Mind-Body Stuff show

Mind-Body Stuff

Summary: A mind-body fitness company founder and a comedic mental health therapist hash out our deepest questions and life's challenges. We speak about how activating and joining the mind and body through music, movement and community can help us enjoyably and entertainingly navigate through this journey called life.


 OMG, did you hear about...? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2703

This week, Kali and Bernice gossip about GOSSIP! They talk about the fascinating role that gossip has played in homo sapiens' evolution. Gossip has helped our species create sophisticated social dynamics but also has been used to hurt and isolate members from the community. Be prepared for lots of laughing and if you like emus, well, we're sorry.

 When to Accept, When to Improve | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2815

Kali and Bernice explore the relationship between self-acceptance and self-improvement. When and how do we reconcile the desire to change something about ourselves and the desire for self love and acceptance? The recognize that most of our personal suffering is because of unhealthy patterns of behavior or thought or societal pressures to conform and grapple with and form a plan for self-actualization.

 Interview with Chelle Bird: Body Image | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3072

Kali and Bernice interview Chelle Bird, Director of Oula in the Twin Cities. Chelle shares her body journey through Oula and pregnancy and the three women talk about how normal it is for women to engage in toxic conversation about their bodies. They struggle with their own perceptions of their bodies and their desire to change how women view their bodies. They acknowledge that we live in a society that has a powerful voice in how women should look, and how we all can get caught up in this message, but ultimately want to be the model for change.

 On the Defense | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2847

Do you ever wish you could be more connected? Do your defenses get in the way of your connection? In this week's episode, Kali and Bernice talk about how it became so apparent over the last Empowerment weekend that we are all searching for connection but how we can't truly experience it until we let our defenses down. But, we are terrified! They explore an incident that happened during their time in L.A. that really brought this whole concept to light!

 Being a Mom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2859

This week, Kali and Bernice talk about their experiences being a mom. The highs, the lows, the difficulties that they experience finding the balance between "mom" and "me" and how motherhood has changed them. Very true to themselves and this podcast, they are open and vulnerable about this world's most challenging job: Mom.

 Leaning Into Physical Discomfort | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2391

Ooh, ouch! How comfortable are you with physical discomfort? In our modern age, physical discomfort isn't part of the paradigm anymore. Now, this is NOT about chronic pain, this is about the discomfort you feel when you use your body physically! Why are we so comfortable with mental and emotional discomfort, but not with physical discomfort? This week, Kali and Bernice explore, both in Oula and in the industrialized world, how humans have the luxury to tap out when things get hard.

 Joy! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2787

This week's podcast was inspired by Brene Brown's Netflix special, A Call to Courage. One of the most fascinating parts of this talk to Kali and Bernice was the concept of joy! They explore their own relationship with joy and, like 95% of folks Brene researched, how problematic it is because they always keep the darkness so close. They go on to talk about their desire to stay in the light more often by focusing on gratitude, presence and joy.

 Inclusiveness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2595

This week, Kali and Bernice discuss a topic that has come up a lot recently about inclusiveness and creating safe spaces in Oula for people of all walks of life. They refer to an email sent by a listener and dive into some really interesting questions, one of the biggest being whether by being overly inclusive, we are actually using our own judgment and biases and may mistakenly be excluding those we wish to include! They offer tips on how to practice being more inclusive as an instructor and participant.

 Opening the Door | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2593

In this week's podcast, Kali and Bernice honor the lessons that spring teaches us - after death comes rebirth. Transitions are painful for many of us so we cling to situations that are no longer working, relationships that are no longer healthy, and lives that are no longer meant for us. They explore the beauty of letting go so that you can open the door to all that awaits you.

 The Husbands, Part 2: Mike | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2867

In this week's podcast, Kali and Bernice interview Bernice's husband, Mike. They hear about how he perceives his wife's work and how he supports her in it. Kali asks if Bernice is ever going to get that proposal after 27 years. Tune in to find out!!!

 The Husbands. Part 1: Rob | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3115

In this week's podcast, Kali and Bernice interview Kali's husband, Rob. They ask both listener questions and also their own burning questions they have for him. You get to hear about Kali and Rob's marriage and listen to their dynamic, his thoughts on OULA, fun facts about their relationship and even his favorite OULA song!

 Our Chosen Moments | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3184

No, we don't mean the "greatest hits" of our lives, we mean the pain, the suffering, the recurring patterns of frustration and discontent. What if we viewed these moments as opportunities for growth and insight on our paths towards contentment. Bernice and Kali contemplate this idea and share our personal stories with truth and humor and how they can serve our evolution if we can accept them rather than fight them.

 Who Are We? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2567

After a profoundly moving weekend in Portland, Maine, Kali and Bernice talk about the struggle we all have in describing Oula. They talk about how this weekend they were witches with their coven and they participated in Demon Wrestling 101. They also honor the women who have come before them and have been burned at the stake for what was considered crazy, but was most likely just women stepping into their full power. What is OULA? Take a listen.

 Make it BLEEP Worthy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2603

In this week's episode, Kali and Bernice talk about the F#ck It Bucket and Gratitude Jar and how this sparked them to think about the purpose that anger serves and how it affects us and those around us. They mention Thich Nhat Hahn, Lady Gaga, Ernest Hemingway and Mark Manson and use their teachings and writings to help understand the role anger plays in our lives.

 Intentions vs. Expectations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2868

In this episode, Bernice and Kali discuss the difference between intentions and expectations and recognize that our expectations are at the root of much of our unhappiness. They reference the work of life coach Muriel Berard and The Work by Byron Katie. They, as always, share personal stories and self-realizations that they hope are of benefit to listeners


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