Woman Awake - The Soul-led Journey of Awakening Through Womandhood and Motherhood show

Woman Awake - The Soul-led Journey of Awakening Through Womandhood and Motherhood

Summary: Join Claire Obeid on her new podcast - 'Woman Awake - as she shares her soul-led journey of awakening through womanhood and motherhood. www.claireobeid.com/podcast This is OUR journey, in mind, body and soul towards consciousness. Seeking clarity. Hunting down the truth. Diving into the discomfort of healing. Uncovering shadows and rising out of them back. Rising into a NEW woman. Through my personal brand of storytelling, musings, wisdom bombs and insights we journey into motherhood, the catalyst, if you so choose, to become more conscious, aware... woke. I’m just one mama following the path to awakening. And I hope you choose to wake up with me too. From meditation, yoga and spirituality to health, wellbeing, mindset, conscious living and conscious parenting, Claire will dive into it ALL. Featuring moments of contemplation mixed with inspired action and handy take-aways, Claire will support you as you journey to WOKE. Claire will also hold Q&A sessions, answering listeners questions and riffing on important topics. Claire also offers regular mini-meditation sessions to support her listener's in cultivating inner stillness, connection and clarity. Regular segments featuring thought-leaders, interviews with experts and game-changers add depth, further insight and mountains of inspiration ABOUT CLAIRE: Claire is a Somatic Life Coach. Yoga Teacher. EFT Practitioner. Meditation Guide. Soul Seeker. doTERRA Wellness Advocate. Mama to little Soleil and Rafael. She is passionate about supporting individuals to cultivate their own thoroughly equipped Wellness Tool-kit so that they may live in full health, consciously, in presence, gratitude and joy.

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  • Artist: Woman Awake with Claire Obeid
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 Season#2 Ep 036 - Asking for support, love and guidance with Amy Landry | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:46:56

One of the hardest things - for many of us - to do is ask for help. Yet as mamas it’s something we must learn how to do quickly, otherwise we soon find we are struggling with all that motherhood requires of us.In this episode - lovingly repurposed from Om Mama Love (previously only heard by members of OML!) Amy and I explore how and why we must call out for guidance, support and love.  Amy Landry is a beacon of light for women wanting to create long-lasting change, inside to out, via the ancient practices of Yoga and Ayurveda. Owing to her teachings of movement and mindfulness, Amy has cemented herself as a new generation leader – an inspirational teacher, speaker, mentor, mama, container of tradition, and passionate chai consumer! Renowned for her continuously sold-out international retreats, Amy is part of the ambassador family for Australian Yoga Journal, has been featured on the cover of Om Yoga & Lifestyle magazine and YOGA Magazine (UK), is the regular Yoga contributor for Nature & Health magazine, has presented at festivals including Wanderlust, Evolve, Byron Spirit Fest, and Ekam Yoga Festival, and has taught globally in India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and beyond Show notes: Purchase Om Mama Love HERE -Currently reduced to $36 from $49! www.claireobeid.com/meditation-shop 12 dedicated meditations for mamas exploring relevant and powerful themes. Including 12 Affirmation cards to support you own journey of meditation and mindfulness. Connect with Amy: www.amyelandry.com @amyelandry on Instagram and Facebook

 Season#2 Ep 035 - Re-parenting your inner child through disallowed joy and excitement | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:33:51

Episode 035 - Re-parenting your inner child through disallowed joy, excitement and fulfilment We have many “inner children’ within - different versions of ourself at different ages and stages, split off and caught/frozen in that energy, attitude, behaviour, feeling, wounding. This is true for all of u. Whether we have experienced trauma that is classified as a major life event, something that completely redirected the path of your life - we call this BIG T Trauma; something happened that was too much too soon or too fast. Or even if you experienced those everyday, small T trauma experiences… the daily hurts and unmet needs. Let’s not feel distressed about that - these inner children are beautiful teachers and guides.They want to be brought up and healed. And it’s not something you can force. When that part of you is ready to reveal itself, come to the surface and be seen, it means you are now ready to face it and provide healing. That’s why for so many of us motherhood triggers many of our inner shadows.The child or many versions of the child within you, comes to the surface via the experience of parenting your own children.

 Season#2 Ep 034 -We can't avoid struggles & challenges, but we can show up spiritually | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:24:01

Why we cannot avoid struggles and challenges, but we can show up spiritually in the face of hardship. Bushfires are raging through our country and many of us, especially those in the spiritual/self development world are faced with how to SHOW up, take action, pay attention and yet still be a "spiritual being having a human experience..." Firstly, spiritual bypassing is not the way. We cannot ignore what's going on in the world, in our homes and families and around us by focusing on being LOVE and LIGHT only. We can take action is some way, privately or publicly. In a small way or a big way. Whatever way feels good and true for you. As a coach, I never ever say to my clients that doing spiritual work, raising your vibration, focusing on love and light will leave you immune to suffering, hardship, struggle. 
For many reasons 1. your personal soul journey might experience growth through struggle. 2. Struggle leads to gold that can be mined, always. 3. Human experience is to dive into all sides - shadow and light. That’s what you’re here for. 4. You cannot prevent struggles and challenges happening to those around you, your community, your world. And if you think you are immune to it, i’m sorry, you’re wrong. Even as mamas we witness this daily - we cannot protect our children from every struggle and hurt and challenge. We aren’t meant to - that’s how they grow. But as a coach, there is something I do focus on - how can I help you learn, practice and be armed up with spiritual, energetic, emotional, mental, physical tools to support yourself through hard times. To level up. To manage your energetic boundaries, to ground yourself, to calm your nervous system, to pray, to meditate, to clear your blocks and beliefs and fears. The Relationship with coach and client is like a guide or map reader in the driver of a car. You drive. you are the driver, always, but I am there to give you the directions. To suggest the short cut, or perhaps even the long road to where you want to go. Navigate the bumps and the confusing roads ahead. Keeping you cool and calm and collected when you feel lost. And also just holding space for when you lose your shit and encouraging you to pull over and pause. We can use our spiritual tools to navigate hard times. To face our challenges. To be present, loving and high vibrational AND positive despite the shadow we feel we are in. That's how we find the light again. www.claireobeid.com

 Season#2 Ep 033 Clearing Space To Clear Yourself To Uplevel Your Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:00

Clearing out space as a metaphor for clearing out self to uplevel... to reach into a clearer vision and reach for the intentions and goals waiting to come through you.Clearing our homes. Decluttering our lives. Tying up loose ends. Detoxing and Cleansing our body and our thoughts and mind. Changing the energy in our environment, in our psyche, in our physical safe and sacred containers.This is what calls in the new. This is how we up level and cultivate our dreams. The old cannot birth the new. Get 25% Off ALL my meditation albums for the new year, new decade. www.claireobeid.com/meditation-shop

 Season#2 Ep 031 Stop Trying So Hard | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:52

It's time to stop trying so hard. When you are in that state of control - pushing, doing, taking action - despite what your body/mind/soul is calling for then it's time to take rest. It's time to be free from that controlling energy, let go, pause and rest. It's from the rest that you will rise. Motivation, inspiration, action - it'll all flow again from that space of rest. This is exactly where I am today. The (almost) end of the year and off the back of an intense month with the family and every virus under the sun, I am tired. I am in need of rest. I can't be F'd anymore. So I'm honouring that by flowing gently, meditating more, resting and doing less. In today's episode I share these feelings and insights before offering you a 10 minute 'Be Free From Control'... so tune and listen and when you get 10 minutes free, lay down and enjoy this meditation. This meditation is from the Reveal Your Inner Radiance album - Deeply Relax and Let God. Show notes: To purchase more of my meditation albums please visit my website. https://claireobeid.com/meditation-shop/

 Season#2 Ep 032 Journaling Qs To Reflect, Review, Clarify And Co - Create | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:52

A journaling guide to review and reflect on your 2019 followed by a process to clarify and co-create your 2020. A simple yet profound experience that will provide you with deep insight, mining for the gold and wisdom in your year, and of course the springboard into your new year ahead. I guide you through a set of questions (provided for you in the show notes) and share many examples from my own life to support you in this process. It's in this reflective, contemplative space that we are able to grow and move forward in the best way for ourself. Show notes: Closing Ceremony Journaling Guide 2019 - Review and Reflect 1) List everything that has happened/you’ve experienced this year. 2) Can you identify key themes and key learnings? 3) What were the predominant feelings you experienced and why? 4) What are you grateful for? 5) What would you like to grow from and create change on? 2020: Clarify and Co-Create 1)What behaviour/patterns do you want to shift, change, clear? 2)Key intentions?Key feelings you’d like to embody? 3) Specific areas you feel called to zone in on? E.g Home/Body/Purpose and Passion/Family? 4) Narrate the story of your 2020. Co-create it in present tense.

 Season#2 Ep 030 - Rage, Resentment And Releasing It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:52

Episode 030 Rage, Resentment and Releasing it Rage and resentment comes up at different times during our motherhood journey. Sometimes we are triggered by our children, or we are depleting and run down, lacking self care, or deep in the trenches with sick children. We can feel tapped out and then what follows is a leaking out of emotions and feelings we've tried to suppress. And it can sometimes get ugly. Our own stories come up to play - the Martyr or Victim roles (or both) and the ego emotions connected to it all. I explore how resentment shows up, why it shows up, how it can leak out of us and the following guilt and shame that comes with that out pouring of rage and resentment. In this episode I dive further into how we can cultivate a daily ANGRY practice that actually serves us to release these pent up emotions in a safe, harmless way - not directed on others but simply allow the body to release it, instead of storing it. I share why this is so important for our own health, wellbeing and how we show up and be in the world. I also share why an angry practice will bring you back into presence, connection, nervous system regulation, sanity! Show notes: www.claireobeid.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/claireowellness Buy Event Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/80982208967

 Season#2 Ep 029 The Final Frontier; Healing Pelvic Floor, The Forgotten Feminine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:15

Episode 029 explores what I call the Final Frontier in my post partum healing journey - healing the pelvic floor, pelvic organ prolapse and on a more spiritual and energetic level coming to face The Forgotten Feminine. I share, quite vulnerably and candidly my journey with Pelvic Organ Prolapse - I explain what it is, what I did and didn't know what POP, my journey of healing and how it's led me to face the disconnection of my inner feminine energy and power. This was a very raw, in real-time, authentic conversation about where I currently am on this journey of healing. There are tears shed as I speak the truth of my inner divine feminine and her sadness at being cut-off, numbed out, ignored and disconnected. This is a conversation that all women need to hear. Please tune in, listen with love, compassion and respect. And share it along to your mama friends. Show notes: I mention the work of Christine Kent - The Whole Woman. http://wholewoman.com I also share the core technique - Hypopressive - https://coresetfitness.com/hypopressive-fitness/ And here is where I did my Hypopressive workshop in Sydney. https://www.coretone.com.au I also purchased and occasionally use this Pelvic Floor trainer - KGoal http://www.kgoal.com.au I did the Mutu System program for deep core healing and re-activation www.mutusystem.com I also highly recommend you visit a holistically minded pelvic floor physiotherapist and do so regularly during pregnancy and post partum Visit https://www.claireobeid.com/ommamalove/ to get my Om Mama Love Meditation Bundle - 12 Meditation Track and 12 Affirmation Cards - $49 And click here: https://www.claireobeid.com/alchemy-of-emotional-freedom to join The Alchemy of Emotional Freedom Online EFT Masterclass LIVE Round commencing November 11th Love + light, Claire

 Season#2 Ep 028 - Mama Guilt And Shame with Emma Seibold | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:19

One Woke Mama – Episode 028 - Mama Guilt and Shame It’s hard to avoid guilt and judgment as mamas – we experience it and we dish it out too. Truthfully, we all know it does no good. It bears down on us, heavy and suffocating and grips our heart when we find ourselves passing judgment.In this podcast with Emma Seibold we explore the importance of choosing love instead. We explore ways to invite more love in and in doing so let go of guilt and judgment. It all comes down to love. How much do you LOVE yourself? Or at least, how often can you say “I choose love over fear” in this moment. Guilt and Judgment have no place, or strong foot-hold when we slather on compassion, understanding, acceptance… L.O.V.E. I am not going to pretend that guilt and judgment no longer show up in my life. They are there daily. But I can feel, through my body, when they are weaving their way and snaking through my mind leaving a trail of destruction. My chest feels tighter. My breathing shallow. I find myself distracted, disengaged. A lot more focused on the external. Frustrated at EVERYTHING.These are my sign-posts. What are yours? Don’t know them yet? Well GOOD, start tuning in. P ay attention to how you react to conversations, moments with your child(ren), when you’re ‘mumming’… start to notice what triggers you and sends you spiralling into guilt and/or judgment. I journal through realisations when they come to me – moments of clarity around what has sent me into guilt-zone. Or where I’m in judgment. That creates awareness and from that awareness I can’t hide from the ugliness of those emotions. I HAVE to look at it. I must deal with it. So when it happens, in real time I then CHOOSE to breathe through it. To pause, just long enough to not react and over-react. CHOOSE TO COME BACK TO YOUR TRUTH – WHAT ARE ENOUGH, MORE THAN ENOUGH. YOU ARE A MAMA, JUST DOING HER BEST. AND THAT IS ENOUGH. The thing is, we are never going to be protected from the onslaught of guilt and judgment – the kind we generate from within ourselves and the kind we get slapped in the face with from friends, family and even random strangers.So we MUST learn how to nurture ourselves – come back to our centre, to regroup, to find trust in what we are doing and who we are being as women, as a mamas, as partners, colleagues, friends, sisters, daughters. +++ Emma Seibold is an inspiration to me. She is not only an incredible entrepreneur, wellness advocate, teacher and business owner but the way she leads with love as a mama AND treats herself with the respect she so deserves – well, that encourages me to be a better mama and woman too. Our conversation is going to light you up – plenty of golden nuggets to treasure and learn from.Hang out with Emma on Instagram - www.instagram.com/emmabarrebody Visit Barre Body Online - www.barrebody.com.au

 Season#2 Ep 027 Resourcing Yourself And Stretching Your Window Of Tolerance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:12

One Woke Mama – Episode 027 - Resourcing Yourself And Stretching Your Window Of Tolerance A comment from a friend got me thinking about why some women, some mothers, need more space, time and tools to refuel and re-centre and why others don't? I explore how we are each hardwired a little differently - how the base line state of our nervous system affects how we process and handle experiences in life - such as the relentless and sometimes exhausting days within motherhood.Motherhood forces us to stretch and grow. Some of us find this stretching process to be a gentle one. Perhaps we are don't find daily life so taxing, others like me can find it really depleting.In this episode I explore WHY we might be different - embodiment, the state of our nervous system, history of trauma affecting our individual window of tolerance and our own stories, beliefs and patterns that shape our being within the world.I also share how we can stretch ourselves to cope and to be in a more resilient, grounded, centred and peaceful state. Using resources, wellness practices, tools and Somatic exercises we can 'arm' ourselves up to expand our bandwith, to spend more time in the Optimal Arousal Zone - the space that is centered between the extremes of our nervous system. Show notes: Get my Om Mama Love Meditation Bundle HERE - www.claireobeid.com/ommamalove 12 Meditation Track and 12 Affirmation Cards - $49 Join The Alchemy of Emotional Freedom Online EFT Masterclass LIVE Round commencing November 11th - www.claireobeid.com/alchemy-of-emotional-freedom

 Season#2 Ep 026 Pulled apart and Pulled away B4 You Become The Woman You Are Meant To Be | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:01

In today's episode I read you a meme that has been circling on Instagram and one that I deeply resonate with.Exploring the powerful, uncomfortable yet truth-filled notion that Motherhood both pulls you apart, and pulls you away from who you were only to slowly, sometimes painfully rebuilding you into the woman, mother and human being you are meant to be.An initiation by fire. A rite of passage. A transition. The space in between. That place where we are dismantling the old self before recreating the new self -filled with discomfort, confusion, questions, stagnancy, as well as presence, surrender, willingness, beauty, joy.I feel alot of big feelings, there is a pouring out of emotions as I share that space of transition and experience of being pulled away and pulled apart. Sharing this with you is BIG and I do so in the hope that I can bring some gratitude and love into your heart for this powerful journey of matresence, change, transition. SHOW NOTES: Om Mama Love Meditation Bundle HERE - 12 Meditation Track and 12 Affirmation Cards www.claireobeid.com/ommamalove Join The Alchemy of Emotional Freedom Online EFT Masterclass LIVE Round commencing November 11th www.claireobeid.com/alchemy-of-emotional-freedom

 Season#2 Ep 025 - Connection. Nervous System Regulation. Childhood Wounds And Trauma | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:07

The way we connect with our children - through our eye contact, voice, body language - can have a huge impact on how they learn to regulate their own nervous system. They are plugged into OUR energy field, our nervous system. And a chemical reaction ensures that their own PHYSICAL body responds to future experiences and challenges based on how we connect with our children, how we personally show up to experiences and challenges and how regulated we are in our nervous system. In today's episode I dive into a mixed bag - looking at the power of connection, that oxytocin exchange and how it does more than just make us FEEL GOOD, the way we teach our children how to regulate their nervous system and therefore how we do the same for ourselves. I share examples and personal stories before diving a little further into childhood trauma and wounding - and how WHAT we learn as children about being in the world, showing up with our own regulated or dysregulated nervous affects how we COPE with experiences, challenges and difficult situations. This is an important conversation for us mamas because it shows that we can simply create a supportive and empowered container to hold our children through the inevitable challenges of life, and in learning to do this for our children we learn to heal our own wounds and traumas. Show notes: Om Mama Love Meditation Album: 12 Meditation Track and 12 Affirmation Cards - $49 www.claireobeid.com/ommamalove/ The Alchemy of Emotional Freedom: Online EFT Masterclass commencing LIVE Round November 11th www.claireobeid.com/alchemy-of-emotional-freedom

 Season#2 Ep 024 Just Because Your Partner Parents Differently To You Doesn’t Mean They Are Wrong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:07

Episode 024 dives into how we often parent differently to our partners, and how that might just be ok. In fact, perfect. Perhaps your partner, in his/her opposite parenting isn't wrong, but actually offers something that you cannot offer to your child/children. I’ve been aware of working on my judgements of my husband doing parenting differently to me. And all the ways that shows up. Including how I sometimes try and “teach” him my way - on a bad day this can look like me making suggestions of other things he could do or say to my daughter particularly. What is this born from? It’s fascinating when I sit back and review it objectively. And when I feel into my body, during the very moments when I’m reacting and attempting to parent him, I can see that I am in a state of control. I am controlling his parenting because on some level I don’t trust his parenting. I don’t trust his parenting because we come to believe that our way is the only way, is the right way. That only WE could possibly know what’s right for our child. After all we are their mother, right? And the fascinating thing about not trusting someone else and how they parent is that underlying that lack of trust is a deep fear - a fear of not doing the best for our child. a fear of completely fucking them up. A fear of seeing them hurt, damaged, broken. Or in some way unfulfilled in their potentially, emotionally abused. But the truth is, we can’t avoid the hurts and challenges they will face, whether at our own hand (we are human and learning on the job) or at the hands of others, or simply life it self. We can however equip them to cope, to manage, to show up, to feel, to process, to learn and grow from it all. Listen in to learn how I have come to a place of peace with the differences in my partner's parenting. Show notes: Get your Om Mama Love Meditation Bundle HERE : www.claireobeid.com/ommamalove Visit Claire here: www.claireobeid.com and on Instagram: www.instagram.com/claireowellness

 Season#2 Ep 023 - The Journey of Becoming A Working Mama with Lorraine Murphy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:42

Episode 023 - The Journey of Becoming A Working Mama with Lorraine Murphy  Welcome to the latest episode of One Woke Mama with Lorraine Murphy. I’m lucky enough to chat to Lorraine Murphy, who some of you might remember from the first iteration of my podcast - The Wellness Project - where we explored all things business and baby. If you aren’t sure of who Lorraine is let me share a bit about her - Lorraine is an award winning entrepreneur, best selling author or three books now, speaker and mentor.Her NEW book, Baby, You’re Remarkable inspired today’s conversation designed to support you to calm the chaos, to get and stay organised and how to blend running a biz or working alongside being a mama. This is the book that Lorraine had wished for when first toying with the idea of starting a family alongside running her own multi-million dollar business.How to thrive with both babies - business and her real baby. Her book is candid. Real - full of truths and stories that will inspire and support you.It’s not a book of tips and specific guidance but it is a book full of insights, life hacks and ideas designed to be “cherry picked” based on you and your unique family and circumstance. Lorraine and I dive into some big stuff: Preparing for the arrival of a new baby and becoming a working mum. The challenges and struggles she faced and what she learned from that journey. The stress and pressure she felt in planning to have a family when things didn’t go to plan. What she has learned about combing work with motherhood and so much more. This is definitely one for you if you are a working mama, considering returning to work, starting or running your own business or even not yet a mama and wondering how the heck you are going to do it all. I highly recommend going back to episode #17 in my previous podcast (still available in iTunes just scroll down!) or go here: www.claireobeid.com/episode17 Show notes: Visit Lorraine here: www.lorrainemurphy.com.au Get her new book here: https://lorrainemurphy.com.au/baby-youre-remarkable/ Say hi to Lorraine on instagram here: www.instagram.com/lorraineremarks and connect with me on insta too: www.instagram.com/claireowellness It would mean the world to me if you would hit subscribe and stay connected to One Woke Mama - join me on this journey of awakening. Your feedback, comments, reviews and shares would always be gratefully received but also help us to reach more mamas who need support as they navigate the choppy waters of motherhood and all it asks of us. Love + light, Claire

 Season#2 Ep 022 - The Inner Voice of Fear and Worry with Rachel MacDonald | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:26

I’m so thrilled to share this conversation with you. Rachel MacDonald, Blog Coach, Creative, Entrepreneur, Mama and beautiful soul sister of mine opens up and shares her personal experience with the inner-worrier mind. She offers some super powerful yet simple ways to move through. I hope you love this chat as much as I do and soak up the wisdom, the story-telling and guidance with an open heart and mind. Together Rachel and I explore the inner voice of fear and worry that seems to be part and parcel with motherhood. It’s normal mamas, but we do need to create space and clear out the obsessive thoughts and rebalance that worrier mind into a more calm, trusting and peace-filled state. As mamas one of the challenges we face is the intensity of worry, anxiety and over-analysing. But there is a way through it. Rachel and I dive into this important topic and find out way through the chains of that inner critic! Click on to read more: www.claireobeid.com And check out the new meditation bundle here: https://claireobeid.com/ommamalove


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