Woman Awake - The Soul-led Journey of Awakening Through Womandhood and Motherhood show

Woman Awake - The Soul-led Journey of Awakening Through Womandhood and Motherhood

Summary: Join Claire Obeid on her new podcast - 'Woman Awake - as she shares her soul-led journey of awakening through womanhood and motherhood. www.claireobeid.com/podcast This is OUR journey, in mind, body and soul towards consciousness. Seeking clarity. Hunting down the truth. Diving into the discomfort of healing. Uncovering shadows and rising out of them back. Rising into a NEW woman. Through my personal brand of storytelling, musings, wisdom bombs and insights we journey into motherhood, the catalyst, if you so choose, to become more conscious, aware... woke. I’m just one mama following the path to awakening. And I hope you choose to wake up with me too. From meditation, yoga and spirituality to health, wellbeing, mindset, conscious living and conscious parenting, Claire will dive into it ALL. Featuring moments of contemplation mixed with inspired action and handy take-aways, Claire will support you as you journey to WOKE. Claire will also hold Q&A sessions, answering listeners questions and riffing on important topics. Claire also offers regular mini-meditation sessions to support her listener's in cultivating inner stillness, connection and clarity. Regular segments featuring thought-leaders, interviews with experts and game-changers add depth, further insight and mountains of inspiration ABOUT CLAIRE: Claire is a Somatic Life Coach. Yoga Teacher. EFT Practitioner. Meditation Guide. Soul Seeker. doTERRA Wellness Advocate. Mama to little Soleil and Rafael. She is passionate about supporting individuals to cultivate their own thoroughly equipped Wellness Tool-kit so that they may live in full health, consciously, in presence, gratitude and joy.

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  • Artist: Woman Awake with Claire Obeid
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 Season#2 Ep 06b - Breaking The Chain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:27

This relates back to the previous episode, but it’s also about breaking the chain of ANY learned behaviour, belief, thought system that you most likely have been passed down, along the chain. We are in the chain with our mother, father, family, most influential friends, teachers etc. For me, as a mama, I can see that the mother line and patriarchal influence has bound me into a few habits that I am so willing and ready to release. From the victim/marty archetypes ruling my life to the sacred wounds from pre-birth and even to the learned behaviour (quick to anger, bossiness etc) I received from my parents. I know that I can as much as possible prevent some of the unnecessary hurts, roles and attitudes from being absorbed as deeply. It’s the least I can do - show up for them willing to clear the slate and to give them a chance to show up in the world with minimal baggage. So here is some guidance around how to break that chain. www.claireobeid.com/episode06b

 Season#2 Ep 06a - The Victim + Martyr Roles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:19

Are you a Victim, Martyr or both? One of the most uncomfortable things I’ve had to face as a mother is this truth - I swing between behaving like a victim or a martyr. Embodying these archetypes is actually more normal and common than we realise. Especially during motherhood. We embody these roles during motherhood, not one or the other, but both. And I actually think many of us do this. We might just not see it yet. We often choose to avoid it because, let’ be real here, these are not the most flattering roles to appropriate. I take a look at these two roles and how they might come into being during our motherhood journey. And in the following episode 06b I share how we can break this chain. www.claireobeid.com/episode06a

 Season#2 Ep 05 - The Way Through Mama Overwhelm | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:09

In episode 05 I share with you share with you what I’m do to manage all of that Mama’Whelm. Overwhelm, mama style. There are a few little tricks up my sleeve to help quieten your over-active nervous system and give some space around the relentless thoughts, lists and tasks flying around in your mind. There is one tool, in particular, that simple rocks my world that I absolutely must share with you. Stay tuned till the end so you can hear the offer I have for you if you'd like to work directly with me. www.claireobeid.com/episode05

 Season#2 Ep 04 - How Self Love makes you a more loving mama + Meditation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:02

In this episode I share how the simple act of loving myself more and choosing to put myself first impacts on how I show up, in love, as a mama. I share the meditation practice I did that supported me, one very special morning, and send a love-filled reminder to you, mama, to care for yourself more. Plus I include a bonus sunrise/self love meditation just for you! www.claireobeid.com/episode04

 Season#2 Ep 03 - Healing, growing & awakening through motherhood with Maryanne Sea | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:28:36

Maryanne Sea and I jump on the mic together, again, after such a HUGE and positive response to our first episode - www.claireobeid.com/episode27. We explore the power of healing with intention, love and presence in the work that Maryanne does with babies in utero, children post birth and mother healings. This episode will blow your mind with incredible stories of rapid healing, dramatic shifts and HUGE awakenings for both mother and baby. An episode absolutely NOT to be missed and one close to my heart as I am currently knee deep into my own healing journey with Maryanne as my guide. www.claireobeid.com/episode03 Show notes: www.maryannesea.com

 Season#2 Ep 02 - Authenticity In Motherhood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:35

This episode explores Authenticity in Motherhood - an attitude that I feel we need to embody MORE asa mamas. Something that unfortunately doesn't happen enough - women are discouraged from sharing their joys or showing vulnerability and struggle. The cost of this is huge on our tribe and community. In this episode I explore what Authentic Motherhood looks like and why it's invaluable.

 Season#2 Ep 01 - Our children triggering our inner shadows | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:32

Our children, who I see as tiny but mighty gurus, often trigger us - especially our inner shadows and wounds. In today's episode I share the triggers my children have brought up in me. How our children demand us to heal ourselves and why I feel they do this - how it's a two-way street. This is an invitation to be OK with those triggers and learn from them. Tune in and share your thoughts on how your children have triggered your own shadows and wounds. www.claireobeid.com/episode01

 Season#2 Ep 00 - Ground Zero | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:11

This podcast used to be called The Wellness Project - a business name and brand that has carried me through the years since 2011. And one I still resonate with you. But, throw motherhood into the mix and everything has come into question. If you were following and listening along to The Wellness Project Podcast, which I launched when I was pregnant with my now 11 month old little man - Rafael - or from the earliest days of when I shared my meals and spoke all things health and wellbeing, from my bloggin days, Life Coaching biz, meditation offerings, programs etc, 0 well firstly, a deep bow of gratitude. I thank you for being the first to tune in to my brand of wellness - an exploration in freeing your mind, fueling your body and feeding your soul. And whilst I am still madly passionate about all those things, you might have already guessed that there is something else I want to focus on. Motherhood. But not just the everyday story of motherhood. (Although the everyday is where it’s all at!) Nope… I want to focus on the incredible gift that motherood offers us - the opportunity to grow, to get dirty, to get lost in the shadows and find our own truth, to heal. A catalyst for major spiritual upheaval and growth. A chance to become more conscious and to ‘wake’ up. To be more woke. Yep, this is what I’m here to focus on. And this is what this podcast is about. Episode Ground Zero takes us back to the bare bones of it all, to start again from the rubble. Listen in to learn more about One Woke Mama. www.claireobeid.com/episode00

 Season#1 Ep 29: The birth I never thought I'd have - Bringing Rafael into the world | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:45

I'm now 14 weeks postpartum. That means, 14 weeks with my beautiful, angel boy, Rafael. A little one that has come to help me heal deep wounds and to grow in love and light. And it has taken me this long to find the time and space to record for you this very special podcast. An episode that is of course deeply personal but incredibly powerful and rich in golden wisdom and lessons that only BIRTH can deliver. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on this story. One I share in the hope that it provides you dear mama with healing, or you beautiful mama-to-be with empowerment and understanding, or to you gorgeous woman with pride and solidarity. And to you, the conscious, loving men of the world with respect and reverence for the Divine Feminine who moves through us mamas. In this episode I cover: A quick recap on my first birthing experience Why I want to share my personal birth story with you Our personal birth story; bringing Rafael into the world The unexpected twists and turns. The importance and power of staying calm, present, aware and surrendered in ALL situations. The truth about manifesting and why you want always get what you want (but what YOU need!) A HUGE lesson on LOVE and how it transcends all. For show notes: www.claireobeid.com/episode29

 Season#1 Ep 28: It's time to Rewrite Our Birth Story | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:17

At 41 weeks pregnant birth is definitely imminent and on my mind. To say I am excited to experience birth again is an understatement. But I know many women don't feel that way. Why? I believe it comes back to our beliefs and feelings around birth - our personal birth story - and the collective story we are fed from a very young age. It's hard to feel positive about something when you've only ever heard, read, witnessed birth via FEAR. Negative portrayals, birth wrapped in intervention and an image of it as horrendous, painful and brutal experience. Today's episode is all about inspiring YOU (as a woman, a mama, a future birther) to rewrite the story around birth. Not just for yourself but for your children, and the next generation. Otherwise we are going to continue to push birth into the shadows and allow it to shrink away when it should be the most powerful, praised and deeply celebrated experience a woman gets the privilege to undergo! In this episode I cover: My personal birth story My mother's stories on birth A 16 year old's thoughts on natural child birth Why we need to rewrite our individual and collective birth story How to find new language and stories on birth

 Season#1 Ep 27: Babies before birth - a discovery of healing & magnifying the love with Maryanne Sea | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:25:36

Episode 27: Babies before birth - a discovery of healing and magnifying the love with Maryanne Sea Many of us on this spiritual pathway are passionate about our own healing - or supporting others in there healing. But have you ever considered that perhaps a baby, growing in utero, also may need healing? This is precisely what the incredible guest on today's episode - Maryanne Sea - does. An incredible intuitive, she works closely with mamas and their unborn babies to facilitate any healing (if needed at all). I have been blessed to work with Maryanne in these last few weeks before bub arrived. A gift like no other to connect with our baby, to create a flow of love, deep healing and open the pathway between the other realm and earth side. We've also been able to chat about names for bub, get a strong feel for his personality and fall in love with each other, even more. This conversation with Maryanne is a mix - learn about Maryanne's mind-blowing wellness journey and recovery, how she discovered her incredible skill for going INTO a person's body (inner psyche, sub consciousness mind, programming, beliefs and more) as well as the importance and power of magnifying love (the purpose of this life, no?!) You will also learn about how Maryanne connects with and tunes into babies and offer deep healing before bub arrives earth side. Not to mention that Maryanne is an incredible storyteller. You will just get lost listening to her! She's equal parts humble, deeply generous and loving and yet so intelligent, honest and a true guide and leader. You will love this interview and Maryanne. Oh and PS you will hear the gender of my little bubba during our chat too! Listen to the end! In this episode we cover: Maryanne's personal journey of healing from Environmental Illness How Maryanne became a powerful intuitive and healer The way Maryanne uses her unique gift How information doesn't heal, but intimacy does. When we heal ourselves we can be present to heal others. The ultimate goal when doing a reading/healing. The somatic (body-oriented) focus in Maryanne's work. The difference between expansion and contraction in the body's tissue. When a wound or trauma is not released the body will lock it in its own tissue. Maryanne's own pre-birth experience. What Maryanne experiences when doing a reading. How Maryanne first began doing readings with babies, in utero. Why it's important to magnify the love and create healing with babies in utero The role that the mother’s story, personal blocks/challenges/ or current circumstances can be affecting the baby? Real life stories of readings with babies in utero and the healing that unfolding Maryanne's summary of the reading she did with my baby and what healing was needed. The purpose and experience of connecting with and healing babies in utero. How important it is to magnify the love between baby, mama and papa before birth. Maryanne's personal mission A discounted offer to mamas to work with Maryanne closely. dable! +++ For more info please head to www.claireobeid.com/episode27 Feel free to comment and share below. How do you feel about death? P.s if you loved this episode, don’t forget to give this podcast a 5-star review in iTunes so I can keep on bringing you amazing interviews, insights and chats. I'd be so grateful to receive your feedback and comments, whatever they may be. love + light, Claire

 Season#1 Ep 26: Doing Death Differently with Yasemin Turker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:32

Episode 26: Doing Death Differently with Yasemin Trollope How do you feel about Death? As the final frontier on our spiritual journey does it bring all the 'stuff' up for you? How do you feel about funerals and the way we send off our loved ones? In this episode I dive deep into death with the incredible Yasemin Trollope - a woman who is here to do death differently through her new business, Rite of Passage Funerals. It's not an easy topic - many of us struggle to even think about death let alone think about doing death better or differently. But it's an important conversation to have because it's the ONE undeniable truth. We will all die. Yasmin and I dive deep into what it means to lean into death and to honour the experience in a more enlightened, intentional and conscious way. You will be surprised to hear that death doesn't have to be such a horrendous journey, but a way to love life even more. Yasemin's Bio Yasemin Trollope is the Founder of Rite of Passage Funerals, an enlightened funeral experience coming to the Gold Coast (and beyond) in April 2018. Her mission in life is to bring death out of the shadows and into the light, to empower families to reclaim control of the dying process and organise funerals filled with ceremony, ritual, meaning and intention. She will be hosting workshops, sacred space healing groups and grief retreats to help support and guide families through end-of-life and into death, while also talking about how leaning into the inevitability of death can make you live a more fulfilled, purpose-filled life. In this episode we cover: Yasemin's story - how she found herself face to face with the industry of death. Yasemin's fears around death. How having time and space to explore our purpose can lead to the most unusual revelations. Perception of death amongst the masses. Changing the way we view death. Taking death into the light. Dealing with the intensity of death. Confronting the inevitability of death. The gift that death brings. The surrender and life that comes by looking at death. Death as your teacher. How long it should take to grieve the death of a loved one. How Yasemin now feels about death Learning to come to terms with the reality of death. Questioning your emotions and looking underneath them. How to let go of the emotional attachments we have around death How to lean into the inevitability of death. Why leaning into death is important for our society. Empowering families to do what feels right in the death process rather than the 'norm' Laying in state - the Buddhist philosophy that supports the souls journey. Ceremony, ritual and intentional death services. What a living wake is and how healing it is. Bedside vigils in the lead up to death. Embracing the unpredictability of the grieving process. Putting your own DNA on your own funeral. Bringing the community in and creating togetherness during the grieving process. The power of group energy and coming into circle during funerals. How death helps us feel more grateful for life. How Yasemin frees her mind, fuels her body and feeds her soul. For show notes and more info head to www.claireobeid.com/episode26 +++ Feel free to comment and share below. How do you feel about death? P.s if you loved this episode, don’t forget to give this podcast a 5-star review in iTunes so I can keep on bringing you amazing interviews, insights and chats. I'd be so grateful to receive your feedback and comments, whatever they may be. love + light, Claire

 Season#1 Ep 25 Knowing what's right for you and following your truth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:06

Episode #25: Knowing what's right for you and following your truth I've got a really juicy Q&A for you today. I received this via email and just KNEW I had to respond - I've been through this EXACT same challenge regarding a past relationship, following my truth despite the discomfort and doing what was right for me and my life. This is the question I received: "I'm just writing to see if you've got any thoughts on that area of life to "figure out" if what we are in is right. I feel so much inner conflict. And what gets thrown around in my head is whether its me and my own insecurities and maybe what I envisioned my life partner to be or whether that niggly feeling I get (I admit it is often when i'm pre menstrual) is true. I can't figure out what 'my truth' is! Whether it's worth listening to things even in pre menstrual times or whether I'm talking myself out of something etc. Because at other times there is a lot of love there obviously otherwise I wouldn't be here. I think what is underlying is I didn't have a lot of time being single between my last boyfriend and this one and sometimes I dream about having that alone time to really figure some stuff out. But as I am aware I could be fantasising about something that would feel horrible! As you can see I'm a little all over the shop. Any suggestions on what to read or do to find a little more clarity!? When you were going through your saturn return or before you met your current partner what helped you?" In this episode I cover: My personal journey - ignoring my truth and what was right for me How ignoring my truth affecting my health and happiness What happened when I finally followed what was right for me What happens when we resist our truth How terrifying it is to look at what our truth is asking of us The importance of listening inward to our heart How our thoughts are often a direct line to our truth How your body will show signals - learning to listen in and know what's right for you through sensation Why sickness and dis-ease shows up in the body when we don't listen The difference between fear-based, ego thinking versus clear intuition 'thought'. What to do with persistent and insistent thoughts and fantasies What pre-menstrual times can teach us - how our intuitive downloads can be clearer Why it's OK if a relationship ends and why the end can be seen as a gift Staying open to the feelings and staying out of the head to know your truth Why meditation and stillness tunes you in to what is right for you. Why you don't need to figure it out. Your head can't tap into your truth. When your soul requires you to do things that don't fit your plan Why you need to embrace your souls alignment What happened in my story that showed me the contrast between following and hearing the heart versus not Listen to this episode: Subscribe on iTunes Click here to subscribe on iTunes and never miss an episode! +++ Feel free to comment and share below – does this reader question resonate with you? Are you learning to say NO or still struggling with it? P.s if you loved this episode, don’t forget to give this podcast a 5-star review in iTunes so I can keep on bringing you amazing interviews, insights and chats. love + light, Claire

 Season#1 Ep 24: Embodying and living from your soul with Lauren Aletta from Inner Hue | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:16:27

Episode #24: Embodying and living from your soul with Lauren Aletta from Inner Hue I've watched Lauren and her work from the sidelines for a long time - and with such respect, fascination and a sense of envy for how she works with soul, intuition, energy and creativity. I'm not even sure how to summarise what this episode is all about. It is SO HUGE and juicy and DEEP. I spent most of this interview calling on my intuition and guidance to help me FEEL the truth of what Lauren shares. We move through energy and energy upgrades, talking about vibration and intuition. All the way into embodying soul and the experience of being human. If you are drawn to this human experience, yet spirituality and soul-work, consciousness, energetic work and more you will LOVE this. And I highly recommend a pen and paper - take notes - or listen more than once! Lauren's Bio Lauren Aletta is the forever curious intuitive guide, teacher and mentor who navigates you through the wild and thrilling landscape of your soul. She is the passion fuelled creator of Connected & Free oracle, Lumina Tarot and the soon-to-be published author of Into the Woods, a fun and insightful guide into your personal seasons and soul growth. From Secret School - the 3 month intuitive development mentoring program to intimate one on one readings, Lauren is a straight talking, down to earth magic maker who supports men and women to connect with and understand their own unique and natural intuitive and energetic abilities so they may live and bring into expression their aligned soul expression and enjoy the wonderful adventure that is life! For more information please visit www.claireobeid.com/episode24

 Season#1 Ep 23 Guided Meditation - Be Centered | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:05

Episode #23: Guided Meditation - Be Centered It is a powerful meditation designed to support you in grounding, finding centre and finding a sense of peace. This track is from my first meditation album - Stillness, Clarity, Connection. 'Be Centered' was the most popular track on the album. Testimonial: "It only took one track to convince me to buy Claire’s meditation album – It blew me away with a clear, strong & pretty vocal and relaxing modern music. It’s one of the strongest meditation albums I’ve ever listened to. Although the meditations have a clear spiritual goal, they also remain very grounded. Because of Claire’s gentle, empowered voice, you trust and feel totally at ease with Claire’s teachings – which is really what they are. This is not just a meditation album, it’s a learning experience. I would recommend this to my nearest & dearest, to help them feel peaceful, strong & empowered." You can purchase the album here: claireobeid.com/shop/new-meditation-album/ For more information please visit www.claireobeid.com/episode23


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