The Note Closers Show Podcast show

The Note Closers Show Podcast

Summary: The Note Closers Show Podcast covers everything you don’t know about real estate investing today. Scott Carson, CEO of We Close Notes, interviews experts in the note investing field, including vendors he works with, and students he has trained. Prepare to be educated and entertained on the secrets of how you can control millions of dollars worth of property for pennies on the dollar, through investing in distressed real estate notes. Scott and his students have each closed thousands of deals, all over the United States. Listen each week to stay on top of the latest developments in note investing, how to get to the right people, avoid the wrong people, get the inside track on buying from the banks, find the notes you are looking for, negotiate the best price, and make the high returns you deserve. You don’t even need to use your own money!

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  • Artist: Scott Carson
  • Copyright: Copyright 2018 Scott Carson, We Close Notes


 EP 301 – Facebook Hacking For Your Note Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:17

Most of you are used to using Facebook to market, to post a picture, to post a cat video, to watch Scott’s webinars, to do a Facebook live video, but there are some other really cool tools that can be found with Facebook to really grow your business, to raise capital, to find asset managers, especially with the customize audience aspects. Who is your custom audience going to be? If you don't have a large list, who should you market to? Over the years, Scott has spent a tremendous amount of time and money working on identifying his custom audience. He says you have to carefully scrutinize the people that you want to deal with. Scott breaks down some easy Facebook hacking techniques to help you raise capital and connect with your audience.

 EP 299 – Trash From the Past | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:50

You can't have the good without the bad. In the note game, every deal has a different story and there are all sorts of different things you're going to experience. Scott discusses some of the ugliest and craziest note deals that he has been a part of as a real estate investor. The thing to remember is to take the lessons from those deals so you can avoid the next bad one. The important thing is to get up, go on, get on the phones, and start raising capital. People can tell if you've done your homework when you're excited about a deal and you know what you're talking about.

 EP 298 – Goldman Sachs Strikes Again | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:49

Goldman Sachs strikes again. They’re generating a close on another large portfolio of nonperforming notes from Fannie Mae. They bought a tremendous amount of 11,000 loans with $1.64 billion in unpaid balance. What does that mean to us? What does this mean to Goldman Sachs and what is the overall underlying ripple effect across the note industry? You've got to realize is Goldman Sachs got banged up really bad for a nasty $5 billion fine, and they’ve been buying these non-performing notes as part of the payback because every dollar in debt forgiveness and modification gets credited towards their fines. Scott discusses the current sale of 11,000 loans that Fannie Mae is selling to Goldman Sachs and what it means for us as note investors. Along the way, we're surprised with a call from the company providing the due diligence on the trades.

 EP 297 – Go Big Or Go Home | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:32

Something everybody struggles with is the aspect of going bigger in your business. We all want to go big and do big things. A lot of the real estate seminars or gurus don't prepare you to do big things. They prepare you for the one-off asset and they're not helping you in the long run to really go big. They’re not helping you scale your business. Scaling is very important and you need to be focused on it initially from the get go because you should start with the end in mind. If you want to build a business, you have to build a big foundation. Challenge yourself to do bigger things because if you miss, you can still do amazing things with some big stuff and you're still going to grow a much more exponentially larger than if you're just willing to do a little bit. Scott discusses the importance of growing your note game bigger to take advantage of opportunities.

 EP 296 – Crushing Debt with Shawn Yesner | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:05

If you’re working on note deals or foreclosure or just an investor looking for a very knowledgeable attorney to help you out with things related to the real estate business, you might want to seek out Shawn Yesner. Shawn is a bankruptcy lawyer with twenty years of bankruptcy and real estate experience. Shawn hosts the Crushing Debt podcast where he interviews realtors, mortgage originators, as well as different attorneys with specialties on probate, intellectual property, personal injury, and other areas. Shawn says the podcast is designed to support his law firm, Yesner Law. Learn more as Shawn talks about getting rid of debt, how foreclosure works, and the whole thing about how bankruptcy works.

 EP 295 – Health Savings Accounts with Anne Marie Hollonds from Quest IRA | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:17

In May 2017, the Federal Reserve published that 44% of Americans would not be able to pay a $400 unexpected medical bill. Anne Marie Hollands from Quest IRA talks about the basics of Health Savings Accounts and how you can take advantage of it for unexpected medical expenses. Anne Marie explains basically the HSA works as a plan where you can pay for your medical expenses tax-free. In order to qualify for it, you have to have a high deductible health plan which has to be HSA compatible. Find out what HSA plans you qualify or don’t qualify for, the health coverage you can structure, the contribution limits, and everything else the HSA has to offer so you can properly take advantage of its benefits.

 EP 294 – National Social Media Day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:27

June 30th is a National Social Media Day. It's important because of the fact that everything is all based on marketing these days. If you're going to be successful at something, it all starts with marketing. You could have the greatest product you, the greatest idea, but if you don't know how to market or how to use marketing to move that product and get the word out with whatever product, service, event, or whatever it is you have, you're failing. National Social Media Day has been around for a while. There have been cities that have been celebrating it years. Scott discusses the upcoming National Social Media Day and what's in store with a 27-hour live stream the day of the event on Saturday, June 30th.

 EP 293 – Blame Me For Your Failures | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:20

We are all responsible for our own success. Some people always look for somebody to blame for not having success in real estate. You got to know you can't have success without failure in any type of investing. If you're in a position of not having the type of success that you want and you're not in the place that you want to be, you have two choices. You can either just continue along that same path of settling or staying in your comfort zone, or you can take action and do something about it. Embrace that failure and if it doesn't work, pivot and go from there. You're the one who's making the choices on a day in, day out basis. People that are successful are the ones that are going out there and they're giving it a shot, making offers, doing due diligence, sending emails out to their database, doing the marketing and all this business. At some point, you have to take blame for your failures and realize that the decisions are all up to you.

 EP 292 – I’m Back: Scott’s Biggest Takeaways From Traveling Abroad | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:04

One of the great things about traveling abroad is you are able to take in some of the advantages and disadvantages of travelling. There's always the good, bad and ugly part of travel when you take a long, extended vacation. When you're in the note business, it's important to make sure everything keeps running. The beautiful thing about being in the note business is you don’t have to be here to have to take care of what you do. You’re able to continue doing the business as you get rocking along because technology is everywhere. Time is just shorter than we think. Let the note business fund your why and the things you love along with being and enjoying the people that you love. Scott returns from his European vacation and discusses some of the biggest takeaways from traveling abroad.

 EP 291 – When Life Throws You Curve Balls with Gail Villanueva and Cody Cox | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:03

Gail Villanueva and Cody Cox discuss some things you could do when life throws you curve balls, because in life, sometimes you have to be Semper Gumby. If you aren't flexible and adaptable both in life and in the note business, then it’s going to be very difficult. Curve balls can happen sometimes, both as personal and professional events. From a note perspective, you go through training, you build your processes, and you have this plan in mind when you enter into purchasing a note. You begin with the end in mind, and so you know where you’d like to go. However, deals don’t always follow the path that you’ve envisioned from the beginning, and so you have to deal with those changes as they happen.

 EP 290 – Different Ways To Market Yourself Using Video And Email with Eric Hyde and Katie Moton | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:00

Everybody out there is good at something and they know something that they can share to the world through their network of people. That should be an easy one, but another thought is what you do not know. Think about something that you don't know, then do the research and learn how to do them. Eric Hyde and Katie Moton talk about different ways you can market yourself. Eric proves his point about how simple making a video is and he discusses the nuts and bolts about how to make a stunning, fun, and outgoing video. Katie, on one hand, teaches about to make your email look professional and visually appropriate

 EP 289 – What You Should Know About Nonperforming Firsts And Seconds with Patty Ped and Bill Griesmer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:36

In the note business, the primary intent is to let the borrowers keep their home and happy about their choices. When you're a nonperforming first note holder, you are first in line, you have a lot of flexibility going there, and you have a lot of options that you could provide the borrower to ensure that they can keep their home. Patty Ped of Aider Financials shares it’s more challenging to provide the help that they want to in a second mortgage rather than the first, and so the first is a better option for them. With nonperforming seconds, with the ROI being more, the risk is also more. Join Patty Ped and Bill Griesmer as they discuss the differences between the second space and the first space, the way you deal with things, your due diligence, your focus, the amount of time and work you would spend on the borrower and the note itself, the servicing, managing it, the entire thing.

 EP 288 – Paying In Dayton: A Case Study with Eric Hyde and Gail Villanueva | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:08

When it gets down to it, people want to see numbers. They want to know how notes are doing the return on investment. They want to know the real world situation. Eric Hyde and Gail Villanueva break down a case study on a note deal that Eric calls Paying in Dayton. They talk about the marketing that went behind it, the finding of a JV partner and what that entails. In the note world, there are not a lot of variances in how marketing is done. Eric and Gail challenge note investors to start thinking outside the box and to start thinking about how to do things different if they want to start to see their note business grow.

 EP 287 – The Most Impactful Lessons From Note Investing with Bill Griesmer and Gail Villanueva | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:43

It's very easy to look at other real estate investing sometimes as a zero sum game where I win, you lose, or vice versa. That's not always the case in notes. In the note business, you can positively help someone's lives at the same time that you can earn a return for yourself and a return for your investor. Another thing is there's a very high degree of camaraderie. You meet and work with a lot of interesting people who are very eager to help you and willing to talk with you and might give you some advice here and there. Furthermore, you don't have to go out and leave your home all that time to be doing a lot of this work. At the same time, not everything is sunshine and rainbows. There are difficult things that some people could consider negative about the note in business. Learn about the most impactful lessons from note investing from note investors Bill Griesmer and Gail Villanueva.

 EP 286- Effective Tips For Note Investors With Chris Seveney And Gail VIllanueva | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:22

Just starting out? A lot of folks getting into the note business will go ahead and commit to getting the free online training courses, listening to the podcast. That only gets you so far. It'll give you a 40,000-foot view of what the note business is about. But when you get down to it, there's so many moving parts in a note transaction. It can just make a complete left turn on you if you're not careful, so having that additional safety net is crucial. Learn more tips for note investors with guest hosts Chris Seveney of 7E Investments and Gail Villanueva of Noteworthy Investments. If you’re a borrower in need of multiple options with the opportunity to stay in the home, then Chris Seveney of 7E Investments is your guy. Located in Washington, DC, Chris specializes in the acquisition of first position nonperforming and performing notes. Over the past two years, his company has acquired over 50 assets and have provided their investors with above average returns. Gail Villanueva has been a licensed real estate agent since ’84; but the market changed. When everybody was zigging towards overbidding on rehabs, Gail decided to zag into notes. How many notes? Noteworthy Investments just closed on their eighth note, going from zero to 17,500 miles an hour. That’s what you need to do achieve orbit.


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