Pat Gray Unleashed show

Pat Gray Unleashed

Summary: Pat Gray pulls no punches, restoring common sense to a senseless world. Join Pat for unique analysis, insight, and fun. Watch Pat Gray Unleashed, Live Mon - Fri, 7- 9am ET on BlazeTV.

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 A Teacher Fails, VA Troubles and Gorilla Problems - 3/2/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8754

Hour 1: KFC shuts 800 restaurants across the U.K. due to chicken shortage …Gorilla statue removed from Corsicana, Texas park for being “racist” …Teacher suspended for filming fight between students instead of intervening …Debbie Wasserman Schultz makes lame excuses for the Democrats’ failure to enact gun control with supermajority between 2009 and 2011 …Caller describes his fruitless effort to deal with the V.A. and how the organization admits its incompetence …What if Donald Trump appointed (wait for it) Barack Obama to the Supreme Court?! …What qualifies as a weapon of war? All weapons used in war fit that criteria. Hour 2: Back to the National Guard’s confiscation of guns in New Orleans after Katrina …Why should there be a disconnect between military age and that of legal gun ownership? …Cracked teapot from pre-revolutionary America sells for $806,000 at auction in London …It’s Oscar’s weekend, and Hollywood has some great things in store …How to identify a marijuana grow house, according to Jeffy …Pizza for breakfast, “Alex” Baldwin, and idiots with cameras …Do young people lose their moral compass by playing violent video games? Hour 3: Pat and Keith illustrate President Trump’s thought process on any given issue …If the Democrats think that we have a fascist as President, then why do they want to disarm the populace? …Maybe, instead of tariffs, we should just print China a new $2 Trillion bill, eh? …Moderation is the key to managing the damaging effects of violent video games …How do two congresswomen get off scot-free after threatening the President’s life? …Did anybody fight back in New Orleans?  Could a firefight have been avoided if the crackdown occurred in Texas? …A series of new anti-gun measures on the table in Illinois could be a terrifying omen of things to come. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Government Taking our Guns: Not Hypothetical - 3/1/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8753

Hour 1: It was a rough day for Donald Trump as he put due process on the back burner …No more gun-free zones, but also no more bump stocks? …Could Trump really take guns via executive order? …After Hurricane Katrina, guns were confiscated without due process in New Orleans …Why does Trump keep referring to Jeff Sessions as “Mr. Magoo”? …Does the “well-regulated militia” clause threaten the integrity of the Second Amendment? …If we can’t trust an 18-year-old to be responsible with a gun, can we trust a 13-year-old to get an abortion without parental consent? …The National Guard infringed upon FIVE separate amendments in New Orleans after Katrina. Hour 2: You want legal action to happen fast? Move to China and observe Xi Jinping …Trump wants to be unpredictable, right? Some supporters will believe anything …Why are we waiting for the federal government to act on school security? …A father who lost his daughter in the Parkland massacre will not rest until our country’s schools are secure …Examining all the things that are killing our nation’s youth at a faster rate than gun violence …Shamrock shakes are back (but not in Texas) …Report states that pedestrians now account for 15 percent of all vehicle-related fatalities …Surely humans will remain in charge of A.I., right? Hour 3: Actor, conservative, and California congressional candidate Antonio Sabàto, Jr. joins the program to explain his stance on the big issues facing both his home state and the nation …Someone please tell Georgia State Rep. Michael Williams (R) to get his facts straight before he goes on CNN to bash Delta …You know, it probably isn’t safe to play the “Wolf” clip anymore …Copper Fit seemed to work just fine for Brett Favre and Jerry Rice, but will it be the next Flex Seal when we put it to the test? …InfoWars reportedly on “strike two” from YouTube …What is the point of the Nobel Prize anymore? …Uh oh, Putin says Russia has a new toy in its nuclear arsenal. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 "Technical" Difficulties, Defining "Illegal" and the Best States - 2/28/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8756

Hour 1: Dick’s Sporting Goods caved in and will no longer sell assault rifles in their stores …Dick’s CEO Ed Stack offends Pat with his “support” of the Second Amendment …Could the tide finally start to turn against the gun control activists? …Barack Obama’s “secret” speech about diversity and affirmative action in sports didn’t end up being so secret …Trump announces that he will run in 2020, but who could run against him? …Michael Wolff feigns technical difficulties to avoid answering questions about his anti-Trump book …A church gathering of hundreds of people with AR-15s caused the deaths of exactly no one …Ryan Seacrest under fire for seemingly no reason. Hour 2: Democratic Senators Tester and Booker attempt to garner support for net neutrality by playing basketball … Fareed Zakaria calls out his own side on the immigration debate …We stole the Southwest from Mexico? No, we gave Mexico their country back …If Oprah runs, Pat would be living a nightmare …Why do Montanans keep sending people like Jon Tester to Washington? …Sheriff Scott Israel joins the program (sort of) …Johnnie Walker becoming Jane Walker as part of special marketing campaign …You know, using an angler fish stomach to pleasure yourself isn’t the best idea …Three Muslim women win civil rights case against NYPD for being asked to remove their hijabs. Hour 3: Which is the best state to live in? Which is the worst? And what are the parameters?  …Former Montana news reporter tells Pat how his home state has changed dramatically …The Soviets knew that they didn’t need to invade America, they just needed to bide their time …Pat becomes frightened while reading a list of goals designed to facilitate a communist revolution in the United States …Major breakthrough in the fight against Alzheimer’s …Amazon’s tax dodging ways run much deeper than Jeff Bezos would like you to believe …Hypocrisy, sexism, a bias team, and a mayonnaise-monster lookin’ thing. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Our Covenant, Parkland Conspiracy and China on Guns - 2/27/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8756

Hour 1: Why do mass shootings happen so often in America?  What if it’s because we broke our covenant with God? …Lincoln’s spiritual path to victory in the Civil War is something we need to talk about …FedEx takes a stand and refuses to sever ties with the NRA …Alex Jones views the Parkland shooting exactly as you expected he would …Let’s examine Barack Obama’s record of weapon sales and distribution around the world …David Hogg’s hunger strike is playing hooky from school …Jennifer Lawrence and Jimmy Fallon make their opinions heard. Hour 2: Teachers are killed in every school shooting, we owe it to them to give them a chance to fight back …If people won’t listen to kids about gun control, then maybe they’ll listen to – communist China? …Chinese President Xi Jinping could soon have the power to rule indefinitely …Teachers are asked to fulfill all kinds of duties, how is having a gun in the classroom a significant burden? …Listen people, don’t buy banana bread off the meth addict in the parking lot …Naked man on ATV leads police on high speed chase – You read that right …One more time: we are a republic, not a democracy. Hour 3: The differences between conservative and liberal brains – who is more afraid, responsible, or compassionate? …Could a simple bribe distributed to students who report bullying solve the problem of mentally disturbed kids? …Oprah has the gall to compare the fight for gun control to the Civil Rights Movement …A great idea for dealing with cashiers who ask you to donate to a certain cause …Caller explains what it really looks like when a teacher is carrying a gun …Why are rental car companies afraid of a 16-year-old? …Behind closed doors, the GOP is open to the possibility of an assault weapons ban. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Shameless Sheriff, Arrogant Kids and Failing Governments - 2/26/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8752

Hour 1: Norway breaks medal record, USA ends Olympics with big final weekend …The truth about those North Korean cheerleaders is incredibly dark …Jake Tapper interviewed Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, and it didn’t go well for the sheriff …How many deputies were on the scene and failed to enter the building? …Coral Springs police officers share their viewpoint of the shooting …All the blame continues to be heaped on the NRA and its “CEO” Dana Loesch …If if’s and but’s were candy and nuts, O.J. would still be in the record books? …The shooter's family knew something terrible was looming, but their calls fell on deaf ears. Hour 2: If you’re not responsible for your deputies, what are you responsible for, Sheriff? …How can you charge the Navy captains with manslaughter but not this guy for negligence? …The Left knows we can’t attack these kids, it’s a no-win situation for the NRA …An insane degree of cowardice by companies distancing themselves from the NRA …This U.S. Curling Team needs its own movie …If you adopt a pig, do you have the right to make bacon? …State champion female wrestler transitioning to male will struggle to compete against men. Hour 3: Of course “teachers should teach”, but what does that have to do with guns? …CPAC speaker calls GOP hypocritical about sex abusers, condemns presence of Marion Le Pen …Caller describes system of state police randomly visiting schools …Pat vs. “the experts” on the best/worst presidents in American history …Why all gun owners should join the NRA …A situation in which common sense prevailed and might have prevented a school shooting in Minnesota …The Simpsons predicted that the United States would win gold in curling, the latest in a long run of predictions proven accurate. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Government Incompetence, Lunacy and Olympic Homestretch - 2/23/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8749

Hour 1: There are laws against all kinds of things, but they just don’t deter crime …Has a mass shooting ever been so preventable? …Pat became dumber while watching the latest episode of “The View” …The Olympic Athletes from Russia are amazing, the Americans rise to fourth in the medal count …Caller describes how several school shootings were prevented on the day after Parkland …No American is in a position to demand that lawmakers take action …Broward County sheriff takes the podium and announces that his deputy is suspended …Not everyone can pull the trigger, even in a life-and-death situation …Who do you believe about scripted questions: CNN or Parkland student Colton Haab? Hour 2: Could the issue of liability insurance be the sticking point when it comes to arming teachers? …CPAC panel goes off the rails with clash between Geraldo Rivera and Dana Loesch …The concept of guns in schools and gun racks in students’ cars is nothing new …Councilman caves in after taking heat for agreeing with post that said Muslims should not be given special treatment in schools …The best way to demonstrate ending racism? Drinking chocolate milk, of course …The mean streets of Helena are well represented on the program …The Left has mobilized these Parkland students, the Right should mobilize America’s veterans Hour 3: Rep. Joe Kennedy III (D-MA) goes on ‘The View’ and refuses to hold his own party accountable …What can you say about gun violence if you can’t talk about mental illness? …PETA has to be absolutely fine with the sport of cat curling …The Second Amendment isn’t about whether you need weapons, it’s about what you have the right to own …Norway closing in on the record medal count set by the United States in 2010 …Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) barred from receiving Holy Communion due to his pro-choice views on abortion …What powers does the Queen of England actually have? …Chevy Chase goes off the rails (…or road in this case). Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Stand up Now! Middle Ground? Trouble Ahead - 2/22/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8757

Hour 1: Our republic is at stake with CNN’s ambush of the second amendment …This is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause …Father who lost his daughter focuses on school security, not banning firearms …Graduate of Stoneman Douglas High School joins the program to share his thoughts …We are in the second stage of grief, and our anger is clouding our judgement …Dana Loesch is shouted down, Marco Rubio defends his agenda …But what if Rubio had said he’d ban all guns (and violent video games and movies)? …Why aren’t we calling out the hypocrisy of those who want both gun laws and sanctuary cities? Hour 2: Wait, your middle ground is banning assault rifles and mandating mental evaluations? …We aren’t enforcing our laws and the FEDERAL Bureau of Investigation is at the center of it …Who thought that this town hall would be a good idea? …Ben Franklin and George Washington said it best, and who can argue with them? …If this sheriff is anything to go on, your government is going to fail you …Why didn’t this backlash occur after Sandy Hook? There are two simple reasons …Is it not inaccurate to call Roe v. Wade a holocaust? …Newsflash: we have been infringing upon the Second Amendment throughout our history …Encourage kids to get involved, but keep things under wraps, pumpkin… Hour 3: USA women’s hockey brings home the gold, but the whole format for the men was pretty awful …Nancy Pelosi attempts to quote Martin Luther King and it doesn’t go so well …Harvard chooses a white male as its new president, and that simply will not do …Should you be required to know about the Constitution in order to vote? …What powers does Queen Elizabeth II actually have? …Better question: what is the point of Great Britain even having a monarchy? …Fox News host pleads guilty to a serious speeding violation in upstate New York …Looking back on Barack Obama’s hilariously bad attempt to toast the Queen …At what point do you formally classify someone as an adult? Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Big Film's "Problem", CNN's New Low, & Jim Bakker Warns Us - 2/21/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8753

Hour 1: ‘Black Panther’ should have included a same-sex relationship, right? …When do the polygamists or incest-lovers get their own film? …CNN needlessly berates woman whose pro-Trump rally was promoted by a group of Russians …U.S. men’s curling team reaches medal round, and Pat is proud but unimpressed …Florida assault weapons ban voted down by a wide margin …John Lennon had a utopian vision, but it got him an assassin’s bullet …Tell Pat Robertson that there are no eraser marks on the Bill of Rights …Is the BIDS system the way to go in firearm background checks? …Another school shooting foiled. Hour 2: The demonization of the NRA has to stop – that billboard in Louisville is just wrong …How evil can an organization be? …Some real talk about gun death statistics …No pumpkin, distorting the truth for the President is not unprecedented …Billy Graham, America’s pastor, dies at 99 …MS-13 now in 22 states, engaging in countless crimes …Alcohol beats exercise as the key to a long life? …Death of a Dallas postal worker possibly connected to drug smuggling …China cracking down on strippers at funerals – Yeah, you read that right. Hour 3: When Pat was in high school, he wasn’t thinking about politics …Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney, and Steven Spielberg are bankrolling the Parkland students’ efforts …Would President Trump sign a truly restrictive gun control bill? …The Pyeongchang Olympic facilities are likely to fall into disuse after the athletes leave …We can learn a lot from the Israelis about how to prevent violence and terrorism …Jim Bakker is back with more doomsday scenarios …Real solutions being implemented in American schools …A former democratic socialist thanks Pat for helping him see the light. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 More Olympic Lament, San Fran's Collapse, and Co-opting Kids - 2/20/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8749

Hour 1: Team USA sees some success, but remains a country mile behind Norway in the medal count …San Francisco has gone from being an amazing global city to resembling a third-world slum …Parkland students have the media condemning their critics …Why should we be skeptical of teenagers making policy decisions? …Let’s create sanctuary gun-free zones. Better yet, let’s wall off the whole state of Texas! …Caller reveals another suspect for who’s behind the mobilization of the students …All presidents play golf, but there’s a notable double standard at work. Hour 2: Yeah, Pat and Keith turned in their guns years ago …A revolution of values and treating the disease (not the symptoms) of a sick society …Plastic bag ban may have had a detrimental effect on San Francisco’s homeless …R. Kelly evicted from two Atlanta-area homes …World’s best guitar manufacturer faces bankruptcy. Will someone step in to save it? …Gender dysphoria policies for minors could be on the horizon …You don’t want anal canal duplication, just trust us on that one …Pat sticks to his values when challenged about the Parkland students. Hour 3:  The national anthem is incredibly racially outdated, no? …Keith’s head needs a beanie, stat! …Illinois gun owner tells the truth about background checks in Chicago …American history is under attack as an activist attempts to “Make the Alamo Mexican Again” …Was any of the Southwest really stolen from Mexico? … French national socialist Marion Maréchal-Le Pen to speak at CPAC, and neither side is happy about it … F-15 jets scrambled to intercept UFO off Pacific Northwest …’Black Panther’ had an enormous first weekend, breaking multiple records for action films …Send your kids to Yale, where they can learn to properly hate themselves. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 A March on D.C. and Badges of Shame on Conservatives - 2/19/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8742

Hour 1: Parkland survivors unite and plan to march on Washington …Pat does not like being told how to live his life (especially by teenagers) …What does the NRA really advocate for? …Why aren’t brain injury restrictions applied to firearms like they are to driving? …Conservatives, gun owners, and Christians will all soon be wearing badges of shame …What got us into this mess? The loss of personal responsibility ...Let’s have a cordial discussion with the NRA and eliminate the politicians from the equation …You can lose your gun rights for a multitude of reasons. Hour 2: Norway is dominating the United States in Pyeongchang, and Pat is livid about it …Jeffy might have found his calling with a role on ‘Fear the Walking Dead’ …Could we be facing a protest on the scale of anti-Vietnam demonstrations in the 1970s? …The past is the past, but you can’t ignore world history …Jeffy’s new favorite sheriff outlines a true “common sense” response …Why you shouldn’t listen to a generation’s leaders until they reach age 35 …Democratic Party platform or Communist Manifesto? It’s a simple question, yet Prager U. keeps fooling people with it. Hour 3: A national school walk-out is a slam dunk for the Democrats …Willy Wonka’s triumphant return? …The school dance where girls couldn’t say no to proposals has been amended …A reverend indulges in crack, cocaine, porn, and prostitutes …California woman grabs her one millionth butt – no, not those kind of butts …Jennifer Lawrence taking a year off to focus on restoring American democracy …Family of woman shot by police in Baltimore County awarded settlement despite contradictory evidence …Mike Pence speaks out about the media mocking his Christian faith …Is a monogamous society critical to the endurance of a given culture? Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Focus on the Right Thing, FBI Fail and Second Shooter? - 2/15/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8758

Hour 1: Why can’t we stop the scourge of gun violence? Because we won’t address the real problems …How did the shooter slip through the cracks when reported to the authorities? …Some pretty awful social media posts illustrate the other side …Caller says that antidepressants are dependent on the user having a moral compass …Are guns in schools the answer? It probably depends on whose hands they’re in …A serious indictment of gun-free zones …We don’t need cops writing tickets, we need cops protecting students …Was this shooter really mentally ill or is the media making an assumption? Hour 2: Student suggests that there was a second shooter in Parkland …How did this man access the school if all doors are to be locked and monitored? …Woman whose nephew was at Columbine explains how crucial firearm education can be …Oh look! An Uber for abortions! …A situation where guns in schools actually works …Why do the atheists have to be so vindictive against Christians? …Visual Artists Rights Act could leave you out of luck as the owner of vandalized property …Please McDonald’s, don’t bother making your Happy Meals healthier …Sen. Kamala Harris gets hypocritical about gun safety and abortion. Hour 3: How much violence would ensue if the government attempted to repeal the second amendment? …If you really think about it, the Brooklyn graffiti case should surprise no one …Can we condone reprisals against the judge’s house? No we cannot …Does Google favor abortion clinics over neonatal care centers? The data suggests so …U.S. medal count improves, but ice hockey stumbles, and the North Korean cheerleaders are in a bad place …Malicious A.I. in messages from extraterrestrials? What’s next, destroying our sun? ...Tennessee Senate candidate lashes out against “thoughts and prayers”. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 More Harassment Allegations, School Issues and a New Discovery! - 2/14/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8757

Hour 1: Shaun White takes another gold, but is he someone we can wholeheartedly support? …Pat doesn’t want to hear about your “power dynamic” …Tara Lipinski and Johnny Weir draw criticism for their honesty (and wardrobes) as figure skating commentators …Adam Rippon changes his tune, while the guys repeat their original stance …Dissecting Rob Porter’s alleged violent past – How much did the White House know? …This could be very bad for John Kelly and several other cabinet members …Trump lawyer confirms that the President paid $130,000 to porn star …Pat refuses to cover for Keith’s crimes …Comprehensive Olympic curling update. Hour 2: Texas teacher gives 12-year-olds a questionnaire regarding race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation …Utah school says that students cannot reject invitations to dance at Valentine’s Day gathering …How do you ban the phrase “best friend”? …Discovery in Saudi Arabia suggests the peninsula had a very different climate 10,000 years ago …It’s true, the Nazis created a breed of ultra-mean super cows …Netflix depictions of the future could prove a terrifying omen …United Airlines flight lands safely after engine cover dislodges (and hilarious tweet gets posted) …Spurs coach Gregg Popovich sounds off on racism in America, but the guys aren’t thrilled with his thoughts …Trump’s poll numbers show marked improvement. Hour 3: How should we be thinking about Donald Trump’s payment to a porn star? …Is overlooking the character of our nation’s leaders about to become the new norm? …The second-in-command at the DNC associates with some pretty awful people …No, drunk driving laws do NOT discriminate against alcoholics …Take your pick: your digital privacy maintained or the authorities keeping you safe …A “constitutional liberal” joins the program to find common ground with Pat …FBI agents caught bashing pro-life protesters in declassified text messages. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Medal Count Lament, Lizard Spies, and Budget Insanity - 2/13/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8759

Hour 1: Winter Olympics update – What matters more: total medal count or number of gold medals? …Situation in the Middle East escalates with Syria issuing threat to Israel …U.S. forces annihilate Russian security force in counterattack at Syrian base …The secret soldiers spying on Iran’s nuclear program …Why has the GOP stopped even pretending to be fiscally conservative? …What’s really in Trump’s infrastructure bill? …How many more tolls will you have to pay on America’s highways? …Living in Finland is great, but there’s a catch …Actor Antonio Sabàto, Jr. schools the cast of “The View” on immigration. Hour 2: Just how conservative is the comprehensive list of Hollywood conservatives? …Pat’s new man crush …36 Democrats that could run against Trump in 2020 …Put your money on the mayor of South Bend, Indiana …IOC seeks to have Statue of Liberty removed from masks of U.S. hockey goaltenders …Move over FedEx and UPS! It’s time for Shipping with Amazon! …Talking orangutans = bad.  Talking orcas = cool. …Giant aquatic rats about to take over California …Some potential problems with safe heroin-use sites in San Francisco. Hour 3: What is the solution to our world gone mad? Is it to start anew on Mars? …A special place in hell for a special kind of crook …ICE arrests surged in Trump’s first year …Some notable omissions from the lists of Democratic candidates and Hollywood conservatives …Racism in multiple forms – The guys reveal the ugly truth …Free-market, libertarian justice is the way to deal with businesses who discriminate …Pat dissects John Lennon’s “Imagine” until he just can’t take it anymore …White House faces difficult task of defending its actions in the Rob Porter case. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Political Olympics, Obama Portraits, and new Las Vegas Details - 2/12/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8730

Hour 1: Rob Porter was fired in forty minutes, but shouldn’t he have gotten his day in court? ...Opening Ceremony features Korean pop stars and a song that Pat hates …U.S.’ LGBTQ athletes aren’t fans of Mike Pence …Donald Trump is the first President ever to be pro-gay marriage from the start of his presidency …No NBC, a lot of Koreans are NOT big fans of Japan …News media fawns over Kim Yo-jong’s “out-flanking” of U.S. delegation …Buzzfeed goes too far with critique of luge uniforms, but no one seems to care …Israel loses war plane, but deals heavy blow to its adversaries in Syria …Don’t fall for the Kim regime’s cheerleaders …REAL sports aren’t decided by totally subjective judges. Hour 2: What sport should we be watching? Biathlon! …Otto Warmbier’s father showed incredible restraint at the Games …How do we define a competitive sport? We should probably eliminate anything that utilizes judges ...The guys don’t think too highly of athletes who are born and raised in America, but compete for other countries …Barack Obama wasn’t the greatest sports fan in White House history …Can we confirm that Mike Pence made any anti-LGBTQ statements? …Breaking News: three hospitalized after suspicious letter mailed to Trump, Jr.’s home …The plot thickens in the Las Vegas mass shooting with Paddock’s autopsy results.Hour 3: Duluth, MN school district removes ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ and ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ from the high school curriculum …Why do we need to read books that make us uncomfortable? …Pat disqualifies the United States as a so-called “winter country” …”Peter Rabbit” filmmakers take heat for making light of a character’s food allergy …Ithaca, NY high school cancels musical “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” after white student lands role of mixed-race character …China’s first “forest city” will do little to off-set the country’s pollution problems …Where will the political correctness stop?  Where does real racism lie? Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Eve's #MeToo Claim? Is Australia a Country? Farewell Pebbles - 2/9/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8759

Hour 1: Nancy Pelosi invokes the Pope in her immigration argument …What about all the things that fly in the face of Catholic teaching? …Female rabbi from Michigan has a downright blasphemous take on the story of Adam and Eve …More curling fun with Stu and Jeffy …Unfortunate wardrobe choice for U.S. speed-skating team …College professor fails a student for saying that Australia is a country …Mike Lee and Rand Paul speak out against budget bill – how can any member of the Freedom Caucus support it? …California state assemblywoman gets #MeToo movement thrown right back at her …How can a Democrat speak of the “moral decay” of our country? Hour 2: Why won’t Ted Cruz come on the program? It’s because Pat beat him in foosball …A top recruit’s mom was not pleased with his college decision …BYU’s recruiting class lags behind while Nebraska climbs the rankings …Maybe the SNHU professor was an anti-colonialist? …WE KILLED THE MOST TALENTED HAMSTER IN THE COUNTRY??? …Seattle seeks to isolate homeless population by erecting a fence …How Pat went to jail for a parking ticket …Jeffy made Pat fat because obesity is contagious! Hour 3: Is an Alabama state law banning teachers having sex with students actually unconstitutional? …How do you choose between the Constitution and what you’d think is “right”? …The latest interpretation of the story of Adam and Eve is just too ridiculous to ignore …Where is Ted Cruz in the pushback against the massive spending outlined in the budget bill? …How does the Alabama teacher situation relate to the Roy Moore case? …Bon Jovi belongs in the Rock ‘N Roll Hall of Fame, but another band stole a caller’s heart …Japanese elementary school adapts uniform code in deference to LGBTQIA community …Scottish farmer finds something not-so-dangerous in his cow shed. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN


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