Run, Selfie, Repeat show

Run, Selfie, Repeat

Summary: Short, weekly pep talks that'll motivate you to take that first step, set a goal that scares the crap out of you, or laugh your way through the struggle. It's the Run, Selfie, Repeat podcast, where we talk about life with a side of running. So join me as we get real, get ugly, kick ass and take names.

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 Ep 101: Getting Started & Goal Setting With Coach John Honerkamp | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:34:23

Coach John Honerkamp is back to talk about taking those first steps towards your running goals! Today, we're talking about setting realistic goals versus impossible goals, getting faster, what exactly "building a base is", why the first few weeks are so damn hard, how to simply get started, and we're taking your questions about how to kick ass and take names!  BQ or Bust is coming back!!! 

 Ep 100: Latoya Snell on Empowering Women Post NYC Marathon Heckling | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:38:43

At mile 22 of the New York City Marathon, the unthinkable happened. A man had the audacity to say to avid marathoner and ultra-marathoner Latoya Shauntay Snell, "It’s gonna take your fat ass forever, huh?”.  I first read about the interaction in Latoya's powerful piece, I'm a Plus-Size Runner and I Got Heckled at the NYC Marathon. (It's required reading. Besides being an incredibly brave and talented writer, Latoya writes what I wish so many people understood about running.) I think we can all agree that races are safe places. Regardless of size or pace, everyone who had the courage to put in the work and showed up on race day deserves respect.  But for so many of us, what happened to Latoya is our worst nightmare. To have someone shame us because of our size. It's disgusting and disappointing but I am so grateful for Latoya for being so open about why she runs and why she refuses to let that man define her. 

 Ep 99: Overcoming A History Of Quitting | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:12:01

Sometimes, the hardest part about setting a goal is overcoming your fear of failure. And when you have a history of quitting on yourself, that fear can seem insurmountable. What's the use? Why try when you know it won't happen? It can happen. Today, I want to talk about what it takes to make the change and break the cycle. You really are capable of anything you put your mind to.

 Ep 98: Don't Let Anyone Write Your Story | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:14:32

It isn't easy to wear our hearts on our sleeves or to confidently march to the beat of our own drums. Regardless of what you do, there will always be someone who doesn't agree with what you're doing or who doesn't want to see you succeed. And when you're feeling strong and confident, the naysayers seem insignificant. But the second you doubt yourself, their voices can drown yours out. There’s a part in Brene Brown’s latest book Braving the Wilderness that really struck a chord with me. She writes,  “Don’t walk through the world looking for evidence that you don’t belong because you will always find it. Don’t walk through the world looking for evidence that you’re not enough because you will always find it. Our worth and our belonging are not negotiated with other people. We carry those inside of our hearts.” Today I want to talk about why it's important that we value our voices and write our own stories. 

 Ep 97: The Power of Visualization | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:18:14

VISUALIZATION, it sounds hokey but truth be told, it works! Today I want to talk about setting goals and why it can feel so difficult to pull yourself out of a rut or change a pattern of behavior that feels impossible to break. But the secret weapon that can help you make whatever it is you’re working for a reality? Visualization. Why? Because it helps you see yourself break through your pre-defined, self imposed limits.

 Ep 96: Sticks and Stones Lead To Change | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:12:32

Between miles 22 and 23 of the NYC Marathon, marathoner and ultramathoner Latoya Shauntay Snell ( encountered a white man who had the audacity to say to her, “It’s gonna take your fat ass forever, huh?”. We all know the saying sticks and stones may break our bones but words will never hurt us. But the truth is, words do hurt. It doesn't matter who is throwing them, they always hurt. Luckily, Latoya was able to shake off the verbal assault and write an incredibly powerful and empowering piece that took us a step towards change. (  Today on the podcast, I don't just want to talk about the verbal attack, but the bigger problem, our issue with women and their shape and size. Luckily, women like Latoya are the face of change. They're showing the world that health and strength come in all shapes and sizes.  ---- Follow Kelly on Instagram: Twitter: Like the community on Facebook:

 Ep 95: Getting Back On The Horse, BQ or Bust Is Back | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:20:14

After I ran my first marathon, I promised myself that whenever I told myself that I wasn't capable of something, I had to give it a try. That's what brought me to my impossible, qualifying for the Boston Marathon. It may just be running, but working towards my impossible changed the way I live my life. From how I manage self-doubt to my fear of failure, I continue to learn how important it is to step outside of my comfort zone and dare to fail. Going into my third attempt, I'm nervous and scared but a hell of a lot more excited. And this time, I'm not racing alone...

 The Bonus Thanksgiving Podcast! | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:10:00

Thanksgiving can be tough for those of us who have to celebrate without our people. So today, do me a favor and give yourself permission to feel what you're feeling. Be it sad, happy, grateful, angry, etc., do what you have to do to survive the holiday. But don't waste the time you have. Tell your people you love them. Tell stories that make you smile.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone. 

 Ep 94: Women vs. Success and Achievements | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:23:41

Why is it so hard for women to own their success and achievements? Well, turns out that success and likability are positively correlated for men and negatively correlated for women. Ironically, I've spent most of this year trying to figure out what I think success means. Why? Because I'm that 28-year-old who spends her time pondering her purpose. But here's what I've learned, regardless of how you define it until we decide that ambition, drive, strength, and power are beautiful, feminine qualities we should all aspire towards, we're going to go in circles. ---- Follow Kelly on Instagram: Twitter: Like Run, Selfie, Repeat on Facebook:

 Ep 93: Drop Kick Your Fear Of Failure In The Face | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:16:34

Fear is something that is always in the driver's seat whenever you’re getting ready to make a change or even just simply thinking about making a change. Right? From a fear of failure and even a fear of success, to the fear of living up to other people's expectations, fear can be the thing that stops us from simply trying and seeing what happens. Let's talk about how to drop kick those fears you feel whenever you're trying to make a change in the face!

 Ep 92: Step Outside Of Your Comfort Zone | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:10:54

I can't tell you how many times in my life I yearned to make a change. From losing weight to asking for help, I always felt alone and helpless. Stepping outside of your comfort zone is hard. It kicks your ass and demands that you give your best effort 100% of the time. But finding that motivation or seeing hope when you're struggling can feel impossible. Today's episode is all about what it means to step outside of your comfort zone. ---- Follow Kelly on Instagram: Twitter: Join the community on Facebook

 Ep 91: Balance Is Impossible | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:13:14

"Balance", it's that stupid word that we all chase around trying to find but no one really understands it's importance until after they've overextended themselves. Ever since my first marathon, I turned into a total runhole. I ate, slept, and breathed running. But this year, something changed. I needed space. I wanted to talk about anything but running. I realized that I needed to figure out how to make running something I loved to do instead of who I was. So today, I want to talk about balance.

 Ep 90: Social Media, Curated Perfection, and FOMO | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:21:02

SOCIAL MEDIA, it's a wonderful yet equally dangerous evil. This past September, The Atlantic ran a sobering a piece called "Have Smartphones Destroyed A Generation?" ( that everyone needs to read. About a year after going viral, I realized I wasn't living my life but rather, in pursuit of curating my best life for social media. I knew something had to change so I set out to set some boundaries and find ways to keep my curated life as real as possible. Sounds impossible right? Let's talk about social media, curated perfection, and FOMO. ---- Follow Kelly on Instagram: Twitter: Like Run, Selfie, Repeat on Facebook:

 Ep 89: Taking A Chance On My Purpose | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:19:47

For the past few months, I found myself making this joke that I was in purgatory. Which is ridiculous because after four years, busting my ass, trying to get a seat at the table, I finally had one. I quickly realized that it wasn't that I was unhappy being apart of the running world, but that I was ready for more. Running has always and will always be a big part of my life. But running isn't who I am, it's just something that helps me put my strongest foot forward. The last few months, I've been working hard on my next chapter, She Can & She Did. I've dragged my feat, struggled to come to terms with putting myself out there and having no one care, and most importantly, defining what success looks like. But when it comes to taking a chance on my purpose, I realized that just like running, the only way I'll fail is if I fail to try.  ---- Follow Kelly on Instagram: Twitter: Like Run, Selfie, Repeat on Facebook:

 Ep 88: The Importance of Struggling | File Type: Unknown | Duration: 00:13:03

Anything worth doing is going to be hard. YES. But we need to talk about not shying away from the things we really suck at. Today on the podcast, I want to talk about why the fact that I struggle so much with running is why I continue to chase impossible goals. Sounds counter intuitive. Maybe even stupid. But hear me out... ---- Follow Kelly on Instagram: Twitter: Like Run, Selfie, Repeat on Facebook:


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