Woman Awake - The Soul-led Journey of Awakening Through Womandhood and Motherhood show

Woman Awake - The Soul-led Journey of Awakening Through Womandhood and Motherhood

Summary: Join Claire Obeid on her new podcast - 'Woman Awake - as she shares her soul-led journey of awakening through womanhood and motherhood. www.claireobeid.com/podcast This is OUR journey, in mind, body and soul towards consciousness. Seeking clarity. Hunting down the truth. Diving into the discomfort of healing. Uncovering shadows and rising out of them back. Rising into a NEW woman. Through my personal brand of storytelling, musings, wisdom bombs and insights we journey into motherhood, the catalyst, if you so choose, to become more conscious, aware... woke. I’m just one mama following the path to awakening. And I hope you choose to wake up with me too. From meditation, yoga and spirituality to health, wellbeing, mindset, conscious living and conscious parenting, Claire will dive into it ALL. Featuring moments of contemplation mixed with inspired action and handy take-aways, Claire will support you as you journey to WOKE. Claire will also hold Q&A sessions, answering listeners questions and riffing on important topics. Claire also offers regular mini-meditation sessions to support her listener's in cultivating inner stillness, connection and clarity. Regular segments featuring thought-leaders, interviews with experts and game-changers add depth, further insight and mountains of inspiration ABOUT CLAIRE: Claire is a Somatic Life Coach. Yoga Teacher. EFT Practitioner. Meditation Guide. Soul Seeker. doTERRA Wellness Advocate. Mama to little Soleil and Rafael. She is passionate about supporting individuals to cultivate their own thoroughly equipped Wellness Tool-kit so that they may live in full health, consciously, in presence, gratitude and joy.

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  • Artist: Woman Awake with Claire Obeid
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 Season #2 - Episode 051 - Discover Your Cosmic Numerology Blueprint With Veronica Clarke | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:27

Earlier in the year I was feeling lost, confused, needing clarity and direction. I've been in the depths of transition for 5+ years and as I was slowly climbing my way back out of it I now found myself wondering - Who am I? What am I here to do? Where to from here? What am I really about?  For a multi-passionate, multi-layered individual like me it can feel quite confusing, discombobulating and exhausting to find direction and clarity. Cue Veronica Clarke from Her Realm. A friend on instagram (thank YOU Katie Dean) shared her experience with the Cosmic Numerology Blueprint Reading she'd had with Veronica.  I felt a a FULL bodied yes. And although it took almost 8 weeks to receive my reading (she's THAT good and THAT booked out) it was exactly what I needed. In today's chat with Veronica we cover: *How Veronica become a specialist in Cosmic Numerology *Numerology and what it is. *The 5 Cosmic Frequencies - or threads - that make up the fabric that is you *The shadow and light of numbers. *How our blueprint influences our life *Blueprint readings for your children and why they are so supportive *How these readings can help you gain clarity, reconnection and guidance *The power of numbers on repeat *Choosing the numbers we need for our soul's purpose, path and expression. *And so much more! You are going to LOVE this episode. Dive in and enjoy it! Connect with Veronica: Instagram: www.instagram.com/her_realm Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/herrealmboutique Listen to Episode 051: Show notes: Book in to Breath Medicine 60 Minute Online Class HERE: https://claireobeid.com/breathwork-classes/ $15 including replay available for 72 hours This ONLINE breath work journey will blend breath work practices with gentle movement and meditation. Expect to feel clear headed, light, bright and beautifully grounded. Your body will feel open. Your cells buzzing with fresh oxygen. Your brain open. Your heart free from anxiety. Your spirit high vibing. Join the Practical Magic, Spiritual Medicine Membership Group HERE  Try out PMSM for only $1 for the first month, and $29 p/month thereafter.   A monthly membership group to nourish, soothe, support and uplift. Come together, connect and share in resources, practices and tools as a support through these wild times. For more information visit www.claireobeid.com

 Season #2 - Episode 050 - Consciously Choose How You Direct Your Internal Energy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:41

I'm sure I've mentioned this before but I'm deep into Somatic Coaching training and Breathwork training. And there has been this beautiful, common teaching over the last couple of weeks around our INTERNAL AWARENESS. Let me start here by highlighting something. As a mama, I can see that we often, without intending too, pull our children out of the body and into their head. We almost demand that they THINK through their feelings, emotions, experiences. We demand that they use their mind CONSTANTLY to discern, understand, grow. Of course, the mind is powerful and necessary. It's how we learn many important skills. We use our mind constantly. However, the problem with our obsession with the mind and our constant encouragement to our children to use their mind is that it prevents us from learning how to listen to the other cornerstones within our internal awareness - Emotions AND Felt Sense/Sensation. Then, these children (just as we have) will inevitably grow into being quite heady. Disconnected from body, from heart. From trusting their emotions, their physical sensations, their intuitions. What's almost comical about this, as my teacher Dan Brûlée highlights (and many other teachers I've had when learning about the brain/neuroscience/trauma) children are predominantly in their right brain/sub conscious mind for the first few years. It's actually incredibly challenging for them to constantly be in a thinking state. Feeling states are their normal. Yet we push them to jump into their head and overload them with mental information. We present what is right, wrong, normal, abnormal. We teach our children (can you see this in yourself) that the mind is the guide, the leader, the default place for our attention. I'm pondering now on how different the world might be if we were all taught to honour our internal awareness from all sides - our thoughts, feeling sensations and emotions. How that would change our sense of wholeness, aliveness and the SHAPE of who we are in mind, body, spirit, soul. How we make decisions, show up in the world, connect with source energy, connect with our world and those in it. All thoughts, feeling sensations and emotions are forms of energy. We have the ability to choose where our attention goes to within our internal awareness which is made up of our thoughts, feeling sensation and emotions. You can choose to get stuck in the loop. Or you can choose to interrupt that cycle, that loop, otherwise it will spread and overwhelm. What if you can chose, despite the pain, or despite the incessant thoughts, or despite the overwhelming emotion to bring your attention gently elsewhere. To choose another way through. To calmly notice without judgment. Breathe. Drop the tension. Shift your awareness. Take the story out of it. You are not denying, ignoring or suppressing the pain, the emotions, the experience. No you are just choosing, consciously, where to bring your focus and attention on your internal awareness and therefore your outward daily experience. Just as I attempt to do when supporting my children through their experiences. You are exploring feelings and thoughts and even sensations that unconsciously drive your behaviour. Listen to Episode 050 Show notes: Join the Practical Magic, Spiritual Medicine Membership Group HERE : www.claireobeid.com/fbgroup Try out PMSM for only $1 for the first month, and $29 p/month thereafter.   A monthly membership group to nourish, soothe, support and uplift. Come together, connect and share in resources, practices and tools as a support through these wild times.

 Season #2 - Episode 049 - A guided meditation to collect and gather yourself | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:29

Episode 049 - A Guided Meditation to Collect and Gather Yourself Happy Mother's Day beautiful one. Today I'm gifting you a delicious meditation, designed to bring you into peace, presence, patience. This is for you. To support you in the ever demanding, constantly evolving role of mother. Let this be a way of collecting and gathering yourself. To be in your body, to breathe, to cultivate more presence and grounding. Your breath is the home base. Let it be your home. The gateway to presence and a doorway to mindfulness. Let it go, let it go, let it go. Open to the present moment. Be patient with yourself as you relax, release and let go. Pause, reopen your attention, let go of the dance of the mind and it's cluttered noisy thoughts. Show notes: Join the Practical Magic, Spiritual Medicine Membership Group HERE  www.claireobeid.com/fbgroup Try out PMSM for only $1 for the first month, and $29 p/month thereafter.   A monthly membership group to nourish, soothe, support and uplift. Come together, connect and share in resources, practices and tools as a support through these wild times. What’s Included: Regular Practical Magic and Spiritual Medicine based sessions: meditation, eft, breath work, somatic practices and more. Themed monthly content: to dig a little into the spiritual, energetic, mental, physical and emotional support we all need. Monthly Virtual Sacred Circles: Via zoom – to come into presence together. Connection. Illumination. Honouring. Reflection. A responsive, inclusive and supportive space: designed to alchemise those heavy, anxious and out-of-control emotions; raising our vibration, staying present, positive and connected. __________

 Season #2 - Ep 048 - What does it look like to emotionally hold yourself? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:01

As a mama, I've been on a quite a journey, over the last 5+ years, in learning how to emotionally hold space for my daughter, and now my son. I'm not going to pretend that I've nailed this. It's still a huge work in progress. My daughter is the child that challenges me the most. I frequently feel triggered by her emotional outburst, her reactions, her big feelings. She takes my nervous system to the edge and I'm often left feeling dysregulated and quite shaken. She requires a recipe - that I've yet to perfect. However, in my exploration of how to both honour her feelings, support her to feel those feelings yet inspire her to be brave, self-motivated, able to process the experience and grow from them, I've come to learn a few basic tools in how to emotionally hold space for her. The irony, in all of this learning, has been that most of what I'm learning to do with and for Soleil and Rafael, I've been teaching to my clients and learning for myself. The core of this is - how do we emotionally hold space for ourselves when we are feeling a lot. When there is rage bubbling up. Or shame, guilt, frustration. Or even apathy, boredom, exhaustion.  I want to share with you what I not only do for my children (as much as possible, yet I do frequently get somewhat derailed and have to get back on track), I also apply these tools to my clients, and most importantly myself. So whether you are a mama or not, everything I'm about to share - these simply, reflective tools - can be powerfully harnessed to support you to emotionally "HOLD" others, your clients, yourself. 1.Begin with awareness. Tune into the mind and body connection. Check in with your body. Notice sensations and feelings. Anchor into your body. Breathe. Big deep breaths. SIGH. Exhale with relief. YAWN. Slow the breath down. Make it rhythmical. Then come inward. Before you even go into any cognitive awareness, just  tune in to the sensations and feelings coming up and try and describe the sensation and where it's felt. E.g I feel unsettled in my tummy. My heart is pounding. My body feels jittery. My head is achey. 2. Name what you feel, name what you notice. This leads to the ability to ultimately process and release these feelings. Can you name those sensations as feelings? Can you label them? Understand what's underneath them? What do you FEEL. What's the emotion? Now you are going to sportscast those sensations into FEELINGS. Acknowledge without judgment. This Qs below can be applied for children AND for yourself. This is a powerful and simple practice where you allow the feelings to exist. You are aware of them without moving, yet, to change them. What do you FEEL? You’re really angry right now I can see how angry you feel right now You really didn’t like it when.... You feel hurt about..... and you really wanted.... I'm noticing how flat and switched off you feel... I wonder if you are feeling scared? I can sense that you feel frustrated/annoyed... You are making it safe (for yourself and others) to feel SAFE in ALL of the feelings present. 3. Seek help, take action - through practices to change what you're feeling. To move to the other side of what you are processing. Ask yourself or your child; what do you need right now? What would help you to feel different/better? Is there something your body is asking to do? What about your breathing? How can we breathe differently right now? Do you need to stay inside, go outside? Show notes: Join the Practical Magic, Spiritual Medicine Membership Group HERE - www.claireobeid.com/fbgroup  Cost: $11 per month until May 8th (increasing to $29 p/month) A monthly membership group to nourish, soothe, support and uplift.

 Season #2 - Episode 047 The Catastrophising Mind and How to Quieten the Mental Chaos | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:01

One Woke Mama – Episode 047 - The Catastrophising Mind and How to Quieten The Mental Chaos with Amy Taylor-Kabbaz The world we live in right now is doing at great job at inducing fear. Which leads to loads of catatrophising in the mind. Not to mention that MOTHERHOOD, all on its own, lends itself to mental chaos, a loud over active mind. This episode is a previous interview from my private Om Mama Love program where Amy and I discuss how to quieten that mental chaos and alleviate the catastrophising mind. A perfect conversation for our current global climate +++ About Amy: Amy Taylor-Kabbaz is an internationally awarded life coach, best-selling author, award-winning journalist and creator of 'Happy Mama'. Over the past 5 years, she has coached and supported more than 5000 women through her many online programs, one-on-one coaching, workshops and retreats, allowing her an inside understanding of how women are affected by and live with modern motherhood. In 2013, she created her very first 'formula' for women with young children to help them navigate the enormous changes, demands and expectations placed on women, but it wasn't until she discovered the groundbreaking research into 'matrescence' that all of her years of research, interviews and coaching came together. Connect with AMY on the web: https://www.amytaylorkabbaz.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amytaylorkabbaz/ Show notes: Join the Practical Magic, Spiritual Medicine Membership Group HERE  A monthly membership group to nourish, soothe, support and uplift. Come together, connect and share in resources, practices and tools as a support through these wild times. What’s Included: Regular Practical Magic and Spiritual Medicine based sessions: meditation, eft, breath work, somatic practices and more. Themed monthly content: to dig a little into the spiritual, energetic, mental, physical and emotional support we all need. Monthly Virtual Sacred Circles: Via zoom – to come into presence together. Connection. Illumination. Honouring. Reflection. A responsive, inclusive and supportive space: designed to alchemise those heavy, anxious and out-of-control emotions; raising our vibration, staying present, positive and connected. Cost: $11 per month until May 8th (increasing to $29 p/month) __________ Beautiful one, thank you for being here and listening. It would mean the world to me if you would hit subscribe and stay connected to One Woke Mama – join me on this journey of awakening. Your feedback, comments, reviews and shares would always be gratefully received but also help us to reach more mamas who need support as they navigate the choppy waters of motherhood and all it asks of us. Love + light, Claire

 Season #2 - Episode 046 The Power of Sacred Circle and Altars | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:49:12

One Woke Mama – Episode 046 - The Power of Sacred Circle and Altars The power of altars and sacred circles. Ritual and precious space to mark our passage through time, seasons, life. To honour our experience and reflect on what ha unfolded, to always learn from it, grow within life, be part of it, rather then swept up by it all To reflect on our inner world and outer experiences. To drop our duties, responsibilities and roles and to exhale into connection, divine love, support, transformation and healing. Jungian analyst and writer Jean Shinoda Bolen, says “When women come together and make a commitment to each other to be in a circle with a spiritual center, they are creating a vessel of healing and transformation for themselves, and vehicle for change in their world”. Sacred Circles and creating our own altars provides us with a point of divine reference, a place to softly land, to release, to be soothed and held, loved and supported as we reflect, transform and heal. +++ Show notes: To attend my next LIVE VIRTUAL Sacred Circle please join the Practical Magic, Spiritual Medicine Membership Group - www.claireobeid.com/fbgroup  A monthly membership group to nourish, soothe, support and uplift. Come together, connect and share in resources, practices and tools as a support through these wild times. What’s Included: *Regular Practical Magic and Spiritual Medicine based sessions: meditation, eft, breath work, somatic practices and more. *Themed monthly content: to dig a little into the spiritual, energetic, mental, physical and emotional support we all need. *Monthly Virtual Sacred Circles: Via zoom – to come into presence together. Connection. Illumination. Honouring. Reflection. *A responsive, inclusive and supportive space: designed to alchemise those heavy, anxious and out-of-control emotions; raising our vibration, staying present, positive and connected. *Cost: $11 per month until May 8th (increasing to $29 p/month) __________ Subscribe: Itunes | Soundcloud Beautiful one, thank you for being here and listening. It would mean the world to me if you would hit subscribe and stay connected to One Woke Mama – join me on this journey of awakening. Your feedback, comments, reviews and shares would always be gratefully received but also help us to reach more mamas who need support as they navigate the choppy waters of motherhood and all it asks of us. Love + light, Claire

 Season #2 Ep 045 - Our children don't need us to save them | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:49:12

"Our children don't need us to save them. They need us to save ourselves". THAT is how they learn how to be in this world and how to be their full, authentic selves. You want your children to be resilience? Be resilient within yourself. You want your children to embody self worth? Embody worthiness within yourself. You want your children to experience love? Love yourself. You want your children to feel supported? Support yourself. You want your children to know how to follow their truth? Follow yours.  You want your children to know they are deeply cared for? Care for yourself. So that's what I've done. I've put my needs back up on the top of the pile. I've prioritised my self care. I've been unapologetic about the work I want to do in the world, about the time I need to go inward, about the space I need to breathe, about the love I feel for myself. I've owned it all. And my relationship with my has become deeper, richer, more profound. What about you? SHOW NOTES: Join Practical Magic, Spiritual Medicine Membership Group HERE. www.claireobeid.com/fbgroup A monthly membership group to nourish, soothe, support and uplift. Come together, connect and share in resources, practices and tools as a support through these wild times. What’s Included: *Weekly Practical Magic and Spiritual Medicine based sessions: meditation, eft, breath work, somatic practices and more. *Themed monthly content: to dig a little into the spiritual, energetic, mental, physical and emotional support we all need. *Monthly Virtual Sacred Circles: Via zoom – to come into presence together. Connection. Illumination. Honouring. Reflection. A responsive, inclusive and supportive space: designed to alchemise those heavy, anxious and out-of-control emotions; raising our vibration, staying present, positive and connected. Cost: $11 per month until May 8th (increasing to $29 p/month) __________ Podcast Episode: Unlocking Us with Brene Brown: Glennon Doyle and Brene Brown on Untamed https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/glennon-doyle-and-bren%C3%A9-on-untamed/id1494350511?i=1000469313957

 Season #2 - Ep 044 - Immerse yourself in Angel Work with Shunanda | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:49:12

One of my most popular interviews on One Woke Mama was Episode 014 - Raising Sensitive, Spirited and Empath Children with Shunanda Scott. Shunanda, who has been an integral part of my spiritual practice and journey over the last two year, hast just released her new self-paced online course; The Angel Immersion. Intuitively, and as it seems guided by Angels - I felt to jump on an impromptu chat with Shunanda to talk all things Angels! Working with Angels, under the guidance of Shunanda has literally saved me through many dark and trying times. In this episode we bring to you the power, beauty, joy, deep love and healing that can comes from immersing yourself in Angel work. It might sound a bit hippy and woo-woo (gosh I hate that word!) but it's far from it. Shunanda's and her work is so needed right now considering the global climate and collective fear. Angels can and will hold and guide you through these times if you allow them, call them in and invite them to be with you. Bio: Shunanda Scott is an Angel Medium, energy intuitive and mother of three living by the beach in Sydney. Shunanda believes that EVERYONE can learn how to speak with Angels, everyone has Angels, and that you do not need a Medium or intermediary to connect with the divine. After years of working as an Angel Medium, Shunanda now works as a teacher and mentor supporting her students to develop their own powerful intuitive gifts and abilities to work with the Angelic realm. Shunanda also supports Light Workers and Light Leaders with 1:1 support and guidance to step into their purpose, and extend their light working careers. Website: www.shunanda.co Angel Immersion: https://www.shunanda.co/angel-immersion/ Show notes: Join Practical Magic, Spiritual Medicine Membership Group HERE. A monthly membership group to nourish, soothe, support and uplift. Come together, connect and share in resources, practices and tools as a support through these wild times. What’s Included: Weekly Practical Magic and Spiritual Medicine based sessions: meditation, eft, breath work, somatic practices and more. Themed monthly content: to dig a little into the spiritual, energetic, mental, physical and emotional support we all need. Monthly Virtual Sacred Circles: Via zoom – to come into presence together. Connection. Illumination. Honouring. Reflection. A responsive, inclusive and supportive space: designed to alchemise those heavy, anxious and out-of-control emotions; raising our vibration, staying present, positive and connected. Cost: $11 per month until May 8th (increasing to $29 p/month) ____ Learn more about Shunanda's Angel Immersion HERE:  https://www.shunanda.co/angel-immersion/ Course Summary: The Angel Immersion The dismantling of the old 3d reality is well under way. As everything crumbles around us, the Angels are here, bringing their messages of loving guidance to support us through unprecedented times. The mass awakening is happening before our eyes. For the Light Workers and Light Leaders, this is the work we have been preparing for. Remember you are here to serve now. This is when you chose to incarnate, and there has never been more urgency Everyone can learn to speak with Angels. Everyone has Angels. You do not need to be religious. You do not need a special "gift". You do not need a Medium, Priest, or any other intermediary to receive loving guidance from the divine, every day, whenever you need it. The Angel Immersion is 20 channelled Angel lessons, that teach you EVERYTHING you need to know to know about how to speak with the Angels. The Angel Immersion is a one time investment of $149.99 USD.

 Season #2 - Ep 043 - When you have no reference point for all you are experiencing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:14

One Woke Mama – Episode 043 - When you have no reference point for all you are experiencing Ok, here's the thing. In my 38 years on Planet Earth, I have never experienced a Global Pandemic. Ever. So I'm going to guess that you haven't either. With the current global climate, I've been experiencing all the myriad of emotions. From hope, joy, insane levels of gratitude. Feeling blessed and deeply reverent. Swinging to the other side - anxious, tense, wound up, heart-achey, sore, bruised, worried, concerned, heart broken. You too? I know it, because I've spent the last week hosting a free private Facebook - The 7 Days of Emotional Alchemy - sharing delicious practices to support more than 250 people across this beautiful earth of ours. And so many of those inside this group, my friends, clients, family members are expressing the same thing - the overwhelm, the intensity, the uncertainty, the instability. These emotions are felt, for most of us, to a depth and ferocity that we've never felt before. They are also coming thick and fast. Ahh, deep breaths! In a recent mentoring session my client uttered some words that really struck home... "I've never experienced this before. I have no reference points for this..." And god, I get it. Mostly, as we move through our human experience we often look for a point of reference to help us "cope"... we look back at previous experiences and stories within our memory to be reminded of HOW to show up. WHAT to do, and even WHY it's happening. So what now then? If we no longer have a point of reference because we've never experience anything remotely close to this, then how exactly do we KNOW what to do, think, say... how to be? We are blessed to our the online world to rally each other, offer support, be in this together. But really, there aren't other ways to externally resource. We are figuring it out as we go along. Moment by moment. Change by change. This can often make us feel suffocated. It can be hard to breathe under the weight of uncertainty and the perceived lack of security, control and support. But my loves, I'd like to present something to you. That is NOT an old idea. In fact, it's ancient wisdom - many of our longest spiritual teachings have touched on this truth. And that truth is that you already have all you need within you. +++ You can still join my FREE FB group - 7 Days of Emotional Alchemy. Catch up on 7 Days of practices for your mind-body-soul to nourish, ground, centre, nurture, uplift, raise your vibes, heal. You need this, for yourself, your family and the global community. JOIN THE ONLINE COMMUNITY HERE for your free 7 days of Emotional Alchemy and the ongoing support that will continue to flow through. Love and light Claire x Listen to Episode 043: Show notes: Get My EFT Masterclass program for 50% off:  www.claireobeid.com/alchemy-of-emotional-freedom/ Join The 7 Days of Emotional Alchemy HERE https://www.facebook.com/groups/223426998851023/

 Season #2 Episode 042 The different ways we respond to a crisis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:22

When we experience a crisis, or a traumatic event, like the Global one we are in now thank to COVID-19, everyone responds differently. Our nervous system kicks into sympathetic (survival) mode, thankfully, which is such a blessing. However, the FIGHT-FLIGHT-FREEZE response can show up differently for each person, which means they will behave, talk, think in different ways to say, how you might be. Today's episode is shining a light on this very difference. Highlighting how important it is to lead with compassion right now. Let's avoid blame, shame and judgement as each of us shows up and responds to this crisis in our own hard-wired ways.  Yes we can support each other with different perspectives, ideas, information, but mostly I feel it's important to accept where each person is at without anger, judgement and frustration. We have never experienced anything like this, and all of us are figuring this out one day at a time. So I ask you to tune into what's underneath a person's behaviour or reaction and lead with your compassionate, understanding heart. This is what our global community needs right now. Love. Trust. Hope. Faith. Courage. Compassion. +++ And to support you to cope with this experience, to relieve anxiety and to stretch your bandwidth for what you can hold during this time please join my FREE FB group - 7 Days of Emotional Alchemy. 7 Days of practices for your mind-body-soul to nourish, ground, centre, nurture, uplift, raise your vibes, heal. You need this, for yourself, your family and the global community. JOIN THE ONLINE COMMUNITY HERE for your free 7 days of Emotional Alchemy. https://www.facebook.com/groups/223426998851023/ Love and light Claire x

 Season#2 Ep 041 How to resource yourself and hold space for emotions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:19

One Woke Mama – Episode 041 - How to resource yourself and hold space for emotions. When we are triggered, by our children, our work, partner, or just by LIFE, working through somatic practice - working with your body - can be a powerful way to show up in the moment as you need to. Body-based resourcing will allow you to stay present with what is, to understand and even heal your triggers. There are many moments in our day when we are shown something within us, a wound, a past story, that is ready to be seen, felt and released. This happens to me so often with my children, through my relationships and even clients. I see triggers as beautiful opportunities to continue my own healing and therefore awakening. But how to actually BE with what is? That's when being with our body, harnessing simple somatic practices and moving through those triggers is potent work.I share some simple and powerful practices to help you stay resourced during such triggered moments. In this episode I also dive into what it looks like and why we want to hold space for emotions - not just our children's emotions but ours as well. The next step after - we have cognitive awareness and shifts, after we consciously awaken to our blocks, shadows and triggers - is to allow healing to happen via our body. Our body KNOWS - it keeps the score of past pain and experiences, of wounds and shadows. It holds on to them - as a way to protect us, but ultimately can lead to so much disease and pain. So when we reach the stage where we are ready to feeling into our body and release FROM our body, this will be a profound shift in your journey of healing, growth, awakening and consciousness. Show notes: Next LIVE round coming soon: The Alchemy of Emotional Freedom Online EFT Masterclass https://claireobeid.com/alchemy-of-emotional-freedom/ Love and lightClaire x

 Season#2 Ep 040-Healing the heart from the shadows within (meditation!) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:33:50

Healing the heart from the shadows within (meditation!)February has been a month of deep, somatic healing for me. I had a sense that it would be 'big' for me in some way - but I hadn't anticipated the body-based healing I would experience (the first was the KaHuna Massage - see episode 038 and the second was a breathwork workshop - more to come on that soon). My heart has been doing a lot of releasing; deep shadows and blocks from within. Ancient hurts and wounds. Broken dreams and heartache. The what and why of it all is truly irrelevant. I've simply followed what my soul has wanted to do, to release and to feel.Today's episode is in line with how I am feeling at the moment - I'm called to meditate on my heart and flood it with love and light; releasing block and shadows. One at a time.I hope you enjoy this healing heart meditation - one I created for my Om Mama Love members and is now available for you to purchase as a downloadable bundle - get it HERE; www.claireobeid.com/ommamalove Please carve out the time for this 12 minute practice. It's simple. It's beautiful. It's profound. And beautiful mama, I'm sure that you need it! (Because we ALL need healing.)

 Season#2 Ep 039 Acknowledging Fear, Stress and Worry with Maria Golding | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:33:50

Episode 039 - Acknowledging Fear, Stress and Worry with Maria Golding. Sometimes we are so deep into our fear and stress that we can’t see it and therefore can’t do anything about it.It is the awareness of it, the simple acknowledgment of it that can create real shifts. As mamas we get lost in thee day-to-day, everything that ‘needs’ doing. If we can learn to acknowledge how we are feeling and shine the light of awareness, we might find real shifts and positive turns are possible.This episode is from my private Om Mama Love membership - which is no longer running. I had the pleasure of chatting with Maria Golding - who is a leader on all things parenting, motherhood blending with spirituality and the latest in science.Talking to Maria Golding is like being held, in a big warm mama embrace. It’s as if the divine mother herself in all her wisdom and love has you in her arms. Maria’s years of work with mamas comes through in our chat - you will really learn the power of acknowledgement and awareness and how this can create for a more beautiful, empowered and intuitive mama journey.

 Season#2 Ep 038 - You are exactly where you are meant to be | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:37:35

One Woke Mama – Episode 038 - You are exactly where your are meant to beAfter two weeks off podcasting I'm back today with a special episode - recorded on holiday in the beautiful Nelson Bay. This episode is a story about the powerful, life-changing, healing Ka Huna Massage I had whilst on holiday.I share in detail how this experience, unbeknownst to me would be exactly the deep, somatic, trauma release that my body was calling out for.After a week of sickness with the family, and a holiday that was more exhausting that I expected, this healing facilitating a powerful energetic and emotional shift that I couldn't have predicted. It allowed me not only to heal grief and trauma stored in my body but also to reconnect to the powerful truth - that even during the hardest of times, or moments of confusion, we are always exactly where we are meant to be.We might not understand why, or see what is coming. That is the pure beauty of it - we aren't always meant to KNOW. But if we stay in trust, follow the signs, surrender, keep on moving forward with an open heart, at some point (days/weeks/months) we will receive what are meant to.This episode shares all the good juice - the wild experience that was my healing Ka Huna/Lomi Lomi massage, what needed to be healed and what I learned from it all.You are going to love this episode! Show notes: **The Song I mention is the Devi Prayer - 108 Sacred Names of the Divine Mother by Craig Pruess and Ananda - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ic_pVkcLh9M **The Kahuna Massage place I visit in Nelson Bay - http://awenmassagetherapy.com.au **The Birth I thought I'd never have - Rafael's Birth www.claireobeid.com/episode29 **Visit www.claireobeid.com for coaching and mentoring information or to visit my meditation and EFT shop. Purchase Om Mama Love: www.claireobeid.com/ommamalove -Currently reduced to $36 from $49!12 dedicated meditations for mamas exploring relevant and powerful themes. Including 12 Affirmation cards to support you own journey of meditation and mindfulness.

 Season#2 Ep 037 Why it's ok when can't see ahead of you | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:29:15

Episode 037 - I take you back ten years ago to a time when, (after a lot of confusion, uncertainty whilst in a deep transition) I started to find my way, my purpose and back into the light. As I turn 38 today (January 27th), reflecting on that time ten years ago has been a powerful reminder that sometimes, when we are in the thick of change, transformation and redefining ourselves we can't always SEE what's next. What is ahead of us is unknown - we don't know what's next. Now, ten years ago, motherhood has brought me into a similar space of transition. A transition where I have had to redefine who I am as a woman, in everyday. A dismantling of the old, a peeling back of the layers, a restructuring of the woman I am. Today's episode I share WHY it's totally ok, and in fact necessary, when you can't see what's ahead. Despite the shadowy, challenging times, not knowing with certainty of what's to come is actually precisely part of the beauty of our inner and outer transformations. Show notes: Get your ticket to my next Sydney Sacred Women's Circle here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/life-alignment-inner-attunement-and-embodied-transformation-sacred-womens-circle-tickets-89436134887 Visit www.claireobeid.com for coaching and mentoring information or to visit my meditation and EFT shop. *** As a birthday gift to me, please leave an iTunes review and you will receive 3 x meditation tracks for FREE. Simply email me claire@claireobeid.com with a screenshot of your review and I'll gift you 3 x meditation tracks.


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