The Matt Walsh Show show

The Matt Walsh Show

Summary: Fed up with the talking heads? Matt gives you a no-holds-barred take on today’s cultural, religious, and political issues. Monday thru Friday.

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 Ep. 57 - Stop Trying To Erase The Past | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:09

Laura Ingalls Wilder is the latest (white) historical figure to be posthumously condemned and shunned for her “cultural insensitivity” and “racism.” On the show today I will explain why it is incredibly stupid, and pointless, and hypocritical, to judge historical people for their old fashioned ideas about race. Date: 06-29–2018

 Ep. 56 - Things Are About To Get Ugly | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:58

Abortion is the Left's highest sacrament. They will go to any length at all to protect it. With Roe now at risk, things are about to get very, very ugly. Batten down the hatches, folks. Date: 06-28–2018

 Ep. 55 - We Are Sitting On A Powder Keg | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:04

Some people have been predicting a coming civil war. I don't think that will happen. We're too lazy to fight a civil war. But I do think that American society is breaking down, and anarchy, in some form, is on the horizon. We are sitting on a powder keg. It could go off at any time. Date: 06-27–2018

 Ep. 54 - We Shouldn't Be Ashamed Of Our History | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:27

In the west, we are constantly told that we must apologize for our history and tear down the statues and monuments of our historical heroes. The pioneers who built our civilization must all be posthumously indicted for their alleged crimes and we must spit on their graves and express no admiration for their achievements. Only white western countries are required to be so ashamed of their past. It is not expected of anyone else. I think this attitude is nonsense, and disgraceful, and I want to explain why. Date: 06-26–2018

 Ep. 53 - It's Not The Government's Job To Be "Compassionate" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:00

I have been told that it's not "compassionate" for the government to catch illegal immigrants and deport them. But it's not the government's job to be compassionate. The government's job is to make and enforce laws. Individuals should be compassionate and generous. The Left has been trying for years to relieve the individual from the burden of personal virtue and charity, and that's really what this debate is all about. Date: 06-25–2018

 Ep. 52 - There Isn’t Any Nice Or Pleasant Way To Enforce Our Immigration Law | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:33

It's hard to have a discussion about immigration law with people who think there shouldn’t be any immigration laws at all. The Left is being disingenuous. They say they have a problem with separating kids, but really they have a problem with immigration enforcement of any kind. But we cannot have a country if we do not have clearly defined, and strictly enforced, borders. The process of defining and enforcing the border will not always be pleasant. But it can be just. Those two things are not the same. Date: 06-22–2018

 Ep. 51 - We Have Ceased To See The Purpose | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:45

The crisis in American culture is twofold: we do not know WHO we are, and we do not know WHY we are. We are confused about our identity and our purpose. But a person cannot live, and he certainly cannot be happy, unless he knows who he is and where he is going. We need to restore our sense of identity and purpose. Date: 06-15-2018

 Ep. 50 - The Delusional Leftist War on Chick-Fil-A | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:17:37

The Left has been having a tantrum over Chick Fil A for years now. Chick Fil A has just ignored them and made no effort to apologize. In the meantime, the company has had enormous success and become one of the most popular restaurants in America. We can learn two important things from this chain of events. Date: 06-14–2018

 Ep. 49 - How Conservatives Can Win Back The Culture | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:50

Conservatives lost the culture because they stopped fighting for it. Now we brag about our "silent majority" while we cower in the corner, too terrified to meaningfully resist the Left and its agenda. If only we had a little bit of courage. That is all we need, and it would be enough to change everything. Date: 06-13-2018

 Ep. 48 - Gender-Confused Boys Beat A Bunch Of Girls In A Girl's Track Meet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:48

Yet again, gender-confused boys were allowed to compete against girls in a track and field meet, and they of course blew out the competition. This madness needs to end. Parents need to step up. Pull your daughters out of these competitions so long as boys are allowed to participate. Date: 06-12-2018

 Ep. 47 - The Two Dangerous Mistakes We Make When We Discuss Suicide | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:56

Whenever suicide is in the news, well intentioned people say really horrible and dangerous things about it. In an effort to be kind and generous to the dead, they end up justifying, glorifying, and promoting suicide, which is very harmful to the living. Today I want to talk about two of the great lies people tell about suicide, thinking they are being helpful, when really they are causing enormous harm. Date: 06-11–2018

 Ep. 46 - You Don't Give Up Your "Freedom" When You Have Kids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:41

The "child-free movement" says that the only way to be free and happy is to avoid having kids at all costs. Many people in my generation have taken this idea to heart, and as a result the birth rate has dropped to cataclysmic lows. But the "child-free" mentality is wrong, and leads only to emptiness and sadness, and I'll explain why. Date: 06-08–2018

 Ep. 45 - Guilt Is Good | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:50

The Church today treats guilt as a bad thing. Many Christians think that they ought never feel guilty, and that feelings of guilt should be rejected and overcome through positive-thinking. But this is a serious error. Guilt is our soul's response to sin. It is good that we have that response if we are in fact guilty of something. But what do we do with guilt? What can we learn from it and where should it lead us? That's what I want to talk about today. Date: 06-07–2018

 Ep. 44 - Stop Blaming Millennials For Everything | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:31

Millennials are generally blamed for everything in our society, even though our country was already financially and culturally and spiritually ruined before my generation came of age. Yes, many of us tend to be entitled and selfish. But they learned it from their entitled, selfish parents, who seem to always get off the hook somehow. Maybe it's time to stop foisting all the blame on Millennials and start looking at our situation honestly. Date: 06-06–2018

 Ep. 43 - The Truth About The Masterpiece Cakeshop Case | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:18

The Left is lying about the Masterpiece Cakeshop case. The Christian baker never "refused service" to gay people. He never discriminated against gay people. He never told gay people that they couldn't buy a cake. These are all lies. Let's discuss the actual truth of this case. Date: 06-05–2018


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