Technology For Mindfulness show

Technology For Mindfulness

Summary: Robert Plotkin, co-creator of the “Hack Your Mind” series at MIT, explores the intersection between the practice of mindfulness and the use of technology in the modern age on the Technology For Mindfulness Podcast. Show notes can be found at, and you can also follow us at and Come back often and feel free to subscribe in iTunes or add the Technology For Mindfulness Podcast to your favorite podcast application. Find more information at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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 53: Robert Plotkin - How to Focus for Entrepreneurs: Tips for Dealing with Smartphone and Other Technology-Related Distractions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:26

In each Technology for Mindfulness episode, we usually interview an expert (from various industries) who’s made incredible strides in creating more mindfulness in their life, the lives of others and who use/create various techniques to build a better relationship with technology.This week, Episode 53, brings a direct conversation with Robert. He shares his insights and the success strategies that he’s learned over the years as a patent lawyer, from having his own law firm, and from running Technology for Mindfulness.If you’re interested in learning how Robert created more balance, became more productive, creative and focused while mindfully utilizing technology and still accessing its amazing benefits, this episode is for you.What You’ll Learn: Suggestions for how to start your day mindfully and with a technology balance. [2:30] Not ready to completely remove technology from your mornings? A suggestion for how to ease more balance into your day. [8:38] About the “Urgent” v. the “Important.” [10:15] Tips on how to keep you reminded of and guided towards doing the things that are important to you. [15:28] Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

 52: Michael Jacobus - Tackling Technology Addiction in Teens | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:47

In Episode 52, we speak with Michael Jacobus - the Founder of Reset Summer Camp; a 4-week clinical summer program for, mostly, teenagers who are suffering from technology addiction. The camp treats addiction to video games, social media, excessive screen time and provides assistance with poor technology habits. Michael has worked in the Summer Camp space for over 30 years and believed that the camp experience could create an environment that provides both the campers and, their families, with the tools needed to build a healthy relationship with technology and help rebuild any strained relationships at home.The program begins with a technology detox (one that most of the participants are not big fans of) and then moves into exposing new ways of having technology be properly present and absent in their lives. It also provides guidance to parents, both, during and after the program.Some of the questions I ask: What is Reset Summer Camp and what motivated Michael to launch it? [4:41] There was a concern in the 60 and 70s about TV being addictive, what makes the current technology any different? [10:10] What type of progress does Michael see in a camper after the first week? [24:10] What role does being outside play at the camp? [33:27] What You’ll Learn: Options for managing boredom instead of reaching for technology. [0:55] About the types of kids that attend Reset Summer Camp. [7:22] About some of the resources that are provided to teach, guide and train parents on how to change the way they act with technology or the way they interact with their kids. [13:41] What Michael says to the parents to help them navigate their relationship with their child and the technology. [27:43] About the breakthrough moments for some of the campers. [32:15] Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

 51: Sean McCormick - A High-Performance Recipe: Meditation, Mindfulness, and Coaching | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:05

In Episode 51, Sean McCormick, high-performance coach and host of Optimal Performance Podcast, discusses how he successfully incorporates mindfulness and meditation into his coaching practices to help his clients make great strides in the areas of productivity and performance. Sean also discusses the role that technology plays in our world, and shares techniques for how we can create more balance and better manage our usage.Some of the questions I ask: About Sean’s background in meditation. How he got started with meditation and what are some of the benefits it’s had in his life? [4:00] What kept Sean practicing Transcendental Meditation (TM)? Why might someone try it and what are the differences between TM and Mindfulness? [7:17] What role does meditation play in Sean’s coaching techniques? [10:44] How does technology play into the culture of business and how does Sean work with his clients to manage those stresses? [19:44] Advice for someone going full steam ahead and is hitting their productivity limit - what can they do to pivot their performance tactic? [29:50] Where can we learn more about Sean’s work, his coaching, and his podcast? [40:04] What you’ll learn: Robert’s Tip on having a coach. [0:35] The different practices that Sean tried and how they lead to his calling. [6:14] How people evolve with meditation over time. [10:03] The benefits of time blocking. [20:24] About our social medial pixel. [28:36] The benefits of a Social Media Fast. [30:46] Resources:Sean McCormick - WebsiteFree First Session - ContactOptimal Performance - Podcast@realseanmccormick - InstagramTap into Mindfulness - Course Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

 50: Rebecca Horan - Maintaining a Life of Balance while Living and Working in the Age of Social Media | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:31

In Episode 50, Brand Strategist, Rebecca Horan, discusses how she strikes a balance between running a business from home and managing screentime for herself and her family. She shares the 5 Strategies that she uses to help create clear boundaries for family time and technology usage.Some of the questions I ask: What were some of the challenges Rebecca experienced early on with striking that balance between screen time and family time? [3:45] What strategies does Rebecca find work best for striking that balance? [9:26] What she has found valuable and challenging about setting up the cell phone contract with her teenage daughter? [22:56] What simple first step can people take, with their kids, to have healthier and more balanced interactions with technology? [29:29] What you’ll learn: Robert’s mindfulness tip [0:52] How working from home can blur the lines with technology usage and how Rebecca manages that [5:04] Rebecca’s most important tip [10:28] Rebecca’s trick for weekend correspondence [18:54] Understanding how kids communicate today [28:12] Resources:Rebecca Horan - Website Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

 49: Rachel & Kyle Wright - Where to draw the line on what to share on social media | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:04

Rachel & Kyle Wright, who are relationship coaches and fellow podcasters and have a series of programs and coaching packages for couples through the Wright Wellness Centre.Tip of the Day: Have a designated documentor at a party or gathering you are going toWhen you’re attending a party or a gathering with friends and you’d like to take photos or videos of the party, pick one person at that event who is going to be the “designator documentor.” Much like a designated driver, this is one person at that gathering who will be the only one who is documenting and posting. You could have a single person or rotate it every hour. Whichever way you structure it, it helps everyone there be present, experience the gathering and connect with the people there.Some of the questions I ask: From your personal and professional experience, what are some of the key issues or challenges that people face in their relationships in relation to social media and the online world? [3:07] What do you suggest for people to do to break out of projecting and comparing themselves and their relationships to what they see on Reality TV and Social Media? [7:50] How do you shift the time and the place in how you use your technology so you don’t feel like you’re giving it all up? [12:08] How do you balance some of the things you post about yourself? [14:48] What harm can come when you’re not being mindful when you’re posting or sharing on social media? [18:07] So you shared an argument that you had via a Facebook live, can you tell me about that experience? [19:29] What feedback did you receive from posting your video about the fight you had? [23:09] What you’ll learn: How couples go through “Comparisonitis” - where Instagram and social media platforms show highlights or posts and our minds want to believe that it is the norm and that’s the lives that people are leading. People take that to heart and compare and ask “Why are we not like them?” [3:35] When other couples post about their relationship, a comparison is also made about how frequently you should be posting [4:18] Technology is moving faster than our brains our evolving [5:58] People view Reality TV and project their life and relationship onto it [7:24] Try to delete your apps for a day. It’s the weirdest, most confusing freedom but it will train you to stop yourself [8:15] When you’ve taken a photo or video with someone, stay in the moment. Share it with your audience at another time. Don’t take yourself out of the moment to share on social media. [9:27] Put your phone in airplane mode so you can use it strictly as a camera without being taken out of the moment. [11:16] The All or Nothing state when it comes to using your technology: we rebound and rebel back so hard. Find that middle ground that helps you be more consistent. [13:03] There’s no hard and fast rule when it comes to posting - it comes to what your intention is. Is it for validation? To share a lesson? Or is it related to your work? [15:40] Being mindful about what you share about your relationship on social media. Ensure that you have your partner’s consent [18:25] Resources:Wright Wellness Centre Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

 48: Nick Wolny - The Four Protocols to curb your smartphone addiction | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:18

Nick Wolny is a marketing and media strategist for coaches, consultants and entrepreneurs and has been featured on a variety of publications including The Wall Street Journal, Elephant Journal and Mens Health for his expertise on productivity, automation and self improvement. Recently, he’s been featured on FOX discussing Digital Decluttering and how to curb your smartphone addiction.Tip of the Day: Monitor How Much time you actually use your smartphone and other devices.There are ways to do this now with apps like Moment and the Screen Time Feature on iOS. If you spend one minute a day at the beginning or end of the day to see what apps your time has been spent on and how much you’re actually using your phone. Many people find that getting into this empirical data and being able to know exactly where your time is being spent, can motivate you to change your behaviour. See if monitoring your device time can help you introduce some changes!Some of the questions I ask: When was it that you became concerned about smartphone addiction? [2:44] What were some of the first things that you started to try to do to address it? [5:42] What would you say to people who have concerns about not being able to implement a series of steps or protocols to be mindful with technology and use technology less? [12:20] Our culture has come to value the autonomy in working conditions that technology has bought us. How can we make our time use more intentional? [14:12] Are there any new techniques or ways of thinking that are now emerging that go in a different direction from amping up the level more and more? [18:16] From the point of view of consumers, what else can we do in addition to the protocols to take that awareness of how the marketing landscape is changing so that we can be protective of ourselves? [20:45] Do you have any motivation or small steps that you could recommend for people to try to be more mindful with their smartphone use? [23:16] What you’ll learn: How Nick came to be passionate about smartphone addiction by observing his own behavioural patterns around technology [2:51] Ways to be more diligent with your time [6:02] How flexible hours can actually be working against us [6:23] Some tips if you’re an entrepreneur in a client service based industry and a lot of your deliverables rely on being connected [7:12] The Wake Up protocol [7:38] A Warm Up protocol [8:27] The Completion protocol [10:03] Have a night time protocol [10:59] How our perception is that we have less time than we actually have available [12:58] The ubiquity of information and how people consume social media in a mindless state of scrolling [15:10] The game is changing on how to make people aware of brands and business’ because people’s attention is totally fried [17:58] How attention is currency and some of the ways you can get people into your corner from a marketing perspective [19:44] When everything is getting faster, it comes down to you and taking personal responsibility for your smartphone use and consumption [21:28] Take one of the four protocols and take the smaller steps to implement them into your life [23:41] Resources:Nick Wolny WebsiteMoment AppScreen Time AppGary Vaynerchuk Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

 47: Paul Minors - Technology for Productivity, Optimising Time and Income | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:50

After being a guest on his show, The Paul Minors Podcast, I just had to interview the host himself to be on Technology For Mindfulness. Paul is obsessed with productivity, automation, optimising his time and income so he can live on his own times.Tip of the Day: Task BatchingIt’s productive and cuts down on the mental switching which can be so draining and stressful. Here are a couple of pointers that I do when it comes to batching to help me be more productive. Here are two examples of how task batching can be done:Responding to Messages: This applies to messages like email especially if you run a business, I put calendar appointment for responding to certain types of messages like Accounting or Marketing. Breaking these up into titles really helps as when an email comes in about that particular title, I drag those emails in to those calendar appointments as an attachment so when it comes time to respond to Marketing emails, I’ll open that email in that appointment and run through them. Because I’m focused on marketing at that time, I can get through those tasks because I’m focused on the one task of marketing and I can respond in a productive way.Calendar Appointments for Tasks: I schedule an appointment for a particular kind of tasks I need to complete. So let’s say for instance, this task is again, Marketing. Even though there may be no emails or outstanding items around marketing, I can use this time to tackle my marketing to do list. This will help switch my mental focus to tasks of that type during that period of time.Some of the questions I ask: For people who are feeling overwhelmed or are getting very distracted by technology during the day, what would be an easy thing they could do to be more productive? [3:46] What are some of the tools or processes you should apply to where you are at? [6:53] Suggestions around batching tasks? [14:46] Some of the mental disadvantages of switching tasks and multi tasking [21:25] How do you not get too hung up on categorisation? [22:47] How written records can be really useful as a monitoring and sanity check [26:15] Be objective, data based, scientific and non judgmental when it comes to analysing your task management [27:49] Can you talk about trade offs, suggestions or strategies between having everything on your calendar for personal and professional? [29:40] How can we develop and maintain other habits outside of technology like sleep and exercise? [31:45] Ways you can leverage technology for automation in small ways? [36:27] What you’ll learn: People get caught up in what kind of tool or technology is best for them to automate their life and believe that it will solve all their problems, however it’s more about the habits, routines and how the tool is used [6:06] Pick the tool that’s best for you after doing a bit of research. Get it out of your head and into the tool or system. [7:19] Use due dates to set your intention and plan your time as to when you’d like to do it by rather than when the task is actually due. [10:10] The power of time blocking [13:31] Use your calendar to block out time to work on these tasks so you it forces you to think about how long it will take you to finish these tasks. [12:01] Day to day steps to take with your calendar to time block [15:13] The concept of batching to realise efficiency benefit [18:01] The switching cost [21:32] Paul’s suggestions on what kind of tasks to batch [21:51] Time blocking allows you to reflect on how you went during the week and how you can improve or doing things differently. [23:42] Screenshot your calendar at the start and end of the week and compare what changed [26:21] Having everything on your calendar so you can put in personal and social appointments holistically and analyze balance [28:39] When you see things all in one place, it’s all visual. It helps assessing how time was spent as a whole during the week. [30:21] Technology’s impact on being more mindful when it comes to health and fitness has been positive, especially wearables. [32:45] Put appointments in your calendar for meditation, eat lunch, going for a walk or exercise. [34:40] The best tasks to automate are the repetitive tasks you have to do daily that take mental bandwidth. [37:25] Resources:Paul MinorsCalendar: Google CalendarProject Management Tools:AsanaSleep Watch App Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

 46: Marla Mattenson and Julian Colker - Technology and its role in relationships | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:38

On Episode 46, Marla Mattenson returns with her partner Julian Colker who work together to coach couples in their relationships including how to use technology mindfully.Some of the questions I ask: How to deal with devices and how they can potentially create rough spots when it comes to our intimate relationships [2.28] Why a pre-planned advance agreements between a couple is important to set each other up for success [5:07] How technology can be used to amplify the positive in your relationship [7:55] Ways that technology can make things simple for you and your partner[13:29] How much is too much communication via text message? [18:48] What are some suggestions for those who feel they can’t commit to a simple or disciplined technology use plan? [24:13] Upcoming in person workshop Marla and Julian have about touch [28:38] What you’ll learn: Technology is a tool which can add value to your relationship and also take away from it [2:48] Pre planned advance agreements about technology between yourself and your partner [3:49] Close the gap of misinterpretation that can potentially happen when communicating through devices [5:39] Humans are now getting Dopamine and Serotonin hits which cause us to bond with our technology instead of bonding with our partner or other humans [7:30] How to use technology in a way to connect deeper with your partner’s love language [8:40] Ways to set intention about wanting to grow with your partner [10:32] How sharing your calendar with your partner so they are aware of the times you are busy and free so they can plan things around your schedule [11:31] Use technology to keep track of things your partner likes on the phone [12:53] Starting your morning routine to engage a passionate relationship that doesn’t prioritise a technology first [14:48] Setting boundaries around technology use in your family [15:26] How to creatively communicate using technology [17:16] Ways to have an intentional digital detox [21:45] Have the belief that it’s possible to be disconnected from your phone [24:48] Ways to apply technology in a way to uplift and advance your life and relationship [25:30] What’s a thought each of you would leave about technology in relationships? [31:21] Resources:Apps: Love Nudge - talks about the 5 love languages you can sign up with your partnerMarla Matteson & Julian Colker’s workshop: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

 45: Jenifer Joy Madden - Durability & The Digital Age | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:47

Jenifer Joy Madden is a professor, writer and design who helps parents to raise more durable, healthy and grounded children in this digital age.In this episode you will learn: The capabilities we have that our phones don't have - our sense of compassion, humility and humour [3:13] Unpacking the "Broccoli Brain" Metaphor when it comes to children [4:58] Managing the brain development of children if they spend too much in a 2D environment like a screen [8:21] "Virtual Autism," and change in children's behaviour as a result of too much screen time [9:58] Recommendations of screen time for children in relation to brian development [12:06] How to be a durable human through the process of self design [15:39] The Harmony Basket and teaching children about separating from their devices and understanding of the self. [20:58] A cultural shift of knowledge - where adults and teachers turned to children to teach them technology [22:43] Link to https://durablehuman.comLink to Durable Human blog post on Virtual Autism: to Durable U online school: https://durableu.teachable.comLink to Broccoli Bunch animation example: to Durable Human books: each episode of the Technology For Mindfulness Podcast, Robert Plotkin, co-creator of the “Hack Your Mind” series at MIT, explores the intersection between the practice of mindfulness & the use of technology in the modern age. Show notes can be found at Come back often & feel free to subscribe in iTunes or add the Technology For Mindfulness Podcast to your favorite podcast application.Subscribe to the Technology For Mindfulness Podcast via:iTunes: courtesy of Tobu - Colors [NCS Release] Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

 44: John de Graaf - Beauty, Naturing & Capturing Moments | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:34

Going on a hike or a holiday to immerse yourself in nature is one of the most relaxing and recharging experience. However, with the use of smartphones, many of us look to capture the moment to post on social media rather than focusing on being in the moment and actually experiencing. Today, returning to Technology For Mindfulness is John De Graaf; a documentary filmmaker who has produced more than a dozen prime time national PBS specials and has won more than 100 filmmaking awards. He discusses the importance of seeing beauty in nature and not always through the camera on our smartphone. In this episode you will learn: How technology can get in the way of time with our connection with the natural world [3:47] The double edged sword with the pros and cons of technology [6:25] How people focus on capturing the moment to post on social media rather than being that in the moment [7:12] The different ways you can still use technology while experiencing nature [9:03] Why John feels it is important to stop and reflect beauty [10:45] Challenging the cultural value of more is always better [16:33] What should be in our "backpack" [19:05] The keys to happiness [22:35] How even when we intend to do good things for our health, like exercise - we crave stimulation [23:30] The impact of "City Beautiful," and the importance of nature [31:24] Connect with John:Personal Website: for Humans and nature: each episode of the Technology For Mindfulness Podcast, Robert Plotkin, co-creator of the “Hack Your Mind” series at MIT, explores the intersection between the practice of mindfulness & the use of technology in the modern age. Show notes can be found at Come back often & feel free to subscribe in iTunes or add the Technology For Mindfulness Podcast to your favorite podcast application.Follow us on: to the Technology For Mindfulness Podcast via:iTunes: courtesy of Tobu - Colors [NCS Release] Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

 43: Vincent Horn - Buddhist Geeks Founder & Podcast Host | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:45

Vincent Horn spent his 20's co-founding the ground breaking Buddhist Geeks while attending a full year of silent meditation practice on a retreat. A computer engineering drop out turned full time contemplative - Vincent combines the traditional mindfulness practices of Buddhist practice and teaches them in a modern way. He has been called a “power player of the mindfulness movement” by Wired magazine and was honored to be featured in Wired UK’s “Smart List: 50 people who will change the world.” He lives in Winston-Salem, North Carolina with his teaching & life partner Emily and their son Zander.In this episode you'll learn about:- Paying attention to what is at the forefront of your focus when you're using your smartphone [1:02]- How Vincent left his engineering program to become a full time meditator and waiter [03:26]- The teachers he studied with in the Buddhist world and their relationship to technology [6:26]- The mindfulness movement from traditional to more modern ways of teaching [10:10]- Translation of Buddhism and Mindfulness into the modern world [11:36]- How technology has helped people to find their way into mindfulness and meditation [16:23]- What drives people to mindfulness practice and the expectations that they have [17:16]- How he has managed to engage people in meditation via the internet [20:23]- The practice and benefits of social noting [27:53]- How people can participate in any meditations with Buddhist Geeks and pragmatic dharma training [29:44]- Ways in which online training can be beneficial over in person training [38:27] Connect with Vincent: Website: to Buddhist Geeks: each episode of the Technology For Mindfulness Podcast, Robert Plotkin, co-creator of the “Hack Your Mind” series at MIT, explores the intersection between the practice of mindfulness & the use of technology in the modern age. Show notes can be found at Come back often & feel free to subscribe in iTunes or add the Technology For Mindfulness Podcast to your favorite podcast application.Follow us on: to the Technology For Mindfulness Podcast via:iTunes: courtesy of Tobu - Colors [NCS Release] Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

 42: Dr. Sherry Walling - Clinical Psychologist Behind Zen Founder | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:45

In today's digital age, entrepreneurs and online businesses are on the rise. What happens as a result of this is that entrepreneurs more than anyone else can suffer the effects of burnout, anxiety and restlessness. This week's guest, Dr Sherry Walling who is a clinical psychologist and leader of Zen Founder where she helps entrepreneurs to tackle the challenges of founding and running companies so they can be more effective and productive. She's one of the first professionals to combine yoga with psychotherapy. In this episode you will learn: How Sherry came into her work [5:40] Why busy is a metric of success for entrepreneurs [7:00] Alternative metrics to personal value systems [9:45] Valuing happiness isn't soft [10:53] When burnout happens [12:21] How to allocate time to what's valuable to you [13:52] The health costs of stress and anxiety [15:03] Pro long stressed impairs your brain and capacity to deal with stress [17:09] The concept of burn out and what it exactly is [19:19] About her book on keeping it together [24:01] Tension between highly individualistic and working with a team [27:31] Maintaining personal relationships [29:52] Suggestion for entrepreneurs and their partner's date nights [32:36] Connect with Sherry Walling: each episode of the Technology For Mindfulness Podcast, Robert Plotkin, co-creator of the “Hack Your Mind” series at MIT, explores the intersection between the practice of mindfulness & the use of technology in the modern age. Show notes can be found at Come back often & feel free to subscribe in iTunes or add the Technology For Mindfulness Podcast to your favorite podcast application.Follow us on: to the Technology For Mindfulness Podcast via:iTunes: courtesy of Tobu - Colors [NCS Release] Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

 A Mindful 2019: A Technology for Mindfulness Special Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:52

As we prepare for 2019, we often reflect and think about the year that's gone. We think about what we achieved and didn't achieve and what we would like to do in the next year. When it comes to using technology mindfully, there are a few ways that you set goals and habits to achieve mindfulness, productivity and quality time. Here are 5 ways that you can set yourself up to use technology more mindfully in 2019:1. Take some time to observe your experiences with technology.This is the most important step as it's where you deploy awareness around your use of technology. Identify what you'd like to change in your behaviour. Do you want to spend less time browsing on the internet at work for non work related things because you find that your workload becomes heavier as the week progresses due to lack of productivity? Perhaps you'd like to not take your smartphone to the dinner table as it distracts you from quality time with your loved one. These are behaviours you should take the time to observe as it will be the foundation to understanding your relationship with technology and how to be more mindful in your use of it. 2. Write these goals down.Another important step as this will serve as a frequent reminder for what your goals are. The main reason why New Years Resolutions fail is that we forget what these are by February. Writing this down will consolidate on what's the most important to you and serve as a frequent reminder. When you're reminded of these goals - you place yourself in a position where you're most likely to succeed.3. Come up with a concrete plan of actionNow that you're written your goals down, how can you come up with a plan of action to ensure these goals can be executed? 4. Develop Mindfulness HabitsRecently, we released a course called Tap Into Mindfulness - which is a sequence of systematic exercises that aids you to not only be aware of your habits around technology but also assists you in how to create mindfulness habits around your use. There is both a student and teacher's edition and currently it's on sale for $10 and $25. 5. Have a gentle attitude towards yourselfIt takes a while to form a new habit so be kind and patient with yourself as you navigate your way through this. Stopping altogether and giving up won't form a new habit but persistence will. On each episode of the Technology For Mindfulness Podcast, Robert Plotkin, co-creator of the “Hack Your Mind” series at MIT, explores the intersection between the practice of mindfulness & the use of technology in the modern age. Show notes can be found at Come back often & feel free to subscribe in iTunes or add the Technology For Mindfulness Podcast to your favorite podcast application.Follow us on: to the Technology For Mindfulness Podcast via:iTunes: courtesy of Tobu - Colors [NCS Release] Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

 41: Laurie Wolk - Author, Teacher & Coach | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:55

We are in a generation for using Cell phones for approval and visibility. Social Media can be as disruptive as it is distracting with notifications and the need to use filters to ensure the perfect presentation is posted on the various platforms. Laurie Wolk is an author, teacher and coach who grew up in Westchester, NY. Even though she was confident and successful with being able to land a high profile career in media, she still had her doubts about the feedback the world around her was giving her. To build up her confidence, she went back to school, got a degree and became a Senior Educator at the Girls Leadership Institute. When the world of iPhones, Instagram, Netflix and Snapchat dawned on her and her children, she realized that a huge paradigm shift was happening and impacting adolescents on self confidence, self image and communication. Laurie is the author of Girls Just Wanna have Likes  which unpacks just how much social media impacts youth attention and confidence. In this episode of Technology For Mindfulness, Laurie discusses how the use of cell phones for approval and visibility impedes mindfulness and provides insight on how to navigate through this when it comes to teaching your children how to communicate. Find out more at each episode of the Technology For Mindfulness Podcast, Robert Plotkin, co-creator of the “Hack Your Mind” series at MIT, explores the intersection between the practice of mindfulness & the use of technology in the modern age. Show notes can be found at Come back often & feel free to subscribe in iTunes or add the Technology For Mindfulness Podcast to your favorite podcast application.Follow us on: to the Technology For Mindfulness Podcast via:iTunes: courtesy of Tobu - Colors [NCS Release] Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

 40: Patricia Lohan - Coach, Healer & Feng Shui Expert | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:19

Patricia Lohan is a coach, healer and Feng Shui expert who has shaped her dream path. Living in Bali for the majority of the year, she's seen first hand the power of the mind, surroundings and inner healing. In this episode, Patricia unpacks why your inner world, mindset and history impacts your life and outside and particularly alludes to how use and placement technology in your home can impact this. In a different kind of episode of Technology For Mindfulness, Patricia talks about how to Feng Shui your home and your routines in the context of technology. It's a detox for your business, beliefs, mind and space! Find more info at each episode of the Technology For Mindfulness Podcast, Robert Plotkin, co-creator of the “Hack Your Mind” series at MIT, explores the intersection between the practice of mindfulness & the use of technology in the modern age. Show notes can be found at Come back often & feel free to subscribe in iTunes or add the Technology For Mindfulness Podcast to your favorite podcast application.Follow us on: to the Technology For Mindfulness Podcast via:iTunes: courtesy of Tobu - Colors [NCS Release] Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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