The Confidence Podcast  show

The Confidence Podcast

Summary: The Confidence Podcast is the podcast for women who struggle with perfectionism, self-doubt, and a self-critical voice. If you know you have potential and purpose, but you still secretly feel like you're behind, not enough, or even an impostor, then this podcast is for you. In each episode, world-renown Confidence Coach Trish Blackwell will teach you how to live confidently and courageously as the woman God created you to be. This podcast is your weekly resource to train your thoughts, take them captive, and use them to help you live with joy, abundance, peace, power, and, of course, confidence. Get FREE instant access to the Confidence Masterclass to learn exactly how to have more confidence with the 3-part "Confidence Formula" at


 #533: Relationship Anxiety – How to Reduce It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:25

Podcast #533   RELATIONSHIP ANXIETY - HOW TO REDUCE IT It is not uncommon for relationships to come with some anxiety; it is part of the process of opening up and building trust between two people. However, if the anxiety starts to become overwhelming, or gets you stuck in a cycle of worrying and mistrusting your partner's intentions, then it's time to take steps to get out of that loop. In this week’s podcast episode we will be discussing how relationship anxiety can quickly start dominating our thoughts and actions, as well as practical solutions that you can use right away -allowing us to reclaim self-confidence and let go of stressors so we can focus on creating healthier relationships In this episode of The Confidence Podcast, we're talking about:  * How to have confidence in your most important relationships * Trusting someone in a relationship, even if you struggle with anxiety or relationship anxiety * Changing how you think - and what you've been taught or what you've seen - about relationships so that you have only healthy ones in your life REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Change How You Think & What You Believe: New relationship, new story  Your past gives your information - not a curse Learn from your repeated mistakes Give thanks for bad examples. Find a way to find good examples  Trust that God has good people for your life Pay attention to red flags - all the time Have people in your life you can trust The Key to All Relationships: Communication.What are you holding back?What are you assuming the person is hearing you say that you aren't saying?Where are you being dishonest in your relationship? Decide What a Healthy Relationship Means to You Define it. * Describe it. * Look for examples of it. * Emulate it. * Practice it. 1. Mutual respect - both partners should be respectful of each other, their feelings, and their space2. Communication - communicating effectively is key to a healthy relationship3. Compromise - it's important for both partners to be willing to compromise on things that are important to them4. Supportiveness - being supportive of your partner during good times and bad is essential5. Equality - both partners should feel like they are equals in the relationship6. Stability - having a stable and consistent relationship is key to a healthy one7. Reliability - Be there for your partner when they need you - be supportive through both the good times and the bad8. Acceptance -Don't try to change your partner - accept them for who they are9. Common Interests - Have fun together! Spend time doing things that you both enjoy10. Individuality - Don't forget about yourself - make time for activities that make you happy and help you relax11. Humility and Openness -Seek professional help if necessary - don't try to deal with serious problems on your own12. Shared Beliefs / Goals - Communicate about your values, your goals, money, all the things.13. Vulnerability - both people should be able to be themselves, period, and feel safe being themselves.  Relationship Anxiety Welcome to being human. Anxiety isn't a problem. The volume you allow it to have you in your life is what poses a problem. Get honest about your role in your anxiety - and your history with relationships. Most often relationship anxiety is rooted in lack and scarcity.  Lack of Trust Lack of Communication. Lack of Clarity Lack of Confidence Lack of Self-Knowledge Lack of Time Together Relationship Confidence Within Your Control Know what you bring to the relationship Know what your non-negotiables are Know what your values are

 #532: Resisting a Victim Mindset in Negative Seasons of Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:37

Podcast #532   RESISTING A VICTIM MINDSET IN NEGATIVE SEASONS OF LIFE When life feels like it's happening to you, and everything that could go wrong is going wrong, it can feel hard to stay positive. You want to be strong, but the negativity feels overwhelming and the bad news just keeps coming. In this podcast episode you'll learn how to talk back to the victim mindset, how to not get sucked into the sinking sand of a pity party, and how to keep yourself encouraged through the season of suck so you get through it stronger because of your mindset. Get the full show notes at In this episode of The Confidence Podcast, we're chatting about: * Shifting your mindset from problematic to powerful * How to see the good in the bad things happening * Reflective questions to ask yourself in seasons of struggle ANNOUNCEMENT: February 6th ENTREPRENEURSHIP WEBINAR Monday, February 6th at 12PM EST "How to Sell Without Being Salesy" If you want to Create Demand for Your Business -Confident marketing-Confident selling-Differentiating factor Sign up for FREE at REVIEW OF THE WEEK DECIDE THAT LIFE IS HAPPENING FOR YOU, NOT TO YOU. Slight shift changes everything."Get to" versus "Have to" MAKE SPACE TO FEEL YOUR FEELINGS ON PURPOSE Don't pretend they aren't happening - or that your life is easy. Acknowledge the suck.Have an intentional pity party - or intentional sulking session - and then tell yourself that it's time to move on.  GRATITUDE ABOVE ALL THINGS. No matter what, be someone who can always find gratitude.  REFUSE TO BE A VICTIM Identify as victorious. Double down on your strengths.Look at the bigger story.Don't get sucked into the vacuum of overwhelm.De-dramatize the awfulness. Feed the story you want to grow.  GET CURIOUS  * What's here for me to learn? * What can I take from this season that will be a gift? * How is God using this for my good? * What would "peace" look like for me here? * Is there anything I can do to show up better? * What emotion do I want to create intentionally? (Make a list) * How will my life be better in the future because of these trials? * Is there anyone I can help right now? (Get your focus off yourself and onto others - out of gas, set up a service station) ANNOUNCEMENT Struggling with motivation, and want to make sure you stay motivated, no matter what this year? Get INSTANT and FREE access to my most recent masterclass now. Go to

 #531: Beating Burnout and Recovering from Burnout | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:37

Podcast #531   BEATING BURNOUT AND RECOVERING FROM BURNOUT Are you an ambitious, driven high achiever? Do you strive for the most challenging goals and take on the heaviest burdens to achieve success? If so, chances are that you’re familiar with burnout. As hardworking people sometimes we go too far – overloading ourselves with tasks until our performance deteriorates or even collapses altogether. But it doesn’t have to be like this – there are strategies and techniques you can use to fend off burnout before it overwhelms you. In this podcast episode, I’ll share some easy-to-apply advice on how to beat burnout as a high achiever. In this episode of The Confidence Podcast, we're chatting about: * The root of your burnout - and what to do about it * 3 antidotes to burnout that you can apply immediately * How to shift and reframe your perspective * 15 things you can do right away to decrease burnout ANNOUNCEMENT: Did you miss my masterclass last night? Catch the replay for a limited time at REVIEW OF THE WEEK: THE CORE OF THE BURNOUT PROBLEM Exhaustion / Cynicism / Inefficiency Mismanaged Emotions Hustle PressureFlawed Prioritizations Overattachment to External Worth / External Validation  The Antidote:PRIORITIZE SELF CARESHIFT YOUR PERSPECTIVE REDUCE STRESS IN YOUR LIFE  Change your 24 hours and you will change your life. -Eric Thomas SHIFT AND REFRAME YOUR PERSPECTIVE Decide on the emotion you want to fuel your day.Decide ahead of time on anchoring thoughts to guide your day.Decide who you want to be in your life that day.Decide to slow down and work on your thoughts.  What does "work your thoughts" mean? * Identify the thought that's causing you emotional burnout/frustration/cynicism or the dullness of inefficiency.  * Get curious about why you're thinking the thought * Ask yourself what a better (but believable) thought could replace the other thought. * Write out an additional powerful thought to support the new thought shift.  15 OTHER ACTION STEPS YOU CAN TAKE 1. Get plenty of rest When you're burned out, your body is telling you that it needs a break. Make sure to get plenty of sleep every night, and try to take a nap during the day if possible. Your body will thank you for it.  2. Eat healthy Eating unhealthy foods will only make you feel worse. Make sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. And don't forget to drink plenty of water!  3. Exercise / Get Enough Exercise  Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and improve your overall health. Even just a brisk walk around the block can make a big difference. 4. Take breaks during the day Working non-stop is a surefire way to burn out quickly. Make sure to take a few minutes each hour to take a break and relax. Step away from your work, close your eyes, and take some deep breaths. 5. Avoid multitasking Trying to do too many things at once will only make you more stressed and less productive. When you're feeling overwhelmed, focus on one task at a time and give it your full attention. 6. Simplify your life If your life feels like it's constantly in chaos, it's time to simplify things. Get rid of anything that's not absolutely essential, and learn to say "no" more often. You'll feel much better for it in the long run.  7.

 #530: Achieving More Than You Think Is Possible With Total Belief | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:30

Podcast #530   ACHIEVING MORE THANK YOU THINK IS POSSIBLE WITH TOTAL BELIEF In this episode of The Confidence Podcast, we're doing some live coaching on how to believe in the highest vision you have for yourself - and then how to stretch beyond that even just a little bit further. If you want to do big things with your life - this episode is for you! You'll learn how to achieve more than you think is possible, and how to stay in a place of belief in yourself as you push yourself to new heights. Get the full show notes at In this episode of The Confidence Podcast, we're chatting about: * How to believe in your wildest dreams * 7 ways you can deepen and work your belief in yourself * What live coaching with me looks like as we do a "potential audit" with someone! REVIEW OF THE WEEK: EPISODE SPONSOR: This episode is sponsored by/brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. Sometimes I wish I just had an owner manual for life - and for parenting - but unfortunately, life doesn’t come with a user manual. So when it’s not working for you, it’s normal to feel stuck. Therapy can help you get unstuck. BetterHelp has connected over 3 million people with licensed therapists. It’s convenient, secure, and accessible anywhere — 100% online. The combination of therapy and coaching was life-changing for me, as you probably have read about in my latest book, Straighten Your Crown. Finding the right therapist and getting started can feel overwhelming, but it doesn't need to. With Betterhelp, just fill out a brief questionnaire to match with a therapist. If things aren’t clicking, you can easily switch to a new therapist anytime. It couldn’t be simpler. No waiting rooms. No traffic. No endless searching for the right therapist.  Get unstuck, with BetterHelp. Learn more and save 10% off your first month at Better Help dot com slash confidencepod. That’s better HELP—H - E - L - P—dot com slash confidencepod.  EPISODE NOTES: Thinking Bigger than You're Comfortable You'll feel a little uncomfortable * You'll question if it's okay * You'll hear the voice of self-doubt Work Your Belief Practice believing new things on purposeWrite out power statements to support your beliefSpeak out loud to yourselfStart and finish your day in a place of beliefPractice being your future-selfWrite a letter of advice from your future-selfSeek out examples of possibility Live Coaching Session: Other "potential audit" interview OTHER EPISODES YOU'LL ENJOY  #523: Believing with Perseverance When Your Goals Feel Out of Reach  #512: Trusting Yourself and Your Decisions  #478: Think Bigger, Believe Bolder LISTENER OF THE EPISODE:

 #529: Playing Small? How to Live Up to Your Potential | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:12

Podcast #529   PLAYING SMALL? HOW TO LIVE UP TO YOUR POTENTIAL In this episode of The Confidence Podcast, we're chatting about: * Why we play small and the thoughts that are holding up back * How to know if you are playing small or limiting yourself  * Power thoughts that will equip you with the courage to live a bigger life There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. - Nelson Mandela  Your playing small does not serve the world. Do not be afraid to shine, or afraid of your power - for it is God-given and God-purposed. Show up for it and it will be God-blessed. “Your fears, worries, and false beliefs do not keep you safe. They keep you small.”  ― Anthon St. Maarten Our Deepest Fear By Marianne Williamson Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness. That most frighten us. We ask ourselves: Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. REVIEW OF THE WEEK WHY DO WE PLAY SMALL It feels saferIt's normal It prevents us from being seenIt protects us from potential negative emotionsWe also think that it will be too hard for us to go/maintain the next level (re: the narrative of "If I'm struggling with this right now, how will I ever manage to maintain _______).We discredit the maturity/capacity/growth / experiential knowledge of our future selves. Or possibly, you're afraid of being too powerful.Of making other people feel bad.Of being too successful.Of having too many expectations then placed on you.You believe the flawed narrative that it's easier to play small - but what you don't realize is that by playing small you are making life harder - because your heart will forever be unsettled and unfulfilled when you are not pursuing your purpose.  WHAT WE MISS OUT ON  We miss out on the full spectrum of the human experienceWe miss out on our own growthWe miss out on making the difference we are meant to makeWe miss out on the life of our dreamsWe miss out on the deep fulfillment of contributionWe miss out on income.We miss out on opportunities.We miss out on experiences.We miss out on fulfillment. HOW TO KNOW IF YOU'RE PLAYING SMALL (AND WHAT TO DO)  You probably are. We all are.Ask yourself:Am I holding back anywhere?Am I fully investing in growing my strengths?Do I value boldness, creation and contribution?Do I know that my voice matters?Where can I think bigger?Where have I avoided growth?How do I want to be remembered?How am I using my money to do good in the world?Who's opinions am I afraid of?Who's approval am I seekingBut to what extent is what to explore. What to do:Take action.Stay convicted.Guard your mind.Master your mindset.Show up.Steward your talents. Be brave. POWER THOUGHTS TO EQUIP YOU WITH COURAGE TO LIVE A BIGGER LIFE I am a world-changer and difference-maker. * My voice matters. * I will live my life with boldness and brightness.

 #528: How to Know What Your Potential Really Is – Live Coaching Session | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:54

Podcast #528   HOW TO KNOW WHAT YOUR POTENTIAL REALLY IS - LIVE COACHING SESSION  In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: * How to know what your potential is - and then how to go start taking steps of action towards actualizing it * Believing in bigger things in your life this year * Live coaching session with Trish  REVIEW OF THE WEEK: DID YOU ENJOY THE LIVE COACHING SESSION? Work live with Trish all month long in the College of Confidence. This is the LAST WEEK to get into the COC before the prices go up! LISTENER OF THE EPISODE

 #527: Stop Making Things Harder Than They Need To Be | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:05

Podcast #527   STOP MAKING THINGS HARDER THAN THEY NEED TO BE Are you constantly pushing yourself to reach higher and accomplish more, only to feel disappointed when the results don't match up to your expectations? Do you find that no matter how hard you work, it's never enough? If so, then it’s time for a reality check—because while there is great power in challenging ourselves, many people simply make life harder than they need to be. From unrealistic goals and crushing perfectionism to burning out before getting where we want to go, let's look at why this might be happening and what can be done about it. If this sounds familiar, then it's time to start thinking differently about how we set ourselves up for success. In this podcast, I'm going to explore how being kinder to yourself can help unlock your potential and give you the confidence boost necessary for achieving things more easily!  In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: * 12 things you're doing that are over-complicating your life * How to stop making things harder than they need to be  * The power thoughts you can use to tap into the "ease of success" REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Mindset Reset!  -riggs 27919472 ANNOUNCEMENT Nobody said success was easy, and we all know that getting to where you want to be in life often requires hard work and dedication. But with the right plan, anything is possible. If you’re looking for a roadmap for success or a step-by-step guide on how to reach your goals in 2023, look no further!  Join me on Thursday, 12/29 for my 2023 Confident Year Master Planning Session. I will provide the necessary tools and strategies needed to create your very own master plan — helping get you there even faster. Here's why high achievers should have their 2023 Confident Year Master Plan ready now: so they are already one step ahead of everyone else! A $1,000 experience, for an exclusive, never-offered-before-discounted price. You get 2-hours of coaching, the masterclass replay, and the 24-page workbook, a package I used to charge $1000 for, for just one payment of $97. Go to to get started. Stop Making Things Harder Than They Need to Be It's easier than you think it is.   The main thing getting in your way is your mind. Master your mind or your mind will master you.  12 WAYS YOU'RE MAKING THINGS TOO HARD 1. You're overthinking things One of the ways you might be making things too hard on yourself is by overthinking things. When you overthink a situation, you tend to complicate it and make it more difficult than it needs to be. Instead of overthinking, try to take a step back and look at the situation objectively. This will help you to simplify things and make them easier to handle. 2. You're trying to do too much Another way you might be making things too hard on yourself is by trying to do too much. When you try to take on more than you can handle, you end up feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. Instead of trying to do everything, focus on doing one thing at a time and taking things one step at a time.

 #526: Letting Go of Trying to Make Everyone Like You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:21

Podcast #526   LETTING GO OF TRYING TO MAKE EVERYONE LIKE YOU Wanting to make everyone like you could be standing in the way of reaching your fullest potential. Being accepted and respected by others can create an empowering sense of validation - but at what cost? It’s time to recognize that trying to make everyone like you can become counterproductive when not managed properly; it takes away our power and essential self-focus required for success.  In this podcast, we'll talk about how letting go of striving for popularity will benefit not only your peace of mind but also help create stronger relationships with those around you.  In this episode of The Confidence Podcast, we're coaching on: * How to Stop Caring What People Think About You * Understanding What's Normal and How to Talk Your Brain Through Over-thinking * 5 Things to Stop Doing Immediately  REVIEW OF THE WEEK: UNDERSTAND WHAT'S NORMAL “The courage to be happy also includes the courage to be disliked. When you have gained that courage, your interpersonal relationships will all at once change into things of lightness.”Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga   Some people will like you, some won't. There's no way around that. It's taste, it's preference, and often, there's absolutely no explanation.   I love peppermint. Like. Obsessed. (Tell story about Bob's Sweet Peppermint Sticks) And when I find out that someone doesn't like peppermint, my brain can't wrap its head around the concept.   I don't like potatoes. Like, at all. Not a healthy thing, just a taste thing. I'll never be tempted by french fries and especially not by mashed potatoes.   Some people like peaches, and some people don't.    Think about someone that you don't particularly like. How often do you think about them? Is your dislike negative or is it neutral?  Does it really mean that you don't like the person, or that you don't enjoy them as much as some other people?  Take note of how little importance your thoughts and feelings about someone really has on your life - and use this to encourage ourself.    Your brain will want to be liked by others. This is our primitive brain on super-charge. It wants to be part of the crowd - and it thinks that being excluded creates a compromise to survival. Then it did, now it doesn't.  5 THINGS TO STOP DOING IMMEDIATELY Stop people-pleasing Stop indulging in the made-up stories in your mind. Stop assuming that you're the only one who thinks about these things Stop pretending to be someone that you're not Stop replaying every conversation and circumstance  “The reason that so many people don’t really feel happy while they’re building up their success in the eyes of society is that they are living in competition.” -Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga -Popularity is not a competition. -You don't need everyone to like you. -It's impossible to have everyone like you. UNDERSTAND WHY WE OVER-ATTACH TO CARING IF PEOPLE LIKE YOU We make it mean more than it does. We never learn how to accept ourselves when we depend on it from others. We become like a ragdoll to their whims - and get addicted to the drama of it.  We haven't reassured ourselves that we are safe and okay...

 #525: How to Be Nice to Yourself Instead of Hard on Yourself | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:33

Podcast #525   HOW TO BE NICE TO YOURSELF INSTEAD OF HARD ON YOURSELF Do you often find yourself putting undue pressure on yourself to achieve more, accomplish goals faster, and be perfect? If so, it’s time to start being nicer to yourself. As high-achieving women entrepreneurs, there comes a point when we have to come face-to-face with our own self-imposed limitations and challenge those self-defeating beliefs by exhibiting some much-needed kindness towards ourselves. It’s difficult but essential if we want to truly live up to the highest potential of who we are capable of becoming. In this podcast, I am going to provide tips for how you can become better at being nice – not only for your own well-being but also as paths that will lead us closer to fulfilling our ambitions. In this week's episode of The Confidence Podcast, we're chatting about: * How to Stop Beating Yourself Up * Shifting from Doubting Yourself / Dumbing Down Your Potential to Believing in Yourself * Seeing Yourself as You Would Your Best Friend REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Great Thought Work -Jacyln-C  I found your podcast while trying to gain confidence learning to play golf.  Now I listen often because you help me see ways I can improve my life in every aspect including my affect on others. Thank you.  HOW TO STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP Join us for our Stop Beating Yourself Up Workshop You have to be a member of the COC to get access. If this is something you struggle with, it's worth you getting access to this coaching. It could very well be what changes the entire narrative of how you talk to yourself the rest of your life - and your ability to break the patterns of self-criticism and self-disappointment.  Join at We're coaching live - with real life scenarios - on how to shift from self-criticism to self-compassion on Wednesday 12/21 … now is the time to get in.  SHIFTING FROM DOUBTING ONESELF TO BELIEVING IN ONESELF * Stop being afraid to take risks. * Have the courage to be committed. * Believe in the life you are creating not the life you have now.    1.  Get to Know Yourself The first step to stop doubting yourself is to get to know yourself. What are your strengths and weaknesses? What do you like and don’t like? What makes you happy and what makes you sad? The more you know about yourself, the easier it will be to accept yourself for who you are.   2.  Be mindful of your thoughts Be aware of the thoughts that go through your head on a daily basis. Are they positive or negative? Do they make you feel good or bad about yourself? If you find that you’re having a lot of negative thoughts, try to replace them with positive ones.   3.  Don’t compare yourself to others One of the main reasons people doubt themselves is because they compare themselves to others. But the truth is, everyone is unique and has their own set of skills and talents. So instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on your own unique qualities and what makes you special.   4.  Practice self-compassion Treat yourself with the same kindness, understanding,

 #524: Delayed Gratification – How to Do It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:58

  Podcast #524   DELAYED GRATIFICATION - HOW TO DO IT For years, scientists have been studying the benefits of practicing delayed gratification. The findings have consistently shown that those who delay gratification tend to be more successful both professionally and personally. So what is this magical skill, and how can you start practicing it today? Learn how to master it and some power affirmations to support your efforts in this episode of The Confidence Podcast.  REVIEW OF THE EPISODE: I started listening to Trish when I felt I needed more confidence in myself. She has helped boost my confidence and keeps me motivated. I love how sweet she is and how in-tuned she is to her podcasts! I love that it's based around God and her spirits just make me happy! Thank you so much, Trish and I love your podcasts!  -Jenni Barnes ANNOUNCEMENTS: This is the last month to get access to the COC at $67. New year, new rates. Starting in January, new members will pay $97. Sign up now and lock in your low rate. WHY IS DELAYED GRATIFICATION SO IMPORTANT?  For years, scientists have been studying the benefits of practicing delayed gratification. The findings have consistently shown that those who delay gratification tend to be more successful both professionally and personally. What is delayed gratification and why do we need it? You may be asking yourself that very question – especially if you’re someone who struggles with impulse control or tendencies towards instant gratification. The definition of delayed gratification is the ability to resist temptation, especially when it would lead to pleasure in the short term but pain or negative consequences in the long term. Many people view this skill as a key indicator of self-discipline, willpower, and emotional intelligence. So, what are some reasons why delayed gratification is so important? Here are four reasons:  1) It can help you achieve your goals.  2) It can make you more successful.  3) It can improve your relationships.  4)It can make you happier in the long run  Delayed gratification can help you achieve your goals: It's not about working harder necessarily but working smarter. When you're able to delay gratification and put in the hard work now so you can reap the rewards later, it shows discipline and planning – both of which employers love to see. Delayed gratification can help foster better relationships: learning how to wait for what we want instead of constantly asking for things upfront can lead to longer-lasting and more meaningful relationships. Because when we're finally able to give someone what they've asked for after waiting patiently, they know we value them enough to put our own wants aside.  Delayed gratification teaches self-control: This one goes hand-in-hand with number two. Learning how to delay gratification teaches us how ...

 #523: Believing with Perseverance When Your Goal Feels Out of Reach | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:02

Podcast #523   BELIEVING WITH PERSEVERANCE WHEN YOUR GOAL FEELS OUT OF REACH In our fast paced society, it's all too easy to feel like we're constantly falling behind. Whether it's striving for the perfect body or working towards that corner office, it seems like we set unattainable goals for ourselves and then berate ourselves when we don't reach them. But what if I told you that you could achieve anything you put your mind to? With perseverance and a positive attitude, you really can do anything. So don't give up on your dreams; keep fighting for them no matter how hard they seem. This podcast episode will help you keep the belief going when the going gets tough. Get the full show notes In this episode of The Confidence Podcast, we're talking about: * Maintaining belief for long-periods of time * Doubling down my encouragement when discouraged * How to stay motivated - and kind to yourself, when things aren't working out REVIEW OF THE WEEK When you're driving and see a sign for your desired destination, your first reaction is probably excitement. You know you're getting close! The closer you get, though, the more difficult it becomes to actually reach the goal. At some point along the way, doubt creeps in and discourages you from continuing onward. What if this is as far as you'll ever get? Doubt can be a powerful force, but don't let it prevent you from achieving your goals. With perseverance, anything is possible!   Inner power sentences / inner narratives to question: It's not working. Everyone else has it easier. Why can't I figure this out. It shouldn't be this hard. My progress is too slow. I'll always struggle with this. I'll never get there. It doesn’t really even matter.    How to stay motivated and encourage yourself when you feel stuck The missed opportunities of self-doubt Why it's normal to feel discouraged when pursuing a goal What to do when your goal seems out of reach Why it's normal to feel discouraged when pursuing a goal EPISODE SPONSOR: This episode is sponsored by/brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. Sometimes I wish I just had an owner manual for life - and for parenting - but unfortunately, life doesn’t come with a user manual. So when it’s not working for you, it’s normal to feel stuck. Therapy can help you get unstuck. BetterHelp has connected over 3 million people with licensed therapists. It’s convenient, secure, and accessible anywhere — 100% online. The combination of therapy and coaching was life-changing for me, as you probably have read about in my latest book, Straighten Your Crown. Finding the right therapist and getting started can feel overwhelming, but it doesn't need to. With Betterhelp, just fill out a brief questionnaire to match with a therapist. If things aren’t clicking, you can easily switch to a new therapist anytime. It couldn’t be simpler. No waiting rooms. No traffic. No endless searching for the right therapist.  Get unstuck, with BetterHelp. Learn more and save 10% off your first month at Better Help dot com slash confidencepod. That’s better HELP—H - E - L - P—dot com slash confidencepod.

 BONUS PODCAST: Transform Your Life in One Year | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:25

BONUS PODCAST: TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE IN ONE YEAR   If you aren't happy with your life, this is your invitation to change it. I'm inviting you to change your life in one year. It starts with getting $1000 off a year of transformational coaching. You won't recognize yourself or your life one year from now. Find out more at   If you aren't happy with your life, this is your invitation to change it. I'm inviting you to change your life in one year. How and where to start? First, let's pull back to the 3-year vision. If you and I were to meet three years from today, what needs to happen personally and professionally for you to be happy with your progress? Now let's identify what blocks you have that are keeping you stuck. -Lack of Vision -Overwhelm -Unfocused Goals -Negative Influences -Discouragement -Uncertainty About Decisions -Weak Purpose -Not Having a Plan -Critical Self-Talk - Lack of Feeling Progress -Impatience -Compare and Despair -Undisciplined Morning and Night Routines -Overthinking (Instead of Thinking on Purpose) -Pressure (Instead of Enjoying the Journey)  Friends, it's time to stop talking about your past, talk about your future. So, what do you want out of life? What about, what do you want out of this year? What would happen if you took a leap of faith. To change something, you have to change something. Coaching is the change that changes everything. GET COACHED FOR ONE YEAR There's nothing worse than not knowing what to tell your parents or your partner that you want for Christmas. Wait, there is. What about not knowing what you want for your life? Or your future? That's where I come in and can help with both. Join me for one year of life coaching, for less than the cost of an Apple Watch, and be able to tell your loved ones what you want for Christmas AND be able to know what you want in life and how to start getting it. (I'll help with both). Enroll in the College of Confidence for one year of coaching and get massive savings, and bonus gifts. Get a year of online life coaching and access to absolutely everything ever created over the past 5 years in the College of Confidence all for just $670 and get over $500 of free bonuses in addition when you enroll before midnight on 11/28/22. 2023 PLANNING SESSION (Value $250) Get access to a live planning workshop to help you map out and plan your goals, your focuses and your action-steps to create a life you love in 2023. EMERGE EXPERIENCE PROGRAM (Value $97) Get free access to this 7-Day Mindset Reset Program, the perfect program to give you a confidence boost that you can use whenever you want throughout the year. * SIGNED JOURNAL & BOOK FROM TRISH (Value $50) Get snail mail from Trish - a signed journal and signed copy of Straighten Your Crown

 #522: How To Break Negative Self-Talk Patterns | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:20

Podcast #522   HOW TO BREAK NEGATIVE SELF-TALK PATTERNS Negative self-talk can send us spiraling about ourselves, our lives, and our futures. Once the spiral starts it can feel hard to stop but doesn't have to continue to keep you spinning in helplessness. This episode teaches strategies on how to effectively get out of the fog of mind drama, how to neutralize your brain when it feels overwhelmed with negativity, and how to anticipate and exit negativity spiraling so that it stops getting in the way of your growth, your goals, and your breakthroughs. Get the full show notes at In this episode we’re talking about: * Mind Drama and Negativity Spiraling  * How to Neutralize and Question Your Thoughts * Affirmations to Speak Over Yourself as You Build Your Mental Boldness REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Jordynlee555 Best Gym Motivation! I started listening to your podcast while working out. I'm relatively new to the fitness journey and having this podcast to listen to not only motivates me to get to the gym but also lends me the confidence to push myself harder when I do! I'm so grateful I found this podcast on my confidence journey.  Happy Almost-Thanksgiving! Link to Gratitude and Prayer Journal: SPECIAL OFFER - ENDS ON THANKSGIVING Grab it at: ANNOUNCEMENT I have two 1:1 spots available for 2023 coaching. If you desire change in your life, have a big dream to achieve, or simply want to stretch your confidence and courage to go create the life of your dreams, whatever that might be, then coaching might be for you. My 1:1 clients get crazy results. They double their income. They write books. They walk the red carpet. They pay off debt. They get promoted beyond what they thought possible. They break bad habits that have haunted them for years. They grow their businesses.  They graduate med, law, and dental school with a vision and a plan. They create non-profits. They win cash prizes in athletic competitions. They finally lose weight after years of trying on their own. They define the dream life on their own terms.

 #521: Tips for Public Speaking Confidence and Speaking Your Mind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:45

Podcast #521   TIPS FOR PUBLIC SPEAKING CONFIDENCE AND SPEAKING YOUR MIND Public speaking and speaking your mind no longer need to panic you or make you feel anxious and unsure of yourself. This podcast episode gives you practical and easy to implement tips to improve your self-confidence for the next time you need to speak in public, or the next time you're trying to speak your mind about something that matters to you. You don't have to be extraverted or 100% confident in yourself to appear more confident when speaking in front of others. This episode will teach you how to trust yourself and how to keep your thoughts in a place of confidence instead of self-judgement and fear for the next time you speak.  In this episode of The Confidence Podcast, we're coaching on: * Public speaking confidence and tips for preparation * How to use confidence in sales and business conversations * Practice methods to improve your ability to speak your mind and express your opinion REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Love this podcast! Just found it last week and it has already helped so much. Looking forward to listening to more episodes and going on this confidence journey.  - ltr1101 COC MEMBER FEEDBACK PUBLIC SPEAKING CONFIDENCE 3 rules: * Know your audience * Know your material * Know your passion * Be comfortable with the pause. * Most people won't look engaged. * Have a plan * Know your opening and closing statement. * Assume people care - remember, the audience is on your side * Repeat yourself for emphasis * Use stories * Use inclusive language * Work from an outline * Practice, practice, practice * Embrace your personal style and quirts * Wear something that makes you feel powerful   EPISODE SPONSOR: This episode is sponsored by/brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. Sometimes I wish I just had an owner manual for life - and for parenting - but unfortunately, life doesn’t come with a user manual. So when it’s not working for you, it’s normal to feel stuck. Therapy can help you get unstuck. BetterHelp has connected over 3 million people with licensed therapists. It’s convenient, secure, and accessible anywhere — 100% online. The combination of therapy and coaching was life-changing for me, as you probably have read about in my latest book, Straighten Your Crown. Finding the right therapist and getting started can feel overwhelming, but it doesn't need to. With Betterhelp,

 #520: Overthinking and Overwhelm, How to Create Mental Peace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:39

Podcast #520   OVERTHINKING AND OVERWHELM, HOW TO CREATE MENTAL PEACE The brain is the most powerful thing we have in the world, and yet most of us are blocking ourselves from accessing its fullest capacity because we aren't managing it well. The result? You don't achieve as much as you want and your life feels good, but not great. The key to a breakthrough in your mental capacity is to learn how to cut through the fog and weight of overwhelm and overthinking, and the good news is that it's easiest to do than you think.  In this episode of The Confidence Podcast, we're coaching on: * Overwhelm, spinning your wheels, and indecision * How to talk back to yourself - in a way that works * Tapping into the mental fortitude that is available to you REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  I just want to say thank you for this podcast! I always look forward to the next episode and feel inspired and more confident after listening! As an entrepreneur myself, I Know how much a review means and I'm finally taking the time to leave you a review. Thank you, Trish! Keep up the excellent work!  Thank you for this podcast!  Juli Miller COC MEMBER FEEDBACK OVERWHELM AND OVERTHINKING - WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING Fear.  Self-pity. Intimidation. We forget who we are and what we're capable of. We believe the lie that we're behind or that we need to do it all. We feel shame over our weakness and exhaustion. Results: Procrastination Buffering Numbing Comparing Dissatisfaction Anxiety Uncertainty Become someone who takes massive action.  You don't become successful from success. You become successful from your mistakes.  TALK BACK TO YOURSELF  Just because you think a thought doesn't make it true. Reclaim the land and territory of your mind - and know that there is a spiritual battle that is real - and the place it happens isn't in our hearts … it's in our minds because what happens in our minds creates what is in our heads. Don't be discouraged or feel defeated that your mind feels like a mess. Be encouraged - that means you have a great purpose - and incredible potential. I spent a decade of my life letting negativity, doubt, and trash squat on my prime real estate.  And I didn't know that all it took was me to say "get out - this land belongs to me." TAPPING INTO YOUR MENTAL FORTITUDE  It's already there. Available to you. But you have to believe you can, and you have to practice the skills and habits that strengthen your skill. HOW TO CREATE MENTAL PEACE Mindset Management Habits (We have a workshop on that!) Decide what quality of thoughts you want to have.


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