, entrepreneurship, and the importance of mindset, along with exclusive interviews with industry leaders and innovators.

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 From $0 to $50 Million in 3 Years: How Gerard Adams Built and Sold Elite Daily | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:56

This next 57 minutes has the power to change your life and your business. BIG call, I know. But honestly, I’ve done over 300 episodes of AskJackD, interviewed countless entrepreneurs, and this live session with Gerard Adams (Co-Founder of Elite Daily & Founder of Fownders) was perhaps the most profound to date. We went over time, but stick with it to the end as the real magic happens around 49:00 when Gerard opens up about how losing $20 million in his mid 20s helped him let go of ego and redefine the true meaning of success. A lot of of solid takeaways in this episode, so don’t miss: - 24:00 - The viral content tactics that Elite Daily used to build an monthly readership of 80 million - 30:00 - The untold story behind Elite Daily’s $50million acquisition (and why Gerard almost said NO) - 39:00 - The number one non-negotiable trait you need to possess if you want to be a successful entrepreneur

 How To Build a Business Without Sacrificing Your Health | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:19

You shouldn’t have to give up your health and fitness in order to build your dream. I get it though, finding balance between work and health isn’t as easy as it sounds. It’s hard to find time to go to the gym in the evening when you’ve got a million “urgent” things waiting for you to finalise at home that night. It’s hard to wake up in the morning and go for a run when you’ve been up until 2am answering emails from your team. That’s why in this episode I’m joined by Greg Stark, Founder of Better Being Personal Training, and author of Sweat Equity to talk through strategies that will help you maintain your health, while juggling the endless demands of running a business.

 How To Create Your Own Path in Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:33

Most people live in a hypnosis of disempowerment. They see life as something that is happening to them, rather than something they are actively creating. The most powerful thing you can do is realise that your life is led by choice not chance. You are creating every single minute of it, every single day.

 Passive Income: Does It Really Exist? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:49

In entrepreneurship passive income is myth. There's absolutely nothing passive about building a successful business, and while you may at some point be able to step out of the day-to-day... there's absolutely nothing passive about the path you'll take to get there. The reason I'm saying this is because I see a lot of people promoting this idea of getting rich quickly through passive income, but generally they're selling a fantasy that leads people down a path that does not exist. Interested to get your thoughts on this topic.

 The One Book Every Entrepreneur Needs to Read | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:33

Highly recommend every entrepreneur reads the book I talk about in this ep... honest and life changing. What are you reading right now?

 How To Cope When Your Business Fails | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:53

95% of startups fail, which means if you've chosen to pursue an entrepreneurial path, the statistics aren't exactly in your favour. However, it's not failure that defines us as entrepreneurs. But how we choose to respond to it. Those who achieve great things are those who have the ability to get back up after a failure. When we fail we get two choices: to let is define us or to learn from it.

 Lining Up the Stars - Jack Delosa (AskJackD) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:08

You've been asking me for this track for far too long! Finally releasing the full version of Lining Up The Stars, the backing track to #AskJackD. Thanks to everyone for your ongoing support of the show. Enjoy the track.

 Would You Rather: Spend Money on PR or Social Media? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:44

Would you rather: spend money on PR or social media? I answer this question today and outline how you should integrate both strategies into your marketing.

 How to Make More Sales and Generate Revenue Immediately | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:22

If you're facing cash constraints in business there are probably some long term considerations and solutions you should be exploring, however this can take time, which in business, you don't always have. Sometimes we need to inject cash as soon as possible. Try implementing these shorter term strategies to make more immediate sales.

 How Can I Overcome My Fear of Public Speaking? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:51

Everyone at some point in their life has been nervous about public speaking. For many it can be one of the most terrifying things to encounter.  However, don’t write yourself off because you’re not a “natural” speaker. It’s a skill, and like any skill, it can be learnt.  Here’s some pointers for you to use if you’re committed to overcoming your fear of presenting.

 How Can I Get My Employees To Work Longer Hours? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:47

If you're looking at the hours your team are putting in then you're looking at the wrong thing. As a leader your focus should be on the outcomes your team are having, not the clock. Working from 9 - 5.30 isn’t inherently bad, as long as they are performing at the level required. In this episode I talk about the 3 ways I manage performance to drive growth in my businesses.

 What it Takes to Build an Online Fashion Empire with Julie Stevanja | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:32:45

In this episode I'm joined by Julie Stevanja​, co-founder of Stylerunner​, one of Australia's fastest growing companies. We cover: - Setting your business up to run on autopilot - Getting big brands on board with you in the early days - Social media growth strategies

 Learning vs Doing: What's More Important? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:20

How many of us spend a lot of time consuming content but less time implementing? I’m a huge advocate of education (I’ve built my whole business around it) however no amount of learning will build your business for you if you don’t take steps to actually action what you learn. Knowledge without implementation is just unrealised potential.

 The Art of Sacrifice: Why You Can't Have It All | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:06

In an ideal world we would be a 10 out of 10 in every area of our life - our health, our relationships, our career, our spirituality - would all on par and thriving. However this ideal does not mirror the reality of entrepreneurship. If this is what you're aiming for then chances are you will set yourself up for failure. Entrepreneurship is a path that requires sacrifice - accept it and embrace it.

 How to Avoid the Common Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make ft Matt Barrie, Founder of Freelancer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:28

In this episode of #AskJackD I’m joined by Freelancer’s founder & CEO, Matt Barrie. We cover: Sydney’s lockout laws, the mistakes early stage entrepreneurs commonly make and raising capital to accelerate growth.


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