What Does the Word Say? show

What Does the Word Say?

Summary: What Does the Word Say? is produced by Grace and Glory Media, an outreach of Grace Valley Christian Center under the leadership of founder and Senior Pastor, Rev. P. G. Mathew. We believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God and is the only rule for faith and conduct. Therefore, the purpose of this podcast is to explore biblical theology with a practical emphasis, always keeping in mind that what the Word says we must believe and obey. Our goal is to help build God’s church by edifying Christians and challenging unbelievers with the gospel, which alone is the power of God unto salvation.


 [145] Rejoicing in Times of Trouble | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:05

Christians should meditate on God’s Word to be strengthened in their faith during times of trouble. We have peace with God through Jesus Christ and are therefore able to rejoice even when going though trials. We also know that God uses trials to strengthen his people and draw others to himself. http://www.whatdoesthewordsay.org/uncategorized/145-rejoicing-in-times-of-trouble/ ‎

 [144] The Effectual Call | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:26

There is a logical order to the application of redemption to individuals. The first step in this order of salvation is God’s effectual calling, by which his children are regenerated and brought into God’s kingdom. http://www.whatdoesthewordsay.org/uncategorized/144-the-effectual-call/ ‎

 [143] The Proper Christian Response to the Corona Virus Pandemic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:56

Christians should not be anxious in the face of any difficulty in this life. God is sovereign over everything, including the Corona virus and the economy. He has promised that in all things he works for the good of those who love him. We are to glorify God and bear witness to him by how we respond to trouble. http://www.whatdoesthewordsay.org/uncategorized/143-the-proper-c…a-virus-pandemic/

 [142] The Mystical Union | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:18

The believer’s union with Jesus Christ is mystical; meaning both that it is a mystery that has been revealed to us in the Bible and that there is an element of mysticism to it. But this mysticism must always be in accord with the truth revealed in the Bible as our ultimate objective standard. http://www.whatdoesthewordsay.org/podcast/142-the-mystical-union/ ‎

 [141] Union with Christ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:30

The Bible tells us that believers were chosen in Christ before the creation of the world and are regenerated in Christ. They live in Christ and die in Christ. John Murray called the Christian’s union with Christ “the central truth of the whole doctrine of salvation.” http://www.whatdoesthewordsay.org/uncategorized/141-union-with-christ/

 [140] TULIP | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:41

The five Reformed doctrines represented by the acrostic TULIP all logically go together. Because we are totally depraved, God’s election must be unconditional. Christ’s atonement must be limited in extent or our salvation would depend on us, which is impossible because of total depravity. Similarly, God’s grace must be irresistible or a totally depraved person will always reject it. Finally, God causes his chosen people to be born again and, as new creations, they will persevere in the faith. http://www.whatdoesthewordsay.org/uncategorized/140-tulip/

 [139] Christ’s Sacrifice Accomplished Salvation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:48

Libertarian free will would not preserve human responsibility, it would destroy it. The Bible teaches that man has compatibilist freedom; we are free to do what we want to do, but our choices are constrained by our nature. We are all fully accountable to God, but our liability may be limited by our knowledge. http://www.whatdoesthewordsay.org/uncategorized/139-christs-sacr…lished-salvation/

 [138] The Gospel is the Power of God for Salvation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:30

Man’s natural inability to respond to the gospel in repentance and faith does not limit his responsibility before God. What is offered in the gospel is salvation, full and complete, not merely the opportunity to be saved. But we must be born again. http://www.whatdoesthewordsay.org/uncategorized/138-the-gospel-i…od-for-salvation/ ‎

 [137] Christ Died Only for the Elect | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:54

Christ died to save his chosen people, the elect, not to make salvation possible for everyone. http://www.whatdoesthewordsay.org/uncategorized/137-christ-died-only-for-the-elect/

 [136] Limited Atonement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:55

All true Christians believe that the atonement was limited because they agree that not everyone will be saved. They also agree that Christ’s sacrifice was of more than sufficient worth to pay for the sins of every person. The real question in dispute is, “For whom did Christ die?” If he died for all, then his death was not efficacious for anyone, it was limited in its effectiveness. The biblical position is that he died only for the elect. http://www.whatdoesthewordsay.org/uncategorized/136-limited-atonement/

 [135] Christ’s Redeeming Sacrifice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:59

Christ’s sacrifice redeems us from our bondage to sin. We are no longer subject to the curse of law or required to keep the ceremonial law. Although Christians do physically die, death is gain, it brings us into the presence of God. And we have the power to not sin, we can lead victorious lives. http://www.whatdoesthewordsay.org/uncategorized/135-christs-redeeming-sacrifice/

 [134] Christ’s Propitiatory Sacrifice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:00

God wrath abides on sinners, but Christ’s sacrifice propitiates his wrath and reconciles us to God. http://www.whatdoesthewordsay.org/uncategorized/134-christs-propitiatory-sacrifice/ ‎

 [133] Christ’s Atoning Sacrifice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:13

Christ’s sacrifice of himself was the ultimate, once for all, efficacious sacrifice that paid for the sins of everyone who will trust in him for salvation. http://www.whatdoesthewordsay.org/podcast/133-christs-atoning-sacrifice/ ‎

 [132] We are Saved by the Obedience of Christ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:55

Christ accomplished our redemption in obedience to the Father. We are saved by being united to Christ by faith. http://www.whatdoesthewordsay.org/uncategorized/132-we-are-saved…dience-of-christ/ ‎

 [131] God Saves and Preserves His People | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:56

God irresistibly saves his people through regeneration, which changes our hearts so that we willingly repent of our sins and trust in Jesus Christ for our salvation. God also promises to preserve all those whom he has saved. http://www.whatdoesthewordsay.org/uncategorized/131-god-saves-an…erves-his-people/ ‎


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