The Confidence Podcast  show

The Confidence Podcast

Summary: The Confidence Podcast is the podcast for women who struggle with perfectionism, self-doubt, and a self-critical voice. If you know you have potential and purpose, but you still secretly feel like you're behind, not enough, or even an impostor, then this podcast is for you. In each episode, world-renown Confidence Coach Trish Blackwell will teach you how to live confidently and courageously as the woman God created you to be. This podcast is your weekly resource to train your thoughts, take them captive, and use them to help you live with joy, abundance, peace, power, and, of course, confidence. Get FREE instant access to the Confidence Masterclass to learn exactly how to have more confidence with the 3-part "Confidence Formula" at


 #369: DOUBLING YOUR DREAMS AND YOUR GENEROSITY, WITH MARK BATTERSON | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:18

Podcast #369 DOUBLING YOUR DREAMS AND YOUR GENEROSITY, WITH MARK BATTERSON The bigger you dream, and bolder you are, the more impact you will have. We go deep into how to dream big, grow in generosity and see things beyond your wildest dreams happen - all starting with how you think, how you give, and how you flip your blessings in your life to bless others. This is a holiday episode that will bless you and challenge you for the new year to come. In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're talking about: Generosity Big dreams What to do when the vision feels too big for you REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  Life-changing - 5 stars, by harvmarv58257 Listening to Trish has been life-changing for me. God sent me to this podcast at a very rough time in my life and I"m so thankful for how I have grown through the words of Trish. Thank you and keep it up. I know there are many others out there like me who need to hear your message too. SPONSORSHIP NOTE: Ya'll. Exciting news. I just started teaching a NEW webinar. This podcast is brought to you today by this new FREE webinar: HOW TO STOP CARING WHAT PEOPLE THINK. I've been listening to your feedback and requests, and this webinar masterclass session is just that. You've asked for it, so you're getting it! It's a 20-minute webinar on HOW TO STOP CARING WHAT PEOPLE THINK, and you'll walk away with 3 strategies you can do right away to start being free from worrying so much about what people think --- because when you're free from all that worry, that's when you become equipped to show up with confidence and courage for your life. Here's to chasing your dreams and to living with peace and joy! But to get there, we've got to get free from caring too much what people think. Grab your seat today -I'm hosting class all week, don't miss this. Just go to  You'll want to attend the whole class because we're doing a Q&A session at the end. I can't wait to see you there!!!! ABOUT MARK BATTERSON: Mark Batterson is the lead pastor of National Community Church in Washington, DC. One church in seven locations, NCC owns and operates Ebenezers Coffeehouse, The Miracle Theatre, and the DC Dream Center. NCC is currently developing a city block into The Capital Turnaround, the 100,000 sf space will include event venue, child development center, mixed-use marketplace and co-working space. Mark holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Regent University and is the New York Times best-selling author of seventeen books including, The Circle Maker, In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day, Wild Goose Chase, and recently released Double Blessing, Whisper, and Play the Man. Mark and his wife Lora live on Capitol Hill with their three children: Parker, Summer, and Josiah. Learn more at ABOUT THE BOOK: Double Blessing, How to Get It. How to Give It. His discovery started with a simple experiment. Whenever Batterson received a blessing, he would give a similar blessing away. If someone paid him a compliment or gave him a gift or went out of their way to help him, he would return the favor by doing something similar for someone else. We flip the blessing by blessing others in the way God has blessed us. That’s how the blessing becomes a double blessing. It turns giving into a game—one we can’t win because God will always outgive us! It’s an ancient truth found within the Abrahamic covenant: “I will bless you . . . and you will be a blessing.” In other words, we are blessed to bless. The first blessing is receiving, but it doesn’t end there. The second blessing is giving it away! That’s the double blessing. And that’s where double joy is found. In a day and age where the idea of blessing has been reduced to a hashtag (#blessed),

 #368: HOW TO NOT BE AFFECTED BY NEGATIVE PEOPLE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:01

Podcast #368 HOW TO NOT BE AFFECTED BY NEGATIVE PEOPLE You can learn how to not be affected by negative people, even if that includes your own negativity. In this episode, we're going to be talking about how to handle negativity, from wherever it comes, and how to shift states and turn what is or could be perceived as negative into something positive. Understanding negativity and the difference between negativity and realism How to handle negative people - 5 things you can do What to do if you're the one being negative (eeekkk!) SPONSORSHIP NOTE: Ya'll. Exciting news. I just started teaching a NEW webinar. This podcast is brought to you today by this new FREE webinar: HOW TO STOP CARING WHAT PEOPLE THINK. I've been listening to your feedback and requests, and this webinar masterclass session is just that. You've asked for it, so you're getting it! It's a 20-minute webinar on HOW TO STOP CARING WHAT PEOPLE THINK, and you'll walk away with 3 strategies you can do right away to start being free from worrying so much about what people think --- because when you're free from all that worry, that's when you become equipped to show up with confidence and courage for your life. Here's to chasing your dreams and to living with peace and joy! But to get there, we've got to get free from caring too much what people think. Grab your seat today -I'm hosting class all week, don't miss this. Just go to  You'll want to attend the whole class because we're doing a Q&A session at the end. I can't wait to see you there!!!! REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  We're at 736 episodes, y'all. My BHAG is 1000, and it's still not impossible. Will you help me press in and press towards that, appreciating my vulnerability of how it is to share a public goal with thousands of people that you just might not hit? Trish!!! Thank you!!! I started listening to your podcast a few months back when I was feeling sort of stuck. Your words have changed my life! I have gotten compliments from my friends that I've gained so much confidence that they want that for themselves (I've introduced them to your podcast, of course!). My favorite episode so far is the A-Z guide to confidence. I have listened to this more times than I can count, so I finally wrote each letter out and taped them up at home. My goal is every day to just pick one letter and do that. Anyways, this is me showing up to help you reach that audacious goal and to let you know that you are truly changing the world. Episode #302: The A-Z Guide for Confidence  NEGATIVITY, WHAT IS IT Negativity is any focus on what could go wrong, what is going wrong or what should be better than it is. The dictionary says that it is the expression of criticism or pessimism about something. Negativity focuses only on lack, limitations, and criticism. Realism is less subjectively focused and is more objective. Don't claim the cop-out, "I'm just a realistic" to justify your negative thinking. Negativity is the brake for all dreams. Negativity is where potential goes to die. Negativity is the excuse-maker's language. WHAT NEGATIVITY WILL HOLD YOU BACK FROM It's hard to be negative and happy. It's hard to be negative and to push past your comfort zone. It's hard to be negative and believe in yourself. It's hard to be negative and grateful. It's hard to be negative and growth-oriented. HOW TO HANDLE NEGATIVE PEOPLE: Be kind: understand that they are in pain. Be firm: have boundaries and coach with love, negativity is contagious - call them to a higher standard. Be patient: you can't fix people, they have to want it for themselves.

 #367: HOW TO STOP PUTTING SO MUCH PRESSURE ON YOURSELF | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:56

HOW TO STOP PUTTING SO MUCH PRESSURE ON YOURSELF Podcast #367 Putting pressure on yourself doesn't get you better results in life. Pressure just increases stress and makes you overwhelmed. This episode will teach you how to be nicer to yourself and how to use positive motivation instead of negative pressure. In this podcast episode of The Confidence Podcast we're talking about: The ways in which we put pressure on ourselves, and what it does to us Why we put pressure on ourselves How to stop the pressure-cycle for good and have more happiness If you haven’t yet gotten your hands on my morning journal, the Freedom Journal, there’s no better time than now to deepen your morning routine with God. This 8-minute/day process, which I’ll teach you for free, obviously, is the place to start. Get it now at REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Keep on doing you – 5 stars by LoveyaLongThyme Trish has been teaching me how to slow down and really pay attention to life. She is always opening my eyes and giving great tips on making the most of our time on earth. Her spiritual podcasts were my favorite! No matter what she talks about it somehow helps me and I highly encourage people to give it a listen! My only critique is I cannot hear her in my car because her tone is so soft and soothing. Thank the Lord for Trish and Bluetooth headphones. Keep doing you, Trish! WHY WE PUT PRESSURE ON OURSELVES Peel back the onion and don’t just use the cop-out of personality. Some of it is our wiring, but most of it is a belief system. As a little girl I believed I could fix my family’s problems if I was just good enough, just successful enough. What about you? Resource Mentioned: Dr. Leaf Dr. Leaf’s TED Talk: 3 MAIN TYPES OF PRESSURE WE PUT ON OURSELVES:  PRESSURE TO BE PERFECT There is a difference between high achievement and perfection. Desire to be a certain weight, or parent or achiever. PRESSURE TO BE SUCCESSFUL There is a line between a full life and an overwhelmed life Desire to be impressive, to be admired, to be applauded, to be the best. PRESSURE TO BE LIKED. We are wired for connection, but trying to get people to like you is like chasing the wind. Desire to be popular and praised, to have a guarantee that will never be lonely. The main three lies we believe (part of the basics of Psychiatry 101): I’m helpless. I’m worthless. I’m unloveable. PUTTING PRESSURE ON YOURSELF JUST DOESN'T WORK It fills your life with: Anxiety Comparison Competition Overwhelm Overcommitment And feelings of: Being less than Being constantly behind Being unqualified Scarcity Stress The more pressure you put on yourself, the more prone you will be to the toxic cycle of self-sabotage. We weren’t created to live in a pressure cooker – we are wired for wild adventure and encouragement. [Podcast references]  How to Stop Being So Self-Critical, #366 How to be Free from People Pleasing, #324 How to Increase Confidence Through Self-Compassion, #321 Those anxieties on your heart this morning? I hear them too. I know you felt them when you woke, and when you tossed and turned last night. I get it. Because I have them too. Anxiety is part of the human condition, but it does not have to be the condition that reigns the dire...

 #366: HOW TO STOP BEING SO SELF-CRITICAL | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:06

HOW TO STOP BEING SO SELF-CRITICAL Podcast #366 Being self-critical can block you from having authentic and life-giving self-confidence. You don't have to suffocate under the self-imposed pressure of self-criticism any long. Being self-critical is a learned behavior and often a passed-down thought pattern. This episode will help you begin to unravel the toxic wiring in your mindset that is making you suffer and stagnate from self-criticism.  In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: There are three toxic moves that are suffocating you: comparison, distraction, and busynessReestablish what you are living for and get clarity.Harness the tenants of a recovering perfectionist and be radically kind to yourself SPONSORSHIP NOTE: This podcast is brought to you by my free masterclass on confidence. If you don't yet know the three fundamental elements that make up The Confidence Formula, then you are seriously hindering your confidence growth. Get instant access to our masterclass replay and get the basics down so that you can really accelerate in your growth. Just go to  REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Amazing Life Changing Podcast - 5 Stars by GolfGirly23 I absolutely love this podcast!!! I just happened to stumble upon Trish's podcast the other day and I'm so thankful that I did! This podcast truly has been life-changing. I have learned so much in just the short amount of time that I have been listening! I have been able to take what I have learned and apply it to my life. I have never listened to a podcast that has had such an impact on my life! I knew I was a perfectionist but I didn't realize the crippling effect that it had on my life until now. I also love that Trish incorporates faith-based episodes. It's always so good to have the lies that the enemy wants us to believe covered in God's truth! Trish thank you for opening your heart and sharing it with the world, and for speaking God's word over the enemy's lies. You are amazing and I am so glad that I found your podcast! Much love and blessing from a new fan! Sincerely, thank you! REWIRING THE SELF-CRITICAL MINDSET Identify first where the self-criticism comes from. -A critical voice in your life? Was there a primary one or multiple ones? -What does your self-critical voice say? -What is the pressure you feel and why does it stem from being self-critical? -I have a critical voice in my life - and I have to realign boundaries and expectations around them; I've learned that I will never get the praise or approval I crave from the person, so I have to let go. What do you need to let go of?  You are not a victim of your thoughts. You are the driver of your thoughts. You are not a victim to the thoughts or expectations of others. You are the decider of who's voice matters.  “Remember, you have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.”  -Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life “Our reaction to self-criticism is more important than the self-criticism itself. Paying attention to our reactions is very important because the only thing we have control over is how we react.”  -Yong Kang Chan, The Disbelief Habit: How to Use Doubt to Make Peace with Your Inner Critic “Self-criticism,

 #365: HOW TO HAVE THE CONFIDENCE I HAVE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:17

HOW TO TO HAVE THE CONFIDENCE I HAVE Podcast #365 In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: The relationship between freedom and confidence?What my tagline "Be you, be free" means and how to tap into its powerHow you can learn to have confidence I have by pursuing freedom SPONSORSHIP NOTE: This podcast is brought to you by my free masterclass on confidence. If you don't yet know the three fundamental elements that make up The Confidence Formula, then you are seriously hindering your confidence growth. Get instant access to our masterclass replay and get the basics down so that you can really accelerate in your growth. Just go to  REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  Kara012994 I just started listening to your podcast and I truly believe God has sent me to you. Thank you for being so positive and brightening my day.  WHAT DOES FREEDOM HAVE TO DO WITH CONFIDENCE? Noun:  the power or right to act, speak or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. BE YOU, BE FREE: WHAT DOES IT MEAN?  It starts with the most basic of all taglines - let's explore what mine actually means It requires being emotionally brave to understand what you might be enslaved to. "Be you, be free." This is a tagline that settled into my heart when I first started blogging and podcasting. It felt right and it was simple and clear. I had learned that when I was myself, when I was actually Trish, that I then felt the most alive. I think that the best word to describe that state of being absolutely alive is being "free." Being "free" gave me permission to make mistakes, to fail, to be goofy, to be myself, to be daring, to be bolder in my faith, to be curious, to be human.  It let me be the Trish that I was when I was a little girl. Unafraid of rejection. Safe within the walls of my parents' love - even though their relationship was up and down, their love for me wasn't.  Previous, I was consumed and constrained. Restrained by the pressure I put on myself, by the cage I had put around myself in protection, by the complications and challenges of anxiety and self-sabotage I had set up for myself .... internally I wanted to be a child again, to be alive, to be unrestricted, to be joyous.  My heart craved freedom. True freedom.  I believe that the key to freedom starts with identity. BREAKOUT: GOING, GOING....ALMOST GONE Currently, it sells for $397 and when we relaunch it in 2020 it will be a course that sells for $1997. Get it for yourself now before the cost quadruples. HOW DO CAN YOU LEARN TO "BE YOU, BE FREE?"  Be You. Figure out how to be you.  Best advice ever given to me: "Just go be Trish Blackwell." How to Overcome Feelings of Inadequacy, Episode #269 How to Feel Confident About Who You Are, Episode #244 Laughing With Yourself + Stop Taking Life So Seriously, Episode #153 

 364: BEING IN A HURRY TO GET THINGS DONE DOESN’T WORK | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:55

BEING IN A HURRY TO GET THINGS DONE DOESN'T WORK Podcast:#364  When you make time for growth, you make time for life. Real fulfillment and real confidence happen only when we slow down and actually live. The truth is, everyone has a life, but not everyone actually lives. In this podcast episode of The Confidence Podcast we're talking about: Why hurrying is detrimental to our productivityWhy hurrying is damaging to our happinessWhy hurrying is deadly to our purpose and plan REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Heart-changing - 5 Stars by sj12_faithfullyfit Trish is not just a confidence coach, she is a life coach ... and now I know EVERYONE needs a life coach. As a kid I always had coaches in my life being involved in sports, but as an adult, I forgot what an important role a coach plate.d My only regret is that I didn't find Trish sooner!! Before I even realized it, I was trapped with unrealistic expectations for myself. I craved JOY or PEACE in my life, but instead, I was exhausted, frustrated and overwhelmed ... Trish has reminded me that it's ok to SLOW DOWN. She has reminded me that God loves ME, not what I do or accomplish. She has challenged me to grow in so many ways, yet it lacks overwhelm. When I take a step back and look how far I have come in the last year, it leaves me speechless. I.  have unpacked and conquered so many things that I didn't even know was holding back or weighing me down. I have more work to do and nay more challenges to overcome, but I have leaned into the process and my faith to keep growing. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU Trish for putting yourself out there. I know it's not easy .. but what an impact!!! I will continue to pray God leads you to help so many more people. THOUGHTS FROM A 4-YEAR OLD ON HURRYING: Ellie's clip :) My journey with pace and speed. Podcast on "Forward is a Pace," How to be Happy With Where You Are On Your Journey" espisode from October 2018. Listen directly at: or below on the podcast player. HOW TO BE HAPPY WITH WHERE YOU ARE ON YOUR JOURNEY Remember - by paying attention to the words we use to think about our lives, we determine the pace and peace we will have with our legacy. WHY HURRYING IS DETRIMENTAL TO OUR PRODUCTIVITY We miss out on what really matters We drink the productivity fulfillment kool-aid We damage relationships - with others, with ourselves and with God We live on an empty battery, like machines instead of humans We believe the lie of multi-tasking and we spread ourselves too thin We program ourselves to believe that we are valuable for what we do rather than for who we are SPONSORSHIP NOTE: Fab Fit Fun Box Alright ya'll, I've got to pause our coaching for a moment to let you in on a fab, fit and fun secret ... I'm currently obsessed with my new Fab Fit Fun box subscription. I  seriously didn't think I would ever find a company that aligned with who I am and what I like as much as I do with Fab Fit Fun. And best of all, as a busy entrepreneur with two kids under the age of four, let's be honest, I am on the struggle bus when it comes to finding time to shop for myself and my self-care. FabFitFun is self-care made simple! My FabFitFun box gets delivered right to my door,

 #363: PERFECTION? HOW TO STOP BEING YOUR OWN WORST ENEMY | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:01

Podcast #363 Always aiming for perfection might be the one thing that is keeping you from the results you want in life. What exactly is a perfectionist though, and how do you know if you struggle with perfectionism or not? This episode will reveal 10 signs to help you determine if you are a perfectionist and will coach you with 7 tips to stop letting perfection stop you. If you struggle with getting in your own way, or with being your own worst enemy, then this podcast episode is for you. Listen to the full show notes at  In this podcast episode of The Confidence Podcast we're talking about: What perfection mindset really is and how to know if you are perfectionist or notHow to stop being your own worst enemy and stop the cycle of perfection (and what being your own worst enemy actually looks like)A major shift I'm making to the Confidence Podcast ... plus my newest course that will mobilize a new level of freedom and confidence in your life if you are someone who struggles with perfectionism REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Just Subscribe Already - 5 Stars!, by Legz79 I've been binge-listening to Trish's podcast for over a year now. Even though I have different spiritual beliefs, her insight and messages are for all individuals looking for some guidance and courage to live a more fulfilling life! Her energy is contagious and she breaks things down into manageable changes you can incorporate into each day . Life's a journey and I'm ready to step it up in my 40s with Trish cheering me on! Trish, thanks for being a rockstar confidence coach! PERFECTIONIST? PERFECTIONISM, WHAT IT IS? Definition of perfectionism: Perfectionism, in psychology, is a personality trait characterized by a person's striving for flawlessness and setting high-performance standards, accompanied by critical self-evaluations and concerns regarding others' evaluations. ( Is perfectionism a mental disorder? Perfectionism is a risk factor for obsessive-compulsive disorder, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, eating disorders, social anxiety, social phobia, body dysmorphic disorder, workaholism, self-harm, substance abuse, and clinical depression as well as physical problems like chronic stress, and heart disease. According to Psychology Today:  Perfectionism is a trait that makes life an endless report card on accomplishments or looks. A fast and enduring track to unhappiness, it is often accompanied by depression and eating disorders. (  WHAT ARE SOME OF THE SIGNS OF BEING A PERFECTIONIST? 1. You never feel like you're doing enough. 2. You strive for high-achievement, and unless it's the best you feel like you failed. (A+ versus A) 3. You cannot accept and celebrate your success. 4. You don't allow yourself any mistakes (and punish yourself for the ones you make) 5. You put on a facade of everything being okay because you are really afraid of people's judgment. 6. You stick to what you know and avoid challenges or uncomfortable situations where you might not be the best. 7. You procrastinate and struggle with getting th...

 362: HOW TO ASSESS YOUR PERSONAL GROWTH | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:06

HOW TO ASSESS WHETHER OR NOT YOU ARE "GROWING"  Podcast #362 Sometimes if we don't know whether or not we are developing in personal growth, we can feel overwhelmed and it feels difficult to assess whether or not we are following God's plan for our life. You don't have to stress or feel the pressure of "being behind" or "not doing enough" anymore, because God is doing a fresh and new work in you, each and every day.  This episode will help you have confidence and peace in the transformation that God is doing right now in you and in your life. Get the full show notes at Thought of the Week: God is doing something fresh and new in all of us. Too often we get overwhelmed with how far we have to go, or how lost we feel, or how we compare to someone else. The only thing that matters is that we are not where we once were. The best is yet to come because God is doing something fresh and new in all of us. Do you want to grow in love? Lean closer in. Do you want to feel more joy? Lean closer in. Do you want more patience? Lean closer in. Do you want healing and more freedom in who you are? Lean closer in. Verse of the Week: 2 Corinthians 4:16-17 That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day. For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! Truth: God continually makes us new. Every moment of every day brings a fresh beginning. Prayer of the Week:  Father God, we praise you for the work you are doing within us and around us right now. Thank you for seeking to fully reconcile us to you, for without your presence, we have nothing. Without your love, we are lost.  We confess that we get lost in our striving and in comparing our lives to that of others - and it brings us down into a place of overwhelm, anxiety, uncertainty, and fear.  Forgive us for not trusting the great love and goodness You have for us. Fill our hearts with patience and confidence in  the truth that what you have begun within us, you will complete. When we hold to that truth, we can walk freely in peace with the sound wisdom that our lives are in your hand. You have a plan for us and we praise you for the perfect way you are writing it. Because of your love for us and your presence in our lives we can walk in confidence that we are growing. Thank you for the gift it is to not worry about whether or not we are doing enough or being enough. We yearn Lord for excellence and for the areas of life where we crave refinement to happen quickly, but we trust your hand, your guidance and the changes you are doing in our heart and mind. Pour a double portion of praise and peace into us this week as we walk in patience and with openness to see the things you are doing inside us. May we never take for granted the divine transformation you are doing, and may we rest in sure confidence that we are not who we used to be. Thank you for making all things new, especially for the newness in our lives and in our minds. Thank you for doing something new and fresh in us each and every day, we praise you and thank you for this peace this understanding imparts to us. In the life-changing name of Jesus we pray, Amen. 

 361: 15 WAYS TO STOP CARING WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:33

15 WAYS TO STOP CARING WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK Podcast #361  Caring too much about what other people think about you is the fastest way to play small with your life. You can stop yourself from being negatively affected by this psychological fear by learning some practical and proven ways to give yourself permission to not care about what people may or may not say and instead to just be who God created you to be.  In this episode of The Confidence Podcast, we're chatting about practical ways to stop caring about what others think how to fire up your heart so that you take more action now to change than you ever have before  The Confidence Podcast is the podcast for high-achievers who crave deeper, more fulfilling success. In each episode, internationally acclaimed Confidence Coach Trish Blackwell will coach your mindset and your heartset to help you step confidently and courageously into your God-given calling. If you have ever struggled with insecurity, self-doubt, impostor syndrome, perfectionism, body image issues or overwhelm, you'll feel understood and encouraged by The Confidence Podcast. Learn how to create a life you love and love the life you live by training your confidence with Blackwell's faith-based teachings. Get FREE instant access to the Confidence Masterclass to learn exactly how to have more confidence with the 3-part "Confidence Formula" at   REVIEW OF THE EPISODE: A New Life - 5 Stars, by Ally Behling Wow. Just wow. This is the first time in my life that I've actually loved myself. I always thought I was this confident person but deep down, I really wasn't. I started listening to this podcast and it made me feel known and understood. Thank you for all of the encouragement and love! Trish, you've changed my life.  SPONSORSHIP NOTE:  If you're going to do anything for your confidence and your mindset, then the first thing I tell everyone I work with is to journal.   I get it, it's an easy thing to think about and just not do.  But, if you commit to it, it can change your life. That's why I want to offer my 21-Day Toxic Thought Freedom Journal, also called the Freedom Journal, to anyone who wants to finally establish a healthy and effective journaling process in their lives. The beautiful thing about the Freedom Journal is that it takes just 8-minutes/day to do. So, as you think about the change you want to see and experience in your life - let me ask you, is it worth committing 8-minutes/day to?  You can grab the journal for free, and also get bonus access to my 7-Day Journaling Coaching Video Course, which will help you successfully establish a productive new journaling routine.  To get the journal and get started, go to  15 WAYS TO STOP CARING WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK:  Humanize others - everyone is broken and beautiful in diverse ways Know what everyone actually wants: love and acceptance Address your own judging eye and pride and work on it Embrace your awkwardness See where your pride is making you fall (pride can sometimes be displayed in the perceptions we crave for others to have of us) Get clarity on what you actually want - happiness or perceived happiness Explore yourself and learn to like yourself, when you like yourself it's okay when other people don't Relinquish your control issues  Stop fantasizing that you can get everyone to like you or agree with you  Remember, more than likely, the thing you are worried about people judging about you never crosses their minds Be thankful for all the things that make you you, and then do your best with them as a gift back to God Start doing bold things that you've always wanted to do Try new things and be happy not being good at them Become a master of your words,

 360: THE DAILY ANTI ANXIETY HABIT THAT CONFIDENT PEOPLE DO | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:26

aPodcast #360:THE DAILY ANTI ANXIETY HABIT THAT CONFIDENT PEOPLE DO  Thought of the Week:  The flowers are more splendid than Solomon in all of his wonder -Tell Daisy story -God is so much bigger than we can comprehend -Anxiety related disorders have now become the most common health concern in the United States with over 19.1% of US adults suffering from them ( Verse of the Week: Luke 12:22-32 Then, turning to his disciples, Jesus said, "That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life - whether you have enough food to eat or enough clothes to wear. for life is more than food, and your body more than clothing. Look at the ravens. They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns, for God feeds them. And you are far more valuable to him than any birds! Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? And if worry can't accomplish a little thing like that, what's the use of worrying over bigger things? Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed a beautiful as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? And don't be concerned about what to eat and what to drink. Don't worry about such things. These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers all over the world, but your Father already knows your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need. So don't be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the kingdom. Prayer of the Week:  Lord, Thank you for sending Jesus to teach us how to unteach ourselves from so many patterns we have picked up from the world. Your kingdom is one of opposites, where the first are last, and the last first, where true riches are unseen, not seen, and where the people who change the world come in some of the most unlikely of packages. Please continue to open our minds and hearts to see Your hand upon our lives and in this world, that we might learn how to live differently. Free us from our deep drive to compete, to prove ourselves, to earn treasures on earth that will tarnish and waste away and anything that we seek after that won't fill the God-sized hole we have within us. We confess our anxieties, our apprehensions, our lack of faith; forgive us for not trusting in your goodness, your perfect timing, and your plan. You are good and your plans for us are good. Let us learn how to be content with the unknown, for when we know that it is in your safe protection, and that we are immensely loved by you, we know that we have nothing to fear. We pray that peace would shift in our hearts this week in ways it never as before as we consider the birds of the air and the lilies of the field. May peace and comfort take root in our soul, that we would feel secure and confident in the certainty we have with you safeguarding our every step and our future. Forgive us for wanting to try to get too ahead of ourselves and for our suggestions to you on how to provide for us. You know what you are doing and we praise you for your power. Transform the way we look at the unknown, and wire our thoughts to see all uncertainty as an adventure. We are excited to see what you will do, how you will provide, and how the mountains in our lives will move. Thank you Lord for offering us this beautiful invitation of enoughness, provision and safety. Let our faith and trust be as bold as your promises and keep our eyes on you, not to be distracted by the noise and the things of this world that mean nothing and ultimately waste away.

 359: HOW TO STOP FEELING LIKE YOU HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:35

Podcast #359: HOW TO STOP FEELING LIKE YOU HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING  In this episode of The Confidence Podcast, we're chatting about Why we believe that we have to do it all and be it allHow to stop drinking the toxic kool-aid of this perfectionistic gospel tenant10 tips to let go so that you can stop feeling like you have to do everythingHow to stop feeling like you have to do everything REVIEW OF THE EPISODE So Amazing!!! 5 Stars, by Helpful too Trish really projects what it is to be a great human being and helps others to find that person inside! She is encouraging and uplifting and real. I'm so thankful that I found this podcast and the COC, I'm ready to be a massive Action Taker!  SPONSORSHIP NOTE:  You might have missed our 7-day Toxic Thought Journal Challenge, but you haven’t missed out completely yet. I want to offer my 21-Day Toxic Thought Freedom Journal, also called the Freedom Journal, to anyone who wants to finally establish a healthy and effective journaling process in their lives. You can grab the journal for free, and also get bonus access to my 7-Day Journaling Coaching Video Course, which will help you successfully establish a productive new journaling routine.  To get the journal and get started, go to  WHY DO WE BUY INTO THIS "DO-IT-ALL"/"BE-IT-ALL" LIE ANYWAYS? Anxiety. Maybe you haven't considered yourself an anxious person, but if you peel back all the layers of the onion here, there typically is a grounded state of anxiety. Anxiety over what? Well, since anxiety is fear; fear or apprehension. It's defined as intense, persistent or excessive worry of what might come or is to come.  It could be fear of not being enough, fear of not doing enough, fear of being discovered as an imposter, fear of not measuring up, fear of being too needy, fear of not being capable or smart enough,  One reason we do it all and try to control it all is because we are often afraid of being quiet enough or still enough to be with ourselves.  We keep ourselves busy with achievement, performance, productivity so that we can earn our worth, earn our place, earn our right to be loved or admired, etc.  A few reminders for you:  Your worth is not based off your performance. Your worth is not what you do, how you look, how much money you make. Those things are empty and will fail you, no matter who you are.  Your worth was considered world-moving by God.  Episode #329, You're Not Just Average, Here's How to Believe It Episode #340, Deepen Your Confidence that Your Life Matters  HOW TO STOP DRINKING THE TOXIC KOOL-AID Be aware of your surroundings and of your priorities. Understand the voice perfectionism in your mind, and what it really means. Keep a guard on what you put into your mind. Challenge yourself to be honest about the self-imposed stress you feel. Dig deep to understand the role of pride, pressure, faith, fear, and doubt and where the come into this equation for you. Understand that if you don't get off the treadmill of craziness, you will run yourself into brokenness, emptiness, and dimness. Consider being in the world, but not of the world, and that the status quote just doesn't work. 

 358: HOW TO FEEL CONFIDENT, NOT ANXIOUS ABOUT YOUR FUTURE [FAITH EPISODE] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:40

HOW TO FEEL CONFIDENT, NOT ANXIOUS ABOUT YOUR FUTURE [FAITH EPISODE] Podcast: 358 Being confident about the future is achieved by learning how to lean securely into sustained faith and hope.  Thought of the Week: Can I keep this up? Can freedom feel this good all the time? What if I get tired of journaling, of praying, of trying, of growing ... etc.? What if the other shoe will really drop? What if this is all too good to be true? Verse of the Week: 1 Corinthians 13:13 Three things will last forever - faith, hope, and love - and the greatest of these is love. Prayer of the Week: Lord, you tell us in Psalm 138:3 that when we pray, you answer us. You encourage us by giving us strength.  And so today we humbly come before you as a community ready to awaken to the big calling you have on our lives to be light in this dark world.  Fill our spirits each day with the confidence that if you are for us, no one can be against us. We have nothing to fear, and we certainly don't need to fear the wavering of our strength or willingness, as you give us fresh mercies and newness each and every morning. And since we come to you through the blood of Christ, we have the privilege of being your children and to come into your presence ... with the confidence of a child going before their father, we thank you for the boldness you are firing up within us. Let us not push it away or be alarmed by the stirrings you are doing and give us the strength to stand firm against anything that would distract us or cause us to doubt the clear love you have for us and the power we have within you. We praise You as you fill our lives with joy beyond anything we could have hoped for. For the seasons we walk in the valley, let us look high and see the light upon the mountaintops and not focused or be dismayed by our fatigue or the darkness that feels so real.  We pray for holy power to push out every dark thought, every anxious fear and every doubt that wrestles with the shadows of our thoughts, that we might step boldly into the fullness, the everlasting fullness and sustainability of faith, hope and love. Thank you Lord for answering our prayers, for being with us, and for the confidence that we have in you knowing that the best is truly yet to come. In Jesus' Name, Amen

 357: HEARTSET: HOW TO TRAIN YOUR HEART TO BELIEVE IN YOURSELF | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:34

HEARTSET: HOW TO TRAIN YOUR HEART TO BELIEVE IN YOURSELF Podcast #357 When you learn how to train your heartset you will also reap positive residual benefits for your mindset so that you believe in yourself with unshakeable confidence.  In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're going to be chatting about: What heartset is, and the relationship it has with mindset ... and ultimately how these things relate to confidence How to train your heartset, in real-life, practical ways, and why you should do it Why training your heartset very well might give you the unfair advantage for success that you've been looking for, and then how to do it with structure and purpose so you get the results you want.  REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Beana0409, Such a helpful podcast! 5-Stars! I just finished my first coaching session with Trish and I feel so inspired! She is easy to talk to and made me feel valued from the very start of the call. I love the podcasts and have become a lifetime members of the College of Confidence. I feel like I was led to find this podcast at a crucial time in my life and am so thankful for the growth I feel from it.  SPONSORSHIP NOTE: You might have missed our 7-day Toxic Thought Journal Challenge, but you haven't missed out completely yet. I want to offer my 21-Day Toxic Thought Freedom Journal, also called the Freedom Journal, to anyone who wants to finally establish a healthy and effective journaling process in their lives. You can grab the journal for free, and also get bonus access to my 7-Day Journaling Coaching Video Course, which will help you successfully establish a productive new journaling routine.  To get the journal and get started, go to    TRAING THE HEARTSET, DEFINITION: Showing up to do what you do with an open heart.  Mindset is only half of success, heartset is the other half.  DEFINITION OF HEARTSET: Heartset is the state of your heart and the atmosphere of your ability to believe in yourself or in something. Your hearset is a measure of your openness towards faith in what you cannot see and confidence in what you have not yet accomplished.  EXPLANATION: Heartset determines your happiness.  Mindset determines the thought patterns and paradigms of thinking in different situations, it is the structure of the mental realm. Heartset determines the emotional patterns and feelings that arise in different situations, it is the structure of the emotional realm. If the Mindset is responsible for the way we use our thoughts our Heartset is responsible for the way we use our emotions in different situations   HOW TO TRAIN YOUR HEARTSET: 15-Minutes/Day of Free Time. Slowing down to have time for you to hear your heart. Engaging in things that make your soul sing. Showing up for what brings you life, even when you don’t know the outcome. Being intentional about being bold in your thoughts, goals, and beliefs. Mindfulness over your “state” and heart attitude. Get enough sleep – sleep deprivation and stress makes the state of your heart toxic. Go all in on abundance and generosity – where you heart is, there too will be your treasure  Take the full course on Heartset (available within the College of Confidence) Get a coach who understands the difference between heartset and mindset and how to coach you on both HOW TO USE BELIEF TO STEP OUT Life is a trust fall – but a safe one.  Go through the worst case scenario and remember that you are okay.  Your comfort zone won’t serve you or the world.  Inspire yourself to serve others and make a difference in this world – and to do that you have to be uncomfortable. Let us not confuse belief with comfort or natural faith.

 #356: HOW TO USE CONFIDENCE TO FIGHT FEAR [FAITH EPISODE] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:53

HOW TO USE CONFIDENCE TO FIGHT FEAR [FAITH EPISODE] Podcast #356 We fight fear with faith, not with our feelings. THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: We fight fear with our words and actions, not our feelings. Yesterday someone I loved asked me a question so simple that I can't believe I didn't know how to answer it. She asked me what I was afraid of.  And to be honest, I wasn't sure. We had been talking about some low-grade anxiety that had been on my heart and it was hard to shake or put to words. But as she wisely directed me to realize, anxiety always goes back to its root in fear. Fear is something we all experience. We combat fear with truth and action. So, as your sister who is walking alongside you this week, I invite you to walk with me in boldness. Let us step into our full confidence that we were made for more. Let us trust the guidance God is giving us and believe in His overabundant provision. Let us keep our eyes on our own path and not that of others. Let us leverage our thoughts powerfully and for what is positive and good. Let us be bold, be believing and be brave. VERSE OF THE WEEK: He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged.  -Deuteronomy 31:18 Perfect love casts out all fear. -1 John 4:18 PRAYER OF THE WEEK: Father, Your perfect love casts out all fear in our lives, and in this truth and the power of these words, we take great comfort. We confess though that our lives are still filled with fear, daily, and we recognize that fear is not from you. Because we live in a fallen, sinful world, evil exists, and the enemy of our souls preys upon our minds and hearts with the schemes of fear.  Strengthen our resolve Father to stand firm in your truth and to cling close to Your presence, for where there is love, there cannot be fear. Where you are, the enemy flees.  We confess our fatigue. We tire from the battle against fear, but You Lord give us the strength of eagles and enable us to stand firm. Pour your wisdom over our minds, that we might learn to protect our hearts and to fill our lives with encouragement, that the efforts to knock us off our feet and from the path you have set out for our lives might be futile. You are our daily bread. We feel fear every hour of our lives, and we need you even more. Let us never grow tired or weary as we battle for what matters - for our faith, for our hearts and for our purpose of making you big and bringing hope and love to the world. You have set our feet upon solid ground and we humbly pray that you fill the desires of our heart with more and more passion to draw closer and closer to you. We yearn to feel your love in ways that we have not yet felt and to expand our understanding of how unshakeable your love for us is. When we walk in your love, we are able to be love. Let us not be swayed into doubt of the most fundamental and important truth about us, that is, how much you love us, so that we can love and reach your children in the world who do not yet know or feel this love.  Wake us up every day with holy reverence for Your presence and let us sleep sweetly each night in the peace and presence of your love. Thank you Lord, in Jesus' name, amen. PS - I'd like to go deeper with you. If you aren't already a member of the College of Confidence, join us. The College of Confidence is a community of motivated women determined to step confidently and courageously into the more that God has planted within us. I'll coach you, challenge you and support you along the way; the world needs you to be the best you, and I believe that the College of Confidence is the exact tool to help you do just that. Enroll today, without any risk (I offer a 30-day money-back guarantee) and let's make this week amazing t...

 #355: HOW TO FIGHT FOR WHAT MATTERS WITH VIRGINIA WALDEN FORD | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:06

Podcast #355:  HOW TO FIGHT FOR WHAT MATTERS WITH VIRGINIA WALDEN FORD In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we’re talking with special guest Virginia Walden Ford about: How to fight for what matters, especially against all oddsHow to have confidence for public speakingHow to take action, even in the face of crippling fear – and how to deal with the pressure you feel when you are fighting for something that matters tremendously Learning experience from Virginia Walden Ford SPONSORSHIP NOTE: You were made for more. I have two ways to go deeper with you this week, and if this podcast has ever resonated with you, then get ready really have a personal internal breakthrough. Join my 7-Day "Made for More" Journaling Challenge (it's FREE) and get my 21-Day Toxic Thought Freedom Journal for FREE. Sign up at If you are ready to learn the building blocks of confidence and figure out what stage of confidence you're in, then you've got to grab a free seat at my webinar masterclass.  Sign up at REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  It's dks skandhssbsmxn - Love love love, 5-Stars! Just started my first podcast episode yesterday and it truly was eye-opening for me! I personally struggle with being too self-critical when it comes to my goals. I saw a new light in how I should approach and set goals as well as learning that it's okay to have breaks or off days! It gives me peace of mind that I'm not the only one who struggles with this. I love the positive mindset you have and how you are helping others! Keep it up girl! <3 your new fav fan!!!  ABOUT VIRGINIA WALDEN FORD “Being a part of this fight for educational excellence was hard — certainly something I had never thought I’d be involved in — but when I looked at my children and my neighbors’ children, I felt compelled to continue. It was scary sometimes, but I believed then and I believe now that it was the right thing to do… for all of our kids.” — Virginia Walden Ford MISS VIRGINIA is inspired by the story of Virginia Walden Ford, a struggling single mother from a low-income neighborhood in Washington, DC. Affectionately called “Miss Virginia” and “the Education Lady” by neighborhood children, Virginia fought to create a scholarship program for her at-risk son and children like him. And she won. Virginia grew up in the deep South. Her world changed when the Supreme Court decided the landmark case Brown v. Board of Education, which famously concluded that “separate educational facilities” for white and black children were “inherently unequal.” Three years after the decision, in 1957, the “Little Rock Nine” enrolled at Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas. There was so much resistance that the National Guard had to be called out to escort them into the school. But many others followed their example — including Virginia. In 1966, Virginia and her twin sister joined about one hundred other black teens at Little Rock Central. There, she was verbally abused nearly every day, and not just by the students. Virginia begged her father to let her return to her all-black school, but he insisted she stay. Despite the racism and daily struggle, Little Rock Central offered a better education; plus, she was paving the way for future students of color. As Virginia puts it, “Those days definitely firmed my backbone.” When Virginia became a parent,


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