Mind-Body Stuff show

Mind-Body Stuff

Summary: A mind-body fitness company founder and a comedic mental health therapist hash out our deepest questions and life's challenges. We speak about how activating and joining the mind and body through music, movement and community can help us enjoyably and entertainingly navigate through this journey called life.


 Share Your OULA Self | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2906

In this episode, Bernice and Kali talk about how to bring the OULA self- the one that is trusting, loving, open and uses his/her voice- to the other parts of their life and relationships. They talk about their personal stories and struggles with balancing and coming to term with these two people that exist within themselves and talk about who and how they want to be in this world!

 The OULA Playlist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2935

In this episode, Kali and Bernice talk about the many complexities that go into choosing the songs for class, how movement is selected for these songs and how to build a playlist. There are many layers of thought that help us understand a playlist, some of which are the four elements, the domino theory of emotion, the physicality of the movements and thinking of the playlist as a story line. They talk about the moving meditation that is Oula and how it can be related to the energetic experience of surfing. Take a listen to see behind the curtain of Oula and to help you understand why this class makes you feel the way it does.

 It's Not About You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2767

How many times do you think back on a conversation and replay all of the wrong things you said and internalize what you think are others' reactions? We ALL do this! In this podcast, Bernice and Kali discuss how this self-filter keeps us separate and anxious about our relationships with others. They challenge themselves and their listeners to own their awkwardness and realize that almost everyone has their own insecurities that they, too, are projecting onto the situation. When we can accept and celebrate our uniqueness, we can be present and connect on a deeper, soul level.

 Why is asking for help so hard?? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2899

In this episode, Bernice and Kali, revisit the last 2 podcasts with additional thoughts and reflections especially in light of recent current events. They also ask the question - why is it so hard to ask for and accept help - and explore the societal and generational adaptations that have glorified the American ideal of a self-made person.

 When Your Light Dims | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2363

In this episode, Kali and Bernice talk about their own personal experiences with feeling their light dim, and how easy it is to readjust to feeling less than great. As humans we have a wonderful ability to adapt, which helps in certain cases, but in others allows us to keep living a life less than. They talk about how valuable and impactful the OULA Empowerment Weekend was to remind them of the importance of service and the beauty of lighting our own candles from someone else's flame.

 Your Perspective Creates Your Perception | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2520

This week, Kali and Bernice discuss the relationship between perspective and perception. Our experiences influence our held beliefs and opinions, and oftentimes we confuse our own personal truths with a fixed reality, but in actuality, it is merely our perception. When we give value to the space between the stimulus and our response to it, we can find the freedom to change our perception of reality. This will then allow us to reprogram our patterns of thought and ask the ego to step aside to make way for understanding and empathy.

 Hello 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2515

In this episode, Bernice and Kali review their struggles and highlights of 2018 and discuss resolutions and intentions for 2019. They reflect on things they've learned, things they still struggle to master and what 2018 brought up in their personal and professional lives. They look forward to 2019 with hopes of balance, joy and meaning.

 Happy Holidays? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2674

The holidays can be the most wonderful time of the year, but they can also be challenging and leave us feeling blue. Kali and Bernice talk about where they are at emotionally this holiday season and work through why. They encourage themselves, and their listeners, to have grace when navigating the emotional triggers that this time of year can bring up.

 Life with Frankie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1971

In this special podcast, Kali and Bernice are joined by Frankie Joy! They talk about her birth story, life with 3 kids, and what the "new normal" looks like. As always, it's inappropriate, funny and real. Take a listen and help welcome Frankie into this world!

 Workers Among Workers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2567

In this week's podcast, Bernice and Kali talk about the AA concept of being "workers among workers." They talk about how all experiences in life can be seen as opportunities to continue to do the work, to grow and to evolve. They also talk about the danger of putting others on pedestals, because ultimately we are all just workers among workers, and a pedestal is a high place to fall from. They also talk about negative emotions, and how rather than seeking the fastest way to make the feeling go away, to ask what this feeling means and where is it coming from.

 Mother-Daughter Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3801

With just days to go before Kali delivers her 3rd daughter, she and Bernice have invited B's daughter, Josephine, to the podcast this week! Kali interviews them both about how Jo was raised to be a strong, confident woman and explores their mother-daughter relationship. Kali brings up her concerns and questions about raising daughters and also gets some pretty funny stories out of these two. Take a listen, have a laugh, and learn what to do (and not to do!) when raising children!

 Drop Into Gratitude | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2059

In this week's podcast, Bernice and Kali have a heartfelt and tearful conversation on gratitude and ways to drop into it. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, they share personal stories of love and loss, heartache and hope and all of the in between that shape their lives and help lead them towards gratitude. Because really, isn't gratitude the way to compassion and love?

 Let Love In | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2333

In this week's podcast, Kali and Bernice review their experiences after having done the Let Love In workshop 3 times in the last two months. Some of their revelations are vulnerable and difficult to share, but they are opening up about their personal reflections in hopes that it helps others in their journeys towards letting love in.

 Bushwhack, baby! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2950

In this episode, Bernice and Kali ask the question 'how do we know when to choose the difficult, more challenging path and when to choose the path of least resistance?' The easiest option often tends to feel the best, because it is familiar, but with a little bushwhacking, we often see that the path less traveled opens up worlds within and around us that we didn't even know exist.

 Who are Your Guides | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2822

This week, Bernice and Kali explore their thoughts around the concept of who is guiding us in our lives, and are these guides helping us live our truths. These guides can be people, expectations, familial pressures, cultural beliefs and can be both inspiring and hindering. Towards the end they talk about what they believe is the root of injustice and intolerance and how doing the "work" can help us understand what our truths are. When these universal truths are recognized within ourselves, injustice and intolerance can not exist.


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