Red Rocks Church Weekend Messages show

Summary: As our work, schooling, and day-to-day lives have changed so drastically over the last weeks, many of us have wondered things like 'what is my purpose right now?' 'what is my calling in this season?' Shawn encourages us, by looking at the life of Paul, that we can choose to live on-mission even when we are not able to meet with others face-to-face. In the worst conditions imaginable, as he awaited his execution and lived under house-arrest, Paul continued to reach lost people. Shawn reminds us that instead of putting off ministry for 'when things are back to normal,' we can reach out, support, encourage, pray together, and invite people to church NOW, right where we are. Even if our neighborhood or city looks different today than it did a few months ago, we are still CALLED to reach the hurting, we can still live ON-MISSION, and we're still EQUIPPED by the Holy Spirit to minister to those around us.