The Matt Walsh Show show

The Matt Walsh Show

Summary: Fed up with the talking heads? Matt gives you a no-holds-barred take on today’s cultural, religious, and political issues. Monday thru Friday.

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 Ep. 102 - How To Protect Men From False Rape Accusations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:23

There have been several stories in the news recently about men who were falsely accused of rape. Some of them went to prison. All of them had their lives and reputations ruined. The problem of false accusations is very real and must be addressed by prosecuting and sentencing false accusers just as harshly as we do rapists. 09-12-2018

 Ep. 101 - Why Serena Williams' Tantrum Has Nothing To Do With "Women's Rights" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:42

Serena Williams had a hysterical temper tantrum and then claimed that she was "fighting for women's rights." The idea of "rights" -- especially women's rights -- has been so degraded in our society that now a wealthy athlete can pretend she's fighting for rights as she smashes her tennis racket and screams at an umpire. Let's talk about what "rights" really are, and why we need to stop cheapening them. 09-11-2018

 Ep. 100 - The Republicans Demonstrate Cowardice By Funding Planned Parenthood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:42

Planned Parenthood is essentially a money laundering scheme for the Democrat Party. They are given millions of dollars in tax money ever year, and they spend millions trying to get Democrats elected. And if all of that isn't bad enough -- Republicans are financing the efforts. 09-10-2018

 Ep. 99 - Is Monogamy Unnatural? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:44

These days we are told that monogamy is "unnatural" or "unrealistic." As the argument goes, being faithful in a marriage can be hard which means it is impossible and against our very nature. This is the logic of a weak, cowardly age. Monogamy is, in fact, far more "natural" for humans than the other option. And it's perfectly feasible and even pretty easy if you are willing to exercise a little bit of self-restraint and selflessness. 09-07-2018

 Ep. 98 - Colin Kaepernick Is No Hero | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:49

The hype around Colin Kaepernick is overblown on both sides. The Right has turned him into some kind of historic villain, and the Left has turned him into a martyr who "sacrificed everything." Both of these characterizations are ridiculous, but the latter is most ridiculous. Kaepernick did not sacrifice everything. In fact, he sacrificed nothing. On the contrary, his political crusade has profited him tremendously. And that's simply not how sacrifice works. 09–06-2018

 Ep. 97 - Why Moral Relativism Is False | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:51

Yesterday we talked about why there can be no objective morality without God. The only logical position for an atheist to hold is moral relativism. Now today I want to discuss why moral relativism -- which is a position many atheists and secular people do openly hold -- is nonsensical and false. We do not get to invent our own moral systems. There is only one true moral system, and it is a system that everyone, everywhere, knows and recognizes. 09-05-2018

 Ep. 96 - Without God There Can Be No Objective Morality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:12

An atheist cannot logically make objective moral claims. He cannot logically say that any action at all is objectively right or objectively wrong. Yet, many atheists do make such claims. Many atheists do believe that things like rape, murder, theft, etc., are not just subjectively wrong, but actually wrong. Atheists seem to recognize a moral code, even though no such moral code could exist without God. What does that tell us about atheism, God, and morality? Let's talk about that now. 09–04-2018

 Ep. 95 - The Problem with the ‘Body Positivity’ Movement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:03

These days we are told to embrace and celebrate everything about ourselves and our bodies. Even the morbidly obese are encouraged to be "positive" about a physical state that may well kill them. I think this is the wrong approach. For one, it prevents honest self-assessment which prevents self-improvement. For another, it encourages us to remain obsessively focused on ourselves. 08–31-2018

 Ep. 94 - The Media Continues To Run Cover For The Vatican | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:55

The media claims that the outcry against Pope Francis is "ideological" and part of a "conservative coup." This is ridiculous for several reasons. Let's talk about them now. 08-30-2018

 Ep. 93 - The Bullying, Intolerant Tactics of LGBT Activists | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:29

LGBT activists have succeeded in shutting down another adoption agency. Once again, the viciousness and selfishness of the radical gay left is on full display. They are the worst bullies in America. 08-29-2018

 Ep. 92 - Why The Allegations Against Pope Francis Are Extremely Credible | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:00

Pope Francis stands accused of personally covering for a sexual abuser. The allegations are breathtaking and unprecedented, but believable. I will explain why. Also, what can average Catholics do if it turns out that the Pope is guilty of this heinous sin? We'll talk about that as well. 08-28-2018

 Ep. 91 - Massive Bombshell: Pope Francis Accused Of Personally Covering Up Abuses | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:22

A former high-ranking official in the Catholic Church just dropped a nuclear bomb on the whole network of cowards and deviants in the hierarchy. He issued an 11 page report, naming names and making detailed accusations against a host of top officials. Most notable, he accuses the Pope himself of covering up abuses. If this is true, Francis must resign. But is it true? We will talk about that today. 08-27-2018

 Ep. 90 - We Need To Reclaim Sexual Morality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:26

Our culture did away with the concept of sexual morality and now we have no way of dealing with, or even describing, all of the sexually immoral behavior we see around us. We lump it all together under the umbrella of 'rape' and 'abuse' because consent is the one remaining moral rule governing our sex lives. We say that sex is only immoral if it lacks consent, but this is false and confusing. A properly ordered sex life requires a lot more than just consent. 08-24-2018

 Ep. 89 - When Will The War On Statues Extend To The Left's Heroes? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:19

Part of the problem with the crusade to tear down Confederate monuments is that it is selective and inconsistent. There are many other statues of controversial figures in our country, yet they all remain standing. Is it because those other problematic monuments commemorate liberal heroes? 08-23-18

 Ep. 88 - Progressivism Descends Further Into Insanity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:18

The LGBT camp wants us to call vaginas "front holes" so that we don't offend trans people. Animal rights activists demanded that animal crackers be freed from their cage. These two stories again demonstrate the fact that Leftism is plunging into total insanity. But why? Let's talk about that now. 08-22-2018


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