Pat Gray Unleashed show

Pat Gray Unleashed

Summary: Pat Gray pulls no punches, restoring common sense to a senseless world. Join Pat for unique analysis, insight, and fun. Watch Pat Gray Unleashed, Live Mon - Fri, 7- 9am ET on BlazeTV.

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 Bitcoin Crash Imminent?, Tax Season is Coming, Searching for Noah's Ark - 12/22/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8759

Hour 1: Remember, tweets are gossip, not gospel …How Justin got his start in radio …Always be ready to adapt …Trump ratings update, support for tax cuts still down …Bitcoin loses a third of its value in a week …Breaking down the process of buying the cryptocurrency …Elaine O’Gorman discusses the Bitcoin bubble and what really drives its value …What will 2018 have in store for the President? …Why don’t we have a motive for the Las Vegas massacre? Hour 2: Justin used to flip burgers, and he learned a lot from it …What are the end results in high minimum wage states? …How food services have trained us to do things ourselves …The ‘Shipt’ app and the new service-based economy …Trump signs the tax bill ahead of schedule … The latest on the hunt for Paddock’s motive in Las Vegas …Lydia Desnoyers joins the program to tell you how to be prepared for tax season …The best deductions you can take are charitable donations …Are there always five people working at Five Guys? Hour 3: He’s an adrenaline junkie with ADD, and a Christian, and a man on a quest …He’s Kevin DeVries of Grace Explorations, and he’s on a mission to find Noah’s Ark …The film “Finding Noah” centers on his quest in the area surrounding Mount Ararat in Turkey …He’s into the biblical story, but the legend of the flood exists in hundreds of cultures …The allure of the unknown and what drives man to discover things …How close is science to proving the existence of God? …All great discoveries are made when you’re searching for something else …God’s personal cosmic checkmate and the precariousness of life. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 The Impact of Tax Reform, Astrology 101, and Dr. Daliah Wachs - 12/21/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8744

Hour 1: Justin loves him some bonus checks! …Breaking News: Raul Castro stepping down as Cuban president …So many companies giving employees bonuses …What’s next for Trump? …Talking tax reform at the state level … It’s not about trickle-down economics …What do markets really respond to? …Grading Trump’s performance over his first year in office …Why are people so skeptical about benefits from legislation? …Should the finger actually be pointed at Congress? …Justin’s personal struggles with health insurance. Hour 2: Meteorology, astrology, and the Winter Solstice …Justin’s journal entries have added a lot to his life …Comparing Donald Trump to “The Greatest Showman” P.T. Barnum …Robots that can detect when you’re lying? What could go wrong?! …A gender-fluid article on new male contraceptive …Do we really need the United Nations? …Competition is the best thing for consumers …Man beats up girlfriend…over a cookie? Hour 3: Liberal publications turning on #MeToo? …Will Al Franken really leave the Senate? …Dr. Daliah Wachs joins the program …Christmas Tree Syndrome – is it real? …What comes next for Obamacare and the free market of health services? …How far could costs fall if people started paying cash for routine doctor visits? …The opioid epidemic has also harmed those who rely on such medication …Man disabled (by his giant…um, yeah) …Justin the Grinch! Justin the Scrooge! Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Allan Saxe on Tax Cuts, Net Neutrality Illustrated, Trouble in Alabama? - 12/20/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8755

Hour 1: Justin Barclay = “Not the Parliamentarian” …GOP talks tax reform, Trump discusses immigration …Why does time seem to fly? …Prof. Allan Saxe tells you exactly why this tax bill is unpopular …Will money stored overseas be repatriated to the U.S.? …Political science is NOT a science! …Potential bombshell for Obama’s legacy …You need to be careful about the information you consume …Why won’t you miss net neutrality? Let’s compare the internet to the airport …Could a comment by a Doug Jones supporter indicate something dark in Alabama? Hour 2: Adam Davis joins the program to discuss the Jones voter …Merrill is doing his job as Secretary of State …Counties, countries, and countryside? …In the current political climate, how can you not think that something doesn’t look right? …Justin’s rather sad football life …Schoolhouse Rock got things wrong …Is the government obligated to provide you with high-speed internet? …What if you live on the Alaskan tundra? …The lack of sunlight is what irks Justin during winter …Legislative elitism = telling us we’re not educated enough to make our own decisions. Hour 3: The GOP is getting stuff done, so we need to turn up the heat …The Empowered Mom, Maria Luce, joins the program to discuss what you should be thinking about this holiday season …Present > Presents (with gift bags, that is) …Chuck Schumer speaks out, shocking no one at all …Hotels charge guests outrageous sums for outlandish reasons …The real impact of the tax reform bill …AT&T plans to invest $1 Billion and provide large bonuses to thousands of employees …What difference could you see come February? …The Mueller investigation, the Deep State, and the backup plan. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 America's Truckers get their own Show! - 12/19/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8762

Hour 1: The Texas weather is affecting Jeffy’s health …The Hall of Presidents at Disney World debuts its newest member …The Jeff Fisher plan for your Orlando-area vacation! …Matt Damon speaks out on the wave of harassment allegations …“Whatever” could be the most annoying phrase in everyday conversation? …The longest joint ever rolled …Philadelphia cracks down on “beer delis” …Wisconsin county seeks to regulation horse-drawn carriages …The world’s most popular banana could be doomed …No signals detected from the oblong-shaped space rock in our planetary neighborhood. Hour 2: It’s Trucker Hour!!!!! …Wes Ussery joins the program to discuss the developing problem of the electronic log mandate for long-distance haulers …Just how tough have the new rules been for Wes? …Some truckers drive like idiots because they need to make up time …Spirit = good, Letter = bad …The idea of driverless trucks (and cars) …The root causes of the issue and the people affected most by it … Jeffy is disrespectful of parking spaces reserved for big rigs. Hour 3: Jeffy’s Mizzou Tigers prepare to face the Texas Longhorns …Will driver’s licenses soon become obsolete? …Can anyone of any age go anywhere in a driverless car? …The perils of oversized loads and reconciling the EDL mandate with each city’s transport restrictions …Put a chip in Jeffy so he can get his toilet paper!!! …Live update on the GOP’s effort to pass their tax reform bill …Eminem fails miserably to annoy Trump …New Panthers owners Kaepernick, Curry, and P. Diddy? …A sample from Glenn’s “Believe Again” Christmas album. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Busiest Airport Blacked Out, a Suspicious Side Dish, a Trucker Calls In - 12/18/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8751

Hour 1: A "traditional" transgender family ...Please, don't make us pay for their changes ...Could transgenderism leave a biological cue? ... Amtrak train derails, fatalities reported ...TSA prepares for 40 million holiday travelers ...Jeffy's personal travel disasters ...Doc interrupts the program ...Airport blackout in Atlanta strands thousands, disrupts entire American aviation industry ...ALWAYS take the earliest flight ...Sara Gonzales talks police protocol and a polarizing incident in Arizona. Hour 2: ESPN President announces resignation due to substance abuse ...What do you usually get with your cheese sticks? Cocaine?! ...What was going on at this Indiana restaurant? ...Canadian gets the shaft from both UPS and TD Bank ...Psychic Jeffy reveals his findings ...HHS and its seven forbidden words ...UN seeks a way out of Trump's decision on Jerusalem ...Could peacekeeping troops be deployed to Chicago? ...Trucker complains about new electronic log mandate ...Jeffy agrees that it has serious drawbacks. Hour 3: How many gifts has Jeffy forgotten? ...Is everything done in his house? ...Caller calls out news coverage of train derailment ...Engineer Jeffy lookin’ good? ...A look back at 2017's biggest events ...A look at the new neutrino detector designed to help explain our existence ...Tuition-free community college is upon us in some places ...13-year-old running for governor in Vermont ...Mercury One does some real, tangible good in Dallas ...Former Facebook executive speaks out against the "programming" of the general public by social media. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Best Audio Clips of 2017 (and all time!!) - 12/15/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8762

Hour 1: New Jeffy scam for watching movies? ...Remembering Al Franken's ridiculous interview ...Bring back the Douche Hall of Fame?? ...Understanding 'net neutrality' ...Harry Reid's pomegranates, Maxine Waters' Marxist moment and Bernie's singing talents ...Will the FCC's net neutrality decision affect the internet speeds for the Lumbee Tribe? ...Alex Jones audio extravaganza ...'Performance art' ..."Charging into a goblin's nest." Hour 2: Don't challenge Al Gore ...Fish swimming down the streets on a sunny day ...The Alex Jones rat problem solution ...Merry Christmas from George Bailey! ...Doing your research on net neutrality ...Nancy Pelosi's favorite word and a history lesson ...'What's that?? Who pays your salary??' ...Did a congressman just call us?? ...Al Gore and Neptune's dissolving bones ...Harry Reid's love for cowboy poetry ..."I pooped my pants." Hour 3: "I heard it on the news" ...Obama phone!!! ..."I got bronchitis!!" ...Happy Days: Harry Reid has lost his job!! ...Happy Days: Osama's Dead! ...Joe Biden misses his butt buddy ...What keeps Chris Christie going? Higs. That's what. ...Hi Jean!! ..."A cat can give birth to kittens in an oven, that don't make them biscuits." ...'We shouted out across that chasm' ...Every time a bell rings, John Kerry gets a purple heart ...Should President Trump fire some folks at the DOJ and FBI? ...How Pat Gray Unleashed changed the world ...The truth as to why 'Foreigner' isn't in the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame ...Joe Biden sings 'The Villages' ...Some people don't have maps! Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 DC vs. Trump, Insane Campuses, Listing the President's Victories - 12/14/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8758

Hour 1: Audio art: Trey Gowdy on the rampage against the DOJ and FBI ..."Grossly negligent...extremely careless." ...Disney just made a big purchase ...Tavis Smiley, come on down! ...Warren Sapp pushing back ...A filmmaker comes clean without being accused publicly ...One listener's Christmas wish ...How do you trust the government anymore? ...Salma Hayek's terrible experience with Harvey Weinstein ...The Clooneys make friends on a flight ...OPKs ...Trouble for Ted Cruz in 2018? ...One listener's solution for dealing with OPKs. Hour 2: GOP tax plan in the home stretch ...Roy Moore still not conceding ...The Class of 2018 for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ...Paul Ryan set to retire next year ...FCC overturns Net Neutrality rules! ...De-Extinction and a 99 million-year-old tick ...Real-life Jurassic Park on its way? ...500-year-old shark?? ...'Yeti' bone belongs to an animal? ...'Therapy Llamas' ...New ways to watch NFL games ...BYU has a new member of its coaching staff! ...Time to clone the founders! Hour 3: Lindsay Marchello from discusses the insanities of what is happening on college campuses today ...The subjectivity of 'microaggressions' ...'F%*# Free Speech!!' (at Princeton) ...Abraham Lincoln was a white supremacist??? ...Advocating for suicide ...Defending Young Republicans? ...Is Mark Hamill an overrated actor? ...The new Jurassic World movie looks awesome ...Another movie that looks great: 15:17 to Paris ...President Trump turns back the Democrats DACA threat ...Trump's help for coal companies ...Pay raise for troops ...Supreme Court opening soon? ...The dress codes of DC ...The physics of Santa Claus. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Grover Cleveland matters, The Electoral College still matters, 2017 celebrity deaths - 12/13/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8782

Hour 1:Roy Moore defeated ...Still no concession from Roy Moore ...The worst spokesperson ever. ...Why the Electoral College exists ...Pat's favorite gay listener? ...Did the president send out a sexist tweet? Umm, no. ...Kevin Bacon, presidential historian? ...Equating homosexuality with pedophelia? ...Are differing opinions still acceptable in America? ...Grover Cleveland Wednesday!! ...How the left criticizes President Trump...over everything. Hour 2:Why we can't lose the Electoral College ...Author Tara Ross discusses her book "The Indispensable Electoral College" ...The wisdom of the founders still applies today ...The latest batch of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees  ...Foreigner dissed again ...GOP's tax plan in the home stretch ...Flour recall!! ...Next target of the left? Keeping net neutrality around ...Alyssa Milano celebrates the Alabama vote ...Going through the inductees for the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame Hour 3:The celebrities we lost in 2017 ...Tom Petty, David Cassidy, Jim Nabors, Fats Domino and Glenn Campbell among so many untimely deaths in the last year ...The Hallmark Channel's rip off of 'The Christmas Twist' ...Happy 101st birthday to Kirk Douglas ...Media suing for information about the Las vegas shooting ...The religious aspect of Christmas is getting lost in our culture ...'Shaking hands with his monster' ...How to stop sexual harassment ...The sweet irony of the impact climate scientists are having on the environment ...'Brink of destruction' ...Another celebrity apologizes for his conduct

 Decision Day for Alabama, Alien Threat, and Netflix Knows All - 12/12/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8758

Hour 1: Decision day for Alabama ...Larry King added to the list ...Mr. King is apparently a butt guy ...Sexual harassment at the NFL Network? ..."Naked"....under a robe. ...Accusers coming out against President Trump now ...Taxing save the planet?? ...Alien craft headed this way? ...Trump wants Americans to head to Mars and beyond? ...Has society degraded this much? ...Another Earth-like planet discovered? ...Star NFL quarterback sees hope through his tough injury. Hour 2: Who is Alexa working for? ...What does Alexa really know? ...Netflix knows all ...Pat's Christmas surprise for his wife ...What species is Yoda? ...What Alexa knows about Jesus Christ ..."What are you doing using my pig??" ...Why Jeffy loves Netflix ...100 billion dollar man?? ..."Queer-Femme of Color" ..."Support Goats". Hour 3: Eagles quarterback situation and Stu's lament ...Stu runs through the way the 2018 midterms could shake up ...Carson Wentz and an AO1 ...Will Roy Moore win in Alabama today? ...Why 2018 and beyond looks good for the GOP no matter what happens in Alabama today ...A woman worked in a men's room at the NFL...and in walks Warren Sapp ...The things you don't know we don't know about celebrities ...Carrie Fisher's last role ...Cash out now...Pat's about to invest in Bitcoin!! ...You're living through the biggest bubble in world history ...Buy bitcoin at an ATM ...A defense for Warren Sapp ...Godspeed, Alabama! Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Flex-Seal for Christmas and Jeffy's Po-Po Problems - 12/11/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8760

Hour 1: Christmas Party 2017 at The Blaze ...Update on the terror attack in NYC today ...Former Fox News host discusses encounter with Donald Trump ...Where's Roy Moore been? ...Taxed at more than 100%??? ...Ambassador Nikki Haley puts the UN in its place ...Remembering 'covfefe' ...'Hollyweed' ...Longest gestation period in the animal kingdom ...Alex vs. Alexa ...Celebrity Chef Mario Batali apologizes for his behavior ...Punishment and forgiveness. Hour 2: The latest from the NYC bombing ...Bangladeshi Tea Party Patriots ...Every woman wants 'Flex-Seal' for Christmas...duh. ...Golden Globe nominees ...Will, Grace and Joe being Joe ...Old woman behind the counter in a small town ...Why the terrorist in NYC tried to kill Americans today ...Are supercomputers close to running the world? ...Church of The AI ...A woman and her chandelier ...Jeffy's Christmas party memories ...Jeffy's run-in with police. Hour 3: Boiling down Roy Moore ...Moore's thoughts on Constitutional amendments ...Eggnog leakages...the secret killer of Christmas ..."That's a storybook, man" ...More bad optics for the NFL ...Winners and Losers in the NFL ...The hypocrisy of Mexico ...Flex-Seal is the perfect Christmas gift for the lovely lady in your life ...Pat's prediction for Alabama ...What will we understand first? The Rand Paul attack or the Las Vegas shooting? ...Chelsea Handler mocks Sarah Huckabee-Sanders. Zero outrage from the left ...Democrats threaten budget with call for amnesty while President Trump stands his ground. ... #PatMeme ...State Department ignoring the president's directive on Jerusalem?? ...Send a note to a young victim in Sutherland Springs, Texas ...Dirty diapers for Christmas!! Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 The Best/Worst Christmas songs and the miracles of Frankincense - 12/8/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8810

Hour 1:Greatest (or worst) Christmas song ever? ...An Al Franken voter who is happy to see him go ...US not going to winter olympics? ...The social double standard ...Young people and capitalism ...'Stop the hammering!!!' ...Pizza and wine and other Christmas traditions ...Framing the debate between the left and the right ...How do you define yourself politically? ...Trump's DOJ investigating Planned Parenthood ...Why isn't David Osmond a super star?  Hour 2:Greatest Christmas songs of all time? ...Will the Jewish vote change over Trump's Israel decision? ...Another congressman set to resign ...The best time in American history? ...A Merry Hans Gruber Christmas to you ......California fires continue to burn ...Social double standards ...Bringing back the $1 Menu at McDonald's ...Chick-Fil-A walks the walk ...Does cheese help you live longer? ...40 congressmen on the sexual harassment list? ...Your arms can be too large  Hour 3:...It's a Wonderful Life!! ...Hollywood trying to get the sexual harassment spotlight back from Congress ...Wolf whistling to be a hate crime now? ...Whatever happened to Jim Rome? ...Underrated Christmas songs ...Bruce Springsteen ruins Christmas ...How 'Brother Love Pat' came to be ...What songs do you enjoy at Christmas? ...An anti-Christmas song that gets big airplay this time of year ...Is Keith a godless animal? ...How many wise men were there? ...Meet frankincense...the miracle drug! Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Al Franken Resigns, Federal Pensions, and Roasting Matt Lauer - 12/7/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8764

Hour 1: A senator no more ...Why Al Franken's speech was despicable ...Al's lament ...Are Franken's accusers lying? ...Trump takes a stand for Israel ...Chris Matthews crosses the line ...Five minute history lesson with Pat on the Middle East ...Franken to what? ...PM Netanyahu addresses Trump's Jerusalem decision ...Update on flat earth research ...Al Franken's coming pension ...The sweet retirement of your US politicians. Hour 2: Al Franken's parting shots ...Police officer heads to prison for murder ...The retirement benefits of your elected officials ...Justice for Kate Steinle still possible through federal charges? ...Defining sexual harassment in the workplace ...A dangerous conversation about sexual harassment between John Oliver and Dustin Hoffman ...What is and what isn't sexual harassment? ...Why Jeffy doesn't file complaints with The Blaze HR ...Changing The Lord's Prayer? ...Risking your life to save an animal? ...NFL re-ups their leader. Hour 3: "In the coming weeks" ...The Democrats are playing out their plan perfectly ...New legislation on sexual harassment coming? ...FBI's own statistics prove that "backlash against Muslims" is a myth ...The celebrity roast of Matt Lauer ...A despicable Christmas nativity scene in Massachusetts ...Erick Erickson calls out the Left's use of 'Jesus' in arguing against the GOP tax plan ...What Republicans really stand for today ...Are the oceans REALLY rising?? ...'Evidence on a curve' ...Blame President Trump for Mideast Unrest??? ...76 years ago today...Pearl Harbor attacked and the United States entered World War II ...A dad hops a flight to punish his law-breaking son. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Bitcoin in a landfill, Al Franken on the ropes and the best Christmas movies - 12/6/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8782

Hour 1:Recognizing Israel's ACTUAL capital ...Calls for Sen. Franken to resign ...The Conyers family dynasty ...New poll numbers in Alabama ...Justice Kennedy gives hope in the wedding cake case ...Tim Ballard stops by to discuss the successes of stopping sex slavery around the world ...A better future for Haiti? ...Slavery around the world by the numbers ...Calls for Al Franken to resign getting louder ...The Clintons absolutely knew the truth about Harvey Weinstein ...How Weinstein was protected for decades  Hour 2:Was Roy Moore taken out of context? ...Man throws away 7,500 bitcoin!!! ...The growing list of those who want Al Franken to resign ...What are the Democrats cooking up against Donald Trump? ...Trump's accomplishments (more than you may think) ...2018 going to be wilder than 2017? ...Pat and Jeffy's bitcoin lament ...Heartbreaking destruction in California ...Florida's Python Elimination Program ...Wal-Mart changing its name? ...Jon Gruden getting back into coaching?  Hour 3:Will Franken survive to tomorrow? ...Another accuser comes forward ...Best and worst Christmas movies of all time ...The ultimate sexual harassment song ...Gorillas clean their food? ...What happened to Sen. Jeff Flake? ...Such a heart wrenching movie...'The Christmas Twist' ...hat do you watch at Christmas time? ...Russia banned from the Olympics?

 Roy Moore's Memory, Michigan Dynasties, and Stu Stops By - 12/5/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8756

Hour 1: Rep. John Conyers retires ...How popular is the name 'Mildred' in 2017 America? ...President Trump and federal lands ...Roy Moore polling well in Alabama ...Does he know them or not? ...The worst bill ever?? ...'Take me to Andorra' ...Colin Kaepernick's merits for "Person of the Year" ...Rev. Jesse Jackson now among the accused ...Time for extreme measures...just gouge the eyes out of men ...The Vice President's wife has some thoughts on President Trump ...Billy Bush speaks out about his firing from NBC. Hour 2: In this environment what is acceptable behavior between men and women? ...Are hugs at the workplace acceptable? ...Pat Gray...healing families and bringing people together ...Does the FBI own bitcoin?? ...Bitcoin mining's energy cost ...The future of 'House of Cards' ...Haunting Roy Moore ...Jeffy's memories of Detroit ...How to knock a stadium down...finally ...Jesse Ventura to now leave Chris Kyle's widow alone ...Most popular tweets of 2017 ...Drew Brees with praise for a teammate ...One listener's suggestion for "Person of the year". Hour 3: Stu stops by ...Russia banned from the 2018 Winter Olympics ...Greatest line from "Rocky IV" ...Sports gambling goes before the Supreme Court ...The complete hypocrisy of governments and gambling ...Who already leads the field for the Democrats in 2020? ...Fake sign language at an important press conference ...Michigan's Conyers dynasty? Umm, how about Michigan's Dingell dynasty! ...DNA of white people is an abomination? ...Randy Travis naked video ...Christians are greedy racists? ...School bans kids for what they're doing in their private time? ...President Trump says 'no thanks' to the Kennedy Center honors ...Lionel Richie on faith and politics ...Rep. Conyers groped a church?? Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN

 Figuring Out the Supreme Court, Cussing at your Kids - 12/4/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8758

Hour 1: Gay wedding cakes and the Supreme Court ...Cussing at your kids ...Sen. Schumer's 'black letter day' ...'The View' makes fools of themselves...yet again...Illegal alien off to prison for sexual assault ...The court of public opinion is where the record is set ...Federal charges against Kate's killer? ...Build the wall ...The college football season that never was ...GOP voters in Alabama are sticking with Roy Moore ...Sen. Feinstein has an eye on impeachment? Hour 2: Supreme Court latest ...Gun control doesn't work. ...Billy Bush discusses one of Donald Trump's more famous quotes ...The numerous infestations within the White House walls ...Does ANYTHING kill Texas cockroaches??? ...Why President Trump is in Utah today ...A solution for cockroaches ...Neil Young's music is free for a limited time ...Chocolate milk returning to school lunches ...Too many college bowl games? ...A really great football moment over the weekend ...How to get rid of mice...and fire ants. Hour 3: Too many college bowl games!!! ...Alabama sticking by Roy Moore ...Inside T. Boone Pickens' stunning ranch for sale ...Bacon gets rid of mice?? ...The 2017 finalists for Time Magazine's "Person of the Year" ...Digitizing our souls? ...New Netflix show you'll be hearing about ...Caller nominates J.J. Watt ...Bitcoin for "Person of the Year"?? ...Box office numbers from the weekend. Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN


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