The Confidence Podcast  show

The Confidence Podcast

Summary: The Confidence Podcast is the podcast for women who struggle with perfectionism, self-doubt, and a self-critical voice. If you know you have potential and purpose, but you still secretly feel like you're behind, not enough, or even an impostor, then this podcast is for you. In each episode, world-renown Confidence Coach Trish Blackwell will teach you how to live confidently and courageously as the woman God created you to be. This podcast is your weekly resource to train your thoughts, take them captive, and use them to help you live with joy, abundance, peace, power, and, of course, confidence. Get FREE instant access to the Confidence Masterclass to learn exactly how to have more confidence with the 3-part "Confidence Formula" at


 #003: CONFIDENCE IN THE MOM BOD. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:30

 CONFIDENCE IN THE MOM BOD EPISODE #003   Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had … and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed. –Linda Wooten           LET’S GET INTO THE CONFIDENT CONTENT: I’m going to put my personal trainer hat on today – and, since we’re just getting to know one another, I owe it to tell you about my experience in the fitness industry:   I specialize in working with body image issues, eating disorders or significant amounts of weight loss needs (50lbs or more)…. essentially my sweet spots are with the folks who need to just lose “those last 5 pounds” and those who need to lose a lot more than five pounds.   I’m an athlete for life – marathoner, Ironman athlete, obstacle race competitor, snowboarder, surfer, cyclist….I love being active. I have competed internationally in my sports of choice and am grateful to say that the sport of swimming paid my way through college. I have been active in the Fitness Industry as my field of profession for almost ten years now.     SOME THOUGHTS ON THE MOM-BOD:   You’ve heard about the Dad Bod – let’s celebrate the Mom Bod today. The Mom Bod is a beautiful thing…and it’s time to stop talking about it like it’s not. Stop with the excuses – stop blaming your body on your baby, take ownership of your body for where it is right now – 5 pounds overweight or 50 pounds overweight and stop saying that you’re “too busy” to take care of yourself. Celebrate your body for the battle scars you incurred from carrying your child and giving birth; celebrate and accept it as it is today. Get serious – have a system and a plan – my plan is 6x/week, social time while exercising, morning workouts, pre-planned meals, one big grocery shopping trip per week, one big cook-up and tracking. Plan your fitness a week at a time, but have flexibility in your plan because sometimes life does happen   NUTRITION TIPS:   3-Hour Rule Proper Prior Preparation – Meal Planning, Snack Bags and Big-Cook-Ups Breakfast of Champions Minimize Sugars Maximize Water     FITNESS TIPS:   Don’t workout – exercise. Do what you enjoy. Create a social opportunity out of it. Set a goal. Celebrate the small victories. Get an accountability partner .       BE A CONFIDENT MOM IN YOUR BOD:   Get instant access to your own copy of my free eBook, The 77 Secrets of Hot Moms at and find out exactly how I lost all of my baby weight in eight weeks, as well as other secrets I have compiled from hot and confident moms I have worked with over the past ten years. Get your copy now at     ANNOUNCEMENTS:   Want more confidence and inspiration in your life? Make sure you come like my Facebook Fan page at and go check out my other top-ranked podcast show, Confidence on the Go at Tell someone else about this show! Excited about this new show? Help me know that by writing a review in iTunes. I promise I personally read each review and that reviews are like little love letters to me.     Now go out there and be more of who you are, be you, be free, be the confident mom that you are meant to be.      

 #002: WHAT MOMS DON’T TALK ABOUT | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 32:19

 WHAT MOMS DON'T TALK ABOUT EPISODE #002 “Birth is the sudden opening of a window, through which you look out upon a stupendous prospect. For what has happened? A miracle. You have exchanged nothing for the possibility of everything.” ~ William Macneile Dixon     WHAT MOMS DON’T TALK ABOUT ENOUGH / WHAT I WISH PEOPLE HAD REALLY TOLD ME BEFORE BECOMING A MOM   The first six weeks of a baby’s life are hard. Not just a little hard, a lot hard. You will cry a lot. And then you will feel bad for crying. Everyone will have an opinion of your parenting style and decisions. There are way too many blogs and opinions out there – don’t get bogged down by them Living in fear is the best way to be a watered down momma   WHAT WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT MORE … NO, NOT JUST TALK ABOUT, CELEBRATE:   We need to celebrate our mom-bods [Story about my C-section scar] We need to celebrate one another more. We need to celebrate camaraderie (trust one another with emotions, with fears, with our exhaustion, etc.) We need to celebrate the help of others (accept help and refuse to pretend that you have it all together / are juggling it all) We need to celebrate ourselves are ourselves – not just as moms (stay engaged in a hobby completely separate from our children)       BE A CONFIDENT MOM IN YOUR BOD:   Get instant access to your own copy of my free eBook, The 77 Secrets of Hot Moms at and find out exactly how I lost all of my baby weight in eight weeks, as well as other secrets I have compiled from hot and confident moms I have worked with over the past ten years. Get your copy now at   ANNOUNCEMENTS:   Want more confidence and inspiration in your life? Make sure you come like my Facebook Fan page at and go check out my other top-ranked podcast show, Confidence on the Go at Tell someone else about this show! Excited about this new show? Help me know that by writing a review in iTunes. I promise I personally read each review and that reviews are like little love letters to me.     Now go out there and be more of who you are, be you, be free, be the confident mom that you are meant to be. Email - trish at Contact on my website - Twitter - @trainerTRISH Facebook - Instagram – @traintrishtrain

 #001: WHY CONFIDENCE MATTERS FOR MOMS | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: Unknown

WHY CONFIDENCE MATTERS FOR MOMS EPISODE #001   “Babies are bits of star-dust blown from the hand of God. Lucky the woman who knows the pangs of birth for she has held a star.” ~ Larry Barretto   WELCOME TO THE SHOW!         WHY CONFIDENCE MATTERS FOR MOMS:   I was worried about being a good mom, until I decided to take action on my fears. I decided to cling to confidence, which I know is a choice and it is a mindset that is engaged in active living. As I waited the arrival of my little girl, I set my intentions on a few things:   I would trust in God’s plan.   My fears about not being a good enough mom, or the right mom disappear when I remember that God placed me with my baby for a reason. Of all of the millions of women in this world, God chose me to be Ellie’s mom. That gives me confidence. God knows more than me about why I am a good match for her, and I trust Him.   I would pray for my child and write down my prayers.   Writing down my prayers is something I have always loved doing, but now as mom I love it even more because it frees my heart to literally be able to see that I have given it – I have given my child – over to God. It gives me confidence that I am not in control.   I would invest in myself because I know that I can’t give what I don’t have.   I want to instill confidence and speak nothing but words of life to Ellie, but in order to do that, I must make sure that I have that to give out in the first place. I know too many moms who stop being themselves and stop investing in themselves completely when they become moms – all in an effort to love their children well – but ultimately jeopardizing the amount of love they can really give.   I would prioritize my husband and my relationship – and we would not lose our identities, our relationship and ourselves by being parents.     The greatest counsel we received as a couple in our pre-marital counseling was to put one another first, a concept that is uncommonly practiced in America. Often it is children first and then marriage second, and we wonder why over 50% of marriages end in divorce. My husband and I intend on being together forever – and by honoring one another and prioritizing the quality of our marriage we will be investing in our children by giving them a stable family environment as well as a living example of what a working and loving marriage looks like.   I would study parenting.   I am by no means an expert in parenting. In fact, I am the furthest thing from it, and I intend on being a learner in this area my entire life. Each phase of motherhood for me will present new opportunities to learn, new ways to love, new types of connection…from the time Ellie is a baby until the time she is a grown adult, my mothering will never stop and I have intended for it never to stop growing and changing. I am committed to humbly seeking out counsel from others in the form of advice, books, podcasts, counseling and even simple observation.         CONFIDENCE MATTERS FOR MOMS BECAUSE:   Children mirror us; we learn less by what is intentionally taught and more through what is absorbed and observed. Children need leaders – they need someone who knows who they are and how can teach them that the world does not rotate around them, but that we are here to love and build up others We are simply better moms when we are confident.

 #129: VIP IDENTITY | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:54

You are one of one - it's time to start believing in it. Get the full show notes >>>

 #128: OVERCOMING COMPARISON | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:30

You can overcome the toxic compulsion of comparison with these simple 3 steps...listen to this #confidence #podcast to learn how to be free to be you. >>> Get the full show notes at

 #127: CONFIDENCE OR FEAR (SWITCH TO SAFER PART TWO) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:43

Are you making decisions in your life based out of confidence or based out of fear? Podcast episode with questions to probe your intentions and motivation. >>> Get the full show notes at

 #126: SWITCH TO SAFER (PART ONE) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:47

I have had a major breakthrough in my approach to overall wellness ... and am making a switch to safer with what I put in, on and around my body. >>> Get the full show notes at

 #125: SHEILA VEIRS: SEVERING SELF-SABOTAGE | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 40:24

Guest Sheila Viers shares her incredible insight on how to sever self-sabotage, particularly w/food. She also teaches how to repair our metabolism. #podcast >>> Get the full show notes at

 #124: OVERCOMING SURVIVAL MODE | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 42:21

You can go from a mindset of surviving to one of are four strategies to take your survivor mode and turn it into something victorious. >>> Get the full show notes at

 #123: MAXIMIZING MANTRAS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:09

Maximizing mantras in your life can be the bridge linking truth from something you "know" intellectually into something you "know" & "live" in your heart. >>> Get the full show notes at

 #122: PERFECTIONISM VS. EXCELLENCE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:08

What are you pursuing in life? Perfectionism or excellence? Podcast episode on how to overcome perfectionism and how instead to pursue excellence. >>> Get the full show notes at

 #121: PATSY CLAIRMONT: FACING YOUR FEARS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:00

Patsy Clairmont interview on how to really face your fears with success to find true freedom in your mind, your spirit and your life. #podcast >>> Get the full show notes at

 #120: FLEXIBILITY FOR TYPE A’S | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:19

Flexibility - and balance - is possible for Type A's ...this podcast episode explores strategies on how to find more flexibility and balance in your life. >>> Get the full show notes at

 #119: BRANDON SYNAN – MOTIVATION FOR TYPE B’S | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:35

It is possible to find motivation strategies that work for type B's and this podcast interview with Brandon Synan highlights practical ways on how! >>> Get the full show notes at

 #118: HOLD ONTO HAPPINESS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:06

It is possible to hug happiness and here are four practical ways for you to hug and hold onto it in your everyday and daily life! >>> Get the full show notes at


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