Bedtime Stories Cozy Corner Podcast show

Bedtime Stories Cozy Corner Podcast

Summary: Original children's stories for nap-time, bed-time and any time it's relax time!

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 Dragon Magic: a children’s meditation and story | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:23

Hoping to share Dragon magic with the people, Dragon takes some deep breaths and ponders how to meet people without frightening them. Hello everyone!  We hope you enjoyed our new story “Changing Winds” on Monday. Now, welcome to Favorite Friday! Sometimes we like to listen to our favorites again. Today we’re sharing our very first Dragon story! Please enjoy “Dragon Magic!” and we’ll be back with a new story on Monday! Final 3 Dragon Breaths: 10:50 Narrator: Male Dragon Magic Excerpt: Still, the curious dragon wondered why people acted so strangely.  A magnificent tail flipped back and forth, back and forth as the little dragon thought and thought.  The dragon was bigger than the people. Remembering that the animals had also been afraid at first, the dragon wondered if size was the reason.  Then the dragon thought about what had changed, so that the bunnies, deer, birds, frogs, toads, turtles, and bears felt comfortable.  The dragon waited patiently and quietly. Eventually, the animals approached.  Once one came near, others felt safe.  Oh, that’s right, the animals worried the dragon would eat them.  Was that what the people were worried about?  Yuck.  What a silly thought.  A person couldn’t possibly taste as good as roasted brussel sprouts, or roasted carrots, or roasted sweet potatoes; certainly not as good as an apple, orange or banana.  Having figured out the source of the fear, the gentle dragon knew waiting patiently was a good idea.  Fortunately, the wait was almost over. Today’s Meditation: Today, you will focus on relaxing your body a little bit at a time.  Starting with your feet, moving up to the top of your head, and ending with a focus on your entire body, you are sure to feel calm and relaxed. Looking for stories that emphasize acceptance and empathy?  You'll find them on Ahway Island. Be Calm on Ahway Island Podcast offers original bedtime stories, like "Dragon Magic" paired with meditations for kids. We help them drift off to sleep with a guided relaxation and a calming story. Gently nestled within each podcast episode are mindfulness techniques and positive learning moments.  To learn more about our mission at Ahway Island and our team please visit our website. Creating the original bedtime stories and art for Be Calm on Ahway Island takes a lot of time and care. Since we are a listener-supported podcast, we survive on your tips and purchases. If your child enjoys a good story for nap time we would greatly appreciate you purchasing a T-shirt from our shop or making a donation to help us keep your favorite self-soothing podcast going. You can make a one-time donation or a recurring micro donation once a month. Just click on the link below or go to our website, Support Us We hope your child loved “Dragon Magic.”  Do you enjoy our stories and self-soothing meditations? If so, we need your positive reviews to help others find us too. Please leave a review on your favorite podcast app or our social media pages! Please follow us on  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Thank you for your help in spreading the word about our bedtime stories podcast, Be Calm on Ahway Island! As a result of your support you can check us out in the

 Changing Winds: a kids’ relaxation and calming tale | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:46

During a relaxing sail Sandy the sailboat notices the changing winds. To keep her crew safe from the storm, she heads back to the harbor. Final 3 Dragon Breaths: 9:31 Narrator: Male Changing Winds Excerpt: Sandy motored away from the harbor to a spot where she could put up her sails. The colorful stretches of fabric filled up with wind until they were stretched tight. Sandy could feel the wind moving her through the water and took a deep dragon breath, in and out (deep breath) relaxing in the peace of the morning. The wind carried the sailboat out and Sandy enjoyed gliding across the water. Sandy looked around. She loved to gaze at the deep turquoise blue water. Then the sailboat noticed the sky looked different. On one side, the sky was growing dark. On her other side it was very bright. Sandy knew immediately what was happening. A storm was on its way. Today’s Meditation: Feel your muscles relax as you check in with your body from head to toe. Looking for a source of positive messaging for your little one?  You'll find it on Ahway Island. Be Calm on Ahway Island Podcast offers original bedtime stories, like "Changing Winds" paired with meditations for kids. We help them drift off to sleep with a guided relaxation and a calming story. Gently nestled within each podcast episode are mindfulness techniques and positive learning moments.  To learn more about our mission at Ahway Island and our team please visit our website. Creating the original bedtime stories and art for Be Calm on Ahway Island takes a lot of time and care. Since we are a listener-supported podcast, we survive on your tips and purchases. If your child enjoys a good story for nap time we would greatly appreciate you purchasing a T-shirt from our shop or making a donation to help us keep your favorite self-soothing podcast going. You can make a one-time donation or a recurring micro donation once a month. Just click on the link below or go to our website, Support Us We hope your child loved “Changing Winds.”  Do you enjoy our stories and self-soothing meditations? If so, we need your positive reviews to help others find us too. Please leave a review on your favorite podcast app or our social media pages! Please follow us on  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Thank you for your help in spreading the word about our bedtime stories podcast, Be Calm on Ahway Island! As a result of your support you can check us out in the Washington Post article The 25 Best Podcasts for Kids by Frannie Ucciferri under the Best for Bedtime heading. We’re also proud to be included in the Top 40 Growth Mindset Podcasts for Kids from Big Life Journal. Discover our top 10 listing in Feedspot’s top 20 Kids Podcasts of 2019 ! Our most recent accolade is from ListenNotes, as one of 9 best podcasts for kids that entertain and educate! Thanks again and keep spreading the word! One more thing, did you know we also have a YouTube channel?

 Color Surprise: a meditation and story for kids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:37

Rumina the rainbow is looking for a way to bring a color surprise to the world below the clouds. Will she find an opening? Hello everyone!  We hope you enjoyed our new stories “Sky Dragon” and “All Smiles” this week. Now, welcome to Favorite Friday! Sometimes we like to listen to our favorites again. Please enjoy “Color Surprise!” and we’ll be back with a new story on Monday! Final 3 Dragon Breaths: 7:56 Narrator: Female Color Surprise Excerpt: Rumina looked and looked and looked.  The clouds were squished tightly together.  She just couldn’t find a spot to peek through, with the sunlight.  The clouds rolled on, forming peaks and valleys.  Rumina got an idea.  Maybe if she climbed to the top of a tall cloud, she could find an opening below.  So she looked around for a tall cloud, and she found it.  It was enormous, a mountain of fluff, towering over the others.  Surely, the little rainbow could see everything from there. So Rumina climbed up, up, and up the magnificent cloud.  She was working hard and needed a break, so the little rainbow stopped on a flat portion halfway up and took a deep dragon breath in and out (deep breath).  Rumina thought about smiling people and animals, and glowing plants!  She could do this.  Rumina would find a way to bring some cheerfulness and hope to the land below the cloud cover. Finally, the little rainbow reached the top, and peered across the puffy landscape.  She noticed on the other side of the mountainous cloud, there was a large opening!  Sunshine was streaming through it, lighting up the earth.  That was the spot to bring some color to the world! Today’s Meditation: Today, enjoy the feeling of your body relaxing into the warm sand on a sunny beach. Looking for a podcast to help settle your child in for nap time or bed?  You'll find it on Ahway Island. Be Calm on Ahway Island Podcast offers original bedtime stories, like "Color Surprise" paired with meditations for kids. We help them drift off to sleep with a guided relaxation and a calming story. Gently nestled within each podcast episode are mindfulness techniques and positive learning moments.  To learn more about our mission at Ahway Island and our team please visit our website. Creating the original bedtime stories and art for Be Calm on Ahway Island takes a lot of time and care. Since we are a listener-supported podcast, we survive on your tips and purchases. If your child enjoys a good story for nap time we would greatly appreciate you purchasing a T-shirt from our shop or making a donation to help us keep your favorite self-soothing podcast going. You can make a one-time donation or a recurring micro donation once a month. Just click on the link below or go to our website, Support Us We hope your child loved “Color Surprise.”  Do you enjoy our stories and self-soothing meditations? If so, we need your positive reviews to help others find us too. Leave a review on your favorite podcast app or our social media pages! Please follow us on  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Thank you for your help in spreading the word about our bedtime stories podcast, Be Calm on Ahway Island! As a result of your support you can check us out in the

 Rockin’ Sharks: a kid’s story and guided meditation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:40

The ocean is filled with music. Two rockin' sharks, Shayla and Santiago, search out the source of the beats and, when they find it, dance. Final 3 Dragon Breaths: 7:55 Narrator: Female Rockin’ Sharks Excerpt: “Do you hear that?” Shayla asked Santiago. “Yes. I’ve never heard anything like it. What do you think it is?” Santiago shark asked. “I don’t know.” Then a grin crept across her face and she said, “I think I like it. Do you want to see if we can find it?” The other shark smiled back and said, “That sounds like fun. Let’s go!” Shayla and Santiago circled around each other trying to discover to the source of the mysterious sound. After a couple of circles, both sharks knew the direction of the sound. So, they exchanged knowing smiles and swam in that direction. As they approached the source of the sound, it changed. Now the sharks could hear music, faintly at first. The music grew stronger and louder. Up ahead the sharks spotted a dark shape at the surface of the water. Today’s Meditation: Draw gentle shapes in the soothing sand as you prepare for today's story. Looking for stories that emphasize acceptance and empathy?  You'll find them on Ahway Island. Be Calm on Ahway Island Podcast offers original bedtime stories, like "Rockin' Sharks" paired with meditations for kids. We help them drift off to sleep with a guided relaxation and a calming story. Gently nestled within each podcast episode are mindfulness techniques and positive learning moments.  To learn more about our mission at Ahway Island and our team please visit our website. Creating the original bedtime stories and art for Be Calm on Ahway Island takes a lot of time and care. Since we are a listener-supported podcast, we survive on your tips and purchases. If your child enjoys a good story for nap time we would greatly appreciate you purchasing a T-shirt from our shop or making a donation to help us keep your favorite self-soothing podcast going. You can make a one-time donation or a recurring micro donation once a month. Just click on the link below or go to our website, Donate Here Overall, do you enjoy our stories and self-soothing meditations? We hope your child loved “Rockin’Shark.” If so, we need your positive reviews to help others find us too. Please leave a 5 star review on your favorite podcast app like Apple Podcasts, our Amazon Alexa Skill page, or our social media pages to share your enthusiasm for our original stories with a positive message! Please follow us on  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Thank you for your help in spreading the word about our bedtime stories podcast, Be Calm on Ahway Island! As a result of your support you can check us out in the Washington Post article The 25 Best Podcasts for Kids by Frannie Ucciferri under the Best for Bedtime heading. We’re also proud to be included in the Top 40 Growth Mindset Podcasts for Kids from Big Life Journal. Discover our top 10 listing in Feedspot’s top

 All Smiles: a soothing relaxation and kid’s bedtime story | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:21

After a little nap Dragon discovers a simple smile can brighten up anyone's day. Before long all of Ahway Island is smiling. Final 3 Dragon Breaths: 7:44 Narrator: Female All Smiles Excerpt: Dragon wondered whether smiling at others always worked that way and decided to try the theory out. Dragon landed on the forest floor. Carrie Cardinal rested in a nearby bush. The bright red bird looked over at Dragon just in time to see Dragon smile at her. Carrie grinned in response. Encouraged by the second smile Dragon began to walk further down the path to share a smile with another animal. Before long Dragon found Odin the owl. Though the owl was sleeping, at the sound of rustling leaves Odin opened his eyes. Dragon smiled at the drowsy owl. Odin returned the grin and drifted back to sleep. Now Dragon felt certain that the birds would respond with a smile. Next Dragon would see if other animals would respond the same way. Today’s Meditation: Today, notice loving energy flowing through your body, from your feet up to your head. Looking for a way to help your child learn emotional regulation?  You'll find it on Ahway Island. Be Calm on Ahway Island Podcast offers original bedtime stories, like "All Smiles" paired with meditations for kids. We help them drift off to sleep with a guided relaxation and a calming story. Gently nestled within each podcast episode are mindfulness techniques and positive learning moments.  To learn more about our mission at Ahway Island and our team please visit our website. Creating the original bedtime stories and art for Be Calm on Ahway Island takes a lot of time and care. Since we are a listener-supported podcast, we survive on your tips and purchases. If your child enjoys a good story for nap time we would greatly appreciate you purchasing a T-shirt from our shop or making a donation to help us keep your favorite self-soothing podcast going. You can make a one-time donation or a recurring micro donation once a month. Just click on the link below or go to our website, Donate Here Overall, do you enjoy our stories and self-soothing meditations? We hope your child loved “All Smiles.” If so, we need your positive reviews to help others find us too. Please leave a 5 star review on your favorite podcast app like Apple Podcasts, our Amazon Alexa Skill page, or our social media pages to share your enthusiasm for our original stories with a positive message! Please follow us on  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Thank you for your help in spreading the word about our bedtime stories podcast, Be Calm on Ahway Island! As a result of your support you can check us out in the Washington Post article The 25 Best Podcasts for Kids by Frannie Ucciferri under the Best for Bedtime heading. We’re also proud to be included in the Top 40 Growth Mindset Podcasts for Kids from Big Life Journal. Discover our top 10 listing in Feedspot’s top 20 Kids Podcasts of 2019

 All Smiles: a soothing relaxation and kid’s bedtime story | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:21

After a little nap Dragon discovers a simple smile can brighten up anyone's day. Before long all of Ahway Island is smiling. Final 3 Dragon Breaths: 7:44 Narrator: Female All Smiles Excerpt: Dragon wondered whether smiling at others always worked that way and decided to try the theory out. Dragon landed on the forest floor. Carrie Cardinal rested in a nearby bush. The bright red bird looked over at Dragon just in time to see Dragon smile at her. Carrie grinned in response. Encouraged by the second smile Dragon began to walk further down the path to share a smile with another animal. Before long Dragon found Odin the owl. Though the owl was sleeping, at the sound of rustling leaves Odin opened his eyes. Dragon smiled at the drowsy owl. Odin returned the grin and drifted back to sleep. Now Dragon felt certain that the birds would respond with a smile. Next Dragon would see if other animals would respond the same way. Today’s Meditation: Today, notice loving energy flowing through your body, from your feet up to your head. Looking for a way to help your child learn emotional regulation?  You'll find it on Ahway Island. Be Calm on Ahway Island Podcast offers original bedtime stories, like "All Smiles" paired with meditations for kids. We help them drift off to sleep with a guided relaxation and a calming story. Gently nestled within each podcast episode are mindfulness techniques and positive learning moments.  To learn more about our mission at Ahway Island and our team please visit our website. Creating the original bedtime stories and art for Be Calm on Ahway Island takes a lot of time and care. Since we are a listener-supported podcast, we survive on your tips and purchases. If your child enjoys a good story with a positive message, we would greatly appreciate you purchasing a T-shirt from our shop or making a donation to help us keep your favorite self-soothing podcast going. You can make a one-time donation or a recurring micro donation once a month. Just click on the link below or go to our website, Donate Here We hope your child loved “All Smiles.” Overall, do you enjoy our stories and self-soothing meditations? If so, we need your positive reviews to help others find us too. Please leave a 5 star review on your favorite podcast app like Apple Podcasts, our Amazon Alexa Skill page, or our social media pages to share your enthusiasm for our original stories with a positive message! Please follow us on  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Thank you for your help in spreading the word about our bedtime stories podcast, Be Calm on Ahway Island! As a result of your support you’ll find us ranking among the best in the Washington Post article The 25 Best Podcasts for Kids by Frannie Ucciferri under the Best for Bedtime heading. We’re proud to be included in the Top 40 Growth Mindset Podcasts for Kids from Big Life Journal. Feedspot placed us at the #3 spot on their

 Sky Dragon: a mindful story for kids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:56

Dragon follows the friendly birds for a fun flight. Our sky dragon flies even higher and joins the air craft in their games. Final 3 Dragon Breaths: 7:22 Narrator: Male Sky Dragon Excerpt: Above the trees Dragon admired the beautiful island and noticed something new down below. The construction crew had been busy, Dragon could tell. There was a bridge leading to another island. Dragon thought about exploring it, but before Dragon could head that direction a gentle rhythm filled the air. Dragon smiled, familiar with that beat, and turned to see Harmony helicopter. She was flying along with Hawk the red airplane. The two flew together with a similar grace and accuracy as Gerry and Carrie. Dragon waved hello and headed towards the aircraft. In no time the three friends reached each other and began dancing across the sky. Today’s Meditation: Imagine floating in a tranquil pool, safe and relaxed, as the water rocks you gently. Looking for a way to help your child with emotional regulation?  You'll find support on Ahway Island. Be Calm on Ahway Island Podcast offers original bedtime stories, like "Sky Dragon" paired with meditations for kids. We help them drift off to sleep with a guided relaxation and a calming story. Gently nestled within each podcast episode are mindfulness techniques and positive learning moments.  To learn more about our mission at Ahway Island and our team please visit our website. Creating the original bedtime stories and art for Be Calm on Ahway Island takes a lot of time and care. Since we are a listener-supported podcast, we survive on your tips and purchases. If your child enjoys a good story with a positive message, we would greatly appreciate you purchasing a T-shirt from our shop or making a donation to help us keep your favorite self-soothing podcast going. You can make a one-time donation or a recurring micro donation once a month. Just click on the link below or go to our website, Donate Here We hope your child loved “Sky Dragon” Overall, do you enjoy our stories and self-soothing meditations? If so, we need your positive reviews to help others find us too. Please leave a 5 star review on your favorite podcast app like Apple Podcasts, our Amazon Alexa Skill page, or our social media pages to share your enthusiasm for our original stories with a positive message! Please follow us on  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Thank you for your help in spreading the word about our bedtime stories podcast, Be Calm on Ahway Island! As a result of your support you’ll find us ranking among the best in the Washington Post article The 25 Best Podcasts for Kids by Frannie Ucciferri under the Best for Bedtime heading. We’re proud to be included in the Top 40 Growth Mindset Podcasts for Kids from Big Life Journal. Feedspot placed us at the #3 spot on their Top 15 Children’s Bedtime Stories Podcasts of 2019 list,

 Sky Dragon: a mindful story for kids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:31

Dragon follows the friendly birds for a fun flight. Our sky dragon flies even higher and joins the air craft in their games. Final 3 Dragon Breaths: 7:22 Narrator: Male Sky Dragon Excerpt: Above the trees Dragon admired the beautiful island and noticed something new down below. The construction crew had been busy, Dragon could tell. There was a bridge leading to another island. Dragon thought about exploring it, but before Dragon could head that direction a gentle rhythm filled the air. Dragon smiled, familiar with that beat, and turned to see Harmony helicopter. She was flying along with Hawk the red airplane. The two flew together with a similar grace and accuracy as Gerry and Carrie. Dragon waved hello and headed towards the aircraft. In no time the three friends reached each other and began dancing across the sky. Today’s Meditation: Imagine floating in a tranquil pool, safe and relaxed, as the water rocks you gently. Looking for a way to help your child with emotional regulation?  You'll find support on Ahway Island. Be Calm on Ahway Island Podcast offers original bedtime stories, like "Sky Dragon" paired with meditations for kids. We help them drift off to sleep with a guided relaxation and a calming story. Gently nestled within each podcast episode are mindfulness techniques and positive learning moments.  To learn more about our mission at Ahway Island and our team please visit our website. Creating the original bedtime stories and art for Be Calm on Ahway Island takes a lot of time and care. Since we are a listener-supported podcast, we survive on your tips and purchases. If your child enjoys a good story for nap time we would greatly appreciate you purchasing a T-shirt from our shop or making a donation to help us keep your favorite self-soothing podcast going. You can make a one-time donation or a recurring micro donation once a month. Just click on the link below or go to our website, Donate Here We hope your child loved “Sky Dragon.”  Do you enjoy our stories and self-soothing meditations? If so, we need your positive reviews to help others find us too. Please leave a review on your favorite podcast app or our social media pages! Please follow us on  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Thank you for your help in spreading the word about our bedtime stories podcast, Be Calm on Ahway Island! As a result of your support you can check us out in the Washington Post article The 25 Best Podcasts for Kids by Frannie Ucciferri under the Best for Bedtime heading. We’re also proud to be included in the Top 40 Growth Mindset Podcasts for Kids from Big Life Journal. Discover our top 10 listing in Feedspot’s top 20 Kids Podcasts of 2019 ! Our most recent accolade is from ListenNotes, as one of 9 best podcasts for kids that entertain and educate! Thanks again and keep spreading the word! One more thing, did you know we also have a YouTube channel? Check out the

 A Parade: a meditation and soothing child’s tale | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:35

Today James and Julia are going to a parade! Julia is a little worried that it will be too loud for her brother. How will James handle the excitement? Hello everyone!  We hope you enjoyed our newest story on Monday, “Buried Treasure.” Now, welcome to Favorite Friday! Sometimes we like to listen to our favorites again. Please enjoy “A Parade!” and we’ll be back with a new story on Monday! Final 3 Dragon Breaths: 7:26 Narrator: Male A Parade Excerpt: A warm breeze ruffled the curtain in James’ bedroom, allowing sunlight to flutter into the room.  James opened his eyes and stretched.  Then he remembered, today was the parade!  He hopped out of bed and got dressed.  His sister Julia was already eating her breakfast.  She was excited too.   James smiled and said, “I can’t wait to see the parade!” “Me too!” Julia exclaimed!  “Do you have earplugs?  It might get kind of loud.” “No, I’ll be fine.  I don’t want to look weird.” James said. “I think you should bring them just in case.”  His big sister said gently. James pretended he hadn’t heard her and asked, “What is your favorite part of the parade?” Julia stopped mentioning earplugs, and responded. “I love seeing all the people waving from the colorful floats.  What’s you’re favorite part?” James smiled and said. “I love all the different vehicles.  Do you think there will be fire trucks?” “I’m sure there will be some.”  Julia said.  She decided to pack some extra earplugs just in case her brother became really uncomfortable. They finished their breakfast and walked with their parents to the parade route.  As their mom and dad set up their folding chairs in the shade, James found a spot on the curb in front of them. He waved for Julia to join him. “This is a good spot!” she said grinning ear to ear. Today’s Meditation: Imagine floating in a tranquil pool, safe and relaxed, as the water rocks you gently. Looking for stories that emphasize acceptance and empathy?  You'll find them on Ahway Island. Be Calm on Ahway Island Podcast offers original bedtime stories, like "A Parade" paired with meditations for kids. We help them drift off to sleep with a guided relaxation and a calming story. Gently nestled within each podcast episode are mindfulness techniques and positive learning moments.  To learn more about our mission at Ahway Island and our team please visit our website. Creating the original bedtime stories and art for Be Calm on Ahway Island takes a lot of time and care. Since we are a listener-supported podcast, we survive on your tips and purchases. If your child enjoys a good story for nap time we would greatly appreciate you purchasing a T-shirt from our shop or making a donation to help us keep your favorite self-soothing podcast going. You can make a one-time donation or a recurring micro donation once a month. Just click on the link below or go to our website, Support Us We hope your child loved “A Parade.”  Do you enjoy our stories and self-soothing meditations? If so, we need your positive reviews to help others find us too. Please leave a review on your favorite podcast app or our social media pages! Please follow us on  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Thank you for your help in spreading the word about our bedtime stories po...

 Buried Treasure: a soothing story and meditation for children | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:33

Allie gets ready for treasure hunt with her friends by hiding pirate clues around the park to lead them to the buried treasure. Final 3 Dragon Breaths: 7:01 Narrator: Female Buried Treasure Excerpt: As soon as they got to the park Allie looked around, to see if anyone was already there. She wanted to be sure no one saw where she buried the treasure and set the clues. The swings were empty. No one was on the slide or the monkey bars. Even the ball fields were quiet. There wasn’t a sign of Andy, Helen or Owen. Allie smiled mischievously. First, she would bury the pirate treasure chest. Allie skipped to the sand box and using the sand scooper she dug a hole big enough to fit the chest. Allie set the chest into the open pit and then removed five golden rocks. She gently moved the sand back to cover the top of the closed chest. Soon the sandbox looked as if the sands had never been moved.  Allie gently placed one of her golden rocks in the sand above the chest. Today’s Meditation: Relax in the grass as you imagine sunlight warming you from head to toe. Looking for a source of positive messaging for your little one?  You'll find it on Ahway Island. Be Calm on Ahway Island Podcast offers original bedtime stories, like "Buried Treasure" paired with meditations for kids. We help them drift off to sleep with a guided relaxation and a calming story. Gently nestled within each podcast episode are mindfulness techniques and positive learning moments.  To learn more about our mission at Ahway Island and our team please visit our website. Creating the original bedtime stories and art for Be Calm on Ahway Island takes a lot of time and care. Since we are a listener-supported podcast, we survive on your tips and purchases. If your child enjoys a good story with a positive message, we would greatly appreciate you purchasing a T-shirt from our shop or making a donation to help us keep your favorite self-soothing podcast going. You can make a one-time donation or a recurring micro donation once a month. Just click on the link below or go to our website, Donate Here We hope your child loved “Buried Treasure.” Overall, do you enjoy our stories and self-soothing meditations? If so, we need your positive reviews to help others find us too. Please leave a 5 star review on your favorite podcast app like Apple Podcasts, our Amazon Alexa Skill page, or our social media pages to share your enthusiasm for our original stories with a positive message! Please follow us on  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Thank you for your help in spreading the word about our bedtime stories podcast, Be Calm on Ahway Island! As a result of your support you’ll find us ranking among the best in the Washington Post article The 25 Best Podcasts for Kids by Frannie Ucciferri under the Best for Bedtime heading. We’re proud to be included in the Top 40 Growth Mindset Podcasts for Kids from Big Life Journal.

 Buried Treasure: a soothing story and meditation for children | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:07

Allie gets ready for treasure hunt with her friends by hiding pirate clues around the park to lead them to the buried treasure. Final 3 Dragon Breaths: 7:01 Narrator: Female Buried Treasure Excerpt: As soon as they got to the park Allie looked around, to see if anyone was already there. She wanted to be sure no one saw where she buried the treasure and set the clues. The swings were empty. No one was on the slide or the monkey bars. Even the ball fields were quiet. There wasn’t a sign of Andy, Helen or Owen. Allie smiled mischievously. First, she would bury the pirate treasure chest. Allie skipped to the sand box and using the sand scooper she dug a hole big enough to fit the chest. Allie set the chest into the open pit and then removed five golden rocks. She gently moved the sand back to cover the top of the closed chest. Soon the sandbox looked as if the sands had never been moved.  Allie gently placed one of her golden rocks in the sand above the chest. Today’s Meditation: Relax in the grass as you imagine sunlight warming you from head to toe. Looking for a source of positive messaging for your little one?  You'll find it on Ahway Island. Be Calm on Ahway Island Podcast offers original bedtime stories, like "Buried Treasure" paired with meditations for kids. We help them drift off to sleep with a guided relaxation and a calming story. Gently nestled within each podcast episode are mindfulness techniques and positive learning moments.  To learn more about our mission at Ahway Island and our team please visit our website. Creating the original bedtime stories and art for Be Calm on Ahway Island takes a lot of time and care. Since we are a listener-supported podcast, we survive on your tips and purchases. If your child enjoys a good story for nap time we would greatly appreciate you purchasing a T-shirt from our shop or making a donation to help us keep your favorite self-soothing podcast going. You can make a one-time donation or a recurring micro donation once a month. Just click on the link below or go to our website, Support Us We hope your child loved “Buried Treasure.”  Do you enjoy our stories and self-soothing meditations? If so, we need your positive reviews to help others find us too. Please leave a review on your favorite podcast app or our social media pages! Please follow us on  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Thank you for your help in spreading the word about our bedtime stories podcast, Be Calm on Ahway Island! As a result of your support you can check us out in the Washington Post article The 25 Best Podcasts for Kids by Frannie Ucciferri under the Best for Bedtime heading. We’re also proud to be included in the Top 40 Growth Mindset Podcasts for Kids from Big Life Journal. Discover our top 10 listing in Feedspot’s top 20 Kids Podcasts of 2019 ! Our most recent accolade is from ListenNotes, as one of 9 best podcasts for kids that entertain and educate!

 Searching for Sweets: a calming tale and meditation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:10

Halle the hummingbird is feeling hungry. She goes searching for sweets among the plants. The little hummingbird sees something red. Will she find a treat? Hello everyone!  We hope you enjoyed our new stories this week, “Best Balance” and “Polite Parrot!” Sometimes we like to listen to our favorites again. Welcome to Favorite Friday! Please enjoy “Searching for Sweets” and we’ll be back with a new story on Monday! Final 3 Dragon Breaths: 10:06 Narrator: Female Searching for Sweets Excerpt: Halle began her search for flowers.  She especially enjoyed the nectar of red flowers and hoped she would be able to find some.  The little hummingbird hovered in the air, and looked around.  She saw lush green grass, and deep green ivy winding around and climbing the trees.  There were lots of green plants, but she didn’t see any red flowers.  Halle zipped on, zigging and zagging, until she found a garden. The little hummingbird hovered as she took in the view.  The plants were lined up in neat little rows.  Halle noticed that the garden had cucumber plants, with little cucumbers resting on the ground, busy growing.  There were broccoli plants.  Dark green leaves surrounded the round clusters of broccoli.  Leafy spinach filled its row, and orange carrots barely peaked out of the ground.  The vegetables were beautiful, but Halle needed some nectar to eat. Just then the little hummingbird spotted something red.  She zipped in closer, hoping it was a flower.   Halle hovered over the red, her wings moving so quickly they were just a blur.  It was a tomato.  Halle was disappointed.  The little hummingbird took a deep dragon breath in and out (deep breath) and decided to keeping looking for flowers. Today’s Meditation: Today, you will focus on relaxing your body a little bit at a time.  Starting with your feet, moving up to the top of your head, and ending with a focus on your entire body, you are sure to feel calm and relaxed. Looking for a podcast to help settle your child in for nap time or bed?  You'll find them on Ahway Island. Be Calm on Ahway Island Podcast offers original bedtime stories, like "Searching for Sweets" paired with meditations for kids. We help them drift off to sleep with a guided relaxation and a calming story. Gently nestled within each podcast episode are mindfulness techniques and positive learning moments.  To learn more about our mission at Ahway Island and our team please visit our website. Creating the original bedtime stories and art for Be Calm on Ahway Island takes a lot of time and care. Since we are a listener-supported podcast, we survive on your tips and purchases. If your child enjoys a good story for nap time we would greatly appreciate you purchasing a T-shirt from our shop or making a donation to help us keep your favorite self-soothing podcast going. You can make a one-time donation or a recurring micro donation once a month. Just click on the link below or go to our website, Donate Here We hope your child loved “Searching for Sweets.”  Do you enjoy our stories and self-soothing meditations? If so, we need your positive reviews to help others find us too. Please leave a review on your favorite podcast app or our social media pages! Please follow us on  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Thank you for your help in spreading the word about our bedtime stories podcast,...

 Polite Parrot: a relaxing story for kids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:40

Knowing he needs help from the boats to find his treasure Pendelton practices being a polite parrot. Meanwhile, the boats practice talking like a pirate to talk with the parrot. Hello everyone!  Today we have a bonus episode! For a little fun on Talk like a Pirate Day we have a new story. We hope you enjoy “Polite Parrot!” Final 3 Dragon Breaths: 7:03 Narrator: Male Polite Parrot Excerpt: As the sailboat wondered where Zig-Zag had gone she spotted a bright red bird zig-zagging her way. She smiled and announced to the others in her best pirate voice. “Be ye ready? I spy a scurvy pirate bird on the wind.” Manny the motorboat followed her gaze to the red bird. Sure enough, there were blue and yellow feathers on the bird’s wings and a tell-tale patch of black feathers over one eye. Manny responded eagerly in his best pirate voice.  “Aye! Zig Zag be returning to seek out the lost pirate booty.” Sandy the sailboat had been teaching all the boats how to speak Pirate ever since Zig-Zag’s last arrival. She giggled as the pirate bird grew closer and asked, “Yarrrr me hearties. Is everyone shipshape and ready for an adventure?” “Shiver me Timbers.” Teagan the tugboat said. “Be Zig-Zag returning this day?” Almost in response the pirate parrot landed on Sandy’s bow and said, “Good morning, fine yacht. Would you be able to assist me in the search for my treasure?” The boats sat silently, surprised at how the pirate parrot’s manners had changed. Today’s Meditation: Feel calm and relaxed as you send kind energy to your heart. Looking for a way to help your child with emotional regulation?  You'll find them on Ahway Island. Be Calm on Ahway Island Podcast offers original bedtime stories, like "Polite Parrot" paired with meditations for kids. We help them drift off to sleep with a guided relaxation and a calming story. Gently nestled within each podcast episode are mindfulness techniques and positive learning moments.  To learn more about our mission at Ahway Island and our team please visit our website. Creating the original bedtime stories and art for Be Calm on Ahway Island takes a lot of time and care. Since we are a listener-supported podcast, we survive on your tips and purchases. If your child enjoys a good story with a positive message, we would greatly appreciate you purchasing a T-shirt from our shop or making a donation to help us keep your favorite self-soothing podcast going. You can make a one-time donation or a recurring micro donation once a month. Just click on the link below or go to our website, Donate Here We hope your child loved “Polite Parrot.” Overall, do you enjoy our stories and self-soothing meditations? If so, we need your positive reviews to help others find us too. Please leave a 5 star review on your favorite podcast app like Apple Podcasts, our Amazon Alexa Skill page, or our social media pages to share your enthusiasm for our original stories with a positive message! Please follow us on  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Thank you for your help in spreading the word about our bedtime stories podcast, Be Calm on Ahway Island!

 Polite Parrot: a relaxing story for kids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:40

Knowing he needs help from the boats to find his treasure Pendelton practices being a polite parrot. Meanwhile, the boats practice talking like a pirate to talk with the parrot. Hello everyone!  Today we have a bonus episode! For a little fun on Talk like a Pirate Day we have a new story. We hope you enjoy “Polite Parrot!” Final 3 Dragon Breaths: 7:03 Narrator: Male Polite Parrot Excerpt: As the sailboat wondered where Zig-Zag had gone she spotted a bright red bird zig-zagging her way. She smiled and announced to the others in her best pirate voice. “Be ye ready? I spy a scurvy pirate bird on the wind.” Manny the motorboat followed her gaze to the red bird. Sure enough, there were blue and yellow feathers on the bird’s wings and a tell-tale patch of black feathers over one eye. Manny responded eagerly in his best pirate voice.  “Aye! Zig Zag be returning to seek out the lost pirate booty.” Sandy the sailboat had been teaching all the boats how to speak Pirate ever since Zig-Zag’s last arrival. She giggled as the pirate bird grew closer and asked, “Yarrrr me hearties. Is everyone shipshape and ready for an adventure?” “Shiver me Timbers.” Teagan the tugboat said. “Be Zig-Zag returning this day?” Almost in response the pirate parrot landed on Sandy’s bow and said, “Good morning, fine yacht. Would you be able to assist me in the search for my treasure?” The boats sat silently, surprised at how the pirate parrot’s manners had changed. Today’s Meditation: Feel calm and relaxed as you send kind energy to your heart. Looking for a way to help your child with emotional regulation?  You'll find them on Ahway Island. Be Calm on Ahway Island Podcast offers original bedtime stories, like "Polite Parrot" paired with meditations for kids. We help them drift off to sleep with a guided relaxation and a calming story. Gently nestled within each podcast episode are mindfulness techniques and positive learning moments.  To learn more about our mission at Ahway Island and our team please visit our website. Creating the original bedtime stories and art for Be Calm on Ahway Island takes a lot of time and care. Since we are a listener-supported podcast, we survive on your tips and purchases. If your child enjoys a good story for nap time we would greatly appreciate you purchasing a T-shirt from our shop or making a donation to help us keep your favorite self-soothing podcast going. You can make a one-time donation or a recurring micro donation once a month. Just click on the link below or go to our website, Support Us We hope your child loved “Polite Parrot.”  Do you enjoy our stories and self-soothing meditations? If so, we need your positive reviews to help others find us too. Please leave a review on your favorite podcast app or our social media pages! Please follow us on  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Thank you for your help in spreading the word about our bedtime stories podcast, Be Calm on Ahway Island! As a result of your support you can check us out in the Washington Post article The 25 Best Podcasts for Kids by Frannie Ucciferri under the Best for Bedtime heading.

 Best Balance: a guided meditation and kid’s story | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:46

Sig the skateboard has the best balance, and waits eagerly to play. But today the skateboard is playing with a new learner. How will they do? Final 3 Dragon Breaths: 8:00 Narrator: Female Best Balance Excerpt: Sig giggled too, ready to play. The girl placed the skateboard on the ground and stepped on, one foot on a yellow-green swirl and the other on a blue-purple one. Sig wobbled back and forth, as the girl balanced herself. Sig began to feel nervous, worrying that the girl might fall off. The skateboard tried her best to hold steady, but as the girl wobbled, so did Sig. Then after one big wobble the girl stumbled off of the skateboard. Sig took a deep dragon breath in and out, (deep breath) as she saw that the girl was ok. The girl took a deep dragon breath in and out, (deep breath) as she readied herself to try the skateboard again. Today’s Meditation: Rest among the twinkling stars with today's meditation. Looking for a nap time routine for your little one?  You'll find it on Ahway Island. Be Calm on Ahway Island Podcast offers original bedtime stories, like " Best Balance " paired with meditations for kids. We help them drift off to sleep with a guided relaxation and a calming story. Gently nestled within each podcast episode are mindfulness techniques and positive learning moments.  To learn more about our mission at Ahway Island and our team please visit our website. Creating the original bedtime stories and art for Be Calm on Ahway Island takes a lot of time and care. Since we are a listener-supported podcast, we survive on your tips and purchases. If your child enjoys a good story for nap time we would greatly appreciate you purchasing a T-shirt from our shop or making a donation to help us keep your favorite self-soothing podcast going. You can make a one-time donation or a recurring micro donation once a month. Just click on the link below or go to our website, Donate Here Overall, do you enjoy our stories and self-soothing meditations? We hope your child loved “Best Balance.” If so, we need your positive reviews to help others find us too. Please leave a 5 star review on your favorite podcast app like Apple Podcasts, our Amazon Alexa Skill page, or our social media pages to share your enthusiasm for our original stories with a positive message! Please follow us on  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Thank you for your help in spreading the word about our bedtime stories podcast, Be Calm on Ahway Island! As a result of your support you can check us out in the Washington Post article The 25 Best Podcasts for Kids by Frannie Ucciferri under the Best for Bedtime heading. We’re also proud to be included in the Top 40 Growth Mindset Podcasts for Kids from Big Life Journal. Discover our top 10 listing in Feedspot’s top 20 Kids Podcasts of 2019 ! Our most recent accolade is from ListenNotes, as one of


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