Mind-Body Stuff show

Mind-Body Stuff

Summary: A mind-body fitness company founder and a comedic mental health therapist hash out our deepest questions and life's challenges. We speak about how activating and joining the mind and body through music, movement and community can help us enjoyably and entertainingly navigate through this journey called life.


  Are You Hearing Voices? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2759

There are a lot of voices going on in this podcast! With a strong focus on sexuality (not appropriate for kids!), we eventually get to our topic: 5 Voices- How to Communicate Effectively with Everyone You Lead by Jeremie Kubicek and Steve Cockram. Kali and Bernice go over the 5 different communication profiles that are explored in this book. They then reflect on their own styles, the styles of their partners and their workplace. Learn your communication style here: https://5voices.com/assessment/

  Have You Hit Emotional Puberty? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2767

Have you hit emotional puberty? Because our emotional voices are cracking! Bernice and Kali talk about a couple of situations in which their reactions were on the, one would say, immature side:) They question how to feel their feelings, validate their emotional experiences, but not become overwhelmed and reactive. They talk about the importance of justice, and conclude that it's not always theirs to serve, even though they think it will feel good if they do. Are you in emotional puberty, too? Take a listen and see where you are on the maturity scale!

 Interview with Claire Robertson-Preis- Musical Genius | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3964

In this episode, we interview Classical Singer and Oula Enthusiast, Claire Robertson-Preis. After many post Oula.One conversations, we decided it was time to pick this woman's brain-- on air! She takes on a magical, musical journey where we delve into synesthesia, the chakras, the 3 circles of energy and where we are in relation to not only music, but our physical and emotional reactions to it. Take a listen and be blown away by your own body and how you can interpret music. This could change everything for you.

 Have You Become Unrecognizable? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2980

Thanks to a listener write-in, today Bernice and Kali talk about what happens when you become unrecognizable or when someone you love becomes unrecognizable. What do you do with this? As always, they encourage themselves and listeners to stay curious about the lessons, the blessings and the heartaches of these confusing times. In all long term relationships, with ourselves and with others, we will be confronted with these times of confusion and potential growth.

 Traveling- The Good, The Bad and the Ugly | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3146

In this week's episode, Bernice and Kali talk about traveling. This lighthearted podcast invites in accents, foreign lovers and romantic interludes of their 20's. They also talk about the importance of leaving your own routine and the many gifts of travel- both good and bad.

 When You're Saying 'I'm F*cked,' It's Not Over. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3004

In this week's episode, Bernice and Kali talk about transitions in life in general and in their own lives. They highlight the struggles people have with transition and reflect on their own philosophies and strategies in navigating the unknown of change.

  Science or Spirit: Alternative forms of healing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2876

In this week's episode, Bernice and Kali explore alternative forms of healing. After a soul retrieval this past weekend, Kali has a lot to share about the experience and how healing it was. They talk about their opinions, skepticism, and curiosity about both Western medicine and alternative forms of healing.

 The Power of Manifestation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3397

In this week's episode, Bernice and Kali talk about the negative and positive aspects of putting thoughts into spoken word and the power that those words hold. They look at the role that fear plays in our desire to manifest and question their own definition of success. They explore their own experiences with manifestation, ambivalence, and enough-ness.

 Aging | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3082

This podcast starts with Kali going into journalist mode while asking the Queen B about her experience turning 57 last week. They then venture into their spirit ages (10 and 21) and how that affects how they feel as they age, their struggles reconciling the two and the affects (sometimes SHOCKING) that aging has had on their body. Hopefully you'll be laughing as you listen and reflect on your aging process.

 Does Utopia Exist? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3169

Bernice and Kali talk about the problems that can arise when expectations are not met in many aspects of life, and also in OULA. The disappointment that people can feel when they realize that OULA is not a Utopia can be very hard for them to accept. They explore that nothing that involves humans is a utopia, because no one and nothing is perfect. They hope that OULA is faction of learning about life and human interaction- which will always be messy, beautiful, challenging and worth it!

 Adulting is Hard! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2772

This week, Kali and Bernice talk about how hard it is being an adult! They talk about the expectations they had about how they would feel when they magically became this thing called "adult" and how the reality doesn't match the expectation. They also talk about wanting to hear the words "I am proud of you" and how surprised they are at their need to hear it. They share, as always, personal stories with honesty and humor with the hope that it makes people feel connected and not so lonely out there in Grown Up Land!

 Anger Management | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3119

Shut up! I'm not angry, you're angry! Today, Bernice and Kali have a heated discussion about anger! As one of the five basic emotions, anger is a fiery one that can intoxicate us with its power. But it also can overwhelm us, make us sick and destroy relationships. They question when anger can be beneficial and when it can be detrimental. Take a listen and see where you lie on the anger spectrum.

 Respite | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2060

Do you need a vacation? Is it hard for you to leave? Kali and Bernice talk about how hard it is to vacate, but how important it is to take a break from your life sometimes! They wonder why it is so hard to do just that, and they blame it on the Puritans for the massive guilt most of us feel about resting!

 Forgiveness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3055

This week, Bernice and Kali discuss one of the hardest lessons for the heart; forgiveness. They explore how hard it is to forgive, but also that the true gift of forgiveness is to ourselves. The body holds trauma, anger, resentment and other emotions that can be released when we forgive. When we release these emotions, we can create space for light, love and healing.

 Resiliency | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2626

This week, Kali and Bernice, talk about Resiliency - what is it, do you have it, can you learn it. They discuss their own relationships with resiliency and their desire to instill resilience in their children. Take a listen if you, like they, have ever wished you were more resilient :)


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