Just One More! With Joanna and Daphnie show

Just One More! With Joanna and Daphnie

Summary: A fitness and nutrition podcast for normal people who want to be more awesome. The people who are caught between just one more burpee and just one more cupcake: you are our people! Hosted by Joanna Shaw Flamm and Daphnie Yang.

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 #077 Half Marathons | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:30

Half marathons: so hot right now! It’s not just you; more people really are running halfs these days. Think you might want to lace up your sneaks? Daphnie has trained over 1000 people for half marathons, and in this episode she gives us an overview of her most important tips, from what to wear to how to keep yourself from getting injured. Plus, Daph answers a Listener Question about how to handle high altitudes.

 #076 Kim Kaiser on Nursing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:56

Most people come into contact with nurses at some point in their lives, but unless you have nurses in your family, you probably don’t know that much about how nursing actually...works. This week, guest and Licensed Practical Nurse Kim Kaiser talks about finding a path to, and eventually away from, nursing. Plus, what does seeing cholesterol in a tube do to your feelings about nutrition and fitness? Kim gives us Pro Tips From a Nurse.

 #075 Mindful Eating | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:42

If Daphnie goes out of her way to request that we cover a topic on the show, you know it’s gonna be good. In this episode, we talk about how mindful eating means getting away from our screens and getting in touch with our hunger. Does the idea of eating lunch without your phone make you squirm? You’re going to want to hear this one.

 #074 How to Lose 5 Pounds (JK) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:55

It’s the episode everyone’s been waiting for: the quick and easy trick to losing five pounds fast! OMG what podcast do you think this is? This week, we’re talking about the “I just have to lose five pounds” phenomenon and getting to the bottom of what we actually mean when we say that and how to work on whatever’s really going on. Plus, Daphnie answers a listener question about what sneakers we should be wearing to the gym.

 #073 A Chat With Our Husbands | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:21:29

Dealing with fitness and nutrition on your own is one thing. It changes when you become part of a couple, especially a couple that lives together. What better way to discuss these challenges than with Joanna and Daphnie’s husbands? Guests Matt Healy and Stuart Ashwood talk with Joanna and Daphnie about how being married to TWO PERFECT WOMEN affects their health and how they handle any difficulties that definitely never come up because see above re. being perfect. (JK we actually let them be very honest about their experience ugh.)

 #072 Should You Track Your Macros? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:49:55

This week’s episode is inspired by a listener question about tracking macros. Tracking what now? Daphnie gives us the rundown on macronutrients and micronutrients, what they do for our bodies and how we get them. Then, we tackle the question of tracking. When does it help? When might it be hurtful? What are some good strategies for tracking safely? Time to find out!

 #071 Doctor-to-Be Michael Montalbano | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:26

Michael Montalbano is going to be a doctor! This week, we talk with Michael about his unusual route to medical school, what it takes just to get accepted, and the challenges of taking care of your body while you’re busy learning how to take care of other bodies. Plus, Michael uses his expertise and tells us the four things he wants YOU to do for your health.

 #070 Sexy Arms | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:05

If we’re being honest, lots of us are going to the gym to try and get sexy arms, but most of us don’t know what to do other than infinite bicep curls. This week, Daphnie talks us through the anatomy of our upper bodies and gives us a few suggestions for how to strengthen our arms (and the rest of our bodies) as efficiently as possible, because who has time for leg day AND arm day, am I right? Plus, we talk trash about Applebee’s “Lighter Fare” menu in “Best Choice”.

 #069 Periods and Hormones | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:20

Here it is, by popular demand: a whole episode about menstruation and hormones! How can this be a thing that half of the world’s population experiences for decades of their lives and we still don’t reeeeeally understand what’s happening? The patriarchy, that’s how! Daphnie explains what’s really going on and how to take care of your body if you’re a period-having person. Plus, we’re ALL hormone-having people, so Daphnie explains how our hormonal cycles affect us (that’d be you too, gents). But do we really have to exercise when we have our periods? One guess as to what Daphnie says...

 #068 Workout Hacks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:03

We all want to work out more often, but none of us have any time, energy, or ideas. (That sounds harsh, but LET’S BE HONEST!) This week, Daphnie shares her Top 9 Workout Hacks for making the most out of our workouts by a) helping us actually start them and b) making them worth our time. Plus, we find out what we should be eating before and after working out in What Your Trainer Eats!

 #067 Meal Planning and Grocery Shopping | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:06

We all want to eat better and spend less money, but let’s be honest: it takes a lot of preparation to eat at home in a way that really is cheap, nutritious, and doesn’t take one million hours. This week, Daphnie and Joanna share how they handle meal planning and grocery shopping, including their best tips and their many failures. Plus, Daphnie totally flips out over what Joanna found for this week’s “This is Crazy, Right?”

 #066 Warming Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:21

Are you cold? We’re cold. This week, we’re talking about how to warm up when we work out, and also how to just be warmer in life. From jumping jacks and leg swings to noodle soup and saunas, we’re pulling out all the stops to help you get the good kind of sweaty. Plus, Joanna tries to get out of exercising this winter in “Excuse of the Week”.

 #065 Make a Better Resolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:02

It’s the first week of January. Did you make a resolution? We’re here to trash it! Just kidding, we’re actually here to help you make a better resolution so you can sustain it and feel like a rockstar instead of feeling like a garbage failure by the end of January (trust us, we’ve been there). Here’s to kickstarting sustainable change! Plus, Daphnie does her best Consumer Reports impression in our latest Listener Question.

 #064 Bones and Calcium | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:27

Bones are weird, right? We don’t think about them much, but they’re what keeps us from being a bunch of empty skin sacks. Daphnie explains what our bones are made of, how we can keep them strong, and what we can do to change them for the better. Plus, we answer a Listener Question about gluten-free breakfasts.

 #063 Oil | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:59

Hannukah and Christmas are right around the corner, so this week we’re talking about oil! Daphnie tries to convince us to ditch our oil-free diets and explains which oils have health benefits and which we can leave on the shelf. Plus, we prep for holiday travel with Daphnie’s Favorite Exercise. Grab a jelly donut and take a listen!


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