Red Rocks Church Weekend Messages show

Red Rocks Church Weekend Messages

Summary: Weekend Messages at Red Rocks Church

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 Let Me Love You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:35

Continuing from last week, Shawn speaks to the power of underserved and profound grace for our lives. Shawn reminds us that we need to accept the grace that's extended to us so that we can walk in love, joy, and peace.

 Amazing Grace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:20

The gift of grace is good news whether it's the first time you've received it, or whether you're going to God for the 10,000th time to receive His free gift. Shawn unpacks the reality of grace in our day-to-day lives as we continue to reach new levels of trust with God.

 The Love of the Father | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:20

Regardless of how many times we've read or heard 'For God so loved the world,' the truth in that verse can be difficult to fully comprehend. As we look at the person of God and His character, Ronnie reminds us that the entire story of the Bible showcases the love of God and His invitation for us to experience eternity forever with Him. With the help of his three year old daughter, Ronnie reveals some of our misconceptions about God's love and he uses verses in the Bible to center our understanding of God on TRUTH instead. The love that God has for us is lavish and unconditional and it is transformational in our lives when we begin to accept it!

 Do You See What I See | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:41

In a moment in time when so many of us feel like we don't have enough of something (time, money, security, health), what can we learn from Jesus as he ministers to individuals and their needs? Teaching through Jesus' miracle of the loaves and fishes, Ronnie points us to the fact that God is in control even when the odds feel stacked against us. Jesus has the ability to GIVE you what you LACK and to walk with you through seasons that feel uncertain. As you face moments when there is not enough of what you need, remember that there is another person in the equation, Jesus, and he will see you through your challenges.

 Crazy Joy: Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:12

As stay-at-home orders begin to lift around the world, many of us are asking: What changes now? What stays the same? And how are we to live and work in our callings in this transition season? Continuing from last week, Shawn points us to the life of Paul in Acts, when Paul was wrongfully imprisoned and yet still ministered to everyone around him. Even in the midst of his trials and hardships, Paul remained committed to the calling that God had given him, and we can do the same. Shawn reminds us that when our calling is tied to the PEOPLE in our lives, our calling doesn't change, even as the world around us steps into a season of transition.

 Crazy Joy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:21

As our work, schooling, and day-to-day lives have changed so drastically over the last weeks, many of us have wondered things like 'what is my purpose right now?' 'what is my calling in this season?' Shawn encourages us, by looking at the life of Paul, that we can choose to live on-mission even when we are not able to meet with others face-to-face. In the worst conditions imaginable, as he awaited his execution and lived under house-arrest, Paul continued to reach lost people. Shawn reminds us that instead of putting off ministry for 'when things are back to normal,' we can reach out, support, encourage, pray together, and invite people to church NOW, right where we are. Even if our neighborhood or city looks different today than it did a few months ago, we are still CALLED to reach the hurting, we can still live ON-MISSION, and we're still EQUIPPED by the Holy Spirit to minister to those around us.

 The Essentials | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:01

Who are we when our routines, jobs, and day-to-day lives are turned upside down? Many of us equate what we DO from 9am to 5pm with WHO WE ARE, but during this challenging season of time, who are we? What is essential in our lives? Ronnie points us to a passage from Jesus' ministry where He clarified that what you BELIEVE is far more important than what you DO. As so many of us encounter changes to our livelihoods and vocations, Ronnie encourages us that it's time to reorient our self-identity so that God is at its center. When we understand and believe that God's Spirit is doing its work in us, we are able to rest in the finished work of Jesus and we can trust that 'you DID, so I AM."

 Take Home Church | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:07

Two churches - i5 City and Red Rocks Church - celebrate one weekend of church together! Jimmy Rollins, lead Pastor of i5 City in Baltimore, shares a message reminding us that before the Church was centralized in buildings, it was mobilized in homes. As he reads through Acts, Jimmy points out that we are perfectly placed right now - in our apartments or homes - to do ministry for those around us. The people that you do life with now (whether face-to-face or digitally) are interacting with God's Church through YOU. Even in this uncertain time, Jesus is still in the business of restoring relationships, bringing peace, and showing grace IN houses.

 He Is Risen ... I'm Not Afraid | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 65:08

Jesus' resurrection on Easter morning is a gift for everyone! This year, more than ever, we need the reminder that 'He is risen, you do NOT need to be afraid.' Shawn's message reassures us that 1) Jesus is who He said He was, 2) He did what He said He would, and 3) We can trust Him with our lives. In this ongoing season of uncertainty, Shawn highlights the things he's learned in his battle with anxiety and reveals how we can battle our own fears and anxieties with the Truth of God. Even when our world feels upside down, we can walk in freedom and confidence because the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead now lives inside of us!

 Good Friday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:08

Good Friday marks the beginning of Easter weekend and the moment in Jesus' life when He took on our sins, died on the cross, and allowed us access to eternity with God in Heaven. In this message Ronnie explains the meaning behind Good Friday, its implications for our eternity, and what we can learn from Jesus' willingness to die for us. This message includes a time for communion, where we remember Jesus' sacrifice for us through eating bread and drinking juice. We would encourage you to participate with us wherever you're listening today, as a way to remember Jesus' love for us on Good Friday!

 My Anxiety is My Weapon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:29

In a world that is overcome with unknowns and worries, we are often drawn to two things: anxiety and distraction. Ronnie's message focuses on the role that God plays in seasons of chaos, as we fix our eyes on Him. Instead of numbing our anxieties with food, substances, or mindless time on a screen, we can use PRAYER to free ourselves from our burdens, releasing our worries to God. Our anxiety isn't ours to carry, and when we release it to Him, we are able to seek the life of freedom that God so graciously wants to give us.

 Confidence in the Chaos | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:19

This year we've talked about the idea of having 'Take Home Faith' and that has never been more timely than now. As our church moves to online-only gatherings due to the Coronavirus, Shawn speaks to us all as we adjust to this new season of uncertainty. - Speaking from the book of Joshua, Shawn's message focuses on the way God's Word can light our way through confusing and challenging times. Spending time in the Bible each day builds a firm foundation that can help us remain confident in Him, even in chaos.

 A Fearless Foundation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:05

Shawn speaks truth over our situations and reminds us that our strength and courage come from God, not from the circumstances we find ourselves in right now. When our lives and routines are completely disrupted, God is our constant and He's our foundation. In the middle of the storm, God is right there with us. Our God is with us, and He's got us. | Are you ready to say yes to Jesus? | Red Rocks Worship's Be Still: | Shawn's Encouraging Verses: |

 We're Built For This | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:53

This year we've talked about the idea of having 'Take Home Faith' and that has never been more timely than now. As our church moves to online-only gatherings due to the Coronavirus, Shawn speaks to us all as we adjust to this new season of uncertainty and to our new pace of life. Shawn reminds us that even as circumstances change moment-to-moment, we are loved by a God who is unchanging and who sees us in this moment and who loves us unconditionally.

 The Word...To Go | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:53

Spending time in the Bible can be a challenging element of our relationship with God to unpack: do we do it out of guilt? Does it even matter if we read it? Shawn unpacks the 'why' behind spending time in the Bible, and he reminds us that God WANTS to speak to us through His Word! Our time in the Bible doesn't make God love us more or less, but it does allow God to speak to us in profound ways. Spending time in the Bible empowers us to build a strong foundation of faith and Shawn encourages us to 1) read it and 2) do it. ________ 167: TAKE HOME FAITH: Each of us has 168 hours in a week, and we get to spend 1 of those in church together each week. Following Jesus in your other 167 hours hinges on 4 things: God's Word, prayer, worship, and God's people.


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