Mind-Body Stuff show

Mind-Body Stuff

Summary: A mind-body fitness company founder and a comedic mental health therapist hash out our deepest questions and life's challenges. We speak about how activating and joining the mind and body through music, movement and community can help us enjoyably and entertainingly navigate through this journey called life.


 Leading Through Bravery and Fear | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2661

In this week's podcast, Bernice and Kali talk about how fear and bravery usually always work together in life's greatest adventures. They both tell personal stories about their own interactions with fear and bravery, how we all should consider ourselves leaders and our acts of courage service to our communities. Please find us on our website now at oulafitness.com/mind-body-stuff/

 Holding Space for Each Other | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2744

This week, Kali and Bernice reflect on the retreat they had the honor and privilege of hosting in Tulum, Mexico. They talk about the importance of holding space for one another, the benefits of group work, their own personal reflections and revelations from the week and why it is so important to do this type of self work. Tune in and let them take you with them on a journey of self discovery.

 Love and Boundaries | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2941

This week, Kali and Bernice can barely make it through hysterical laughter, but when they finally recover they dive into the topic of love and boundaries. They talk about a love triad- giving, receiving and love of self and the importance of balance within this triad. They discuss their own personal issues with boundaries and trust and how they struggle with this balance in their own lives. Take a listen, laugh with them, and explore your relationship with love and boundaries.

 The Gift of Storytelling | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3013

In today's episode, Kali and Bernice talk about the importance of the story. Cultural healing, societal healing and personal healing come from the courage of those who are willing to share their story. Thus healing themselves, as well as the recipients. As a culture, we have isolated ourselves and are craving connection and community. When we realize that we are not alone, that our stories are shared by many others, and we realize that we have the power to continually revisit and edit our stories, can we truly heal ourselves and our communities.

 OULA: When Your Hobby Becomes Your Partner's Horror | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3242

How many of you have experienced this? You become addicted to OULA and your friendships, partnerships or relationships can't handle it? How do you navigate the conflict that can occur when you have something that your partner doesn't understand or appreciate. I think for those of us who do OULA consistently, we have all experienced this to some degree. Bernice and Kali explore their personal stories around this topic, give their theories as to why OULA can be so triggering, and hopefully provide some guidance on how to minimize the disruption of relationships affected by OULA.

 Women's Sexuality- The Empowering and Disempowering Sides of Sexualization | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3440

In this podcast, Kali and Bernice discuss the many aspects of women's sexuality. From owning our own sexuality, to being disempowered by the sexualization of the female, they cover this complex topic and ways in which OULA helps us find balance with our own sexuality. Talking about power struggles, aging, fertility and the media, they tackle this topic candidly and go into their own personal journey with being sexual, female beings.

 Social Media, Ego, and Human Connection | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3296

In this week's discussion, Bernice and Kali talk about social media and the effects it has on our sense of self-worth and well-being and the impact it has on real, live human connection. They discuss healthy ways to use social media by asking the questions "why am I posting this" and "who am I following and why?" and also ask us to question how it is either fueling our insecurities or driving us in our personal work. They recognize the power of social media and how it must be harnessed to be beneficial, especially in regards to our children's generation.

 Music | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2720

In this episode, Kali and Bernice delve into the great influence music has had in their lives. Talking about the power of live music and the memory and energy associated with different types of music, they discuss how they take in and respond to music in the every day. This also translates to the work they do with OULA, choreographing and working with new music regularly.

 Success and Failure | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3050

In this episode, Kali and Bernice talk about how they define success, focusing on the feeling of fulfillment and positive impact on others. They also discuss how they deal with the highs and lows of their professional and personal lives.

 Food | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3154

In this episode, Kali and Bernice talk about the effect of their food choices in their lives, and in the larger system of food production. They discuss how they decide what nourishes them, and the changes in their choices over time. They also cover the question of ethicality and quality of the food we find in our stores today.

 Letting Go | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2587

This week, Kali and Bernice respond to a listener letter. They discuss letting go, a topic that is part of OULA's Quarter 3 Workshop, Into the Light. Recorded in Twin Cities during training!

 Kali Interviews Bernice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2834

In this episode, we get to know more about Bernice! Kali asks her questions about her family, her time growing up in Hawaii, how she met her husband, and how she found OULA.

 Bernice Interviews Kali | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2756

In this epsiode, we get to know Kali! Bernice asks her some questions about growing up, her passions, love for collaborating, and how she feels most "enrichened." Next week, Bernice will be answering questions from Kali!

 Rejection and Resiliency | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3119

​In this podcast, Bernice and Kali talk about rejection and resiliency. How and when can rejection strengthen our sense of self worth and resiliency, and when do we take it so personally that we view it as failure. Using personal experiences we explore our own rejection and the different impacts it has had on our lives and relationships.

 Honesty: When Is It Helpful and When Is It Hurtful? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2302

Kali and Bernice reference an email from a podcast listener about a relationship that has become strained because of her honesty. So we begin to question when honesty can help strengthen a relationship and when it can be manipulated as a weapon to hurt. We also talk about how honesty can help both individuals bring a mirror to their own faces and see what can be learned not only in the message, but in the need to share the message. Listen to Billy Joel's 1978 performance of "Honesty" here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuFScoO4tb0


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