The Matt Walsh Show show

The Matt Walsh Show

Summary: Fed up with the talking heads? Matt gives you a no-holds-barred take on today’s cultural, religious, and political issues. Monday thru Friday.

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 Ep. 72 - Voters Should Be Required To Take A Civics Exam | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:12

We say that it's everyone's civic duty to vote. That's not exactly true. It's everyone's civic duty to be informed and contributing members of society. If they haven't fulfilled that duty, then it's extremely bad for them to vote. An ignorant, self-centered vote serves only to cancel out the votes of informed people. We could easily solve this problem by holding voters to a very basic standard of awareness and maturity. Date: 07-30–2018

 Ep. 71 - Why Introverts Hate Small Talk | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:21

For a change of pace from the heavier topics, let's talk about the most misunderstood group in human society: introverts. We are often accused of being "anti-social," and "hating people," and so on, but none of that is true. We just have no need for, and do not enjoy, constant noise and pointless chatter. Date: 07-27–2018

 Ep 70 - Inventing Another Fake Environmental Crisis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:35

Supposedly, our plastic straws are destroying the environment. We are told that we use 500 million straws a day, and many of them somehow end up in the ocean. Both of these claims are false. Let's now debunk this hysteria, and discuss why people engage in environmental hysterics, and how they hurt their own movement in the process. Date: 07-26–2018

 Ep. 69 - The Church Is Plagued By Cowardice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:13

The disease that infects the church in America is cowardice. Many Christians are afraid to stand for moral truth. The persecution we face is very light, yet we cower from it in fear. There can be no resurgence of faith in America until there is a resurgence of courage. Date: 07-25–2018

 Ep. 68 - Child Abuse In The Guise Of 'Gender Neutral Parenting' | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:57

Trendy liberal parents are raising their kids "gender neutral." They even have a name for gender neutral kids: theybies. This is not only illogical, ridiculous, and insane -- it is also child abuse. Date: 07-24–2018

 Ep. 67 - The Inconvenient Truth About The Catholic Church Sex Scandal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:50

The Catholic Church started admitting a significant percentage of gay priests in the 60s and 70s. It was right at this time that the sexual abuse of altar boys became a huge problem. These two things are not unrelated. The one leads to the other. This is the glaringly obvious fact that any rational person can recognize, but few will say out loud. Christianity in the West is infested with cowards who will not even admit the truths that are right in front of them. Date: 07-23–2018

 Ep. 66 - The Secularization of Christianity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:51

I got an email from a Christian who tells me that I should save the God stuff for church and talk about other subjects. I hear this kind of thing a lot from Christian readers/viewers. It is a symptom of the secularization of faith in America. We treat faith and "the real world" as two entirely separate things that should not cross over into one another. But I don't think that is the right approach, and here's why.

 Ep. 65 - Our Country Needs More Masculinity, Not Less | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:25

A new campaign seeks to "evolve masculinity" by turning men into emasculated weaklings. But this does not represent an evolution. The new version of masculinity is a devolution from the traditional version. And that's a problem because this country desperately needs masculine men. Date: 07-19–2018

 Ep. 64 - We're All Mentally Disordered | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:33

The drug companies and the psychiatric industry have turned nearly every human emotion, trait, characteristic, and weakness into symptoms of mental diseases. Often they do so by pushing thoroughly debunked theories like "chemical imbalancement." Before long, we will all be mentally disordered. Date: 07-18-2018

 Ep. 63 - Why Is God Hidden? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:20

Today I want to address what I think is maybe the best atheist argument against the existence of God. It's also a question that we Believers have been grappling with for centuries: Where is God? Why does He remain invisible to us? Why doesn't He reveal Himself unmistakably to all of us? I don't claim to have THE answer to that question. Nobody does. But here are my thoughts on the subject. Date: 07-17–2018

 Ep. 62 - There Is Nothing Uplifting Or Empowering About Stupid, Trashy Pop Music | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:27

Ariana Grande is out with a trashy and utterly stupid song and video called “God is a woman.” The media has hailed it as empowering and uplifting for women. But, like most pop music, it is neither of those things. It is exactly the opposite, in fact. Date: 07-16–2018

 Ep. 61 - The PC Mob Gets Another Head For Its Trophy Case | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:11

The PC mob's latest victim is Papa John. He said the N-word, while quoting someone else who said the N-word, and now he has been forced to resign in disgrace because of it. This is absurd. A word itself cannot be racist. A word is just a word. But this is really about the Left's mission to control language and thus control society. Date: 07-13–2018

 Ep. 60 - The Left Won't Stop Pushing Its Religion On Us | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:34

We Christian conservatives are accused of "pushing religion" whenever we make pretty much any argument, but especially when we argue against abortion. But the argument against abortion has nothing at all to do with religion. It has to do with science, and with the universal moral law. It is the argument for abortion that is based on religion. That is, the Left's satanic religion of self-worship. Date: 07-12–2018

 Ep. 59 - Why Does A Good God Allow Bad Things? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:28

An atheist asked me how I can believe that God exists, and is good, considering all of the terrible stuff that happens in the world. This, of course, is one of the most common objections people have been making against God for millennia. I think it is worth addressing. Date: 07-11–2018

 Ep. 58 - There Is No Such Thing As A Pro-Abortion Conservative | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:52

Tomi Lahren insists that conservatives need to let go of the pro-life cause and stop trying to overturn Roe. She's wrong. Any so-called conservative who adopts the Left's position on abortion is wrong. And they aren't actually conservative in any meaningful way. Date: 07-10–2018


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