This Unmillennial Life show

This Unmillennial Life

Summary: This Unmillennial Life is a podcast that offers a roadmap through midlife for women who've fallen into a generational gap.

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  • Artist: Regan Jones, RDN, ACSM-CPT
  • Copyright: This Unmillennial Life 2019


 no. 59 - The Sleep Episode (Part II) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:05

Getting a good night's sleep is the stuff dreams are made of for many women. But all too often the foods we eat, drinks we drink and habits we keep are preventing the slumber we so deserve and desperately need. In this episode with Dr. Kara Mohr, we discuss ways to improve sleep, from Gravity Blankets, to Sunrise Alarms to simply unwinding in the evening in the most beneficial ways.

 {wednesday rewind} no. 37 - The Grocery Delivery Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:41

As retailers look for ways to stay competitive in providing straight-to-your-door service, grocery delivery has become a huge business. Most unmillennials may not remember the days of the milkman delivering to your doorstep, but there’s a good chance we may be having milk and more delivered to our homes today.

 no. 58 - The College Admissions Epsisode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:07

Experts say college admissions prep should begin long before applications are due and involves considering what's happening both in the classroom and out.

 {wednesday rewind} The Protein Powder Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:00

As unmillennials, choosing a “protein powder” used to mean choosing between vanilla or chocolate Carnation Instant Breakfast powder. But walk down the supplement aisle of your local supermarket and you may wonder if you’re actually in a bodybuilder’s kitchen. Mega-jars of protein powders have gone mainstream, but do you really know if any of these powders are for you, what benefits they offer or how to choose one?

 BONUS: An Odds and Ends Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:34

As a feature at the end of every episode, Odds & Ends has become a popular part of the show to get caught up on topics and bring new ones into the conversation. In this bonus episode, I discuss a number of Odds & Ends.

 {wednesday rewind} no. 15 - The BodyPump Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:30

As unmillennials we’ve come a long way since the days of leotards and legwarmers. And while group fitness has evolved over the years, one thing remains true — the best fitness routine for YOU is the one you’ll actually do consistently and love. I’ve shared on the show that my personal choice for fitness is BodyPump. Today, I’m taking time to explain why.

 no. 57 - The Adult Acne Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:00

You know you’re unmillennial when you’re buying acne cream for both you and your teenager. Adult acne becomes a new complaint for many women at midlife. Today’s episode discusses why it occurs and how to treat it.

 {wednesday rewind} no. 30 - The Thinx Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:40

Surely you’ve seen the ads in your Facebook feed. You know the ones — the lady in the unassuming panties with a caption along the lines of “underwear for women who have periods.” Those are Thinx panties and today’s podcast gives a real-life recap of what it’s like to buy, wear and wash them.

 no. 56 - The Online Clothing {Consignment & Rental} Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:31

Millennials may be MarieKondoing their way to the most minimalist closet they can create, but one thing remains the same across generations — we all want to look our best. Making that option affordable and easy is the goal of online clothing consignment and rental services like Rent the Runway, Tradesy, Poshmark and more. But are they really worth the price tag? And how do they work?

 {wednesday rewind} no. 32 - The IBS Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:50

Have you ever been affected by something so bad you were willing to give up 25% of the remainder of your life IF you could be cured or find relief from it? That’s exactly how many people living with IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome – feel. Today’s show is about their story.

 no. 55 - The Dexafit Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:13

Tons of scales on the market may say they offer up body fat analysis, but experts agree most of them are riddled with inaccuracies. The gold standard DEXA-scan offers a much truer picture of body composition, but up until recently had been fairly difficult to access for the average, everyday athlete or weekend warrior. DexaFit locations across the country are changing that. Disclosure: I was provided the testing done in this episode at no cost.

 {wednesday rewind} no. 31 - The Peloton Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:27

If the phrase “home-based fitness” makes you think of DVDs and ellipticals collecting dust in the corner, you haven’t met a Peloton owner. The internet-connected spin bike has reached almost cultish status in very quick time, but is it worth the hype (and price tag)?   

 no. 54 - The Diastasis Recti Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:13

A little sprinkle when you sneeze, a "mummy tummy" that doesn't go away long after you've given birth or even worse all may be the symptoms of a seldom-discussed but quite common condition known as Diastasis Recti.

 {wednesday rewind} no. 29 - The Freezer Meals Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:47

If you’ve ever found yourself at 4 pm staring at your ‘fridge wondering “What’s for dinner tonight,” today’s episode is the podcast you never knew you needed. Featuring one woman’s well planned and expertly executed batch cooking system, we’re covering a new way to maximize output in the kitchen (and into your freezer) and minimize the stress of weekly dinner prep.

 no. 53 - The Screen Time {Behavior & Addiction} Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:37

When a child can't seem to pull away from his favorite game or refuses to put down the phone for even a moment, is it simply youthful defiance or something worse? Screen time is increasingly recognized as a threat to the mental health of children. Today's podcast details how screens may be making children moody, crazy and lazy.


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