The Confidence Podcast  show

The Confidence Podcast

Summary: The Confidence Podcast is the podcast for women who struggle with perfectionism, self-doubt, and a self-critical voice. If you know you have potential and purpose, but you still secretly feel like you're behind, not enough, or even an impostor, then this podcast is for you. In each episode, world-renown Confidence Coach Trish Blackwell will teach you how to live confidently and courageously as the woman God created you to be. This podcast is your weekly resource to train your thoughts, take them captive, and use them to help you live with joy, abundance, peace, power, and, of course, confidence. Get FREE instant access to the Confidence Masterclass to learn exactly how to have more confidence with the 3-part "Confidence Formula" at


 #384:GETTING THE RIGHT PEOPLE TO LIKE YOU | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:14

Podcast #384:GETTING THE RIGHT PEOPLE TO LIKE YOU In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: Getting the right people to like you is a result of learning how to stop caring what people think. This podcast episode will teach you how to let go of caring what people think about you. You'll also learn how to find and create the right friend group for yourself. Get the full show notes at How to get the right people to like you and how to The two major types of people and how to distinguish between them A challenge to help you let go of caring too much REVIEW OF THE WEEK: 5-Stars - 5 Stars by jaylaBillions This is an awesome podcast. It changed my life. GETTING THE RIGHT PEOPLE TO LIKE YOU Well, we can't control people's opinions of us, but we can control whose opinions we esteem and who we spend the most time with. How are you supposed to confidently make good friends with good people? How do you break the cycle of trying too hard to get people to like you? How do you learn to figure out who will be life-giving or soul-sucking in your life? It all comes down to learning how to assess what type of person someone is. Or, more accurately, what season of growth they are in in their lives. We are humanly capable of being both types, but to be the type that builds great relationships and thinks beyond themselves, we have to do some soul growth and work. COVID-19 REVEALED TWO TYPES OF PEOPLE: Self-focused people. Other-focused people. This is non-age-discriminate, non-gender based and not socio-economically tied. SELF-FOCUSED PEOPLE Interested in self-promotion, in getting attention, in getting praise Thinks about proving themselves and wanting to stand out from the crowd Driven to be better than others because they want to be special or famous and noticed Mindset of scarcity and competition - always thinking about what's next OTHER-FOCUSED PEOPLE Interested in making a difference, in having authority, in living out their purpose Thinks about how they are loved and how to share that with others Driven to have influence over others because they want to make a positive difference Mindset of abundance and collaboration - working to be present and grateful THE "THEY'RE ALLOWED TO NOT LIKE ME" & GETTING THE RIGHT PEOPLE TO LIKE YOU CHALLENGE Write out the names of 3 people who you worry might not like you Then write out what it would really mean if they didn't? Ask yourself if you even really like them, and why their opinion of you matters. Be honest - does their opinion of you challenge your overall happiness or life? Repeat out loud: people are allowed to not like me.  PATREON PODCAST SUPPORT:  If this podcast show has blessed your life, this is my personal invitation to become an official supporter of the show. Did you know that it costs me approximately $400 to produce a podcast episode? This is my labor of love, and worth every minute I spend on it - whether I have one listener, or one million, I will continue to show up for you. You matter to me. For just $5/month you can become an official supporter, a patron, we call it, of The Confidence Podcast. But hey, I don't take asking for money from you lightly - you better believe that becoming a patron means that you'll get extra bonus podcast episodes and other encouraging content from me. Yep, exclusive, podcast episodes that I call "faith takes," are released 2x/month for our patrons. To start supporting the show just go to

 #383:HOW TO STAY NICE WHEN YOU FEEL STRESSED | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:15

HOW TO STAY NICE WHEN YOU FEEL STRESSED Podcast #383 In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: How to not lose your cool - your confidence, your joy, and your sanity - while stuck at home or living a new norm in your work or home lifestyle How to not beat yourself up for the moments that you don't like yourself in how you react with the people close to you How to keep life engaging even if it feels dull, monotonous and isolated - how to not believe the fear that this will last forever. REVIEW OF THE WEEK: HOW TO STAY NICE WHEN YOU FEEL STRESSED  When things dramatically change in a short period of time, it's important to remember that: -Adjusting to the new normal will take time, and comes with a learning curve -Feeling an overwhelming and varying amount of emotions is normal -It's natural to behave in ways that are less than your ideal -Your people are on the same team as you - and working through their own adjustments as well -Each situation is a learning opportunity for personal growth, you don't need to beat yourself up -These are defining moments, they are growth moments. New temporary normal: My family unit of 4. Extraverts, staying in. Two people working from home. Unpacking and cleaning new house. No gym; working out happening at 6:30 AM No friend time for my kids. No doggie play dates for my dog. STIR CRAZY TIME CHEZ LES SYNANS Temper tantrums. Kids jealous for my attention and fighting constantly. Free time trying to organize new home and clean up messes left by previous owners. Dog with anxiety at new transition. Social life altered. Family gatherings suspended. If you were my husband you would see: A woman waking up energized at 6AM A woman feeling alive and filled with peace after time with God and journaling A woman using music to lift the mood of the house A woman motivated to create a beautiful home A woman determined to have a positive attitude about the opportunity of this season A woman thankful for curbside delivery and the gift of technology A woman who sometimes cries out of frustration A woman who feels shame when she breaks and raises her voice at her kids A woman who hurts for her kids who see new friends they can't meet A woman who feels conflicted for wanting to use screen time too much and also to do every mom craft that her friends post about A woman irritated that she has to keep Amazon packages on the front porch to air out A woman who hates having to wipe down what was purchased at curbside pickup My point, y'all? Humans are multilayered, multifaceted, complex and deep feelers. Now, throw us into unknown territory and uncertainty, take away any sense of control we ever thought we had and these natural ups and downs we are all inevitably going through makes sense. Please look at the facts in every situation. Please give yourself space to feel the feelings you have. Please extend yourself - and others - extensive grace like never before. Please get connected with a coach or a community. Please remember that this too shall pass. Please determine to ground yourself in gratitude. Please be extra kind and encouraging to others. HOW TO STAY NICE WHEN STRESSED? Put self-care at the top of your to-do list. Ask for help. Modify your expectations. Increase your communication. Get more sleep. Eat clean, healthy food.


PSYCHOLOGICAL IMMUNITY AND PERSPECTIVE SHIFTS FOR A PANDEMIC Podcast #382 Fuel your faith in the face of fear by paying attention to your psychological immunity and wellness. Here are 10 things you can do to build your psychological immunity and also the single most important phrase that can help you have a powerful perspective shift that will keep you positive, not panicked, during a pandemic or time of crisis. Get the full show notes at In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: How to have faith and power during chaos Psychological immunity in a time of psychological overload The perspective shift that comes from saying: this is my time. REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Amazing - 5 Stars, by MissCocoDerp PATREON PODCAST: If this podcast show has blessed your life, this is my personal invitation to become an official supporter of the show. Did you know that it costs me approximately $400 to produce a podcast episode? This is my labor of love, and worth every minute I spend on it - whether I have one listener, or one million, I will continue to show up for you. You matter to me. For just $5/month you can become an official supporter, a patron, we call it, of The Confidence Podcast. But hey, I don't take asking for money from you lightly - you better believe that becoming a patron means that you'll get extra bonus podcast episodes and other encouraging content from me. Yep, exclusive, podcast episodes that I call "faith takes," are released 2x/month for our patrons. To start supporting the show just go to HOW TO BUILD YOUR PSYCHOLOGICAL IMMUNITY This new normal of distanced, isolated and cautious living is filled with unknowns, but it is also seeping with opportunity. As we all tiptoe around one another, mindful of our physical immunity, it's important that we talk about our psychological immunity. We are all going through this together, and so instead of focusing on all that could happen, why don't we focus on what we can control - and on what we can get from this that is positive?  Here are five simple things you can do right now to improve your psychological immunity: Pay attention to your media input - don't get pulled into the fear-spiral of the news cycle. Put your heart at ease- fill it with peace with prayer, time with God, or uplifting music. Pursue thoughts that serve you- train your thoughts and use this time to mature mentally. Prioritize self-care at home - create a routine that promotes your mental wellbeing. Participate in a structured coaching program, like the College of Confidence, to keep your mindsethealthy and strong so you can be a pillar of hope for the long-haul of this new normal. We can all mature in our psychological immunity. There is no better time than now to train your thoughts and master your mind. You don't have to do this on your own. Come alongside me and become a student at the College of Confidence. ( I am so blessed that I serve my students virtually, and you can rest assured that I will continue to do so and to show up more than I ever have, in this time of global need. What a gift that we have a digital community that's permitted to meet socially online to connect and spread positivity and love. Please enroll here ( and then check our virtual campus for the many added classes and coaching opportunities. Together we will get through this and come out stronger. 10 WAYS TO BUILD PYSCHOLOGICAL IMMUNITY Create some structure to your daily routine, even if you don't leave the house Set up weekly group video chats with friends to maintain a sense of social normalcy

 #381: HOW TO BE POSITIVE DURING THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC (NOT PANICKED) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:23

HOW TO BE POSITIVE DURING THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC (NOT PANICKED) Podcast #381 In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're talking about how to be positive during the coronavirus pandemic and: 25 ways to be and stay positive, not panicked during the COVID-19 coronavirus worldwide pandemic A gratitude challenge for this season of uncertainty How to make sure that your social distancing and this new season of life doesn't isolate you / how to combat loneliness during this time Focusing on staying positive during the coronavirus pandemic REVIEW OF THE EPISODE: Ann Brousseau - In Honor of International Women's Day! 5 Stars. An inspiration in my life is someone I’ve never even met in person!  Trish Blackwell is an online life coach/personal trainer who built and grew her coaching business from scratch, through persistence and grit.  She now has hundreds of thousands of followers across the world.  I found her on iTunes over a year ago, when I stumbled across one of her podcasts on how to live your life with more purpose.   During that time, (probably not unlike others!),  I was constantly “running”,  juggling a corporate job, trying to stay healthy, remodel our house, be a good spouse, daughter, friend, aunt, dog-mom, God-mom, HR leader, you name it….and at times, felt overwhelmed in the day-to-day aspects of life.  I never had enough time in a day, yet always felt I should be doing more.  Trish explains how to “get off the busy-bus” and step into the gift of the present.  She coaches on the power of “thoughts” and how to find happiness in every single day. Her recommendations not only opened my eyes to new ways of thinking - they broadened my perspective on life. She’s showed me how to slow down, act with courage, think bigger, find my purpose (work in progress), celebrate my progress and live my best life – professionally and personally.   #BeYouBeFree I think I’ll go write her a 5-star review on iTunes now… 25 WAYS HOW TO BE AND STAY POSITIVE AND ENCOURAGED DURING  A PANDEMIC AND COVID-19 Will my children look back at this season and remember a time when their momma was walking in faith or will they remember this as a season their momma walked in fear? When it all comes down to it, we have one choice: will we choose fear or faith? If you prefer, you can make the choice of peace or panic.  It's vital that we find ways to stay positive during the coronavirus pandemic Here are things to remember and ways you can stay positive during the face of the coronavirus pandemic, not panicked:  Remember: Slowing down is a gift - there are things from this season that we would not have otherwise experienced without this global crisis - and a slower, more simple life that comes with social distancing and isolation is one such gift. Take Action: Reduce your media exposure - the fear is often worse than the virus - this is good life shift as the average social media user spends 2 hours and 33 minutes on social media per day. (According to This is an opportunity to change fundamental habits that increase your life happiness. Take Action: Post only what is positive and be a leader of encouragement and light in this dark. How you speak matters and how you encourage others will be remembered. There is an overabundance of negativity in people's newsfeeds right now, so ask yourself how you can add sunshine or something of substance to it instead. Take Action:Connect deeper with yourself and make this a time of journaling and deep reflection. So many people stay so busy that they don't have time for basic self-care and also fundamental self-exploration. This can be your time to really get to know yourself so that you can learn how to be yourself - and when you learn how to be yourself, you can then start to fully pursue your calling in this w...

 #380: WHY HIGH ACHIEVERS BINGE EAT AND HOW TO STOP BINGE EATING | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:52

WHY HIGH ACHIEVERS BINGE EAT AND HOW TO STOP BINGE EATING Podcast #380 This week on The Confidence Podcast we're getting vulnerable. We'll be talking about something often considered taboo and shameful, and my prayer is that by opening dialogue, it will remove the stigma and help set you free to pursue healing and hope, if not just for you, for someone you know. This week we talk about how to stop binge eating. What is the relationship between high achievers and binge eating - and while we're at it, what exactly qualifies as a bingeHow do these stats relate on how to stop binge eatingThe real thing that binge eating behaviors are indicators of5 ways how to stop binge eating REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Humbling & Grounding - 5 Stars, by SustainingSara I recently went through a lot of changes in life - a new job and a new city of residence. During that time, I lost a lot of myself and my relationship with God started to lack. I started listening to Trish and not only does she help me find parts of myself to fall in love with again, but also she reminds me to love God and his ever-watching eyes of grace. Thank you, Trish. Most of all, thank you for not being afraid to be honest and real about the struggle in life, especially not being afraid to remind everyone of God's greatness. HIGH ACHIEVER: WHAT IS IT AND HOW DOES IT RELATE ON HOW TO STOP BINGE EATING?  Perfectionist, type-A, go-getter, someone striving, wants to be seen, eager to please, on-the-go, focused and disciplined. It's no wonder we fall into binge eating and want to know how to stop binge eating. For me, I wanted to stand out, be exceptional - be worth being loved and seen. I was convince that I was forgettable - but wanted to be remembered and for me, as an athlete, being stand out meant that my body had to be stand out. I was the little girl with ab muscles that popped through her Speedo one-piece when she was 8-years-old; I got a lot of comments on that. If I wasn't her, then who was I? EXCEPRT FROM MY NEWEST BOOK (IN PROGRESS) It started with a comment from a friend. We were ten-years-old at our neighborhood pool. I was wearing my Speedo one-piece and she and her gorgeous twin sister donned skimpy string bikinis that I would never have been allowed to wear. Every boy in Lake of the Woods wanted to date those twins, I was happy to be friends with them to get cool points by association. She didn’t mean to hurt me. But her words stung my heart in a way that burned deeply into my identity for over a decade later. “Your brother is so hot,” she started. “You look nothing like him. Are you sure you have the same parents?” Laughs were had. I waited desperately for the whistle to blow, the lifeguard being my salvation to escape underwater into the pool. I remember diving in, trying to run away from the shame. Everyone wanted to see and be seen with my brother. And, if according to her words, I truly was nothing like him, that meant that I wasn’t worth looking at. I was embarrassed of myself and how I looked. There wasn’t anything I could inherently point to either – my body was athletic, ripped actually for a little girl, and I was well-liked for being a good swimmer. But being liked for what I could do felt very different than being liked for who I was or how I looked. In high school and college, I convinced myself that I was forgettable. Sure, my teammates, classmates, and friends knew who I was, but in general? I felt like I looked so average that I was easily confused with other people.

 #379: HOW TO GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:42

HOW TO GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD Podcast #379 The secret to knowing how to get out of your own head, and how to stop your thoughts from spiraling negatively in your mind is more accessible than you might think. Even if you've had a lifetime pattern of negative thoughts, self-doubt, comparison, overthinking, or mental self-sabotage, you can be free and you can learn how to get out of your own head. This podcast episode will teach you some tangible tools on how to do just that, and we've brought on expert Jennie Allen to share her wisdom on this incredibly important topic. In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're talking about: How to get out of your own head --- and the fact it can actually be done Expert Jennie Allen is on board with us today Believing in your ability to change and be changed SPONSORED BY MY FREE WEBINAR: Detox self-doubt -- if you don't know my 5-step framework yet on how to take your thoughts captive, then you are missing an easy and streamlined strategy on how to get out of your own head and back into your real life. Grab your seat today for FREE at REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  Christine Coughlin - Life Changing - 5 Stars Hi Trish, I can't thank you enough for how much hope and encouragement you have been giving me. I started listening to your podcasts a couple of weeks ago and I haven't been able to stop since. No one has ever spoken in a way that resonated with me and encouraged my heart and my faith in such a deep way. I've been struggling with depression and body dysmorphia for years after an extremely traumatic surgery. But God has been faithful and He's healing me more and more every day. Listening to your story of overcoming trauma and body dysmorphia and now helping so many people through your pain has inspired me to fight even harder for victory over this struggle. I know I will use my story to help others like you have. Thank you for giving me the hope and courage to walk in confidence in the calling God has for me. ABOUT JENNIE ALLEN: Jennie Allen is an award-winning and bestselling author of Anything and Restless, as well as the Bible studies Stuck, Chase, and Restless. The founder and visionary for the IF: Gathering, she is a passionate leader following God's call on her life to catalyze a generation of women to live what they believe. Jennie's website: LIKE HOW MANY OF GOD’S BEST STORIES START I didn’t plan for this part of my life. I would have laughed if you told me years ago I’d be here blogging, writing, and speaking. There was a lot of wrestling with God at the beginning, questioning things he’d placed in my heart that I couldn’t seem to shake. I was caught between feeling like my life was already so full and not wanting to miss the “even more” God had for me. As we get to know each other, you’ll learn quickly that I’m a catalytic leader and the type to take risks. Because God has an impeccable sense of humor, I married an even crazier, riskier leader- my husband Zac. Along came four crazy, risky dreamer kids who’ve never stopped surprising us. Even the one who grew in my heart (instead of my tummy) came hard-wired to rule the world. As a crazy, risk-taking family, we love God with everything we have and are on a daily mission to give that crazy love away. With every word I write, I hope the underlying message will ring out loud and clear: God sees you. He loves you. He has invited you into the beautiful story He's written for this world. And, because He is a God of abundance, He wants to use you to bring more of His love into a world that desperately needs it. I’ve seen for myself the crazy and miraculous that Jesus does when we release the grip of control and step fully in. It’s never a mistake to step into where He’s leading you.

 #378: APPROVAL ADDICTION | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:21

APPROVAL ADDICTION  Podcast #378 In this episode of The Confidence Podcast What is approval addiction and what does it look like? 3 ways to break free from the patterns Getting deep about approval - and how to have peace in being who you are without it Approval addiction, or affirmation addiction, is rampant and a debilitating pattern to allow dominate in your heart. You don't have to always be stuck in this addictive, often negative and powerless place. You can learn to be free from the need to earn approval, get permission or be affirmed by others to feel like you're "enough." Get the full show notes at FIRST OFF, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BEAUTIFUL 5-YEAR-OLD ELLIE!!!! REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  Love this podcast so far -  5 stars by _m4ggie Her words are super encouraging and a delight to listen to Ya'll, in life, the best advice I was ever given, is to ask for what you want. You only get in life what you have the courage to ask for. So I am having the courage to ask you to leave me some love. OK, LET'S TALK ABOUT APPROVAL ADDICTION Addicted to approval, what does this mean? It's the belief that it's possible to please everyone. It creates a self-imposed prison It's both people-pleasing and performing to impress. I was addicted to approval. What did it mean for me? -Wanting to be liked by everyone -Wanting to be the absolute best at anything I did -Wanting to be favored by teachers and employers -Wanting to be in all social groups -Wanting to be as successful as possible -Wanting to be stand out physically - and hiding when I didn't feel that way -Wanting to be built up by my parents in ways they weren't wired to be -Wanting to date only the most attractive and popular people -Wanting to appear like I had it all together -Wanting to create the image of a perfect life (being more interested in appearing to have a perfect life than living one) Ways approval addiction can manifest:  Lack of achievement Lack of personal fulfillment Low self-esteem Reduced performance Increased stress and anxiety Increased pressure Overcommitment of schedule People pleasing Examples of Types of Behaviors: Changing your position because other people don't agree or approve Giving compliments to gain attention Getting upset if someone disagrees with you Agreeing when you don't really agree Losing your voice and not giving your true opinion Doing what you don't want to do because you can't say no Failing to complain or communicate over wrongdoing Spreading or participating in gossip Asking permission or waiting for someone to tell you that you are qualified Consistently apologizing Pretending to be an authority on everything BREAK FOR SPONSORSHIP  Today's podcast episode is sponsored by Ariel Selwyn's upcoming new book, Though the Mountains Be Shaken.  You can find out more about Ariel and her work at: You can find her book, Though the Mountains Be Shaken on Amazon or iTunes. COMING SOON FOR PRE-ORDER ON AMAZON. Check back for link to be updated! What is the book about? In Ariel's words: Mine is a story of perseverance. For 10 years my family watched me struggle with pain, confusion, and symptoms without answers. All my dreams, plans and goals for my future seemed to crumble under an unexplained illness. I often cried out to God wondering, why me and became confused about my purpose.

 #377:NOT GOOD ENOUGH: HOW TO GET THE FEELING OUT OF YOUR HEAD | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:40

NOT GOOD ENOUGH: HOW TO GET THE FEELING OUT OF YOUR HEAD Podcast #377 Feeling not good enough doesn't have to be how you walk through life. Feelings of inadequacy can deeply disrupt our lives and keep us from our full potential. Not feeling good enough will rob you of peace and fill you with anxiety. This episode of The Confidence Podcast will teach you a new way to think, and how to detox those "not good enough" thoughts in the first place. In this episode of The Confidence Podcast, we're chatting about: Why we feel so not good enough - and how it is so pervasive in our minds The system of our beliefs is broken, but the fix is just a slight shift How to change how you think when you think thoughts of inadequacy REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Love Trish - 5 Stars. by hugs71618 I love your podcast soooo much! You are my sunshine on the bad and not so bad days. Just listening to your voice with the words you speak makes me feel so good inside. There is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! Thank you Trish! > NEW FREE MASTERCLASS  Because of popular demand, I've put together a new online masterclass to help you dive even deeper into these concepts. It goes live today ---> save your spot now at ... even if you can't make it live, I'll be sending out a replay that you won't want to miss. You'll learn the framework of being confident in being yourself. SO WHY DO WE FEEL THIS WAY? SO "NOT GOOD ENOUGH"? -FIRST, SOME FACTS ABOUT THE "NOT GOOD ENOUGH" EPIDEMIC - CULTURE CONTRIBUTES Comparison. Competition. Scarcity. Media marketing. Filtered online lives. Loneliness. Worship of success and productivity. Busyness. According to Business Insider, Fitness is a 100 Billion Dollar Worldwide Industry And Beauty is a $532 Billion Industry The suicide rate increased 33 percent from 1999 through 2017, from 10.5 to 14 suicides per 100,000 people (NCHS Data Brief No. 330, November 2018) Suicide: 1 person dies every 40 seconds. In the United States. In 2017, there were 47,173 recorded suicides Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love, shared in a speech that no matter how charmed her life looks, every day she falls short of what she had hoped to accomplish. Then she has to consciously stop her brain from beating herself up for her shortcomings. She ended by telling us to “Let go of the knife you are holding at your throat, the knife of shame, blame, fear and remorse.” There was a long, deathly silence as her words hit home. “Be kind to yourself,” she implored, “especially now. You must give yourself unconditional self-friendship.” ( There is a Loneliness Epidemic The Economist/KFF findings add to a wave of recent research showing high levels of loneliness. A recent Cigna survey revealed that nearly half of Americans always or sometimes feel alone (46%) or left out (47%). Fully 54% said they always or sometimes feel that no one knows them well. Loneliness isn’t just a U.S. phenomenon.

 #376: HOW TO LIKE YOURSELF IN THE MIRROR MORE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:05

HOW TO LIKE YOURSELF IN THE MIRROR MORE  Podcast #376  Being self-critical about how you look is one of the most surefire ways to feel deeply insecure and uncomfortable. You deserve better. God created you beautifully, and this podcast will teach you how to go from knowing that to actually believing it. You will learn how to see yourself with kind eyes in the mirror, how to change your internal self-dialogue and how to build yourself up instead of always tearing yourself down. Get the full show notes at In this episode of The Confidence Podcast, we're chatting about: The most important 4 things to start doing right now that will help you like yourself in the mirror more How to actually believe that you're beautiful (instead of just "knowing" that you should think it and believe it) The power of building yourself up instead of tearing yourself down PATREON PARTNERS: The Confidence Podcast is almost seven years old and in that time we've mobilized a movement of confidence across the world. It has been my greatest honor to have the privilege of being a voice of encouragement in your life. With hundreds of hours of free coaching available with just the click of an episode, The Confidence Podcast has sown confidence and courage into over 2 million people's lives. The launch of Patreon Partners is a celebration of how our community has grown, and a way that we can offer our most loyal listeners a real community and extra resources for just pennies a day. Therefore we want to make this Patreon Partner community as simple as possible while obviously providing significant value in return for your support. As such, we are offering one tier at a set support amount of $5. And for that patreon support, you get the following: Biweekly bonus episodes that we're calling our "Faith Take" Episodes. You'll receive 2 bonus episodes per month, available only to patreon partners. These are going to be extended conversations from particular podcasts released that month, but with a more Biblical take and faith-based perspective to help you deepen your confidence in your walk with the Lord. Weekly Episode Takeaway Cue Card, to help you carry that week's most important coaching. These will be pretty wallpapers that you can use on your phone or in your social feed and you'll have fun wondering what I consider to be the most important take away of each episode. Supplement Resources, When Applicable. Here's the deal, when you become a Patreon Partner of The Confidence Podcast, you'll be a VIP in our book, and so you better believe that anytime we find resources and tools that are aligned with what we covered in a particular episode, you'll hear about it and get exclusive access. Final word: Asking you for money is something we take very seriously. We know it’s no small thing to commit your financial resources to something like a podcast and we deeply respect even your consideration of such a thing. But know that our commitment to you and this community is always to pursue a return on investment that greatly exceeds $5 each month. Podcasts that Patrons will get this month? 5 Old Beliefs About Faith to Leave Behind How to Let God Change How You Think Become a podcast VIP, become a patron --- > REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Tamgarz - Thank you, Trish! 5 Stars. Thank you for teaching me so many things about confidence. I've been listening for a couple of months now, Lord knows how many. The body confidence episode is one of my favorites, and I've shared it with several people, including my children. As a part-time, 47-year-old fitness instructor (full-time insurance agent),

 #375: HOW TO BE YOURSELF & NOT CARE WHAT PEOPLE THINK | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:26

HOW TO BE YOURSELF & NOT CARE WHAT PEOPLE THINK Podcast #375 In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're talking about:  8 ways to really be yourself and step into authenticity 10 milestones that will help you feel more alive in being yourself 30 ways to not care what people think about you Personality dysmorphia - a belief that something is inherently wrong with who we are and how we are at the core. SPONSOR NOTE FROM NOEMIE Noémie believes that luxury jewelry doesn’t have to be overpriced. o  They cut out the middlemen to deliver exceptional fine jewelry without the traditional retail markups. o  Noémie designs and manufactures everything in-house and sells directly to consumers with a lifetime warranty and free shipping both ways. o  So you can save an average of 50% compared to other luxury brands. Noémie is the only fine jewelry company offering such incredible quality at this price. o  Featuring solid 18 karat gold for the perfect balance of strength and purity. o  VS Clarity diamonds of uncompromising quality that come with an IGI certification card. o  You can personalize with engravings, and even order custom designs. Usually, you have to “know a guy” to get this kind of a deal. o  At Noémie, everyone gets the friends-and-family treatment. o  Read the thousands of five-star reviews on their website and see for yourself. If you’re looking for quality fine jewelry made to last a lifetime from a luxury brand you can trust, it’s Noémie.They have thousands of 5-star reviews online, we suggest you read some and see why people are raving about this company. Go to see their collections and get $50 your first purchase with promo code CONFIDENCE. h-e-l-l-o, n-o-e-m-i-e, dot com slash CONFIDENCE. o  And don’t forget to use promo code CONFIDENCEfor $50 off your first purchase. PATREON PARTNERS: The Confidence Podcast is almost seven years old and in that time we've mobilized a movement of confidence across the world. It has been my greatest honor to have the privilege of being a voice of encouragement in your life. With hundreds of hours of free coaching available with just the click of an episode, The Confidence Podcast has sown confidence and courage into over 2 million people's lives. The launch of Patreon Partners is a celebration of how our community has grown, and a way that we can offer our most loyal listeners a real community and extra resources for just pennies a day. Therefore we want to make this Patreon Partner community as simple as possible while obviously providing significant value in return for your support. As such, we are offering one tier at a set support amount of $5. And for that patreon support, you get the following: Biweekly bonus episodes that we're calling our "Faith Take" Episodes. You'll receive 2 bonus episodes per month, available only to patreon partners. These are going to be extended conversations from particular podcasts released that month, but with a more Biblical take and faith-based perspective to help you deepen your confidence in your walk with the Lord. Weekly Episode Takeaway Cue Card, to help you carry that week's most important coaching. These will be pretty wallpapers that you can use on your phone or in your social feed and you'll have fun wondering what I consider to be the most important take away of each episode. Supplement Resources, When Applicable. Here's the deal, when you become a Patreon Partner of The Confidence Podcast, you'll be a VIP in our book, and so you better believe that anytime we find resources and tools that are align...

 #374: TRAINING YOUR THOUGHTS IS THE NEW BLACK – HOW TO DO IT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:10

The real essence of personal development and deep growth isn't found in what you do - or how disciplined and awesome you are, but rather in how you think and how you live. True transformation and deep happiness come from changing how we think. That's why training your thoughts is the most important thing you can do. If you will, it's the new black. It fits everyone and makes everyone look better. This podcast episode on training your thoughts will teach you how to start doing it so that you can get the results you want. Get the full show notes on how to be yourself today at This week on The Confidence Podcast we're talking about:  What training your thoughts means and how it works How to be yourself How to consistently train your thoughts The secret to making time to think about your thought life New music, new bonus podcast opportunities .... it's a good new year! REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  Pages and pages of Trishisms and Notes! 5 Stars! Trish, your words and tone and energy in how you speak and what you speak strengthen my confidence and builds my soul. I have pages and pages of notes of what I call "Trishisms" and sidenotes of how I can relate to them in my life. -Madison PATREON PARTNERS: The Confidence Podcast is almost seven years old and in that time we've mobilized a movement of confidence across the world. It has been my greatest honor to have the privilege of being a voice of encouragement in your life. With hundreds of hours of free coaching available with just the click of an episode, The Confidence Podcast has sown confidence and courage into over 2 million people's lives. The launch of Patreon Partners is a celebration of how our community has grown, and a way that we can offer our most loyal listeners a real community and extra resources for just pennies a day. Therefore we want to make this Patreon Partner community as simple as possible while obviously providing significant value in return for your support. As such, we are offering one tier at a set support amount of $5. And for that patreon support, you get the following: Biweekly bonus episodes that we're calling our "Faith Take" Episodes. You'll receive 2 bonus episodes per month, available only to patreon partners. These are going to be extended conversations from particular podcasts released that month, but with a more Biblical take and faith-based perspective to help you deepen your confidence in your walk with the Lord. Weekly Episode Takeaway Cue Card, to help you carry that week's most important coaching. These will be pretty wallpapers that you can use on your phone or in your social feed and you'll have fun wondering what I consider to be the most important take away of each episode. Supplement Resources, When Applicable. Here's the deal, when you become a Patreon Partner of The Confidence Podcast, you'll be a VIP in our book, and so you better believe that anytime we find resources and tools that are aligned with what we covered in a particular episode, you'll hear about it and get exclusive access. Final word: Asking you for money is something we take very seriously. We know it’s no small thing to commit your financial resources to something like a podcast and we deeply respect even your consideration of such a thing. But know that our commitment to you and this community is always to pursue a return on investment that greatly exceeds $5 each month. Podcasts that Patrons will get this month? 5 Old Beliefs About Faith to Leave Behind How to Let God Change How You Think WHAT TRAINING YOUR THOUGHTS MEANS: Training your thoughts means that you are taking ownership of your life. It, like fitness, is a lifelong endeavor.

 #373: THE 5 OLD BELIEFS TO LEAVE BEHIND IN 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:03

THE 5 OLD BELIEFS TO LEAVE BEHIND IN 2019 Podcast #373 Our beliefs about life - and our place in it - are a huge contributor in determining how our life goes, and how good we feel along the way. Chances are, there are 5 major beliefs you need to drop that are dragging you down and keeping you from being your best, most confident and effective self. It's time to think about what beliefs to leave behind. This week on The Confidence Podcast we're talking about:  How to actually substitute belief and change your thinkingThe 5 beliefs to leave behind this yearA discussion on whether or not you can actually disrupt default thinking REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  Life-changing podcast - 5 stars. By mel1225 I highly recommend this podcast! It has been truly life-changing. Trish's positivity is infectious and motivating. My favorite podcast episodes are the quick faith episodes but I am enjoying them all and passing them on for others to give a listen as well. Thanks so much, Trish for sharing the love of Jesus to all those who get to listen!  If you missed last week, go back and listen to it today - it's a topic that resonates with us all ... how to reframe rejection and be able to see it as a good thing. You can listen directly at HOW TO SUBSTITUTE BELIEF AND CHANGE YOUR THINKING Decision Direction Discipline Make a decision that your current thinking doesn't work any longer. You've outgrown it. Pick a direction in which to pivot yourself and point your thought patterns.Get disciplined about your mental training - journal, therapy, work witha coach, pour good resources into your mind, guard inputs and prioritize your emotional health with sleep and a pace of life that is sustainable and life-giving.  These are just some of the beliefs to leave behind. PATREON PARTNERS: The Confidence Podcast is almost seven years old and in that time we've mobilized a movement of confidence across the world. It has been my greatest honor to have the privilege of being a voice of encouragement in your life. With hundreds of hours of free coaching available with just the click of an episode, The Confidence Podcast has sown confidence and courage into over 2 million people's lives. The launch of Patreon Partners is a celebration of how our community has grown, and a way that we can offer our most loyal listeners a real community and extra resources for just pennies a day.  Therefore we want to make this Patreon Partner community as simple as possible while obviously providing significant value in return for your support. As such, we are offering one tier at a set support amount of $5. And for that patreon support, you get the following: Biweekly bonus episodes that we're calling our "Faith Take" Episodes. You'll receive 2 bonus episodes per month, available only to patreon partners. These are going to be extended conversations from particular podcasts released that month, but with a more Biblical take and faith-based perspective to help you deepen your confidence in your walk with the Lord. Weekly Episode Takeaway Cue Card, to help you carry that week's most important coaching. These will be pretty wallpapers that you can use on your phone or in your social feed and you'll have fun wondering what I consider to be the most important take away of each episode.Supplement Resources, When Applicable.

 #372:HOW TO REFRAME REJECTION TO SEE IT AS A GOOD THING | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:44

HOW TO REFRAME REJECTION TO SEE IT AS A GOOD THING Podcast #372 We all have felt rejection or exclusion, and we are all guaranteed to have more of it throughout the rest of our lives. There is no way to avoid this pit of pain, so, rather than dread it or allow it to be a reflection of our character, it's time that we take rejection into our own control. Rejection and closed doors don't need to get you down ever again. In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: The universality of rejection and setbacks and what your relationship with them can be 10 ways to reframe rejection positively so that you can see rejection as a good thing Why I celebrate rejection and what gives me confidence that I will fail, but not fall. REVIEW OF THE WEEK: A weekly boost! by Beast, sick, game yo I so look forward to Tuesdays! Trish's content seems to always be spot on. She inspires her listeners to be productive, loving people. I admire how she has incorporated her faith into several of the episodes. Keep going Trish! You're making a difference.  Gina in Idaho OK, LET'S DEEP DIVE INTO REJECTION. REJECTION IS A GOOD THING. It's all about how you think about it and your relationship with it. As in all relationships, there's a reaction and an interaction element to how you interact with it. Take a moment and assess how your relationship with rejection is.  Does it define you or does it refine you? Rejection types:  jobs, sales, relationships, opportunities, friendships. Why we're talking about rejection: We all have felt rejection or exclusion, and we are all guaranteed to have more of it throughout the rest of our lives. There is no way to avoid this pit of pain, so, rather than dread it or allow it to be a reflection of our character, it's time that we take rejection into our own control. Trial by fire: Rejection is the first part of my professional career - Gold's Gym, trial by fire. I learned a lot in the process - mostly, that rejection is inevitable and not personal. Make it a game, play the game and use the game to strengthen your mindset. SPONSOR NOTE FROM NOEMIE Noémie believes that luxury jewelry doesn’t have to be overpriced. o  They cut out the middlemen to deliver exceptional fine jewelry without the traditional retail markups. o  Noémie designs and manufactures everything in-house and sells directly to consumers with a lifetime warranty and free shipping both ways. o  So you can save an average of 50% compared to other luxury brands. Noémie is the only fine jewelry company offering such incredible quality at this price. o  Featuring solid 18 karat gold for the perfect balance of strength and purity. o  VS Clarity diamonds of uncompromising quality that come with an IGI certification card. o  You can personalize with engravings, and even order custom designs. Usually, you have to “know a guy” to get this kind of a deal. o  At Noémie, everyone gets the friends-and-family treatment. o  Read the thousands of five-star reviews on their website and see for yourself. If you’re looking for quality fine jewelry made to last a lifetime from a luxury brand you can trust, it’s Noémie.They have thousands of 5-star reviews online, we suggest you read some and see why people are raving about this company. Go see their collections and get $50 your first purchase with promo code CONFIDENCE. h-e-l-l-o, n-o-e-m-i-e, dot com slash CONFIDENCE. o  And don’t forget to use promo code CONFIDENCEfor $50 off your first purchase.

 #371: HOW TO MAKE THIS YEAR THE YEAR YOU STICK TO YOUR DIET | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:54

HOW TO MAKE THIS YEAR THE YEAR YOU STICK TO YOUR DIET Podcast #371 Sticking to your diet is much less about discipline and will-power than you think it might be. Those who are successful in their health and fitness goals focus more on mindset than on perfect habits. This podcast episode will help breakdown the differences and will teach you how to have a banner year for your health habits ... helping you be successful with your weight goals this year. In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: The mindset of successful weight loss and of those who have a healthy relationship with food What to do when you feel triggered and your confidence in your discipline feels shakey How to talk back to yourself and train your thoughts to guarantee yourself success this year ANNOUNCEMENT: Do you get fearful sometimes, worrying what people may or may not think about you? Maybe it's someone close to you, or someone you barely know, but the potential of them looking down on you, judging you or making a comment about it is enough to make you play it safe? If so, then I'll see you in class this week - I'm hosting something you don't want to me. It's my new free 20-minute power-packed webinar class on How to Stop Caring What People Think. I've poured all my creative energy into this over the past two weeks and can't wait to share with you what I want to teach! I almost didn't write my first book, I almost didn't run my first running race, I almost didn't go on the blind date that led to my amazing husband, I almost didn't start my blog, or this podcast or my business ... I was worried that people would think "who is she to do _____" or "gosh, she's stupid"... but thankfully I had the right mentors who loved on me, pushed me and taught me how to just go be me - to go be Trish Blackwell and to not worry about what anyone thinks as I do.  I want to teach you the same thing. Grab your spot at REVIEW OF THE WEEK: @cdrinkwine - Never-ending Fountain of Motivation and Strength I discovered Trish's podcast earlier in 2019 when I set a goal for myself to increase my confidence. While I don't consider myself to be painfully meek, I know that I can use improvement to help my professional and personal life. Trish's podcast put all other confidence podcasts to shame. Her positive attitude, full exposure of her own challenges and well organized and well-researched advice and guidance has helped me feel more confident and improve in numerous ways. For example, I love to swim but was always afraid of doing anything but a crawl stroke for fear of feeling embarrassed as I flopped around in the pool. By pointing out that other people are not worrying about me but worrying about themselves, I shed that fear and now happily splash my way through all strokes (and have actually gotten pretty good at them). I also don't hold back to speak up and share my ideas in meetings and stand my ground when I"m confident that my professional decisions are solid. I hope men and women who want to improve their confidence make the right choice and listen to Trish. I also did join Trish's College of Confidence and find that to be a huge bonus, adding to a wonderfully supportive community to the great content. Count yourself lucky that you've discovered this podcast and take advantage of the tremendous free resource with which Trish has gifted us. Thanks so much, Trish, Being me, being free! COACHING NUGGEST FOR WEIGHT LOSS:  Breakthrough with food is less about what you do and more about your self-talk. You won't ever be the bodyweight you want until you are proud of the person you are on the inside. The more you hide from yourself, the more you will perpetuate self-shame - and the shame cycle of sabotage. KNOW YOUR TRIGGERS

 #370: USING POWERFUL WORDS TO CRAFT YOUR 2020 VISION | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:54

USING POWERFUL WORDS TO CRAFT YOUR 2020 VISION Podcast #370 The power of words and how to change the quality of words you think Changing the station of your internal thoughts The difference between a goal and a vision - and how to make yours happen in 2020 ANNOUNCEMENT: Want a solid vision for 2020, but aren't sure where to start? I have all of my best goal setting and planning resources getting released in the College of Confidence this week. You're not going to want to miss out on these. Become a student in the College of Confidence today and get instant access to hundreds of hours of coaching content, structured confidence courses, our community forum - and personal support from me, as well as frequent live group coaching calls ... and of course, the planning tools you need for 2020 at See you in class this week - again, that's my new free 20-minute power-packed webinar class on How to Stop Caring What People Think. I've poured all my creative energy into this over the past two weeks and can't wait to share with you what I want to teach! Grab your spot at REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Heart full of Jesus - 5-stars, Your Minnesota Friend Okay, Trish, I had to stop what I was doing and message you after hearing your review of the week the other day because wow. Not only did you have the guts to reveal to your audience a 1-star review, but you totally owned it. Everything you speak of comes from your heart. A heart full of compassion, kindness, and you said it, JESUS!!! And maybe that's not for everybody, but for girls like me and I'm sure many others, it's exactly waht we need in a world like this. A world where comparison, materilaism and hustling to the point of exahustion is all too common. Being a full-time interior deisnger, having my own photography biz and coaching college tennis at the age of 23 is a little crazy, I'll admit. It wasn't until this past July I realized I needed to slow dow nadn take care of myslf. Unfortunately, it took me being sick for amonty with mono for me to wake the hell up and make a change in my lifestyle. My competitive personality didn't know how to slow down until I was forced to. There have also been tiems where I felt like a failure because i didn't meet my own unrealistici expectations and it weighed on me more than it should have. The Confidence Podcast has helped me redirect my priorities that have been englected for too long and stand still in the love os Jesus. So Trish, THANK YOU for being transparent, sahring your story and helping me get back to the girl God created me to be. You are changing lives, but haters gonna hate. 10 starts. Blessings, your Minnesotan friend. LET'S DIVE INTO OUR COACHING ON WORDS:  A word that has changed my life this year is the word "freedom." And I just got it tattooed on my left arm - check it out by seeing the show notes at or checking out my feed on Facebook or Instagram this week. When I have a word on me, with me at all times, I feel it. It goes beyond just being a thought- it becomes part of me, part of my identity, and in my bones. THE POWER OF WORDS  Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. (NIV) Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit - you choose (MSG) Words give life or death. Word choice - even the difference between "I" and "Trish" matter:  Psychologist Ethan Kross of the University of Michigan led the work, studying the pronouns people use when they talk to themselves silently, inside their minds. "What we find," Kross says, "is that a subtle linguistic shift — shifting from 'I' to your own name — can have really powerful self-regulatory effects.


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