Vermont Dog Trainer Show show

Vermont Dog Trainer Show

Summary: Ian Grant, owner of Vermont Dog Boarding & Behavior brings you a podcast dedicated to interviewing a dog trainer from every state. Also included will be his Facebook Live Streams, his "Talking Dogs" radio show, and interviews with influential people in the dog business. We hope you enjoy the show and please leave a review for Ian in iTunes.


 Vermont Dog Trainer - Eye Contact - Talking Dogs Radio Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:15

Dog Training There are two reasons dog will use eye contact for a sustained period of time. Both can result in two totally opposite responses. I think you will find this show EXTREMELY informative! Courtesy 93.9 WLVB

 Vermont Dog Trainer - President of E-Collar Technologies Greg van Curen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:50

Dog Training There is no other dog training tool with more controversy than the remote collar. Certain countries have banned it's use while others are in the process of banning it. It was fun talking with Greg about his background, the first e-collar he created, and the AMAZING products he's working on that someday we as trainers will be using. This is a quick conversation but it's full of great information from his beginnings to how he's working on regulations of it's use in other countries.

 Vermont Dog Trainer - Viewer Questions - Facebook Live | File Type: video/x-mp4 | Duration: 31:04

Dog Training Everyone was waiting for the big giveaway results from the picture I put up on FB. I had a picture of some dogs all in close proximity and the first person with the right answer gets to spend a day at our facility. With over 100 guesses it turned to be quite popular very quickly!

 Vermont Dog Trainer - Recall - Talking Dogs Radio Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:30

Dog Training This is one of the most popular questions from dog owners - how do I get my dog to come when called. There are many different methods out there from Koehler's Long Line Method to using a remote collar. In this episode you get the details on just exactly how long it takes to get a reliable recall with your dog. Courtesy 93.9 WLVB

 Vermont Dog Trainer - Picky Eaters - Talking Dogs Radio Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:40

Dog Training I hear a lot of stories of dogs being picky eaters and how their owners have tried dozens of different kinds of dog food. There are some solutions to this problem and hopefully after listening to this episode it will give you some solutions if you have this problem with your dogs. Courtesy 93.9 WLVB

 Vermont Dog Trainer - Maryland Dog Trainer George Cockrell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:32

Dog Training With over 40 years in the business working with dogs there is a reason he's called "Uncle George". His down to earth style of breaking everything down to what he calls the "awesome sauce" simplifies dog training. Listen as he discusses the worst bite he ever received, his opinion on training tools, and his experience with a newly adopted puppy. DON'T MISS THIS ONE!

 Vermont Dog Trainer - Florida Dog Trainer Todd Langston (State 16/50) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:37

Dog Training I think you will enjoy and resonate with Todd's story if you are a dog owner. He admits he "did everything wrong" with his German Shepherd puppy so he sought out the help of Cesar Milan only to be referred out to another trainer. From there his life took a turn that would lead him down a road to eventually work for Cesar. His story of several dogs in his home when he was only supposed to have one will give you a good laugh. Todd seems like a fun guy and I had a great time interviewing him.

 Vermont Dog Trainer - Recall & Reactive Dogs - Facebook Live | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:12

Dog Training I love doing the Facebook Live Stream every Monday night at 8:15pm. It gives me a chance to really interact with everyone that follows our page "Vermont Dog Trainer". We cover how to start training your dog the recall command, a little help with reactive dogs, and more viewer questions. Hope you enjoy this one!

 Vermont Dog Trainer - Loving Your Dog - Talking Dogs Radio Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:20

Dog Training This can be a touchy subject. There is no doubt we all love our dogs but I believe sometimes we love them too much to the point that it's detrimental to the dog. Too much love and not enough structure is a recipe for disaster. Take a listen to this episode one why too much love is too much for your dog to handle. Courtesy 93.9 WLVB

 Vermont Dog Trainer - Dog's Motivation - Talking Dogs Radio Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:31

Dog Training In the dog training world we are always trying to find the way "in" to work with a dog. Everyone thinks food is the only way to train a dog but there are other ways too. Hope you enjoy this one! Courtesy 93.9 WLVB

 Vermont Dog Trainer - New Hampshire Dog Trainer Paula Bergeron (State 15/50) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:36

Dog Training I have to say I felt right at home talking to Paula. Maybe it's the fact that she's right next door to Vermont in New Hampshire. Or maybe it's the fact that she spent so many years in the special education field that she is so caring and gentle with the dogs. Talking to Paula feels like you are talking to someone you have known for a long time. And if she's this way over the phone, I can only imagine how the dogs resonate with her energy and communication.

 Vermont Dog Trainer - Texas Dog Trainer Jason Vasconi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:25

If you know Jason then you know he's a pretty down to earth guy. Hearing his story of how he "stole" his neighbors dog for his dog to play with when he was 7 years old was GREAT! He is very well known for his Large Field Socializing where he can have anywhere between 80-130 dogs in a field with their owners at the same time. His journey started in a camp where he would train dogs for 2 weeks at a time. So grab an iced tea and enjoy a great conversation with Jason Vasconi.

 Vermont Dog Trainer - How We Use Remote Collars - Facebook Live | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:03

Dog Training This was my biggest Facebook Live Stream to date. And I've received a bunch of compliments on how we properly use this tool. It's not a tool for everyone and it has more controversy around it that any other tool. I'm not here to push it on anyone, just here to explain how we use it, and use it gently. Enjoy!

 Vermont Dog Trainer - Georgia Dog Trainer Mailey McLaughlin (State 14/50) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:48

Dog Training Mailey talks about her journey from working at a vets office for 2 weeks to taking over the classes at her local humane society after one class as an employee. She is an experienced trainer who sits on the board of the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP) and she is well known for how she runs classes. This is such a relaxing interview and it was such joy to talk with Mailey. She is currently working on her "people skills" so she can better communicate with dog owner.

 Vermont Dog Trainer - Virginia Dog Trainer Kayce Cover (State 18/50) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:46:22

Vermont Dog Trainer - Virginia Dog Trainer Kayce Cover (State 18/50)


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