Pat Gray Unleashed show

Pat Gray Unleashed

Summary: Pat Gray pulls no punches, restoring common sense to a senseless world. Join Pat for unique analysis, insight, and fun. Watch Pat Gray Unleashed, Live Mon - Fri, 7- 9am ET on BlazeTV.

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 Miscarriage of justice. Kardashians discover guns and more Franken accusers - 12/1/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8855

Hour 1:Michael Flynn makes a deal ...President Trump in the crosshairs? ...Miscarriage of justice for Kate Steinle ...The penalty for killing a sea lion in California ...What Democrats USED to say about illegal aliens ...Geraldo Rivera apologizes to Bette Midler ...Geraldo Rivera's terrible tweets ...Transgender office holders making history nationwide ...The Kardashian discover guns ...Illegal aliens can't be separated from their families. It's a thing.  Hour 2:More accusers coming forward against Sen. Al Franken ...Supreme Court to hear an important case about your cell phone ...Details about the gun that killed Kate Steinle ...How the federal government coerces the states ...The purpose of the Constitution ...Gas money saves the day ...Blame the concrete ...Don't shoot at sea lions? ...Facebook Live today!! ...The day the lights fell on Bill and Hillary Clinton ...Flirting = sexual harassment  Hour 3:Matt Lauer's bag of sex toys ...Megyn Kelly not popular among the Today Show staff? ...What is President Trump tweeting about today? ...America's opioid epidemic and To Brokaw?? ...Federalism is a thing of the past ...How do you explain the decision of the jury in San Francisco? ...How $8.00 is changing the world through ...Did the Steinle jury just set a new legal precedent? ...Defining 'consensual sex' ...Pamela Anderson speaks out ...How to deal with creeps ...How women lose the battle with men ...Federal charges coming against Kate Steinle's killer? Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Matt Lauer Details Emerge, Jeffy & Victoria's Secret, Love at First Sight? - 11/30/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8758

Hour 1: Details on Matt Lauer emerge ...'Marry, Shag or Kill' ...Al Franken faces questions ..."Enormously sensitive" ...A society of double standards ...One woman's horror story for doing the right thing ...Will Minnesota forgive Sen. Franken? ...Bette Midler's horrific tale of an encounter with Geraldo Rivera ...How does this society view sex anymore? ...Famous playwright being accused by nine women ...How many people send nude pictures of themselves? ...How women can stop the advances of men. Hour 2: The lackluster tax bill headed for passage ...What would the tax bill mean for you if it passes? ...Counting Trump's wins ...The Bill Clinton generation comes of age ...The Constitution is proof that we shouldn't trust men ...John Adams on The Constitution ...Rep. Jim Clyburn explains why Rep. John Conyers shouldn't resign ...Joe Scarborough's brother goes after President Trump ...Jeffy critiques the Victoria's Secret fashion show ... A lot of celebrity deaths in 2017. Hour 3: Is 'love at first sight' a scientific fact?? ...Proving the Earth is flat ...Matt Lauer's fascinating interview in retrospect ...Democrats on social issues circa the 1990's and how they are unrecognizable today ...My, how the Democratic Party has changed in recent years! ...More details emerge about Matt Lauer's experiences ...What does Al Franken's body language say about him, and what does Jeffy's body language say about him?? ...Time for Bill O'Reilly to interview Matt Lauer. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Another celebrity bites the dust, Gun confiscation? - 11/29/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8771

Hour 1:Matt Lauer is out of a job. ...Revisiting Lauer's interesting interview with Bill O'Reilly ...John Conyers and his underwear habit ...'He pinches me on the ass a lot' ...Sen. Paul speaks out about his attack ...Megyn Kelly discusses Matt Lauer ...A man of the cloth becomes a man with a gun ...Firearms confiscation plan? ...Sheila Jackson Lee bleeds on air  Hour 2:Is Congress an accurate reflection of us? ...Worst Christmas gifts of 2017 ...Bad pick up lines ...Female on male sexual harassment. Does that happen? ...Remember lawn darts? ...NPR host facing allegations of 'improper behavior' ...Own up to your mistakes ...Get the truth out before it gets you ...War criminal takes his life in the court room ...When common sense was king  Hour 3:NFL receiver 'levitates' during a game ...Matt Lauer's accuser speaks out? ...Apple coming out with a foldable phone ...'Eat more pizza' ...Descendent of Pocahontas speaks out ...Judge overturns Trump's military ban on transgenders ...Too many letters to describe sexuality ...How you are saving people from sex slavery around the world ..."Religious scene' banned in the nation's capital ...Reporter arrested for assaulting college student ...How BLM wants you to celebrate Christmas ...Your tax dollars at work...on sex change operations ...Even diseases are sexist now? ...'Butt-selfie'

 White House Optics ...Angela Lansbury on Sexual Harassment ...Flat Earth - 11/28/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8761

Hour 1: The bad optics at the White House yesterday ...Christmas threat from ISIS ...Rep. Pelosi believes Rep. Conyers accuser ...More trouble for Harvey Weinstein ...Angela Lansbury discusses sexual harassment ...Joe Biden and the biker chick revisited ...Sen. Franken's meandering press conference ..."Men just don't get it" ...One woman's close encounters ...Just Joe being Joe ...One man's struggle with sexual harassment in the workplace. Hour 2: With Republicans like these...who needs Democrats? ...Remembering Calvin Coolidge and how he slashed the federal budget ...LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP - Learn it, y'all! ...NOTHING is unbelievable anymore ...'Positionality' ...Jeffy's plan for world peace ...ANOTHER royal wedding ...Victoria's Secret's upcoming show ...Pat's losing weight ...'Some people don't have maps' ...A guy has a plan to prove the Earth is flat. Hour 3: Al Gore's 24-hour broadcast ...Al's bad year ...Flat-Earther's second try ...The sun is 37 miles from the planet??? ..."Is the world flat? I don't know." ...2 kilometers down, the temperature is what?? ...President Trump not interested in a second term? ...End of the line for 'Game of Thrones'? ...The changing way TV is delivered ...National Day of Giving through ...Remembering the Navajo Code Talkers.  Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Does 'Due Process' Exist?, Failed Climate Predictions, Star calls out Trump Fans - 11/27/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8764

Hour 1: The sexual harassment fire continues to burn ...Naked work meetings with Charlie Rose ...Sen. Franken and Rep. Conyers get due process but NOT Roy Moore?? ...The updated list of the accused ...Pat sings ...Tracking Trump's golf rounds ...Time Magazine's person of the year? ...Pie-gate at the White House?? ...Al Franken's really bad answer ...'The pink seashell' ...The Space needle is getting a facelift ...Meet the 'Union of Concerned Scientists' and their ridiculous warnings ...The string of failed climate predictions gets longer. Hour 2: President Trump's 'Fake News Trophy' ...The left ignored President Obama's lies ...Denzel Washington's simple words of wisdom ...Indigenous Peoples Sunrise Gathering...on Alcatraz Island with Colin Kaepernick ...Thank you so much for supporting Mercury One ...Jeffy's armadillo victory! ...The last 9/11 related lawsuit settled ...Music star calls out Trump supporters ...Would Jeffy eat roadkill? Hour 3: Bitcoin takes off...again. ...Pat's lament ...Are you allowed to even buy bitcoin in your state? ...Joy Behar is 'the chosen one'?? ...A celebrity's threat on the president's life? ...Former secret service agent describes Hillary Clinton behind the scenes ...Combing through the Clinton death count ...Which side of the political spectrum actually supports free speech? ...Employee gets the axe for her tweet about males ...Zimbabwe's new president. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 An Irish Take on Thanksgiving, Hollywood Self-Destructs, Net Neutrality Defined - 11/22/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8757

Hour 1: Justin Barclay is here ...The issues that arise around your table ...Stephanie Michele, relationship communications specialist ...How to properly listen throughout the holidays ...Jonathon Dunne calls in from Ireland ...An empty accent? ...Real people vs. the labels applied to them ...An Irishman's take on Thanksgiving ...Understanding that "All men are created equal" ...We are all Americans. Hour 2: Victoria Jackson: the conservative, Christian comedian ...How does Saturday Night Live build its programming? ...Is SNL's model inherently wrong? ...The vile world of Hollywood exposed ...Why has the Left turned against itself? ...Justin is disgusted to a whole new level ...A rough analogy for Net Neutrality ...Larry Magid breaks down this hot-button issue ...Start-ups put at risk ...Will high-speed competition create more providers? ...Kathy Griffin goes off the deep end. Hour 3: Dr. Daliah Wachs joins the program ...Holiday heart talk takes a dramatic turn ...Please, don't send revealing images to women ...Blackout Wednesday is upon us ...Weird and wacky excuses for taking a sick day ...The Empowered Mom returns ..."an attitude of gratitude" ...Justin's personal story of humanity and service. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 What IS Free Speech? ...Stuffing or Dressing? ...Coming for your DNA? - 11/21/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8759

Hour 1: Justin Barclay is here ...Prof. Allan Saxe sheds light on allegations and investigations ...Examining the state of the Clintons ...Roy Moore accuser tells the whole story? ...Trump announces fresh sanctions against North Korea ...A state sponsor of terror? ...Comparable to our knowledge of black holes? ...A self-centered world and the consequences of "free" speech ...How Justin's tv rules his life. Hour 2: What happened with Charlie Rose? ...Eric Hultgren joins the program to discuss mass media ...A touchy issue addressed in one of his classes ...The consequences of Kaepernick's decision ...A sense of entitlement throughout our country ...Constantly trying to out-yell each other ...Is it stuffing or dressing? YOU DECIDE! ...Police make use of new DNA submissions, but are they going too far? Hour 3: The battle between parents, districts, and the state over students’ DNA ...One caller's fight for answers... Ken Jenkins discusses the TSA and holiday travel ...How to make your journey less stressful ...Some pretty awesome travel "hacks" ...A company selling DNA to scientific studies? ...Recording someone's keystrokes and scrolling? ...How much surveillance could we end up with? ...Justin's favorite conspiracy theories. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Taking a Seat in Mexico, Bank of Mom and Dad, The Mind of Manson - 11/20/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8759

Hour 1: Justin Barclay in for Pat Gray …Put away your phones on Thanksgiving …Charles Manson dead at 83 …Are you boycotting the NFL? …Why is the league searching for viewers abroad? …Marshawn Lynch stands for Mexican national anthem, but not America’s …Adam Davis joins the program …Allegations and the scarlet letter …Setting us back decades? …The latest round of allegations …Why would you be anti-pantsuit?! Hour 2: The sorry state of presidential retirement benefits …A grassroots effort needed to end this insanity …Bill Clinton (back) in hot water …Millennials and the Bank of Mom and Dad …The Empowered Mom, Maria Luce, joins the program …How some will never get out of debt …Drinking news from a fire hose …Empowering your children: Don’t take the first thing you see as truth …Sacrificing retirement to pay for college. Hour 3: Inside the twisted mind of Charles Manson ...How one psychopath sought to inspire a generation ...How much more is there to this story? ...Jeff Barrett joins the program... What can bring America together that isn't a tragedy? ...Why have we forgotten how to disagree? ...The great debate between stuffing and dressing ...Where not to start in the court of public opinion ...A hollow apology from Al Franken ...The scourge of "what-about-ism" Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 "Mock Groping" ...Defining 'obscene' ...So Many Accused. Now what? - 11/17/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8756

Hour 1: Sen. Al Franken's interesting speech in retrospect ...Al's accuser speaks ...The lips of a senator ...'Mock groping' ...Most disturbing accusation yet? ...CNN: 'Is Roy Moore a creep?' ...Hollywood actor gets groped ...Navy pilot skywriter ...Is Roy Moore just a brilliant plan by the GOP? ...How frequent is sexual harassment in the armed forces ...Sen. Orrin Hatch has had enough ...Christmas house gets shut down ...Too soon to put your Christmas lights out? Hour 2: Man, I feel like a woman! ...The Pat Gray fan club!! ...Roy Moore, victim of character assassination? ...How many people haven't been seated in Congress ...When does Christmas season start in your home? ...Bumper sticker and jail time ...When cops try to buy drugs...from cops ...Big football weekend ahead ...Getting ready for the M1 ball! ...Year long Christmas decorations! Hour 3: A historic day in presidential history ...P.S. Jeffy's fat ...Ideas for Congressional reform ...What is hate speech? ...What qualifies as 'obscene'? ...Which is worse? Cuss words or truck nuts? ...Elephant law relaxed ...Al Franken's second accuser ...List of George H.W. Bush accusers grows ...Another Hollywood actor is accused ...Jeffy's latest voice-over fun ...Movies this weekend. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 New accusations land in DC & Hollywood ...Creepy but legal? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8903

Hour 1:Senator Al Franken gets accused ...'He didn't pinch it; he grabbed it.' ...What is Gloria Allred's goal against Roy Moore? ...President Trump's water bottle challenge ...UCLA players return home and Trump gets his 'thank you' ...Who do you believe in Alabama? ...Another accusation in Hollywood. ...Why are accusers of Roy Moore just now coming out? ...Impeachment articles introduced against Trump ...Senate investigation coming against Al Franken?  Hour 2:Some of Al Franken's most offensive quotes ...The winning angle for Roy Moore ...Are politics ruining Thanksgiving? ...$76,000 meal ...'Dingleberry from DC' ...Will we hear from 24 years? ...Strange traffic tickets ...RIP Lil Peep...Dog ...Pat misses his chance to own a piece of da Vinci's artwork  Hour 3:Serious charges against Sylvester Stallone ...Alex Jones knows the source of our troubles...Your television ...A sexual assault survivor calls in ...How can you disprove something? ...Will the sex allegations ever stop? ...Al Franken's a creep ...Tomi Lahren goes back to the 1980's ...How to handle a bully ...Franken spoke about his accuser on the senate floor ...GOP's big plan for handling Roy Moore? ...Tax reform passes the House ...Mike Huckabee's awesome tweets as delivered by a comedian ...Alabama believes Roy Moore? ...People are easily manipulated ...Pope Francis still pushing global warming Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Predictions for 2018, RFID chips- Be concerned (w/ Liz McIntyre) - 11/15/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8782

Hour 1:Sexual harassment bombs about to fall on Congress ...Next up: John Travolta ...Strange robocall in Alabama ...The few liberals who are questioning how the press covered the sexual allegations against President Clinton ...A psychic makes his predictions for 2018 ...Emotional support pig run amok ...Do humans come first anymore? ...Gay lions in Kenya? ...Gay frog remix!! Hour 2:Remembering Arlen Specter's love for John Thune ...Your tweets! ...Your tax dollars at pay off sexual harassment claims ...Indecent exposure on the House floor ...Who do you believe in the Roy Moore claims? ...Jeffy...the 'group' ...The body language of Roy Moore ...Roy Moore poll results...should he stay or should he go? ...Never trust a man in an ascot ...Jeffy's NOT the sexiest man alive? ...'Emotional support Jeffy' ...Rep. Maxine Waters and the continuing push to impeach President Trump ...Registered Service Zebra ... Hour 3:Liz McIntyre the author of Spy Chips: How major corporations and government plan to track your every purchase and watch your every move ...Most annoying song of all time? ...True love: A woman and an island ...Who needs to be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? ...'Lovin' You is Easy ...Terry Crews makes a claim against a Hollywood big wig ...The best thing to come out of the 1970's ...Are Alabama voters standing by Roy Moore?

 CNN's Bias ...LGBTQIA+ETR ...Hijab Barbie! - 11/14/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8763

Hour 1: CNN's bias continues ...Roy Moore's wife defends ...When Gloria Allred gets involved ...Who do you believe? ...The media is always gunning for conservatives, which plays in Moore's favor ...Where do our rights come from? ...Some unanswered questions regarding the allegations against Roy Moore ...Why its important to come forward quickly. Hour 2: Safety in numbers or suspect timing? ...Advertisers leaving a conservative host? ...Way too many questions on both sides of the Roy Moore story ...One caller's idea on how to reveal the truth regarding Moore ...Rand Paul health update ...Joe Biden avoids a good question about guns ...The white man who thinks he's a Filipino ...LGBTQIA+ETR ...A song from the 1970's is suddenly offensive?? ...Has George H.W. Bush been grabbing rear ends for years? Hour 3: Introducing the all new Hijab Barbie! ...Anal Sex 101 is here ...Is Roy Moore the new Michael Jackson? ...The difference on how Republicans and Democrats handle scandals among their own ...Butterflies and the border wall ...The founders thoughts on 'democracy' ...Are we about to drill in ANWR or is it a pipe dream? ...A caller's story of harassment in the military ...Notre Dame and birth control ...'A cat can give birth to biscuits in an oven...' ...Another day means more Hollywood accusations...of course. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Trial by Twitter, The List Grows, 2SLGBTQIA+E - 11/13/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8762

Hour 1: Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says Roy Moore should step aside ...Sponsors running from Sean Hannity ...Hollywood meltdown rolls along ...Roy Moore speaks out ...Rape survivor calls in ...GOP admits: taxes are going to go up ...The impossibility of reclaiming your reputation ...High school playoff run down. Hour 2: George Takei's interesting answers ...Going where no man has gone before ...The ever-growing list of those being accused of sexual improprieties ...Box office roundup ...Chewing the fat with Jeffy! ...Another complaint against former President George H.W. Bush ...The Plague's renaissance ...GQ's 'Citizen of the Year' ...Is the NFL done with the kneeling? ...Jeffy's doped up armadillo. Hour 3: Lincoln Chafee. Opportunity Lost. ...SNL skewers Democrats ...Where are the Donald Trump skits? ...Sarah Silverman feels a kinship with the Right? ...The bitcoin lottery ticket ...Stabbing at The Mall of America ...Hacking the iPhone X? ...The wacky world of college football ...A church's strange new rules ...2SLGBTQIA+E ...President Trump vs. Kim Jong Un ...16 year old groped by a former president? Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Roy Moore Latest, More Celebrity Scandals, and a Veteran's Struggle - 11/10/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8752

Hour 1: Reminder to Alabama: You could've had Mo Brooks! ...Ben Shapiro's thoughts...on thoughts and prayers ...The speed limits in rural Georgia ...Senate tax plan is worse than the House bill ...Happy Birthday Marine Corps! ...Should Roy Moore step aside? ...Warning signs among us ...Callers with bones to pick with Pat ...Hollywood cesspool. Hour 2: More trouble for OJ Simpson? ...What TV show should return? ...Pat's theory on alien life ... ...How do we deter false allegations? ...Sex allegations hit the world of gymnastics ...Louis CK expresses remorse ...To touch or not to touch a stranger's belly button ...Farewell, Jonathan Hillerman ...Pat's BYU lament ...'Eff it Friday!' ...The back story of 'I want to know what love is' by Foreigner. Hour 3: Army veteran Brian Moore tells his story of overcoming the trauma off war and his fight with the VA ...The best and worst TV reboots of all time ...How to fix the tax structure in America? ...A plot to take guns away from Americans? ...Tom Hanks helps a couple get engaged ...Having fun with the President without being offensive ...What is Paul Shaffer up to these days? Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Steve Deace joins Pat ...Taxes to go up?? ...Republican gets accused - 11/9/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8825

Hour 1:Another Kevin Spacey accuser as the Hollywood sewage pipe continues to drain ...What is behind the dispute between Senator Rand Paul and his neighbor? ...Do cell phones ACTUALLY cause MORE wrecks? ...Parking lot busybody ...Aging rock stars are so sad ...President Trump makes 'em laugh in China ...GOP tax plan gets worse by the day ...The TSA fail rate is at least 80%  Hour 2:Steve Deace discusses the state of the GOP and DNC and how President Trump may affect the 2018 mid terms ...Why John Boehner losing his speakership was a good thing for him ...Time for a Hail Mary pass to save the country? ...What one change would Steve Deace make for the country? ...Pat's expensive caramel sauce ...How Israelis stop terror at the airport ...Oh those mean streets of Helena, Montana ...A victim he's not! ...Drone deliveries are here? ...Taxes to go up under the GOP plan?  Hour 3:Republican senate hopeful Roy Moore accused of underage sex??? ...Fun at the Country Music Awards ...Is there such a thing as 'treason' anymore? ...New threats to America ...President Trump's new tune in China ...Aaron Hernandez brain has been studied ...What's football? ...Trump doesn't oppose DREAMers, so why do DREAMers oppose Trump? ...'We send back them.' Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN


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