The Matt Walsh Show show

The Matt Walsh Show

Summary: Fed up with the talking heads? Matt gives you a no-holds-barred take on today’s cultural, religious, and political issues. Monday thru Friday.

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 Ep. 27 - Break Free From The Internet And Reclaim Your Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:56

I make my living on the internet. The more time you spend here, the better for me. But I still think you should cut way, way down on your internet usage. It is harming you in immeasurable ways. Take it from me: you'd be much happier if you put down your phone and lived a real life again. Date: 05-10–2018

 Ep. 26 - How To Destroy The "Best" Pro-Abortion Argument | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:05

Every pro-abortion argument really boils down to this: "my body, my choice." Or, as pro-aborts call it, bodily autonomy. The bodily autonomy argument is supposed to be unassailable and logically bullet proof. It is supposed to end the discussion. It doesn't. Let me demonstrate how to completely annihilate the Left's "best" argument for abortion. I can do it in 5 simple steps. Date: 05-09–2018

 Ep. 25 - Your Career Won't Make You Happy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:10

We have fled the home and family life in pursuit of happiness, but in the process we have become the most depressed and confused society in history. That's because happiness and fulfillment is found not in professional achievement or material wealth, but in service to God and family. Date: 05-08–2018

 Ep. 24 - The Three Things We Can Learn From Christ's Temptation In The Desert | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:29

As Christians in modern American society, we are surrounded on all sides by constant and unrelenting temptation. How do we deal with it? Well, Christ underwent his own temptation out in the desert and provided us a model to follow. Let's talk about what we can learn from that story. Date: 05-07–2018

 Ep. 23 - Liberal Christianity Is Pointless | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:40

People in our culture are starving for identity. They are lost, confused, dissatisfied. The church must be there to provide that direction, that purpose, and that identity. But it can't do that if it is more concerned with being "affirming" and "inclusive.” Date: 05-04–2018

 Ep. 22 - Boys Should Not Be Forced To Include Girls In Everything | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:11

The end of the Boy Scouts is just another symptom of a growing problem in America: boys are not allowed to have their own spaces. They are forced to include girls in everything. Date: 05-03–2018

 Ep. 21 - Why Your Prayers Aren't Working | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:45

Many Christians in this country have given up on prayer. They complain that it doesn't "work" and God isn't answering them. Let's talk about prayer, why it's so crucial to the Christian life, and why our prayers may not be getting the answers we expect. Date: 05-02-2018

 Ep. 20 - Why 'Cultural Appropriation' Is Nonsense | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:31

Cultural Appropriation doesn't exist. On the other hand, gender appropriation does exist. But that's the one kind of appropriation the Left celebrates. Date: 05-01-2018

 Ep. 19 - We Have Nothing In Common Anymore | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:42

Americans hate each other because we don't have anything at all in common with one another. There is no single uniting value or principle in our culture. Nothing holding us together. No defining characteristic. We are the United States no longer. Date: 04-30–2018

 Ep. 18 - What A Christian Should Do About Doubt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:47

I got an email from a Christian who has been struggling with religious doubts. He asked for my advice. I will do my best to offer some. Doubt is a taboo subject in Christian circles, but it need not be. We all struggle with it at various points in our lives. So let's have an honest conversation about it. Date: 04-27-2018

 Ep. 17 - Where The Real Cultural Battle Is Being Fought | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:24

The ONLY meaningful dividing line in the culture war is this: those who defend morality, virtue, the family, and the sanctity of life on one side, and those who are hostile or indifferent on the other. Date: 04-26-2018

 Ep. 16 - Feminists Hate Men But They Also Want To Be Men | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:00

It's not exactly true to say that feminists hate masculinity. Actually, they are jealous of masculinity and want nothing more than to be masculine themselves. What they hate most of all, in the end, is femininity.

 Ep. 15 - The True Horror of Socialized Medicine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:06

A death panel in the UK has sentenced a young child to death. This is what happens when you have socialized medicine and a godless government. This is our future, unless we change our course. Date: 04-23-2018

 Ep. 14 - The Absolute Worst Pro-Abortion Argument | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:44

There are no good pro-abortion arguments. All arguments in favor of killing human children are horrendously illogical and demented. But this particular argument is the worst one of all, for reasons I will now explain. Date: 04-20-2018

 Ep. 13 - Colleges Are Brainwashing Our Kids, and We Are Paying Them To Do It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:04

With a few exceptions, the university system is viciously hostile to the values we try to instill in our children. Most colleges will seek to override and undo your child's moral and spiritual formation. Yet, for some reason, we keep giving our money and our kids to these cesspools of lunacy and intellectual depravity. Will we ever learn our lesson? Date: 04-19-2018


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