Pat Gray Unleashed show

Pat Gray Unleashed

Summary: Pat Gray pulls no punches, restoring common sense to a senseless world. Join Pat for unique analysis, insight, and fun. Watch Pat Gray Unleashed, Live Mon - Fri, 7- 9am ET on BlazeTV.

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 Trump on guns, #BLP and Football stadium fails - 11/08/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8789

Hour 1:Five broken ribs over 'grass clippings'? ...Hollywood knows about the sickness in their midst ...NBA coach talks guns ...President Trump crushes it on gun control ...Pro-slavery song? ...Big night for Dems ...A mission to kill white police ...Pat changes his name ...America's new national anthem choices ...A Democrat donor calls out his party ...Al Gore is too legit to quit ...America standing alone on climate? GOOD! Hour 2:The press doesn't like the Texas hero story ...Who is to blame for GOP losses last night? ...Do off year elections foretell anything for the next election cycle? ...Charlie Sheen accused of raping a child actor ...#BLP ...280 characters ...Revenge porn is rampant? ...Newest internet hoax? ...'Offensive' bathroom signs ...Football stadium fails ...Battle of the armadillos ...There's gonna be a lot of dolphins caught in this net." Hour 3:Oakland police chief in trouble...for enforcing the law? ...Changing the definition of 'sin' ...Sec. John Kerry caught on tape dissing Israel and praising Palestinians ...Sending the signal to potential killers ...Video from inside the Sutherland Springs church? ...Sen. ted Cruz explains why the Texas church massacre should'v never come close to happening ...Even churches are too politically correct ..."Jump Around" as only #BLP can deliver ...A former target of Islamic militants in their crosshairs again? ...Houston's long road to recovery ...Introducing the 'textalyzer' ...Turtle Back Purple Wine Duck On A Pole

 Thoughts, Prayers and our Participation Trophy Society - 11/7/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8749

Hour 1: American psycho ...The signs were there ...Mocking 'thoughts and prayers' ...How many guns do we 'need'?? ...Shaming us into compliance ...Harvey Weinstein was an even BIGGER jerk than we realized? ...Is Alec Baldwin next? ...The hidden 46% tax rate of the GOP ...Hate crime against Christians? Hour 2: Time to overthrow capitalism and replace it with socialism? ...Losing millennials to the dark side ...Twitter's new guidelines ...@RealDonaldTrump going to court?? ...A humble Texas hero ...Jeffy vs. airline seats ...Pat's grope-fest at the airport ...NFL's obvious backpedaling ...Name a planet! ...Joni Mitchell's 'skin disease' Hour 3: Your great tweets! ...Why do we want celebrities to speak out? ...Abstract arguments vs. concrete evidence ...The fruits of a communist society ...Pastor can't determine if abortion is a sin ...CNN mocks 'thoughts and prayers' ...A Texas pastor explains why prayer IS important ...How you can help Sutherland Springs, Texas ...Anthony Weiner's new residence has bars on the windows ...Teacher defeated soundly in a debate ...The 5 pillars of Islam come to the classroom ...Black man commits a hate crime...on himself? ...The newest facial cream seller is... Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 New Laws won't Help, Define "Common Sense", No proof of Collusion - 11/6/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8754

Hour 1: Another American tragedy ...Will Congress act? ...Heroes at the scene ...Stories of self defense in the Bible ...News anchor breaks down on air ...Human life worth less and less? ...Celebrity plays sick prank on Vice President Pence ...Twisted bucket list ...Our society is sick. It's not the guns ...Where should the 'mental illness' line be drawn with gun ownership? ...'We've got to do SOMETHING!' ...What all should be banned? ...Voices of the Left are howling again ...Joe Scarborough was a big 2nd amendment supporter? Hour 2: Where has the respect for human life gone? ...What is "common sense gun control"?? ...Gun expert John Lott lays out the facts about gun control ...98% of shootings have one thing in common ...How gun dealers are the last line of defense for gun purchasers ...The time change screwed up Halloween ...New candy bar!!! ...Vin Scully takes a stand ...Pat's football lament ...The founder of Greenpeace crushes climate change pushers ... Hour 3: Joe Scarborough's leftward slide on guns ...Famous actress thinks a lot of herself ...US senator mows his own lawn?? ...Sen. Feinstein admits that she's seen no proof that Donald Trump nor his campaign colluded with Russia ...Sean Combs has yet another name he goes by ...President Trump feeding the koi in Japan ...Fired for flipping off President Trump? ...What is going on in Saudi Arabia? ...Colin Kaepernick getting NFL consideration? ...Tony Romo's great new gig ...The NFL is feeling the lack of an audience ...How Texas is different ...A real American hero. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Crowded planet? ...Pointless royals ...Las Vegas questions abound - 11/3/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8782

Hour 1:Kevin Spacey's problems are mounting ...Is the planet too crowded? ...Is the GOP tax plan good enough for you? ...Religion and the British royal family ...The hypocrisy of the green movement ...Defining 'treason' ...Getting CO2 to 0 with our population control teacher Bill Gates ...The real target of Planned Parenthood  Hour 2:Football talk! ...What's the point of royalty? ...BYU football update ...What's worthy of treason anymore? ...Misunderstanding science ...Re-arguing points ...CNN is OBSESSED with President Trump ...How many people does it take to capsize an island! ...Buy bitcoin now?? ...Hillary Clinton's blame game tour rolls on ...What got Trump elected ...What power does British royalty still have? ...Population control theory   Hour 3:Jeffy helps a former president ...The facts of the Las Vegas shooting and we still don't really know what all happened ...President Trump's Twitter account shut down ...Kevin Spacey's scandals to be bigger than Harvey Weinstein? ...What are the Georgia Guidestones and who put them there ...We'll all be cannibals in 20 years? ...Is it real or AI? ...Unanswered questions from the 2016 election ...The difference between sexual assault and sexual misconduct ...'Don't cry wolf in a crowded theatre!' ...Star Wars comes to NYC! ...Bernie Sanders isn't a good liar? ...For a good cause: Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 GOP Tax plan unveiled, Non-smoker, New technology troubles - 11/02/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8788

Hour 1:With Republicans like these, who needs Democrats? ...Is this the best the GOP has to offer? ...Pat loves smoking bans? ...Time off for non-smokers ...Will cigarette smoking ever become illegal? ...The GOP tax plan sucks ...Both parties in bed together? ...Smoking allowed ...Bathroom break justice!Hour 2:President Trump's Twitter-ology ...Pat's Tax Plan solutions ...Socialism winning over Capitalism? ...Longest suffering Major League Baseball teams ...Big sponsor pushes back on the NFL ...Reformed Democrat calls in ...The changing face of TV ...Serial Washing Machine Pooper ...Apple about to be worth $1 trillion ...Your IPhone is watching youHour 3:To smoke or not to smoke ...NYC terrorist makes request of hospital staff ...Osama bin Laden files released ...'Charlie bit my finger!' ...Deep inside the diary of a terrorist mastermind ...JFK Files: Hitler escaped to South America ...Breaking news: the Earth is cooling ...Clarence Thomas has some words of wisdom for America ...Hazing at universities is out of control ...Is this society retrievable?

 Terror strikes NYC, Torture terror suspects?, All time low for politics? - 11/01/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8237

Hour 1:Terror strikes NYC ...CNN won't name terrorist ...President Trump blocked every time he tries to protect America ...A right to be believed? ...Another day, more sexual harassment charges ...Permanently banned from the library ...The long list of those who have been accused for sexual improprieties ...Adolph Hitler survived long after World War II? ...Most popular candes by stateHour 2:More accusations against Kevin Spacey ...Game 7 World Series tonight! ...How was your Halloween ...Did Halloween trigger you last night? ...Triggered! ...Redefining terms ...'Get your junk out of my face' ...Was a congressional seat stolen by the GOP? ...#MeToo - when is it enough?? ...Unclaimed luggage sale!Hour 3:Who do you trust? ...How do we fix it? ...How pollsters operate ..."National Blackout Day"? ...Where are you on torture in America 2017? ...Are we at an all time low point in American politics? ...What is 'torture' to Jeffy? ...Why are US troops all over the world? ...Why has the way we fight wars changed so much?

 A New Mental Illness, Breaking news, Your Spooky Stories - 10/31/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8755

Hour 1: A new mental illness ...Kardashian field trip to Planned Parenthood ...The Hollywood sexual fire continues to burn. Next up, Andy Dick ...'Decolonizing the English faculty' ...What CAN white folks dress up as for Halloween? ...Virtually all racists are Republicans??? ...Dangerous rhetoric from the left ...Destroying the next generation. Hour 2: A serial killer on a game show ...Cultural music??? ...How to ruin professional sports...more ...Jeffy talks serial killer ...Show host passes out on live TV ...How President Trump combs his hair...REVEALED! ...Walking Dead still as popular? ...Jeffy's computer got hacked?? Hour 3: Breaking news about the Las Vegas shooting ...Is 'House of Cards' done? As in, right now done??? ...Antifa joined at the hip with ISIS? ...How Pat and Glenn used to spend Halloween ...Do you believe in ghosts? ...A heart felt message for Congress ...The canary in the eugenics coal mine ...Your spooky stories of hauntings for Halloween ...Don't ever lose your house key! Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Tax Reform Cometh? Greatest World Series ever? Earth = too perfect? - 10/30/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8753

Hour 1: Historic World Series? ...'We're all human' ...Indictments handed down and Trump has to tweet ...ANOTHER Hollywood scandal and Kevin Spacey's 'choice'? ...Tax reform cometh? ...Bernie's tax plan? ...The universe shouldn't exist? ...The media dismisses the Clinton/Russia connection while trying to find a Trump/Russia connection ...White Lives Matter rally cancelled ...World Series TV ratings ...Baseball player arrested ...Bill Maher's panel pushes back ...Adam Sandler's knee touching problem. Hour 2: George Bush's World Series pitch amid allegations ...When plaques offend  ...Rebuilding a football team with non-kneelers ...The Social Justice League ...Ted Cruz can do no right to the Left ...Are the Electoral College's days numbered? ...Cheeseburger emoji battle! ...Saudi Arabia's newest citizen ...Commissioner Roger Goodell done? ...Box office rundown with Jeffy ...BYU bowl bound??? Hour 3: Hollywood knows what happens in the background ...Michael Jackson...a category unto himself? ...Pastor says millennials have no Bible IQ ...Barack Obama's infuriating history lessons ...What your children hear about Christianity ...Teaching creationism and evolution to your children ...How accurate is carbon dating ...Why you should google 'K-T Boundary" ...Did humans and dinosaurs coexist? ...#118!!! ...Background checks for parents but NOT teachers? Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 JFK non-release, Ear worms!!!, Chewing the fat with Jeffy! - 10/27/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8792

Hour 1:The JFK non-release! ...Happy Birthday to Lee Greenwood? ...What;s up with Nancy Pelosi? ...What's up with Nancy Pelosi? ...More accusations against George H.W. Bush?? ...Conspiracy theorists targeting victims?? ...Wait...did a soda maker actually use embryonic cells? ...The next NFL controversy? ...Hyper-sensitive when it suits us ...'But I won't do that' Hour 2:Ear worms!! ...Did President Trump cave yesterday? ...Halloween around the corner...bring on the controversies! ...Ear worm Friday!!! ...'Muskrat Love'...but why? ...Why did Captain and Tennille get divorced? ...'Harry Reid - The world's most evil slob!' ...Harry Reid is still working behind the scenes for the Democratic Party Hour 3:Chewing The Fat with Jeffy! ...Live Action Dora The Explorer ...Rescued at sea ...A promise from a robot ...really bad songs that stick in our head ...Is Miley Cyrus & Justin Bieber on the straight and narrow? ...Greatest songs of all time? ...867-5309 ...'You've got  brand new key'

 Bill Nye the Science Failure, The Best Conspiracy Theory is... - 10/26/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8769

Hour 1: She wants to wrestle with the men ...NFL ratings continue to decline ...A male journalist taking a fall from sexual harassment claims against him ...Bill Nye admits he's a failure ...President Trump is smart ...Rise of the androids ...The French killed President Kennedy??? ...Another Gold Star widow speaks out ...Which conspiracy theory would you want answered? Hour 2: Britney Spears was a tool of the Bush administration? ...Arlen Specter and the single bullet theory with JFK ...Missing transmissions from the moon landing? ...Who gave the stand down orders for Benghazi? ...Is Bigfoot real? ...Happiest places in America ...Is the government still hiding the truth about aliens in Roswell, New Mexico? Hour 3: Rosie O'Donnell was in SHOCK ...UFO's arriving all the time? ...Meet the caller who KNOWS who exactly shot JFK?? ...Revisiting the apology of Alex Jones ...Lee Harvey Oswald fired the first shot, but NOT the death shot? ...The continuing double standard of the entertainment industry ...We'll be disappointed by the JFK files release? ...The Oak Island conspiracy theory? ...Did a young Stevie Wonder shoot JFK??? ... Analyzing the Jack Ruby/Lee Harvey Oswald shooting photo ...Is the 'New World Order' a conspiracy? ...Saudi Arabia and Project NEOM. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 A Senator's Parting Shots, How Government Control will get us Killed - 10/25/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8756

Hour 1: The cozy connection between the Clintons and Russia ...A senator's parting shots ...Conservative lion or just another RINO? ...Framing whites as racist ...Just fyi, math is 'awash in whiteness' ...A LOT of Americans don't speak English ...What a liberal learned about conservatives by SPENDING TIME WITH THEM!! ...Thrive, don't just survive! ...CBS has a new evening news anchor ...Here comes DACA!! Hour 2: How to get to America! ...Scan your newborn to predict diseases and future illnesses? ...The GOP's DACA plan!! ...How government control will get us killed ...'Too big for your surgery.' ...President Trump still responding to accusations ...A great call between a widow and the commander-in-chief ...Saying goodbye to a musical legend ...Colin Kaepernick signs a contract!! ...The creature that lives 'forever' ...Las Vegas shooter's brother facing child porn charges? ...George H.W. Bush accused of sexual assault. Hour 3: Dr. Michelle Cretella joins Pat to discuss child sexuality and what we're doing to our children in a hyper-sexual world ...How changing definitions is changing society ...Another gold star widow speaks out ...Man cited for screaming too loudly?? ...Al Gore sings C&C Music Factory ...Apology from a Bush spokesperson ...Police take a stand against an NFL team ...Actual collusion with Russia ...We're #121 !! ...Both sides think they're losing on Capitol Hill. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 A Threat to a President? ...Your Racist Child! ...Toxic Masculinity - 10/24/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8766

Hour 1: Rep. Maxine Waters physically threatens the president? ...The ridiculous double standard is still alive and well. ...Your daughter in a Disney princess outfit is racist? ...Matt Damon & George Clooney speak out on Harvey Weinstein ...CYA time in Hollywood ...Are people ACTUALLY offended by Halloween costumes?? ...Is Florida really a "Cowboy" state? ...Awesome review of a really bad movie ...THIS is a woman ...What will our kid dress as on Halloween? ...Our culture is under attack. Hour 2: Here's what your White Privilege gets you ...A country transformed ...Protester approaches President Trump at Capitol ...Halloween is a test case? ...The difference between MLK and Barack Obama ...The death of common sense ...Who was 'The Candy Man'? ...Gays fearing armed conservatives? ...Here come the secret JFK documents! ...Nancy Pelosi isn't well...and here's ample proof! Hour 3: 'Toxic' masculinity ...Emotional labor and changing men in society once and for all ...Shopping for a border wall? Is this actually going to happen?? ...How to get the wall built. Seriously. ...Stevie Wonder takes a knee ...Melania Trump has a very small staff ...Jeffy's bedbug tips ...President Trump's morning tweet storm ...ESPN apparently thinks progressives watch their network ...Netflix vs. Sean Penn ...More changes to US immigration policy coming? Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 CNN's Apples and Bananas, Enormous O'Reilly Settlement, Super Bowl Halftime Stars - 10/23/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8751

Hour 1: Billionaire Progressive goes off on Trump … Impeachment ad claims “clear and present danger” … the Constitution is all you need … CNN has apples and bananas … fake news and “the bird” … Pat’s open mind on “transgender births” … Trump says right things to Gold Star widow … the wrongful appropriation of Pat’s culture … Massive settlement reached in O’Reilly case … Making him into another Weinstein … Attorney joins the program to discuss legal protocol … Not fitting the bill for this crime? Hour 2: The apples and bananas return … “Facts First” … laundry list of Clinton accusations … defying any sort of logic … in defense of Clarence Thomas … Empty NFL stadiums from coast to coast … Justin Timberlake, Super Bowl performer and sexual harasser? … #MeNeither … Who would we rather see perform? … A nine-year old puts the NFL in its place … What about a Las Vegas tribute? … Callers offer their own suggestions. Hour 3: Bob Dylan is hard to listen to these days … Weird Al > Michael Bublé? … just go with Aerosmith, they have hits in every decade … Is the Super Bowl’s two billion viewer mark exaggerated? … Super Bowl commercials suck these days … just like BYU football … the notorious East Carolina caller returns! … Bring back the elephants … Jimmy Carter speaks on North Korea … Could Trump’s immigration rhetoric get turned around? … Big, beautiful walls! … Maxine Waters says she’ll “take out Trump” … On taxes, wealth, and re-distribution … Winners and losers at Pat’s Box Office ... Is Hollywood finished? Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Congresswoman Targets Kelly ... The Bush-isms Return ... Christian Filmmaker Wants Glenn – 10/20/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8740

Hour 1: Pat’s Box Office… Talking Walking Dead preview… A Clown Congresswoman shoots her mouth off… John Kelly speaks out… George W. Bush criticizes Trump… We need MORE isolationism! ... The wrenching situation of Gold Star families… Give the President some grace? ... How do you start the conversation with liberals? ... We could have had Ted Cruz… Tarantino discusses Harvey Weinstein… Fat joke slips out… All the Bush-isms… Forget it, Trump?  Forget that! Hour 2: Where have you been, W?  … More Movie Magic… Kaepernick couldn’t make it in Canada, either… Conservatives forced to defend Trump… Presidential comedy… News reports giving out your name and address? … Teaching gender to preschoolers = trouble later on… The Bush-isms go on… David Blaine accused of rape… What did Trump know? … Having fun with politics online… Believing in America, but losing hope fast… East Carolina fan brings the smack talk… Jeffy’s team is not doing much better. Hour 3: Swan song for Tom Cruise? … The movies return… Operation Barbeque helps out in California… Uh oh, O.J… How much has Simpson really paid the Goldmans? … Pat is okay at math… A grandiose scheme to bring harmony to the masses … From Glenn to God? … “The Juice” and “O.J.” were mighty different… Breaking down the concept of “The Garden”… On armadillos and Jeff Fisher… Weinstein at rock bottom… Pat’s bathroom nightmares… Rand Paul and the latest budget... BYU schedule analysis. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Your rights come from?, One very immoral tax, Pat's financial decisions - 10/19/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8786

Hour 1:Complaining isn't enough ...Where do your rights come from? ...Churches have more rights than people?? ...Why the founders matter ...A book recommendation from a listener ...A charter of 'negative liberties' ...Who the Constitution was written for ...Is there anything we WON'T tolerate now? ...Is EVERYTHING sexual harassment now? ...Is the attorney general planning to jail journalists? ...Las Vegas security guard describes the scene from the 32nd floor.Hour 2:President Trump vs. Gold Star continues ...Examining the Las Vegas security guard's answers to Ellen DeGeneres ...Box office DISASTER!! ...Sen. Ted Cruz vs. Sen. Bernie Sanders ...Eliminate the estate tax now!! ...Spectacular view...of Uranus ...New olympic sport coming? ...Playboy charting new territory with a transgender plymate...and Jeffy's interested in taking a look?Hour 3:Tacky Halloween display ...Microchipping athletes? Then what? Us??? ...Where bitcoin was. Where bitcoin is. Where bitcoin is going?? ...Pat's bad financial decisions ...Do you own bitcoin? ...Mark of the Beast theories from listeners ...Sports Equinox Day!! ...How does Bernie Sanders connect with millennials? ...Mistakes were Pat ...Why is Eric Holder speaking out against President Trump. ...


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