Woman Awake - The Soul-led Journey of Awakening Through Womandhood and Motherhood show

Woman Awake - The Soul-led Journey of Awakening Through Womandhood and Motherhood

Summary: Join Claire Obeid on her new podcast - 'Woman Awake - as she shares her soul-led journey of awakening through womanhood and motherhood. www.claireobeid.com/podcast This is OUR journey, in mind, body and soul towards consciousness. Seeking clarity. Hunting down the truth. Diving into the discomfort of healing. Uncovering shadows and rising out of them back. Rising into a NEW woman. Through my personal brand of storytelling, musings, wisdom bombs and insights we journey into motherhood, the catalyst, if you so choose, to become more conscious, aware... woke. I’m just one mama following the path to awakening. And I hope you choose to wake up with me too. From meditation, yoga and spirituality to health, wellbeing, mindset, conscious living and conscious parenting, Claire will dive into it ALL. Featuring moments of contemplation mixed with inspired action and handy take-aways, Claire will support you as you journey to WOKE. Claire will also hold Q&A sessions, answering listeners questions and riffing on important topics. Claire also offers regular mini-meditation sessions to support her listener's in cultivating inner stillness, connection and clarity. Regular segments featuring thought-leaders, interviews with experts and game-changers add depth, further insight and mountains of inspiration ABOUT CLAIRE: Claire is a Somatic Life Coach. Yoga Teacher. EFT Practitioner. Meditation Guide. Soul Seeker. doTERRA Wellness Advocate. Mama to little Soleil and Rafael. She is passionate about supporting individuals to cultivate their own thoroughly equipped Wellness Tool-kit so that they may live in full health, consciously, in presence, gratitude and joy.

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  • Artist: Woman Awake with Claire Obeid
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 Season#2 Ep 021 - Why It's OK To Say NO To Your Children | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:47

Episode 021 - Why it’s ok when you can’t meet your child’s needs: As mother's saying NO to our children is not something we are always comfortable with. When we are programmed to believe we are responsible for their ever need, want, desire - their emotional, mental and physical well being - then practising the art of saying NO to your child may not initially be an easy process. In Episode 021 I share how I've slowly learned the power and importance and art of saying NO to my children (in certain times and situations) and why it's necessary. Saying No to your child will teach them many things. It Teaches them to honour their capacity. To respect other ppl and be a citizen of the world. Becoming more Empathetic. Teaches them they are OK just sometimes other ppl can’t be there for them and this in turn teaches resilience... But it's important as a mama as well to be able to hold our energy and our boundaries, to be strong in our decisions and to do some from a place of love and respect. Honouring their needs, seeing their desires but also honouring your capacity to provide and hold space for those needs. It teaches us mamas to constantly be self-referencing and looking after ourselves, not just in automatic pilot mode - putting their needs first and forgetting our own. I do a lot of checking in with myself - if I’m capable of holding space for my children and connecting I do, fully, but I’m also not afraid to tell her if I don’t have the capacity right now to be what she needs or offer what she wants. I’ll give her a framework/guidance as to what and when I can meet her needs. We talk about mamas love bucket inside that’s a bit empty so I need some quiet, yoga, meditation, tea or whatever so I can come back online and ready to serve and be fully with her. She gets it. Other times I crack it and then use it as a way to teach authenticity, showing up as my raw human self and all my flaws. “I’m sorry I snapped honey. I can see I’m a bit tender, off and worn out today... it wasn’t nice to snap at you. It didn’t feel good to do that but I can see I need xxx and you need yyy... let’s find a way together.” Saying NO offers a lot of growth, for all parties involved. Tune in to learn more and discover for yourself how and why saying NO can empower you. www.claireobeid.com

 Season#2 Ep 020 Womanhood With Megan Dalla Camina | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:01

Episode 020 Motherhood, Womanhood with Megan Dalla-Camina Megan Dalla-Camina is one of those women that you sit up and pay attention to. She is a Women’s Mentor. Author. Founder. Speaker. CoFounder/CEO Lead Like A Woman Founder & Creator Sacred Living Co And her daily work centres around Helping Women Rise. She’s recently released her latest book - Simple, Soulful, Sacred and I’ve had the pleasure of chatting to her on all things motherhood, sacred living, simple and soulful ways to show up in the world. I know you are going to enjoy this conversation - it’ll spark ideas for how to show up and be in the world, through your motherhood journey and all from a much more intentional, considered and beautifully simple space. In this episode we explore: Megan’s motherhood journey and her own conscious awakening What motherhood has taught Megan Inviting in more sacredness, simplicity and soulfulness into our busy lives as mamas Feminine empowerment. Inviting in more sovereignty What being ‘Woke’ means to Megan and what she is most grateful for in motherhood Visit Megan here: https://megandallacamina.com Get her new book here: https://megandallacamina.com And come visit me over at www.claireobeid.com

 Season#2 Ep 019 - What I've Learned About Baby Sleep | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:14

In Episode 019 I share what I've personally learned about Baby Sleep. After children with poor sleeping and settling behaviour I've tried everything and experienced so much more. This is not a practical exploration on HOW to get your baby to sleep better, there is enough information out there from the 'experts'. No, this is a deep dive into the psycho-emotional-spiritual aspect of baby sleep and how, i feel, at the very core of the challenge is YOU - the mother. As I've discovered is the case for me. Through my children's sleep patterns I was presented a huge mirror, a powerful reflection - showing many unhealed parts of me. Taking me to my edge, over and over. It quickly showed me that the years of meditation and self development work were a beautiful balm, but they had only touched the top layer of healing. I had to go deep. In this episode I share: + My personal experience with both babies. +I share how my spiritual practices stopped working for me and how I knew then that I had to dig deeper into healing. +The many factors that come into play from behaviour, development, teething, growth spurts, sickness etc. + Sleep training Rafael and how I involved him in the process of discussion and decision +I explore what the common denominator was between both children and their sleep patterns + I touch on birth, genetics and how these effect sleep +How it all comes back to the nervous system + What a dysregulated, over active nervous system means emotionally through the lens of a baby (and your sub conscious too!) + How babies take on our story and programming through their interconnectedness to our energy, nervous system, emotions. + Why sleep training won't always work and what needs to happen to ensure it does + Why it all comes back to you, the mama! Show notes: Visit Claire Obeid to join The Alchemy of Emotional Freedom Masterclass https://claireobeid.com/alchemy-of-emotional-freedom/

 Season#2 Ep 018 - Is It Time To Show Up For Your Tribe? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:31

In Episode 018 I explore the layers or tribe, the village and support. I dive into the tribe online. How our society has carved out a different way for us to connect and how it has also changed the village vibe that we all so need and crave. I also look at the importance of letting others parent our children and support us through that shared experience of parenting. When our children have an extended circle of aunties, uncles, grandparents, neighbours to share the load we can see how that shapes who they are, teaches them about the world, about compassion and also about connection. It also allows us to rest in and accept the support of others and to fully embrace the truth that we aren't meant to be all things to all people - particularly our children. I also shine a light on where and how you might be co-dependant and weighed down by expectations that your partner or other close family member must support you and be everything to you - in every way. Which is unrealistic, disempowering and ultimately leaves you insecure about your ability to cope and handle motherhood. I explore and ask: How does tribe benefit us? How does it benefit ourselves? How do we cultivate and find our tribe considering the way our society is now structured? How do we face up to our co-dependancy and expectations of another's support? How do we take back ownership for our needs and cultivate our own version of the village? How do we call in our own tribe? Are you waiting for your tribe to find you or is it time for you to show up for your tribe? +++ Show notes: Click here to join my EFT Masterclass (live round commences August 11th) - https://claireobeid.com/alchemy-of-emotional-freedom/ One Woke Mama Circle - Get your tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/one-woke-mama-monthly-circle-the-journey-of-awakening-through-your-motherhod-journey-tickets-65330965677

 Season#2 Ep 017 - I'm so tired of being tired. Is there another way? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:06

In Episode 017 I dive into how by leading with and sharing how I am always "tired" with others I meet and interact with that I am inviting more of that heavy, exhausted energy into my body. What would happen if I chose to still be authentic, and in my truth but to share, lead with and lean into a different aspect. Something more positive? Something of a higher vibration? Perhaps this would start to create a shift in how I show up for the day and how I engage with my family and community. Could it change the way I think and feel? Could it change the patterning and beliefs I live by? In this episode I share: + How I have swung so far in presenting my authentic self that my default is to lead with the more negative aspects of how I am feeling. + I share the steps in creating change - awareness, mental and cognitive shift, change in language and feeling in body, coming into a new alignment and then manifesting something different, more positive. + The tools I have been harnessing lately to short circuit my default patterning, to lay down new feelings and beliefs in my system + Meditation, EFT and more. + My new, just launched EFT Program - The Alchemy of Emotional Freedom and the very early bird rate you can now join: https://claireobeid.com/alchemy-of-emotional-freedom/ +++++ Show notes: Visit my website to check out and join The Alchemy of Emotional Freedom - my new online masterclass that will teach you the powerful, yet simple tools of EFT combined with Chakras, White Light and Essential Oils. https://claireobeid.com/alchemy-of-emotional-freedom/

 Season#2 Ep 016 - Finding Stillness Experience Lightness with Guided Meditation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:44

In Episode 016 I share a little story on how meditation serves me as a mama - finding that still point in the constant spinning world of two children under four. Included in today' podcast is a 10 minute guided meditation called 'Experience Lightness" - cultivating that higher vibration through grounding, stillness and cent redness. more meditation can be found at www.claireobeid.com

 Season#2 Ep 015 - Mama, You Are Meant To Fall Flat On Your Face - that's how you grow | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:41

In Episode 015 I talk on the power and importance of embracing the falls and struggles we experience during our Motherhood journey. There is no linear experience where you start at the beginning, complete a obstacle pathway and find yourself at the holy grail, the miraculous end point where you ‘know” everything and have nailed this motherhood thing. Nope, it’s a rolling experience - it is an never ending ride of highs and lows. And mostly, we do alot of navigating blindly through the dark, falling often, stumbling and tripping. We might sail through for a while cruising along and things are going well until another upleveling is required. We are taken to our edge to face our own inner wounds through our children (perhaps their tantrums trigger you, or their incessant talking, or constant winter sickness…) And there we find ourselves face down in the dirt again. WHY am I sharing this? Not to paint a bleak picture. No quite the opposite… to actually show you how beautiful this journey of growth is. You get to repeatedly grow yourself up! Listen in here or via iTunes. Visit www.claireobeid.com to learn more about your Host, Claire Obeid and check out her latest offerings, coaching packages, meditations and more.

 Season#2 Ep 014 - Raising Sensitive, Spirited And Empath Children With Shunanda | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:24

Episode 014 - Raising Sensitive, Spirited and Empath Children with Shunanda This episode explore what it means to be a mother to children who come in connected, intuitive, even psychic and highly empathic. Shunanda is currently one of my mentors and also a gifted woman who helped us clear some wild energy and entities in our home a fellow mama who knows exactly what it’s like to raise sensitive, empath, highly attuned and spirited children. Our conversation today explores: + why so many children born today are so tapped in. + How we as mamas can be support their needs. + What a spiritual practice looks like and why we need to main one. Why raising your vibration is integral to parenting these types of children. + Different ways to support our children. + Working with Archangels + Using essential oils energetically + Ghosts and earth bound spirits. +And so much more! Tune in and you will not be disappointed. About Shunanda: Shunanda is a clairvoyant, psychic, and medium. She provides sessions that are a mix of energy healing, mediumship, angelic counseling, life coaching, mentoring, home clearings, angelic intuitive messages. She is also a soTERRA LEADER. Shunanda can speak with people who have crossed over to the light and can see and speak with Angels. I she also can feel the energy in any space and the emotions of people in that space –one of her strongest ability. It’s called clairsentience and is often referred to as being an “empath”. Show notes: + Visit Shunanda: www.shunanda.co + Buy her Archangel Michael Meditation: http://www.shunanda.co/meditations/ + Get doTERRA Essential Oils in your life: https://www.mydoterra.com/claireobeid/

 Season#2 Ep 013 - The constant push and pull of motherhood and all its contrasts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:40

The Contrasts of Motherhood - from surrender to stillness and from new beginnings, starting up and taking action.I am constantly in this push and pull within motherhood. I am in constant negotiation with the many different energies and attitudes and experiences that motherhood has called out of me. Are you, too?It is something that I have to stay with - to stay in the centre of these contrasts. And I want to shine a light on these contrasts to bring value and appreciation for all sides of this multifaceted experience.There are so many ways that motherhood takes shape. It cannot be one thing, it cannot be one thing forever… it will always shift and morph and change. In Episode 013 I  talk you through the contrasts that I have experienced and sometimes experience within one day - actually, definitely experience within one day. From the deeply surrendered experiences to the action-packed, taking charge energy. Starting up Versus Slowing Down.From embodying the Divine Feminine energy of presence, power and flow to the Divine Masculine where we take action, and move forward, solving problems and getting shit done.Tune in to hear more about these contrasts and how we can make all sides of the motherhood journey work for us. Show Notes Come along to the first One Woke Mama Circle in Sydney - Get your tickets here!  https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/one-woke-mama-circle-awakening-the-journey-of-consciousness-within-your-motherhod-journey-tickets-63463718691?utm-medium=discovery&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&aff=escb&utm-source=cp&utm-term=listing I’d love to quickly share with you the first of the One Woke Mama circles happening in Sydney.13th July, 1-3:30pm. Join me as we experience a monthly moment of divine connection in circle.A carved out pocket of deliciousness where you will feel renewed in body and mind.A spaciousness that fills you back up. You will come away feeling inspired by and connected to other like-minded mamas who see motherhood as the catalyst for their own spiritual awakening. Just like you do.You will experience a sense of presence, inner connection and the gift of awareness - creating shifts, letting go of beliefs and paradigms that don't serve you and inviting in more of the mother and woman you want to be. Together we will journey through: + Embodiment practices + EFT + Meditation + Reflective practices + And some luscious time away from children as you return home to YOU. We will explore, share, reflect on and dive into the shadows and the light of your motherhood journey. Providing and holding space for you to peel back the layers and grow through your own experiences in a shared collective - in a mama tribe that understands and SEES you. Get your tickets here https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/one-woke-mama-circle-awakening-the-journey-of-consciousness-within-your-motherhod-journey-tickets-63463718691?utm-medium=discovery&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&aff=escb&utm-source=cp&utm-term=listing

 Season#2 Ep 012 - When We Tidy And Fuss To Much Instead Of Being Present And Connected | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:54

The chaos of the kids - with a now moving and climbing toddler and a 4.5 yo that wants to draw and do more focused work - the clash of their needs. Their demands of me, my body, my attention and my service. I find I flit around the house tidying up around them, packing up, clearing, putting on laundry. Keeping busy. Yes, getting things done. Important things that keep this ship afloar. The breakfast, the supplements, the clothes and shoes and jackets and boots. But if I’m honest, some of this - alot of this - is a coping mechanism. A way to stay distracted and to avoid the exhaustion in my bones, keep the frustration at bay, the connection with myself that is unthreading with every day in motherhood that I forget to (or can’t) tune into me and my needs Distraction. So I’ve bee watching this within myself. With a sense of fascination. With a sense of curiosity. If we can’t hold ourselves in the energy of observation and curiosity then we’ll spiral into despair and disappointment and our ego will take hold and start labelling everything as bad, horrible, not good - including self judgment and all that comes with that. So whilst holding myself in this awareness state I’ve started to question what would happen if I did things a little differently?

 Season#2 Ep 011 - Becoming A Wholebeing Mama | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:46

In this episode I explore what it means to become and and to be a whole being mama from the space of fully embracing and integrating all shades of ourselves.The light.the dark.The grey in between.The shadows as well as all that which we label to be good and right - the parts of ourselves we are happy to own and wear proudly and the parts that we aren't willing to look at and prefer to hide away.What does it mean to you to finally be OK with all parts and pieces of you, instead of condemning one quality and applauding another? Instead of trying to fix parts of you that you label broken, to instead love all of you and what it provides - to you, your family, your children and the world you are in.In episode 011 I simply riff, on planned, on this powerful idea of embracing yourself in wholeness, warts and all. Show notes: www.claireobeid.com/episode011 Tickets for One Woke Mama Circle in Sydney: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/one-woke-mama-tickets-63463718691?utm-medium=discovery&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&aff=escb&utm-source=cp&utm-term=listing

 Season#2 Ep 010 The Word for the transition of motherhood is Matresence | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:09

Yes, there is a WORD that describes the transition from maiden to mother. The depths of transformation that a woman experiences once she becomes a mother knows no bounds, limitations or a time-frame. And it is a rite of passage that is just as important and powerful as any other - birth, death, adolescence, menstruation, marriage. But it is not a passage that is honoured nearly enough. In Episode 010 I chat with the incredible Amy Taylor-Kabbaz from Happy Mama who shares with us Matresence - the transitory experience as we our identify complete shifts and the old girl/woman falls away. It is a mind blowing conversation filled with powerful insights, a new paradigm, and a wisdom that will hold you through motherhood. Read more at www.claireobeid.com/episode011 Visit Amy - www.happymama.com.au

 Season#2 Ep 09 - Differentiating and Separating Yourself From Your Child | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:42

Episode 09 - Differentiating and Separating yourself from your child. From the moment you find out that you are pregnant, through pregnancy, including birth and beyond you are connected to your child. You feel one. You breathe in sync. Feel in sync. Think in sync. The connection is unseen but my god is it powerful. So it’s no surprises that for so many of us mamas it’s an unbearable and unthinkable task to create ‘seperation’...But once those newborn days are over and you’d kicked into toddler years there is a shift. This can be a challenging stage - with all of their big feelings and new experiences to navigate. So what’s the fall out look like for me, when my children receive a NO to their needs. When I simply cannot meet their needs for whatever reason that may be - it’s unsafe, its not suitable for me in that moment, it’s simply not possible. Or what does it look like when my child is feeling something BIG. Moving through a huge transition. Dealing with a rejection. A moment of discomfort. A hurt heart. How do we hold space for our child, allow them to be in and feel and grow through their experience without losing ourselves in it all? How do we create the necessary separation to hold space in the most healthy and powerful and supportive way and NOT get so lost that we cannot see what they are feeling versus who you are and what you are feeling amongst it all. What triggers this inability to seperate? How can we foster a healthy attachment AND healthy separation? Why do we need to question this melting pot we've become part of with our children? What is the way through to the other side - a healthier, more balanced and centred place respectful of each others individuality? Website: www.claireobeid.com/episode09 Instagram: www.instagram.com/claireowellness

 Season#2 Ep 08 - Woke Parenting to Children That We Don't Own | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:26

In Episode 08, inspired by a poem from Khalil Gibran, I explore what it means to be a woke/conscious parenting to children that we don't own. The idea that are children are from us, but not OURS changes the way we view, treat and respond to our children. It's a shift in perspective, a paradigm change, that in turns shifts how we show up as parents, mamas. Less telling more asking. Less controlling more suggesting. Less force more flow. It's a new idea that has been gaining traction over the years and one that takes effort in living congruently with because it requires us to dismantle our learned beliefs about children, childhood and parenting. Especially if we came from a traditional parent-child dynamic where we were required to be seen and not heard, to do as we are told and to stay out of parents way. Where we were controlled, dictated and governed every step of the way. Visit www.claireobeid.com/episide08 I would love to hear your thoughts, get your feedback and receive your 5-star review to help One Woke Mama stay out in the world and in the ears of Mamas near and far.

 Season#2 Ep 07 - Bravery and Motherhood with Katie Dean | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:04

In Episode07 I have the pleasure of diving into motherhood, bravery, courage and facing our fears (which come up so often as mums!)with the incredibly authentic, down to earth and inspiring Katie Dean. We dive into what personal fears and struggles motherhood has amplified and intensified for Katie. And specifically what motherhood has asked Katie to heal and shine a light on. We also touch on what FEAR might look like for you, when it shows up and the flip side to that - bravery and courage. Most importantly we explore why, as mamas, we must be brave and step up to the ‘Woke’ challenge that motherhood throws down. +++ Katie Dean has thrown the rule book out the window and the world loves her for it. She’s an international best-selling Author, motivational maven and the woman you want in your late-night group chats. A rouge at heart, Katie is best described as a mindset mechanic, a researcher on how to debunk fear and is here to shine a light for women seeking confidence, clarity and courage. Her best-selling book Becoming Brave has changed lives all over the world and she’s set to do it again with her second novel, ‘Messy’. Through her booked out coaching, national speaking tours, brand new Podcast, Simply Complicated and loved up writing she is hell bent on lighting people up laughing inappropriately and living her truth, even if it is wildly messy. As a Solo Mumma to two beautiful boys, the absolute loves of her life she’s no stranger to chaos. With a refreshingly no BS approach, she engages with her warmth, humour, worldly insights and tools to take her audience on an epic path of bravery, empowerment and self-discovery. WEB: www.ktdean.com.au FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/ktdean.com.au INSTAGRAM: @ktdean_yourwildlife


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